| APAC | Anglès difícil

Anglès difícil
Solucionari dels exercicis


1) A qui els vols presentar?
Who do you want to (introduce them to / introduce to them)?
2) Vull presentar-te a una amiga meva.
I want (o I'd like) to introduce you to a friend of mine.
3) Ella em va presentar al seu marit.
She introduced me to her husband.


1) Fa tres anys que tenim aquests cotxes.
We've had these cars for three years.
2) Fa anys que ens vam conèixer.
We met years ago.
3) Fa tres hores que som aquí.
We've been here for three hours.


1) Van tardar més temps que tu.
It took them longer than (it did) you.
2) Quant temps dura?
How long does it last?
3) Fa temps que espero trobar la solució.
I've hoped to find the solution for a long time.


1) Quant temps fa que l'has vista?
How long ago did you see her?
2) Quant temps fa que hi eren?
How long ago were they there?
3) Quant temps fa que estudies l'anglès?
How long have you studied (o ... have you been studying) English?


1) Qui hi havia?
Who was there?
2) Qui t'ha fet mal?
Who (has) hurt you?
3) A qui vas triar?
Who did you choose?


1) Quines idees han suggerit?
What ideas have they suggested?
2) Quin embolic!
What a mess/muddle/row!
3) Quina bossa vols?
Which bag do you want?


1) De qui era l'anell?
Whose ring was it?
2) De qui és el cavall que va guanyar la cursa?
Whose horse won the race?
3) De qui són aquells camps?
Whose fields are those?


1) Quant temps vas tardar a llegir la novel·la?
How long did it take you to read the novel?
2) Vaig tardar una hora a acabar la tasca.
It took me an hour to finish the job/task.
3) Es tarda massa a anar-hi caminant.
It takes too long to walk there.


1) Sempre dinem a les dues.
We always have lunch at two (o'clock).
2) Quan volen esmorzar?
When do they want to have breakfast?
3) Què faràs per sopar?
What are you (making / going to make) for dinner?


1) No tenia gaire sort, jo.
I wasn't very lucky / I didn't have much luck.
2) Tens gana, oi?
You're hungry, aren't you?
3) La son és important.
Sleep is important.


1) Volia dir-te una cosa.
I wanted to (tell you something / say something to you).
2) Parlava tan ràpidament (ell) que ningú més no podia dir res.
He was talking so fast that nobody else could say anything.
3) (Jo) Parlava amb la teva filla quan vam sentir una explosió.
I was talking with your daughter when we heard an explosion.


1) Abans no roncava tant (ell).
He didn't use to snore so much.
2) Abans ho perdia tot (jo).
I used to lose everything.
3) Abans volia ser metgessa.
She used to want to be a doctor.


1) En aquells dies, ella sempre em criticava.
In those days, she (was always criticizing / always used to criticize /would always criticize) me.
2) Quan vivíem a París no agafàvem mai el Metro després de les onze.
When we (lived / were living) in Paris, we (would never take / never used to take) the Metro after eleven o'clock.
3) Quan anava a l'universitat estudiava cinc hores al dia.
When I was going to the university I (used to / would) study five hours a day.


1) Ja t'has acostumat a llevar-te d'hora?
Have you gotten used to getting up early yet?
2) Estem acostumats a la calor.
We're used to the heat.
3) En Joan va haver d'acostumar-s'hi.
Joan had to get used to it.


1) On has deixat els diners que t'he deixat?
Where (have you left / did you leave) the money I lent you?
2) No els deixis jugar al carrer.
Don't let them play in the street.
3) Sempre deixo les claus aquí.
I always leave the keys here.


1) Quants diners et van deixar? (Feu servir el verb borrow.)
How much money did you borrow (from them)?
2) Haurem de demanar un préstec. (Feu servir el verb borrow.)
We'll have to borrow.
3) Em pots deixar una mica de sal? (Feu servir el verb borrow.)
Can I borrow a little salt?


1) Esteu a punt per començar?
Are you ready to begin?
2) El Joan està a punt d'arribar.
Joan is about to get here.
3) Els pilots han d'estar sempre a punt per volar.
The pilots always have to be ready to fly.


