270 «phrasal verbs» importants classificats pel tipus

73 verbs preposicionals

1) abide by [obey] — acomodar-se a. ex.: We abided by the rules/law/terms.
2) account for [explain] — explicar, justificar. ex.: He accounted for the discrepancy.
3) ask for [request] — demanar (sol⋅licitar). ex.: They asked for an extension.
4) bank on [depend on] — refiar-se de. ex.: We are banking on good weather tomorrow.
5) bear with [be patient with] — tenir paciència amb. ex.: Please bear with the delay.
6) border on [be near, be next to] — acostar-se a (en sentits abstractes). ex.: They had a devotion that bordered on obsession.
7) break into — 1 [enter by force] entrar amb força (sobretot trencant la porta o una finestra) ex.: Thieves broke into the store. 2 [begin suddenly] arrencar-se a, començar a. ex.: He broke into a run / a smile / a sweat.
8) build on [develop from] — basar-se en. ex.: We want to build on our success.
9) burst into [suddenly enter] — entrar d'un cop a. ex.: He burst into the room.
10) call for — 1 [demand] exigir. ex.: He called for an end of the war. 2 [pick up] anar a recollir. ex.: I'll call for you at six. 3 [be the occasion for] ser ocasió de. ex.: This calls for an investigation / for a celebration.
11) call on — 1 [ask] demanar a. ex.: They called on me to give a speech. 2 [visit] visitar (formal). ex.: We'll call on them before we leave town.
12) come across/upon [find by chance] — trobar (per casualitat). exs.: She came across some old papers. We came upon a small lake.
15) count on [depend on] — comptar amb. ex.: We are counting on you.
16) cut across [use a short route] — fer drecera per. ex.: I cut across the parking lot.
17) dawn on [realize] — acudir-se a (algú). ex.: Finally the truth dawned on him.
19) deal with — 1 [negotiate with] tractar amb. ex.: They have found a diplomat to deal with the rebels. 2 [handle successfully] afrontar, tractar de. ex.: She can deal with any situation. 3 [take care of] preocupar-se de. ex.: I'll deal with the guests. 4 [refer to] tractar de. ex.: The report deals with new technologies.
20) decide on [settle on] — establir, fixar. ex.: They decided on a different strategy.
21) dispense with [proceed without] — prescindir de. ex.: The chairman dispensed with formalities.
22) dispose of [get rid of] — desfer-se de. ex.: If he moves, he will have to dispose of his furniture.
23) dwell on [emphasize] — emfatitzar (una cosa), pensar-hi o parlar-ne excessivament. ex.: I didn't want to dwell on the past.
24) enlarge on [say more about] — donar més detalls sobre. ex.: Please enlarge on your proposal.
25) enter into [come to terms] — arribar a firmar (un acord, un contracte). ex.: The brothers entered into an agreement / a partnership / a contract.
26) expand on [say more about] — estendre's sobre. ex.: Please expand on what you said before.
27) frown on [disapprove of] — desaprovar. ex.: Uninhibited behavior is frowned on.
28) get at [reach] — arribar a agafar. ex.: The store was so crowded, it was hard to get at the food.
29) get into — 1 [become involved in] ficar-se en. ex.: I don't want to get into an argument. 2 [develop an interest in] interessar-se per. ex.: I'm getting into gardening. 3 [enter] pujar en (un cotxe, una barca) He got in his car and drove off.
30) get over — 1 [recover from] recuperar-se de. ex.: Have you gotten over the flu yet? 2 [overcome] superar (una situació o un esdeveniment traumàtic). ex.: He was never able to get over his mother's death. 3 [grasp, understand] fer-se a la idea. ex.: I can't get over it! We really have won the lottery!
31) get through [survive, finish] — arribar (persones) al final (d'una tasca, d'un esdeveniment, etc.). ex.: I don't know how I can get through all this work.
32) go against [oppose] — anar en contra de. ex.: Don't go against the rules.
33) go over [review] — repassar. ex.: I would like to go over the report again.
34) go through — 1 [spend] gastar (diners) 2 [examine in detail] examinar (documents) ex.: Have you gone through the evidence? 3 [undergo] passar per (sobretot una situació o un esdeveniment desagradable o traumàtic) ex.: Immigrants often go through hard times.
