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Rolling in the Grass

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Magnolia blossoms are blooming
Night breezes stir with a sigh
There's a silver half moon shining into your room,
It's a night made for learning to fly
Les magnòlies floreixen
i brises nocturnes sospiren,
hi ha una mitja lluna de plata brillant a la teva habitació
és una nit per a aprendre volar.

Your ma and your papa are sleeping
My ladder's propped up 'neath your sill
We won't be long gone, we can be back at dawn
So come along with me over the hill
Els teus pares dormen
i tinc l'escala recolzada a l'ampit.
No ens allunyarem gaire, podem tornar amb l'alba,
doncs, vine amb mi a l'altra banda del tossal


And come rolling come rolling come rolling in the grass
It's too warm for sleeping, it's too fine to pass
Oh I love you, dear Tonnie, you're a bonny bonny lass
Come rolling come a rolling come rolling in the grass.

i rodolarem, rodolarem, rodolarem per l'herba,
fa massa calor per a dormir, és una ocasió massa bona perquè es perdi.
T'adoro, estimada Tonnie, ets una xicota molt bonica,
rodolarem, rodolarem, rodolarem per l'herba.

There are times I remain on the border
Where a man lives unfettered and bold
But the only time I find I feel satisfied
Is the time when I have you to hold
A vegades em quedo a la frontera
on un home viu lliure i sense traves
però l'única vegada que em trobo satisfet
és quan et tinc als braços.

And now as I stand 'neath your window
I'm praying will you answer my plea
Don't leave me here, so alone yet so near
I'm longing for your company to go rolling...
I ara, aquí sota la teva finestra
anhelo que em contestis.
No em deixis aquí, tan sol però tan a prop
em deleixo per la teva companyia per anar rodolant...

louhevly.com | Música | Frontier Justice