1) Ella reclama que el conill és seu.
She claims that the rabbit is hers.
2) Sosté que el gallec i el portugués són el mateix idioma.
He claims that Gallician and Portugese are the same language.
3) Sostenen que han trobat un remei contra el càncer.
They claim (that) they have found a cure for cancer.
o They claim to have found...


1) Quan acabareu? (Feu servir els adverbis through o over.)
When (are you going to / will you) be through?
2) Quan la tempesta es va acabar vam obrir les finestres.
When the storm (ended / was over) we opened the windows.
3) S'ha acabat el programa. (Feu servir els adverbis through o over.)
The program is over.
4) Van marxar però no havien acabat la seva feina.
They left but they hadn't finished their work.
5) Acabem de tenir un ensurt molt fort.
We've just had a very bad scare.
6) Encara no he acabat de llegir el diari.
I haven't finished reading the paper yet o I still haven't finished reading...


1) Al final em vaig enamorar d'ella.
I ended up falling in love with her.
2) Com era el final?
How was the ending?
3) Al final no sabíem què fer.
We ended up not knowing what to do.
4) Has vist l'últim episodi de Vent del Pla?
Have you seen the latest episode of Vent del Pla?
5) Al final del carrer s'ha de girar a l'esquerra.
At the end of the street you have to turn left.
6) Per fi hi som!
We're finally there!


1) A qui estàs culpant?
Who are you blaming?
2) No vull donar la culpa a ningú.
I don't want to blame anyone.
3) És culpa del meu germà.
It's my brother's fault.


1) Tenen tres equips treballant alhora.
They have three teams working (at the same time / at once).
2) En vull com a mínim tres i com a màxim set.
I want at least three (of them) and at most seven.
3) La vida és massa complexa per a haver-se esdevingut per casualitat.
Life is too complex to have (come about / ocurred) by chance.


1) Som així.
We're like this / That's how we are.
2) Tenen pressa, oi?
They're in a hurry, aren't they?
3) No m'he fet vell expressament.
I haven't gotten old on purpose.


1) Espero que no plogui (ho desitjo).
I hope (that) it doesn't rain.
2) Ja els hem esperat massa!
We've already waited (for them too long / too long for them).
3) Espero tenir més temps (estic confiat).
I expect to have more time.
4) La Marta espera aprovar l'examen (ho desitja).
Marta hopes to pass the exam.
5) Espero que vinguin a la festa (dues maneres: ho desitjo i estic confiat).
I hope/expect (that) they will come to the party.
6) Esperava que m'ajudessis (ho exigia).
I was expecting you to help me.


1) Tant de bo que ho hagués sabut (jo)!
I wish I had known (it).
2) Tant de bo que actuessin aquí més sovint (dues maneres).
I wish they would play here more often / I wish they played here more often.
3) Tant de bo que la primavera durés tot l'any!
I wish the spring lasted all year!


1) Quants diners et queden?
How much money do you have left?
2) Vam quedar a les tres.
We (agreed to meet / are meeting) at three.
3) Ens vam quedar en aquest hotel.
We stayed in this hotel.


1) Dubto que en sàpiga res (ell).
I doubt if/whether he knows anything about it.
2) Vaig dubtar abans de contestar a l'inspector de policia.
I hesitated before answering the police inspector.
3) Encara tinc molts dubtes.
I still have a lot of questions / There are still a lot of things I'm not sure [about/of]).


1) No volia dir res (jo) durant la reunió.
I didn't want to say anything during the meeting.
2) Després de no veure'l durant un mes, el vaig trobar canviat.
After not seeing him for a month, I found him changed.
3) Van viure a l'estranger durant cinquanta anys.
They lived abroad for fifty years.
4) Les dones no haurien de fumar durant l'embaràs.
Women shouldn't smoke during pregnancy.


1) Fins on et van portar?
How far did they take you?
2) Després de sopar vam caminar fins al riu.
After (having) dinner we walked as far as the river.
3) Treballem aquí fins a Pasqua.
We're working here until Easter.
4) Pot haver-hi fins a dos-cents vuitanta-sis versos.
There can be up to two hundred eighty-six verses.