35) go with — 1 anar amb 2 [look good with] fer joc amb, harmonitzar amb. ex.: Those shoes don't go with that outfit.
36) grow on [become more attractive to] — esdevenir més atractiu per a (algú) ex.: I'm sure the idea will grow on you.
37) guard against [take precautions] — prevenir. ex.: We must guard against possible attack.
38) hinge on [depend on] — dependre de. ex.: Everything hinges on her decision.
39) inquire into [investigate] — investigar. ex.: Please inquire into the alternatives.
40) keep to [adhere to] — no abandonar, no deixar. ex.: The train will keep to the schedule.
41) laugh at [mock, make fun of] — riure's de. ex.: Don't laugh at me!
42) launch into [start] — llançar-se a, emprendre. ex.: He launched into an explanation.
43) leaf through [turn the pages] — fullejar. ex.: She leafed idly through the book.
44) live on [survive using] — viure de. ex.: What did you live on?
45) look after [take care of] — tenir cura de, vigilar. ex.: I will look after the children.
46) look into [investigate] — investigar. ex.: He will look into the situation.
47) look through [examine quickly] — mirar per (a través de) | fullejar, passar dades. ex.: We looked through the magazines while we were waiting.
48) part with [give up reluctantly] — abandonar, perdre. ex.: She refused to part with her necklace.
49) pick on [be unkind to] — criticar injustament, agafar per víctima. ex.: Because he was the youngest, the other boys picked on him.
50) prey on [hunt and eat | disturb] — fer mal ús de, tenir influència dolenta sobre | agafar i devorar. ex.: Ospreys prey on fish | the idea preys on my mind.
51) provide for — 1 [support] mantenir (propocionar a algú els mitjans de subsistència) 2 [prepare for] prevenir. ex.: We have provided for any emergency.
52) reason with [try to persuade] — persuadir (amb raons). ex.: It is hard to reason with an angry person.
53) reckon on [calculate on] — comptar amb. ex.: I hadn't reckoned on being the center of attention.
54) rise above [be superior to] — superar. ex.: He rose above his circumstances and managed to succeed.
55) run across [find accidentally] — travessar (un lloc) corrent | trobar (alguna cosa) o trobar-se amb (algú) per casualitat. ex.: They ran across some interesting information.
56) run into — 1 [meet accidentally] trobar-se amb (per casualitat) ex.: I ran into my cousin downtown. 2 xocar contra.
57) run over — 1 [injure with a vehicle] atropellar (passant per sobre) ex.: He was speeding through the town and ran over a child. 2 [examine] donar un cop d'ull a. ex. Can you run over these figures for me please?
58) see through [not be deceived by] — entendre (algú o un afer) prou per a no deixar-se enganyar. ex.: I instantly saw through his disguise.
59) send for [ask to be sent] — cridar (algú) perquè vingui | demanar o ordenar que vingui (alguna persona o quelcom). ex.: You will have to send for your transcripts.
60) settle for [reluctantly accept] — conformar-se amb. ex.: Since there was no kale, we had to settle for cabbage.
61) side with [support in a dispute] — declarar-se en favor de. ex.: Why did you side with him?
62) sit through [sit and endure] — quedar-se fins al final d'un esdeveniment, sobretot quan és avorrit. ex.: It was all I could do to sit through the lecture without falling asleep.
63) stand by [support] — defensar, romandre fidel a. ex.: I hope you will stand by me.
64) stand for — 1 [represent] representar, significar. ex.: What does the abbreviation etc. stand for? 2 [tolerate] tolerar. ex.: We won't stand for that type of behaviour.
65) stick to [adhere to] — enganxar-se a. ex.: We shall stick to the original plan.
66) stumble across [find accidentally] — trobar (una cosa) per casualitat. ex.: He stumbled across an interesting fossil.
67) survive on [survive using] — subsistir amb. ex.: During the winter, we had to survive on turnips and parsnips.
68) take after [resemble an ancestor] — assemblar-se a. ex.: He takes after his grandfather.
69) tamper with [interfere with] — manipular (obrar amb maneigs fraudulents, subrepticis, etc.). ex.: Someone has tampered with the lock.
70) touch on [mention] — referir-se breument a. ex.: She touched on many important subjects.
