1) Aquest anell m'ha costat vuit cents euros.
This ring has cost me eight hundred euros.
2) Pot ser que aquesta imprudència li costi la vida.
This careless act may cost him his life.
3) No costa gaire.
a) (diners) It doesn't cost much.
b) (una tasca) It isn't very difficult.
4) Em costa molt entendre'ls quan parlen tan de pressa.
I find it difficult (o It's hard for me) to understand them when they talk so fast.
5) Li costa molt admetre-ho quan s'equivoca.
It's really hard for her (o She finds it hard) to admit it when she makes a mistake.
6) Els ha costat penes i treballs tornar a obrir la mina.
It has really been hard for them to reopen the mine.
7) Arribar a aquest nivell li va costar molts esforços.
Getting to this level really took him a lot of effort.
8) No m'ha costat gaire aprendre aquest programa.
It wasn't very hard for me (o I didn't find it very hard) to learn this program.
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