1) Li vaig llançar la pilota (a ella) però no la va poder agafar.
I threw her the ball but she wasn't able to catch it.
2) Vam agafar un mapa i anàrem a visitar bars i restaurants.
We took a map and went to visit bars and restaurants.
3) Hi havia tres noruecs beguts, agafats de la mà i cantant.
There were three drunken Norwegians, holding hands and singing.
4) El gos fuig! Agafa'l!
The dog's running away! Catch/Grab it/him!


1) Vam arribar-hi tard.
We got there late.
2) Encara no han arribat.
They haven't gotten here yet.
3) No vull que arribis tard (a casa).
I don't want you to get home late.


1) Vam haver de transigir amb els autoritats.
We had to compromise with the authorities.
2) Intenten trobar un compromís entre els dos extrems.
They are trying to find a compromise between the two extremes.
3) L'obra ha de tenir un compromís moral.
The play/work has to have a moral commitment.


1) Penses que li (a ella) agradaré?
Do you think she'll like me?
2) Li agrada (ella) a tothom amb qui treballa.
Everybody she works with likes her.
3) Us agradem?
Do you like us?


1) Parlem d'insectes.
Let's talk about insects.
2) Corre!
3) Canviem de parella? (dit ballant)
Shall we change partners?


1) Té amics a l'ajuntament i se n'aprofita.
He has friends in the city government and takes advantage of it.
2) Parlava de "mòbing"; n'has sentit parlar?
He was talking about "mobbing"; have you heard of it?
3) No pateixis, jo mateix me n'encarregaré.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it myself.
4) —S'ha oblidat de la reunió. —Potser se n'ha oblidat expressament.
He forgot about the meeting. Maybe he forgot about it on purpose.
5) De la política no en sé res.
I don't know anything about politics.


1) Hi ha hagut tres morts.
There were three deaths.
2) Només els morts saben què ens espera quan ens morim.
Only the dead know what (awaits us / is waiting for us) when we die.
3) El meu oncle es va morir fa un any.
My uncle died a year ago.
4) Ja era mort quan van arribar a l'hospital.
He was already dead when they got to the hospital.
5) Els voltors s'alimenten d'animals morts.
Vultures feed on dead animals.


1) Ningú no viu tan bé com el rei.
Nobody lives as well as the king.
2) Una actriu viu moltes vides.
An actress lives many lives.
3) No sabíem si eren vius o morts.
We didn't know if they were alive or dead.
4) El teatre s'ha mantingut viu malgrat el pas del temps.
The theatre has been kept alive in spite of the passage of time.


1) Hauries de casar-te.
You should get married.
2) Quan es volen casar?
When do they want to get married?
3) Havia de casar-se amb la Joana, però va acabar casant-se amb la seva germana.
He was supposed to marry Joana, but he ended up marrying her sister.


1) Hi havia poca gent.
There weren't many people.
2) Quants diners vols que et deixi?
How much money do you want (to borrow / me to lend you)?
3) Les notícies eren equivocades.
The news was wrong.


1) Sempre parles massa.
You always talk too much.
2) No saben parlar alemany.
They (don't know how to / can't) speak German.
3) Ningú no volia parar de parlar.
Nobody wanted to stop talking.


1) És culpa de tots els altres!
It's everyone else's fault.
2) Devia ser un altre.
It must have been someone else.
3) No tinc res més a fer.
I don't have anything else to do.


1) Els vam enviar tots els documents. Quan els els vau enviar?
We sent them all the documents. When did you send them to them?
2) M'han portat el vi fa una hora. Qui te l'ha portat?
They brought me the wine an hour ago. Who brought it to you?
3) Quan li portaràs els diners (a ell)? Ja els hi he portat!
When are you going to take her the money? I've already taken it to her.
4) Quants diners li deus?
How much money do you owe him?


1) Descriu-me'ls.
Describe them to me.
2) Em pots explicar la diferència entre el català i el valencià?
Can you explain to me the difference between Catalan and Valencian?
3) Què et va suggerir (ell)?
What did he suggest to you?