71) verge on [approach] — vorejar. ex.: His behavior verges on rudeness.
72) wade through [slowly peruse] — acabar amb prou feina. ex.: We had to wade through a pile of documents.
73) watch over [guard] — vigilar. ex.: The shepherd watched over the sheep.

41 Verbs adverbials intransitius

1) blow over [pass] — bolcar-se (a causa del vent o d'un corrent d'aire) | quedar oblidat (un afer). ex.: I wonder when the trouble will blow over.
2) boil away [disappear by boiling] — reduir-se del tot per ebullició. ex.: If the water boils away, the stew will burn.
3) boil over [overflow by boiling] — vessar-se per ebullició. ex.: The soup boiled over.
4) bounce back [recover] — recuperar-se ràpidament. ex.: He bounced back from his previous defeat.
5) buckle down [work seriously] — aplicar-se de valent. ex.: You may fail your courses if you don't buckle down to work.
6) catch on — 1 [be widely accepted] popularitzar-se. ex.: Do you think the idea will catch on? 2 [understand] entendre. ex.: He didn't have to explain; I caught on right away.
7) cloud over [become overcast] — ennuvolar-se. ex.: Although it clouded over in the afternoon, the rain held off.
8) die down [become less] — minvar gradualment. ex.: After a few days, the excitement died down.
9) double up [bend over] — cargolar-se (amb dolor, de riure). ex.: We were doubled up with laughter.
10) drop in [visit] — visitar informalment. ex.: Please drop in any time.
11) fade away [become less] — fondre's o desaparèixer a poc a poc. ex.: The sound gradually faded away.
12) fall off — 1 [become detatched] desprendre's. ex.: A button has fallen off my jacket. 2 [become less] deteriorar, disminuir (p.e., rendiment, la salut, etc.). ex.: Attendance at the concerts has fallen off.
13) get away [escape] — escapar-se | allunyar (alguna cosa). ex.: I hooked a fish, but it got away.
14) get by [barely succeed] — poder passar | anar fent. ex.: She studied just hard enough to get by.
15) give in [admit defeat] — lliurar, donar a l'autoritat pertinent | rendir-se. ex.: I will never give in!
17) grow up [become an adult] — fer-se gran (fer-se adult). ex.: What do you want to do when you grow up?
18) keep on [persist in] — continuar. ex.: He kept on changing the subject.
19) level off [stop rising] — anivellar. ex.: Prices finally leveled off.
20) log on [contact a computer] — (informàtica) iniciar una sessió informàtica | (informàtica) entrar dades (per iniciar una sessió informàtica). ex.: Do you know how to log on?
21) log off [break contact with a computer system] — (informàtica) sortir, desconnectar(- se), finalitzar la sessió. ex.: The system was overloaded, so I had to log off.
22) move in [take possession of living quarters] — instal⋅lar-se (en un habitatge) ex.: When are you moving in?
23) move out [give up possession of living quarters] — anar-se'n (d'un habitatge) ex.: He moved out yesterday.
24) nod off [go to sleep] — pesar figues, adormir-se. ex.: Half the bus passengers nodded off.
25) pass out [faint] — perdre el coneixement, sobretot a causa de l'embriaguesa. ex.: It was so hot, I almost passed out.
26) pitch in [help] — treballar (reunint-se amb altra gent). ex.: If everyone pitches in, the work will be done in a few minutes.
27) play along — 1 [agree to participate] cooperar. We refuse to play along with your deception. 2 [pretend to agree] dissimular la cooperació. ex.: Let's play along until we find out what his plans are.
28) pull in [arrive (of vehicles)] — entrar (un vehicle en un lloc). ex.: The bus pulled in next to the curb.
29) pull out [leave (of vehicles)] — sortir (un vehicle d'un lloc) ex.: The train pulled out at ten o'clock.
30) set off [leave] — partir (començar un viatge) ex.: They set off at six o'clock in the morning.
31) settle down — 1 [establish a settled lifestyle] establir-se, instal⋅lar-se. ex. After sowing his wild oats, he got a steady job and settled down. 2 [become peaceful] calmar-se, posar seny. ex.: After the excitement, the students found it difficult to settle down.
32) settle in [become used to] — instal⋅lar-se, adaptar-se. ex.: How are you settling in to your new job?
