1) S'està queixant del soroll. Ahir també se'n va queixar.
He's complaining about the noise. He complained about it yesterday as well.
2) La va conèixer i de seguida se'n va enamorar.
He met her and instantly fell in love with her.
3) Pateix de dolor a les cervicals. Quant fa que en pateix?
She suffers from cervical pain. How long has she suffered from it/this?
4) S'ha cansat del seu marit; se n'ha cansat.
She's gotten tired of her husband; she's gotten tired of him.
5) Són tan pretenciosos que tothom se'n riu.
They are so stuck up that everyone laughs at them.
6) Parlem-ne?
Shall we talk about it?
Dit això, cal esmentar una excepció: hi ha un petit però important grup de verbs pronominals catalans que es tradueixen en anglès per verbs transitius. En aquests casos, quan el pronom en representa «de + nom», es tradueix per un pronom sol. Exemples:
7) Guanyava pes però no se'n va adonar.
He was gaining weight but didn't notice it.
8) Els meus veïns em van enganyar i ara no me'n fio.
My neighbors deceived me and now I don't trust them.
9) Vaig parlar sense pensar i ara me'n penedeixo.
I spoke without thinking and now I regret it.
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