1) Van dir que no sabien què fer.
They said (that) they didn't know what to do.
2) Intenten explicar els misteris de la ciència.
They (try / are trying) to explain the mysteries of science.
3) La Sara va dir a en Ramon que no s'hi volia casar.
Sara told Ramon (that) she didn't want to marry him.


1) Quant fa que t'ho van dir?
How long ago did they tell you?
2) Ens van dir que ens quedéssim al cotxe.
They told us to stay in the car.
3) No diguis mai mentides.
Never tell lies.


1) Ens n'anem a comprar pizza.
We're going to buy pizza.
2) Per què us n'aneu?
Why are you leaving?
3) A quina hora vau marxar de casa?
What time did you leave home?


1) Han anat de compres.
They've gone shopping.
2) Penses que els agradaria anar a pescar?
Do you think they'd like to go fishing?
3) Sortim a acampar!
Let's go camping!


1) Mentre hi hagi prou per a menjar i beure, la festa tindrà èxit.
As long as there's enough to eat and drink, the party will be a success.
2) La teva família és molt garrepa, mentre que la seva (d'ells) és simplement prudent.
Your family is very stingy, whereas theirs is simply prudent.
3) Estaré content mentre estiguis amb mi.
I'll be happy as long as you're with me.


1) Te l'arreglaran mentre esperes.
They'll fix/repair it for you while you wait.
2) L'he vist mentre entrava a l'edifici.
I saw him as he was (coming into / entering) the building.
3) Em compraràs una mica de llet mentre ets a la botiga?
Will you buy me (a little / some) milk while you're at the shop?
4) Es fa més maco a mesura que es fa més gran.
He is getting more handsome as he gets older.


1) Per què no reculls la pols en lloc d'escombrar-la cap a sota la catifa?
Why don't you pick up the dust instead of sweeping it under the rug?
2) Abans de llençar aquesta roba vella hauries de demanar a aquelles noies si la volen.
Before throwing away these old clothes you should ask those girls if they want them.
3) A més d'escombrar, fregar, cuinar, rentar plats i fer la bugada, vols dir que he de portar-te les sabatilles? ("a més de" = "besides")
Besides sweeping, mopping, cooking, washing the dishes and doing the laundry, do you mean I'm supposed to bring you your slippers?


1) A en Carles li va molt bé xerrar amb la gent.
Carles is good at talking with people.
2) Em va molt malament els esports.
I'm terrible at sports.


1) No recorda mai de res del que li dic!
He never remembers anything I tell him.
2) Et recordes d'haver caigut per les escales?
Do you remember falling down the stairs?
3) No em facis recordar el que ahir a la nit vaig fer!
Don't remind me of what I did last night.
4) Em recordava una zebra solemne.
He reminded me of a solemn zebra.


1) Els esperem des de les nou.
We've waited for them since nine (o'clock).
2) Planifiquem aquestes vacances des de l'any passat.
We've been planning this vacation since last year.
3) Aquest home ens està seguint des de fa hores.
This man has been following us for hours.


1) Us importa tancar la porta?
Do you mind closing the door?
2) No m'importa quant cobren; no tenen dret de cobrar-nos res! (tenir dret = have a right)
I don't care how much they charge; they have no right to charge us anything!
3) No els va importar haver de compartir l'habitació amb dues persones més.
They didn't mind having to share the room with two other people.
4) Va dir que no importava qui tingués els diners.
He said it didn't matter who had the money.


1) Agafo ("Subjecto") una pilota vella i calba.
I hold an old bald ball.
2) Va caure el panet fred?
Did the cold roll fall?
3) Va vendre un rotllo petit i vell.
He sold a small old scroll.


1) Aquesta impresora gasta gaire tinta?
Does this printer use/consume much ink?
2) La Generalitat s'ha gastat molts diners en la restauració de l'ermita.
The Catalan government has spent a lot of money on the restoration of the hermitage.
3) El pneumàtic s'ha desgastat del tot.
The tire has completely worn out.


1) No has sentit mai aquesta cançó?
Haven't you ever heard this song?
2) No crec que tornin mai.
I don't believe they'll ever come back.
3) No els deus haver vist mai.
You must not have ever seen them.