33) show up [arrive] — presentar-se. ex.: She showed up at noon.
34) stay up [not go to bed] — vetllar (quedar-se despert). ex.: We stayed up until midnight.
35) step down [resign] — baixar fent un pas o passos | dimitir. ex.: He stepped down for health reasons.
36) step in [intervene] — entrar fent un pas o passos | intervenir. ex.: The government had to step in to save the business.
37) take off — 1 [leave the ground] enlairar-se. ex.: The plane took off on time. 2 [depart] anar-se'n. ex.: I'm going to take off now.3 [become successful] anar de meravella. ex.: The business has really taken off this year.
38) touch down [land (of planes)] — aterrar. ex.: The plane touched down.
39) tune in [find a station on the radio] — sintonitzar. ex.: We tuned in to listen to the hockey game.
40) watch out [beware] — (imperatiu) Vés amb compte! ex.: Watch out! The roads are icy.
41) wear off [gradually disappear] — disminuir. ex.: The feeling of excitement gradually wore off.

86 Verbs adverbials transitius

1) bail out — 1 obtenir la llibertat d'algú sota fiança. She soon got tired of bailing out her drunken husband. 2 [remove water from a boat] treure l'aigua d'una embarcació 3 [rescue] rescatar (una empresa, un banc, etc.) ex.: We should ban the use of taxpayer funds to bail out failing banks.
2) break in [make something new fit for use] — adaptar una cosa nova per ús. ex.: I broke in my new hiking boots.
3) bring back [return] — tornar (algú, alguna cosa) cap aquí. ex.: She brought back her library books. | restablir, restaurar (alguna cosa).
4) bring around — 1 [revive] refer (algú després d'un desmai). ex.: These smelling salts should bring her around. 2 [persuade] convèncer (algú). ex.: We gradually brought her around to our point of view.
5) bring up — 1 [raise] criar (fills). ex.: Bringing up children is never easy. 2 [mention] introduir (un tema). ex.: Don't bring up politics if you want to have a quiet conversation.
6) butter up [flatter] — (col⋅loq.) afalagar, fer la pilota a. ex.: We buttered him up, hoping that he would agree to our proposal.
7) call in [ask to assist] — fer venir. ex.: I think it is time we called in an expert.
8) call off [cancel] — anul⋅lar. ex.: We called off the meeting.
9) call up [telephone] — telefonar. ex.: Why don't you call him up?
10) cheer on [cheer, encourage] — animar (encoratjar amb crits). ex.: I will be there to cheer you on.
11) chop down [fell] — tallar un arbre. ex.: They chopped down the dead tree.
12) clean up [tidy] — netejar (del tot). ex.: The mayor asked everyone to help clean up the city streets. | (col⋅loq.) guanyar rotundament, guanyar molts diners en poc temps.
13) fend off [repel] — repel⋅lir (un atac, una agressió). ex.: The goalie fended off every attack.
14) ferret out [find with difficulty] — arribar a descobrir (alguna cosa). ex.: We managed to ferret out the information.
15) figure out — 1 [come to understand] esbrinar. ex.: I can't figure out what happened. 2 [solve] solucionar, desxifrar. ex.: Can you figure out this puzzle?
16) fill in [complete] — omplir (un formulari). ex.: Please fill in this form.
17) fill out [complete] — omplir (un formulari). ex.: I filled out the form.
18) fill up [make full] — omplir (del tot). ex.: We filled up the glasses with water.
19) give back [return] — tornar (una cosa a algú que prèviament se li havia donat). ex.: I gave back the bicycle I had borrowed.
20) give off [send out] — emetre (olor, vapor, soroll, etc.). ex.: Skunk cabbage gives off an unpleasant odor.
21) hand down [give to someone younger] — llegar. ex.: The tradition was handed down from father to son.
22) hand in [give to person in authority] — lliurar, entregar. ex.: The students handed their assignments in to the teacher.
23) hand on — 1 [give to another person] passar (d'un a l'altre) ex.: I am not sorry to hand the responsibility on to you. 2 [bequeath] llegar. ex.: I want to hand this land on to my children.
24) hand over [transfer] — donar, lliurar. ex.: We had to hand the evidence over to the police.
