louhevly.com | Música | Frontier Justice

The Chaser

Versió MP3
Hey, lately I've been thinkin' of how it used to be
of how I came to love you and of how you came to me
oh you wanted tender lovin, wanted a love to call your own
I gave you one but not the other, and now I moan and groan all night alone.
Eii, de fa poc estic pensant en com era abans
i en com vaig arribar a estimar-te i en com vingueres a mi.
Volies un amor tendre, volies un amor per a tu tota sola.
Et vaig donar l'un però no l'altre, i ara passo les nits gemegant tot sol.

Well, I love your look, your style, your touch, you really suit my taste
You'd stand beside, behind, astride me, oh you know your place
But I was crazy crazy crazy... I lost your love without a trace
Each time you'd get me mellowed out I'd feel a restless urge and start to chase.
M'encanta el teu "look", el teu estil, la manera que em toques, em caus d'allò més bé
et posaries al costat, pel darrere i eixarrancada meu, ja saps el lloc que et pertoca
però jo estava boig boig boig... Vaig perdre del tot el teu amor.
Sempre que em satisfeies em sentia inquiet i agitat i començava a fer de saltamarges.

Hey, lately I've been thinkin' just where is it gonna end
I'll find myself at sixty with a lot of friendly friends
But I won't have a wife, lover for my life I'll never know
But chasin's in my blood I know I'll be a chaser until they day I go.
Eii, de fa poc estic pensant on s'acabarà?
Em trobaré als seixanta anys amb una bona colla d'amics amables
però no tindré dona, un amor de la meva vida no coneixeré mai.
Però fer el saltamarges porto a la sang, sé que ho seré fins al dia que em mori.

louhevly.com | Música | Frontier Justice