1) Parlis amb el qui parlis, tots t'ho diran el mateix.
Whoever you talk to/with, they'll all tell you the same (thing).
2) Pensis el que pensis de tot això, hauràs d'ajudar-los.
Whatever you think of all this, you'll have to help them.
3) Guanyi qui guanyi, tindrà el nostre suport.
Whoever wins, he'll/they'll have our support.
o Whoever wins will have our support.
4) Facis el que facis i siguis on siguis, no te m'escaparàs.
Whatever you do and wherever you are, you won't escape from me.
5) Sigui quan sigui, haurem d'anar a veure el partit.
Whenever it is, we'll have to go see the match.


1) Et seguiré a qualsevol lloc que vagis.
I'll follow you wherever you go.
2) Donaré aquestes entrades a qualsevol persona que me les demani.
I'll give these tickets to (whoever / anyone who) asks me for them.
3) Sempre que engego la televisió ella comença a adormir-se.
Whenever I turn on the TV she starts to go to sleep.
4) Sempre que guanyi el Barça destaparem una ampolla de cava.
Whenever Barça wins we'll uncork a bottle of champagne.
5) Així podrem aconseguir els nostres objectius, siguin quins siguin.
This way we'll be able to achieve our objectives, whatever they are.


1) Què m'has portat?
What have you brought me?
2) On vas portar la llana?
Where did you take the wool?
3) La Joana no vol que les hi porteu (a ella) fins demà.
Joana doesn't want you to take them to her until tomorrow.


1) Per ser massa bo l'han ficat a la presó.
For being too good they've stuck him in prison.
2) Una immobiliària va demandar els veïns per penjar pancartes de protesta.
A real estate agency sued the neighbors for hanging up protest posters/signs.
3) Em vaig acostar a l'escenari per sentir-lo millor.
I (approached / got closer to) the stage to hear better.
4) No tinc temps per res.
I don't have time for anything.
5) Tens prou temps per a escriure-ho tot?
Do you have enough time to write it all out?


1) Només hi he estat una vegada.
I've only been there once.
2) Està fent cada vegada més fred.
It's getting colder and colder.
3) Els telèfons mòbils pesen cada vegada menys.
Cell phones weigh less and less.


1) Has de poder expressar-te i aprendre noves maneres de treballar.
You have to be able to express yourself and learn new ways of working.
2) Hauries de poder veure la diferència entre les dues fotos.
You should be able to see the difference between the two photos.
3) Abans podíem marxar a les sis.
We used to be able to leave at six (o'clock).
4) Volen poder disparar contra el coiots sense cap llicència.
They want to be able to shoot coyotes without a license.
5) Aviat podràs comprar un cotxe.
You'll soon be able to buy a car.
6) L'experiència va ser bona, perquè els infants van poder tocar els animals.
The experience was good because the children were able to touch the animals.


1) Suposava que no podria parlar en anglès.
I supposed that I wouldn't be able to speak in English.
2) Vaig dir que no podia ajudar-los.
I that I couldn't help them.
3) Sabíem que ella no podria venir.
We knew that she wouldn't be able to come.
4) Sabíem per què ella no podia venir.
We knew why she couldn't come.


1) El mes vinent han d'operar la meva àvia.
My grandmother has to have an operation next month.
2) Per què l'han d'operar?
Why does he need an operation?
3) Espero que mai no m'hagin d'operar.
I hope I never need an operation.
4) Li van operar de la mà.
He had an operation on his hand.
5) Li van operar de fiblitis.
He had an operation for phlebitis.


1) No vull que les mongetes es refredin.
I don't want the beans to get cold.
2) No el vull menjar; s'ha refredat.
I don't want to eat it; it's gotten cold.
3) Espera fins que es refredi una mica.
Wait until it's cooled off a little.


1) Pel maig, cada dia un raig.
In May, a shower every day.
2) Treballen de nit i dormen de dia.
They work at/by night and sleep (during the / by) day.
3) Aquesta nit és la nit.
Tonight is the night.


1) Ens veurem el dia trenta-u.
I'll see you on the thirty-first.
2) Estarem a França des del tres de juny fins al dos de juliol.
We'll be in France from (the third of June / June third) until (the second of July / July second).
3) Hi viuen des del dia cinc.
They've been living there since the fifth.