25) hang up [break a telephone connection] — penjar (alguna cosa) | penjar (el telèfon). ex.: After receiving a busy signal, I hung up the phone.
26) hold back — 1 [withhold] amagar. ex.: They talk about everything and hold back nothing. 2 [restrain] suprimir i controlar. exs.: He is so enthusiastic, it is hard to hold him back. Please hold back your dog.
27) iron out [remove] — resoldre (una dificultat). ex.: I am sure we can iron out every difficulty.
28) knock out [make unconscious ] — estabornir (deixar K.O.). ex.: Boxers are often knocked out.
29) lap up [accept eagerly] — beure (del tot) llepant | (col⋅loq.) acceptar (idees, afalacs) amb entusiasme. ex.: The public lapped up the story.
30) lay off — 1 [put out of work] acomiadar temporalment (per falta de feina). ex.: The company laid off seventy workers. 2 [stop doing or using] deixar. ex.: You'd better lay off the booze for awhile.
31) leave behind [leave, not bring] — deixar enrere, abandonar. ex.: I accidentally left my umbrella behind.
32) leave out [omit] — ometre. ex.: Tell me what happened. Don't leave anything out!
33) let down [disappoint] — decebre (fallar en les expectatives). ex.: We will let him down if we don't arrive on time.
34) live down [live so that past faults are forgotten] — aconseguir oblidar (un escàndol, un moment desconcertant, etc.). ex.: This will be hard to live down!
35) look up [find (information)] — recercar (en un diccionari, enciclopèdia, etc.). ex.: We looked up the word in a dictionary.
36) make up — 1 [invent] inventar. ex.: She likes to make up stories. 2 [redo, compensate] recuperar (p.e., una classe). ex.: The professor is letting me make up the exam tomorrow. 3 [put together, compose] compondre. ex.: Make up a list of who's coming to the party. 4 [apply cosmetics] aplicar maquillatge a. ex.: Let's leave as soon I make up my face.
37) pass up [not take advantage] — perdre (p.e., una oportunitat). ex.: I couldn't pass up such an opportunity.
38) pension off [dismiss with a pension] — jubilar. ex.: He was pensioned off at the age of sixty.
39) phase in [introduce gradually] — introduir (gradualment). ex.: The new program will be phased in over the next six months.
40) phase out [cease gradually] — eliminar (gradualment). ex.: The practice will gradually be phased out.

41) pick up [collect] — 1 recollir, arreplegar. ex.: You may pick up the papers at the office. 2 detenir (un sospitós) 3 passar a buscar. 4 endreçar (una sala) 5 (col⋅loq.) lligar i marxar amb (una persona), conèixer amb intencions amoroses.
42) pin down [get a commitment] — obligar (algú) a concretar. ex.: When the guest speaker is pinned down, we can set a date for the conference.
43) play down [de-emphasize] — treure importància a (p.e., un afer). ex.: He played down the importance of the news.
44) point out [draw attention to] — assenyalar, destacar. ex.: She pointed out the advantages of the proposal.
45) polish off [finish] — (col⋅loq.) acabar-se del tot. ex.: We polished off the rest of the apple pie.
46) pull down [demolish] — enderrocar. ex.: Many old buildings are pulled down to make way for new ones.
47) pull off — 1 [remove] treure's, estirant. ex.: She pulled off her socks. 2 [succeed] aconseguir. ex.: The team pulled off a last-minute victory.
48) put away [put in proper place] — desar. ex.: It is time to put the toys away.
49) put back — 1 [return to original location] tornar (alguna cosa al lloc on era). ex.: Please put the book back on the shelf. 2 [postpone] ajornar. The meeting has been put back until next week. 3 [change a clock to an hour earlier] endarrerir (el rellotge). ex.: Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks back an hour.
50) put off — [postpone] 1 ajornar. ex.: We cannot put off the meeting again. 2 [repel] desanimar o molestar. ex.: You put people off with your arrogance. 3 [to discourage someone by making them wait] fer que un altre hagi d'esperar, no resoldre-li un assumpte. ex.: He keeps asking me out, and I keep putting him off.
51) reel off [recite a long list] — recitar ràpidament i sense esforç. ex.: She reeled off a long list of names.
52) rope in [persuade to help] — persuadir (algú) d'ajudar, de participar, etc. ex.: We roped in everyone we could to help with the work.
