1) Vols seure al sol o a l'ombra?
Do you want to sit in the sun or in the shade?
2) A les falgueres els agrada l'ombra profunda.
Ferns like deep shade.
3) A la pel·lícula, Gene Kelly balla amb la seva ombra.
In the movie, Gene Kelly dances with his shadow.
4) Les branques sense fulles projectaven les ombres a la gespa.
The bare branches cast their shadows on the lawn.
5) Hi ha estranyes criatures, mig humanes i mig rèptils, que s'amaguen a les ombres.
There are strange creatures, half human and half reptile, that hide in the shadows.
6) Les ombres xineses havien esdevingut molt sofisticades al temps de la dinastia Song.
Chinese shadow theatre had become very sophisticated by the time of the Song dynasty.
Esmentem també el verb overshadow, que, en sentits figurats, vol dir fer ombra o eclipsar; exemples:
7) En Carles tem que la nova cantant li faci ombra.
Carles is afraid that the new singer will overshadow him.
8) La importància de la reunió va ser eclipsada per esdeveniments posteriors.
The importance of the meeting was overshadowed by later events.
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