1) Què em demanes? (2 maneres: sol·licitar i preguntar)
What are you asking me for? What are you asking me?
2) Haurem de demanar als pares que vinguin més tard.
We'll have to ask our parents to come later.
3) No vull demanar res al govern.
I don't want to ask the government for anything.


1) Són els únics pantalons que tinc.
They're the only pants/trousers I have.
2) L'únic que sap fer és moure els malucs.
The only thing she knows how to do is wiggle her hips.
3) Cada dia que vius és únic.
Every day you live is unique.


1) Es comporta com un idiota.
He acts like an idiot.
2) No m'agradaria haver de treballar com a camàlic.
I wouldn't like to have to work as a porter/carrier.
3) Només ho faig servir com a exemple per tractar el tema.
I'm just using it as an example to deal with the subject.
4) Ballem com ballàvem l'estiu passat.
Let's dance like we danced last summer.
5) Es farà servir com a prova de la seva reclamació.
It will be used as proof of his claim.


1) No sap ni escriure el seu propi nom.
He doesn't even know how to write his own name.
2) Què saps fer?
What do you know how to do?
3) Saber parlar anglès és cada vegada més important.
(Knowing how / Being able) to speak English is more and more important.


1) A part de la Joanna, hi haurà també les germanes Blanco.
Besides Joana, the Blanco sisters (are going to / will) be there.
2) Durant hores seia al costat de la Pepeta, però ella parlava tota l'estona amb en Marc.
I was sitting (beside / next to) Pepeta for hours, but she was talking the whole time with Marc.
3) Hauries d'ajudar-nos a muntar el forn; a més, ens ho vas prometre!
You should help us set up the oven; besides, you promised!


1) Et preguntes si podries qualificar?
Are you wondering if/whether you could qualify?
2) Dóna'm el teu parer sobre (on) si ho vam fer bé o no.
Give me your opinion on whether we did it well or not.
3) No puc decidir si apuntar-me a les classes o anar de vacances.
I can't decide whether to sign up for the classes or go on vacation.


1) No pensava que costessin tant.
I didn't think they cost so much.
2) Em va costar molt d'acostumar-m'hi.
It was really hard for me to get used to it o I found it really hard to get used to.
3) No em costa gaire ser professor d'anglès.
I don't find it very difficult (o It isn't very hard for me) to be an English teacher.


1) Em va desafiar a córrer despullat plovent (per la pluja).
He dared me to run naked in the rain.
2) Desafien l'autoritat dels mestres i es neguen a anar a l'escola.
They defy the authority of the teachers and refuse to go to school.
3) Et desafio a cuinar una paella tan bona com la del meu pare.
I defy/challenge you to cook a paella as good as (one of) my father's.
4) Ella el va desafiar (a ell) a confessar els seus defectes.
She challenged him to confess his faults.


1) Després de dinar hauries de descansar una hora abans de nedar.
After lunch you should rest an hour before going swimming.
2) És un esdeveniment que mai no hauríem d'oblidar.
It's an event that we should never forget.
3) Per a treballar a Vic hauries de comprar un cotxe.
To work in Vic you would have to buy a car.
4) Segons la llei, quines banderes s'haurien d'hissar?
According to the law, which flags should be raised?


1) Hauríem d'haver cobrat per endavant.
We should have gotten paid in advance.
2) Si no tingués aquest programa hauria hagut de transcriure totes les converses a mà.
If I hadn't had this program I would have had to transcribe all the conversations by hand.
3) No haurien d'haver esperat tant temps.
They shouldn't have waited so long.


1) No heu d'entrar a la mina sense guia; és perillós.
You mustn't enter the mine without a guide; it's dangerous.
2) No t'hauries d'aprofitar de la teva germana.
You shouldn't take advantage of your sister.
3) No s'ha de deixar al sol.
It shouldn't be left in the sun / You're not supposed to leave it in the sun.