53) rub out [erase] — esborrar fregant. ex.: Be sure to rub out all the pencil marks.
54) rule out [remove from consideration] — excloure, eliminar. ex.: None of the possibilities can be ruled out yet.
55) scale down [reduce] — reduir (a escala). ex.: Because of lack of funds, we had to scale down our plans.
56) sell off [dispose of by selling] — liquidar (vendre totes les existències). ex.: We sold off all the books and furniture.
57) set back [delay] — retardar, impedir. ex.: This could set back the project by several years.
58) shout down [stop from speaking by shouting] — fer callar (algú) fent servir crits i brams. ex.: The crowd shouted down the speaker.
59) shrug off [dismiss as unimportant] — no donar importància a, minimitzar. ex.: He attempted to shrug off the mistake.
60) single out [select from others] — escollir i destacar (una sola persona o cosa). ex.: You have been singled out for special attention.
61) size up [assess] — avaluar. ex.: I quickly sized up the situation.
62) sort out [organize] — organitzar. ex.: It will take some time to sort out this mess.
63) sound out [talk with to learn the opinion of] — demanar (a algú) l'opinió. ex.: We attempted to sound him out.
64) stammer out [stammer] — parlar quequejant. ex.: They stammered out their apologies.
65) sum up [summarize] — resumir, recapitular. ex.: He summed up the discussion in a few well-chosen words.
66) summon up [gather] — fer venir (coratge, energia). ex.: I attempted to summon up my courage.
67) take in — 1 [accompany] acompanyar (una persona) de fora a dins (cap allà). ex.: The butler took me in to see the squire. 2 [give shelter] allotjar (algú a casa). ex.: I don't take in strangers. 3 [deceive]enganyar (algú). ex.: That sales pitch totally took us in. 4 [absorb] captar. ex.: We tried to take in the new information. 5 [reduce the size of a garment] estrènyer (una peça de roba). ex.: I'll have to take in these pants.
68) take out — 1 treure (algú, alguna cosa) cap allà 2 acompanyar fora (algú) (cap allà) 3 [extract] treure (sobretot en una operació mèdica). ex.: He had his tonsils taken out. 4 [borrow] obtenir, sobretot un préstec. ex.: They took out a loan. 5 [invite to a restaurant] convidar (algú) a sortir. ex.: Can I take you out to dinner?
69) take over — 1 portar cap allà 2 [acquire] apropiar-se (sobretot d'una empresa). ex.: He took over the failing company. 3 [assume control] prendre el control. ex.: I will take over the project.
70) talk over [discuss] — discutir, examinar en detall una qüestió. ex.: Let us talk it over before we decide.
71) tear up [destroy by tearing] — esquinçar (fent trossos). ex.: She tore up the letter.
72) think over [consider] — pensar (en una idea), rumiar. ex.: I need some time to think it over.
73) think up [invent] — enginyar, inventar. ex.: What will they think up next?
74) track down [search for and find] — rastrejar i trobar. ex.: We finally tracked him down at the bookstore.
75) trade in [give as part payment] — canviar (una cosa vella per una de nova, pagant la diferència). ex.: Why don't you trade in your old vacuum cleaner for a new one?
76) try on [test clothes by putting them on] — emprovar-se. ex.: I tried on the new suit, but it didn't fit me.
77) try out [test by using] — provar. ex.: Would you like to try out my fountain pen?
78) turn away [refuse admission] — negar l'entrada a, fer marxar. ex.: The event was so popular that many people had to be turned away.
79) turn off [deactivate by using a switch] — apagar (un motor, una màquina, un llum, etc.). ex.: I turned off the radio.
81) turn on — 1 [activate by using a switch] engegar (un motor, una màquina, etc.), encendre (llum). ex.: Please turn on the light. 2 [excite, interest] (col⋅loq.) emocionar, excitar. ex.: Fast music really turns her on.
82) water down [dilute] — aigualir. ex.: The soup has been watered down.
83) wear out [gradually destroy by wearing or using] — desgastar (com a resultat d'ús). ex.: My jacket is wearing out, although it is only a year old.
84) write down [make a note] — apuntar. ex.: I wrote down the instructions.
85) write off [cancel] — descartar. ex.: They were forced to write off several debts.
