louhevly.com | Música | Rocket Roll
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Some men live for women and booze Never knowing which to choose They end up smoking dope and taking little white pills But when I was young I swore to the Lord, "I'd sell you my soul for a flathead Ford!" Now I ain't had no regrets and I never will |
Alguns homes viuen per a dones i beuen alcohol Sense saber mai quina triar Acaben fumant droga i prenent pastilles blanques Però quan era jove vaig dir "Bé Senyor, Et vendria la meva ànima per un Ford de cap pla!" Ara no m'he penedit ni ho faré mai |
So now I've got a Little Deuce Coupe with a flathead mill A 47 chev, a Coupe DeVille And a 427 Cobra that screams like a bitch There's a Hudson Hornet and a hot rod Merc But with all of them cars I felt like a jerk Because I blew my bread on beer and I had to hitch. |
Així que ara tinc un Little Deuce Coupe amb un molí de capçal pla Un 47 chev, un Coupe DeVille I un 427 Cobra que crida com una gossa Hi ha un Hudson Hornet i un Hot Rod Merc, però amb tots aquests cotxes em vaig sentir com un idiota Perquè vaig bufar el pa amb cervesa i vaig haver d'enganxar. |
I was drunk and stoned by the side of the road I was feeling cold and most alone Nobody would give me a ride When off in the distance I heard it humming A streak of blue I saw it coming When it stopped next to me man was I surprised |
Estava borratxo i apedregat al costat de la carretera Em sentia fred i més sol Ningú em donaria un passeig Quan estava lluny, el vaig sentir canarrejar Una ratlla blava la vaig veure venir Quan es va aturar al meu costat home em va sorprendre |
Cause it was long and low and lusty and lean Built for speed man was it clean I stood there thinking this is just too good to be true Then the door slid open I looked inside A beautiful lady said "Need a ride?" I said "Well I don't know maybe" |
Perquè era llarg i baix, luxós i prim Creat per a l'home de la velocitat era net Em vaig quedar allà pensant que això és massa bo per ser cert Llavors la porta es va obrir lliscant i vaig mirar dins Una bella dona va dir "Necessites un viatge?" Vaig dir "Bé, no ho sé potser |
She grinned at me said hold on tight There was a roll of thunder and a flash of light And like a rocket we went screaming through the sky There were stars above there were stars below I said "Honey let me know just what is it you have on your mind?" |
Ella em va somriure i em va dir que agarra't fort Hi va haver un tron i un llampec de llum I com un coet vam anar cridant pel cel Hi havia estrelles a dalt hi havia estrelles a sota Vaig dir "Cara, fes-m'ho saber què és el que tens al cap" |
She said "I try to get on as best I can But to be frank I need a man Certain things alone I cannot do" She grinned at me, I grinned back She put the pilot on to automatic The seats reclined and away we flew |
Ella va dir "Intento portar-me bé com puc Però per ser sincer necessito un home Algunes coses sol no les puc fer" Ella em va somriure, jo li vaig tornar a somriure Va posar el pilot en automàtic Els seients es van reclinar i vam volar lluny |
How long we were gone I just can't say Cruising the stars of the Milky Way Cause to measure time you've got to stay in one place All I know is on my return I was most surprised to learn That not a day had gone by since we shot into space |
Quant de temps vam estar fora, no puc dir Navegant per les estrelles de la Via Làctia Perquè per mesurar el temps has de quedar-te en un sol lloc Tot el que sé és a la meva tornada Em va sorprendre molt aprendre Que no havia passat ni un dia des que vam disparar a l'espai |
Now time is relative Einstein said Though you might just think I've lost my head And been living my life in a foolish fantasy But I've got me a ring it was given to me By a Gypsy King on Rigel-3 And I have no doubt of my sanity |
Ara el temps és relatiu, va dir Einstein Tot i que potser penseu que he perdut el cap I he estat vivint la meva vida en una fantasia estúpida Però tinc un anell que em van donar Per un rei gitano a Rigel-3 I no tinc cap dubte del meu seny |
Well dream or not that spoiled my game All my cars to me looked tame No I couldn't get into that old trip So I sold my cars bought me some tools And with what I learned on a Vegan School ... I'm going to build me a ship |
Bé, somiar o no això va espatllar el meu joc Tots els meus cotxes em semblaven mansos No, no vaig poder entrar en aquell vell viatge Així que vaig vendre els meus cotxes, em vaig comprar algunes eines I amb el que vaig aprendre en una escola vegana ... Vaig a construir-me un vaixell |
And it's going to be long it's going to be lean It'll be the fastest of the space machines And on the Earth I will no longer reside Then I'll go to the bank and get some insurance Against any untoward occurrence And when I'm done I'll take you for a ride |
I serà llarg, serà magre Serà la més ràpida de les màquines espacials I a la Terra ja no residiré Aleshores aniré al banc i agafaré una assegurança Contra qualsevol esdeveniment desagradable I quan acabi et portaré a passeig |