louhevly.com | Música | Montana Blood
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She comes in every Saturday to work behind the bar Everyone's been tryin, no one's gotten far Since she came the business been fine There's forty, fifty jokers hanging round at closing time For Genevieve! They hang around for Genevieve! |
Arriba tots els dissabtes per treballar darrere del bar Tothom ho ha estat provant, ningú no ha reeixit Des que va arribar, els amos fan l'agost Hi ha quaranta, cinquanta paios matant l'aranya a l'hora de tancar. Es queden per Genevieve! |
I'm not leaving here till Genevieve is out the door and up the stairs | No me n'aniré fins que la Genevieve hagi sortit i pujat l'escala. |
When she tips a bottle it gives my body chills One look at my reactions and you'd think I was taking pills She's watching me right now it's giving me a thrill But at six o'clock this morning I'll be howling on a hill For Genevieve! Howling like a wolf for Genevieve! |
Quan la veig abocant una ampolla em fa calfreds Mirant les meves reaccions, creuries que prengués pastilles M'està mirant ara mateix i m'emociona Però a les sis de la matinada estaré udolant al turó Per a Genevieve! Udolant com un llop per a Genevieve! |
When I come in the door and got a look at Genevieve I hung around so long they had to make me leave Then I took my saxophone beneath her window on the street So the last thing she'd hear at night before she goes to sleep Is Genevieve! Ge ge ge ge ge Genevieve! |
Quan vaig passar per la porta i vaig veure la Genevieve Em vaig quedar tant de temps que havien de fer-me fora Llavors vaig portar el meu saxo al carrer sota la seva finestra Perquè l'última cosa que sentí a la nit abans de dormir Sigui Genevieve! Tge tge tge tge Genevieve! |
The other night I saw her holding hands across the bar I had a heart attack and fell on the floor By the time we reached the clinic I was DOA (Dead on Arrival) Now if you hear a ghostly moaning in your ear, it's me Genevieve! That's right, it's me, Genevieve! |
L'altra nit, la vaig veure agafada de la mà d'algú Vaig tenir un atac de cor i vaig caure a terra Quan vam arribar a la clínica jo ja era "mort a l'arribada" Ara, si sents un gemec fantasmagòric a l'orella, sóc jo, Genevieve! Així és, sóc jo, Genevieve! |