86) write up [compose in writing] — redactar, escriure en net. ex.: I used my notes to write up the report.

70 Verbs adverbials de règim preposicional

1) add up to [amount to] — resultar. ex.: It is hard to see what that adds up to.
2) back down from [withdraw, avoid] — evitar (un conflicte). ex.: She never backs down from a challenge/fight/confrontation.
3) back out of [not fulfill] — retirar-se de, no complir. ex.: I wish I could back out of the agreement/deal/project.

4) be/feel up to [have energy for] — trobar-se capaç a fer, ser prou bo per a fer. ex.: I'm not up to dealing with your mother.
5) be out of [not have] — no quedar (una cosa), no tenir. ex.: Sorry, we're out of avocados.
6) boil down to [can be reduced to] — reduir-se a, resultar (al capdavall). ex.: All his arguments boil down to a belief in the supernatural.
7) bow out of [withdraw] — retirar-se de, no participar en. ex.: He bowed out of the race/campaign.
8) break up with [separate] — separar-se de. ex.: She broke up with her boyfriend.
9) brush up on [refresh knowledge of] — repassar. ex.: I must brush up on my English.
10) carry on with — 1 [continue with] continuar amb. ex.: We carried on with our conversation. 2 [have a love affair with] tenir relacions sexuals amb. ex.: She accused her friend of carrying on with her husband.
11) catch up with/to [draw even with/to] — arribar al mateix nivell que. ex.: The boy ran quickly to catch up with his friends.
12) clean up after [tidy for] — netejar per (algú, allò que ha embrutat) ex.: She spent half her time cleaning up after the children.
13) come down to [can be reduced to] — reduir-se a, resultar (al capdavall). ex.: Your choices come down to these.
14) come down with [become ill with] — posar-se malalt de, caure malalt de. ex.: She came down with a cold.
15) come up against [meet an obstacle] — topar amb. ex.: They came up against many difficulties.
16) come up with [produce] — pensar en (sobretot una solució). ex.: She came up with a solution to the problem.
17) crack down on [regulate forcefully] — controlar rigorosament. ex.: The police are cracking down on reckless drivers.
18) creep up on [approach undetected] — perseguir (clandestinament i silenciosa). ex.: Old age tends to creep up on one.
19) cry out for [urgently require] — necessitar urgentment. ex.: The education system is crying out for improvement.
20) cut back on [reduce] — reduir (despeses, consum, etc.). ex.: The government has cut back on spending.
21) do away with [abolish] — eliminar, suprimir. ex.: We want to do away with delays.
22) face up to [accept and deal with] — enfrontar-se a. ex.: It is best to face up to one's problems.
23) fall back on [turn to for help] — recórrer a. ex.: Because of unexpected expenses, we had to fall back on our savings.
24) fall out with [argue with] — barallar-se amb. ex.: She has fallen out with all her old friends.
25) fill in for [substitute for] — suplir (algú). ex.: Will you fill in for me while I go to the bank?
26) fit in with [be suited to] — lligar amb, acordar-se amb. ex.: You don't fit in with this group.
27) fool around with — 1 [engage with for amusement] passar l'estona amb. ex.: He likes to fool around with computers. 2 [waste time] gandulejar. ex.: I fooled around all morning on Facebook. 3 tenir relacions sexuals casuals amb. ex.: He got caught fooling around with another woman.
28) get around to [find the time for] — trobar temps per a. ex.: I finally got around to cleaning out the garage.
29) get away with [not be punished] — sortir-se'n (després d'haver comès un delicte o una imprudència). ex.: He got away with being late for school.
30) get back at [take revenge on] — venjar-se de. ex.: I'm thinking up a way to get back at him for what he did.
31) get down to [begin dealing seriously with] — entrar a fons en (una qüestió), començar a treballar de valent. ex.: It is time to get down to business.
32) get in on [manage to participate in] — arribar a participar en (p.e., una oportunitat econòmica). ex.: I want to get in on the planning for the new school.
33) get out of [avoid an obligation] — escapolir-se de (p.e., una obligació). ex.: She tried to get out of taking her brother to the mall.
34) get rid of [throw away] — desfer-se de. ex.: We need to get rid of all these old newspapers
35) give up on [stop trying] — deixar de refiar-se de. ex.: I've given up on my cousin.
36) go along with [agree, not resist] — estar d'acord amb. ex.: I'm willing to go along with your idea.
37) go back on [break a promise] — trencar (una promesa), desdir-se de. ex.: He never goes back on his word.
38) go through with [fulfill, carry out] — dur a terme, complir, sobretot a contracor. ex.: Are you going to go through with your plan to conduct a survey?
39) grow out of — 1 [develop from] ser el resultat de. ex.: Their mutual trust grew out of long acquaintance. 2 [become too big for] fer-se massa gran per (una peça de roba). ex.: My son has grown out of most of his clothes. 3 [abandon something as one matures] deixar una cosa com a resultat de la maduresa. ex.: He grew out of his fear of the dark.
40) hang up on [end a telephone conversation without saying goodbye] — penjar bruscament el telèfon a (algú). ex.: I always hang up on telephone solicitors.
41) hold out for [not compromise] — no parar fins a (aconseguir una cosa). ex.: We want to hold out for better conditions.
42) hook up with — 1 [have a casual sexual experience with] tenir relacions sexuals sense compromís. ex.: He's always trying to hook up with some girl. 2 [connect with] connectar-se o combinar-se amb. ex.: The band soon hooked up with CBS records.
43) keep up with [be on the same level as] — estar al dia de. ex.: She has a hard time keeping up with her brother.
44) lead up to [be a preparation for] — preparar el terreny per a. ex.: The first thirty chapters of the book lead up to the dramatic conclusion.
45) live up to [maintain a standard] — complir (sobretot el que s'espera d'algú). ex.: She has lived up to her reputation as a great singer.
46) look back on [remember] — recordar. ex.: I look back on our time together fondly.
47) look down on [regard as inferior] — menysprear. ex.: He looks down on his classmates.
48) look forward to [anticipate] — anticipar (una cosa) amb il⋅lusió. ex.: I'm looking forward to the holidays.
49) look out for [watch for] — vigilar (un perill). ex.: Look out for fallen branches.
50) look up to [admire] — respectar. ex.: We looked up to her.
51) make up for [compensate for] — compensar. ex.: She tried to make up for her past mistakes.
52) miss out on [lose a chance for] — perdre (una oportunitat, una cosa avantatjosa). ex.: You're late, you've missed out on the food.
53) push on with [go ahead, continue] — continuar amb. ex.: I must push on with my work.
54) put up with [endure, tolerate] — tolerar. ex.: Bus passengers must often put up with crowded conditions.
55) read up on [read about] — estudiar (llegint). ex.: Whenever I travel, I like to read up on the place I am going to visit.
56) rub off on [acquire from someone] — influir inconscientment comportament o característiques d'algú a un altre. ex.: Some of his enthusiasm has rubbed off on me.
57) run out of [exhaust the supply of] — quedar sense. ex.: We ran out of gas ten miles from town.
58) run up against [meet] — enfrontar-se a. ex.: One runs up against many different kinds of people.
59) send away for [order by mail] — fer una comanda per correu. ex.: We sent away for warm winter boots.
60) send out for [order by phone] — carregar (sobretot menjar) pel telèfon. ex.: Let's send out for pizza.
61) stand up for [defend] — donar suport a, defensar. ex.: My wife always stands up for me.
62) stand up to [confront fearlessly] — plantar cara a. ex.: He's afraid to stand up to his boss.
63) stick up for [defend, support] — suportar. ex.: Will you stick up for me?
64) stock up on [lay in supplies] — acumular (provisions, material, etc.). ex.: We should stock up on bananas.
65) talk back to [reply insolently to] — contestar irrespectuosament a. ex.: He was sent home for talking back to the teacher.
66) talk down to [speak patronizingly] — parlar amb condescendència amb. ex.: He always talks down to people younger than he is.
67) walk away with [win easily] — emportar-se. ex.: They walked away with all the prizes.
68) watch out for [beware of] — estar atent a. ex.: Watch out for snakes.
69) wriggle out of [avoid] — escapolir-se de, evitar. ex.: She always tries to wriggle out of her responsibilities.
70) zero in on [focus on] — 1 enfocar (l'atenció, l'energia) a. ex.: Let's zero in on the heart of the problem. 2 apuntar (una arma) a.

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