1) No calia que li fossis tan maleducat.
You needn't have been so rude to him.
2) No havies de saltar a la piscina fins que hi hagués l'aigua a dins.
You weren't supposed to jump into the pool until there was water in it.
3) No calia que comprés aquest nou frac perquè la invitació diu "informal".
You needn't have bought this new tuxedo because the invitation says "informal".
4) No corris; no hem de arribar-hi fins a les 10.
Don't rush; we don't have to get there until 10.
5) Saps cada quan s'ha de fer?
Do you know how often it has to be done?


1) Per què vols canviar de farmàcia?
Why do you want to change pharmacies?
2) Sempre que vull parlar de la nostra relació ell canvia el tema.
Whenever I want to talk about our relationship he changes the subject.
3) Si fos de tu no canviaria de pis.
If I were you I wouldn't move.


1) Aquest noi té dues cares: no me'n fio gens.
This boy is two-faced; I don't trust him at all.
2) Pots confiar en la Maria; és capaç de guardar un secret.
You can trust Maria; she can keep a secret.
3) Econòmicament em refio de la meva dona.
Economically I rely on my wife.


1) Cal comprovar cadascuna de les peces que componen la màquina.
It's necessary to check each of the parts that make up the machine.
2) Aquests diners són la part que cadascú aporta a la despesa comuna.
This money is the part that each person contributes to the common expense.
3) Cada alumne duia un barret al cap.
Each student was wearing a hat on his/their head.
4) Cal premiar cadascú segons els seus mèrits.
Each person must/should be rewarded according to their merits.


1) No me'n donis més, ja en tinc prou.
Don't give me any more (of it), I already have enough.
2) Fins ara hem tingut bastants problemes.
We've had quite a few problems so far.
3) No estic a punt del tot.
I'm not quite ready.
4) Estàs completament segur?
Are you quite sure?
5) Estava força molest en veure on la pintura havia quedat a parar.
She was quite upset when she saw where the paint had ended up.


1) Molt poca gent passa per aquest sender.
Very few people go/come/pass by on this trail.
2) Tinc poc temps per a fer tot.
I don't have (much time / long) to do everything.
3) Estan poc acostumats a llevar-se de seguida que es desperten.
They aren't really used to getting up right after they wake up.


1) Tinc tanta sang que a les cinc tinc son.
I have so much blood that I am sleepy at five.
2) Les meves camises no surten tan blanques com les de la senyora Dash.
My shirts don't come out as white as Ms Dash's.
3) Hi havia tant soroll que ni podia parlar amb mi mateix.
There was so much noise that I couldn't even talk to myself.
4) No hi van tant com nosaltres.
They don't go there as often as we do.
5) Dubto que pugui menjar tant com jo.
I doubt whether he can eat as much as I can.


1) El president argumenta que ja ha complert la seva missió.
The president argues that he has already (carried out / fulfilled) his mission.
2) Si no penses complir les teves promeses, no en facis cap.
If you don't mean to keep your promises, don't make any.
3) Espero que no hagi de complir la condemna.
I hope (that) I don't have to serve/complete my sentence.
4) Un cop hagis complert tots els requisits, encara has de fer una prova física.
Once you have met/completed/fulfilled all the requirements, you still have to take the physical.
5) Espero que tots els teus desigs es compleixin!
I hope that all your wishes come true.


1) Aquestes flors no solen créixer bé a l'ombra.
These flowers don't usually grow well in the shade.
2) El clarobscur és la distribució de les llums i de les ombres en un dibuix.
Chiaroscuro is the distribution of light and shadow in a drawing.
3) Als dies de sol, la meva ombra sempre m'acompanya.
On sunny days, my shadow always (accompanies / comes [along] with) me.


1) Els estimem tots dos.
We love (them both / both of them).
2) Tots dos duen el mateix bigoti.
They both wear the same mustache.
3) No en vull cap dels dos.
I don't want either of them.
4) No vull que ningú segui entre nosaltres.
I don't want anyone to sit between us.
5) Sempre em trobo bé quan estic entre amics.
I always feel good when I am among friends.
6) Si voleu que la iniciativa tingui èxit, feu córrer la veu entre els vostres amics.
If you want the undertaking to be successful, spread the word among your friends.


1) Si l'enveja es tornés tinya, mig món grataria.
If envy turned into ringworm, half the world would be scratching.
2) Dóna'm mitja lliura de cigrons i dos quilos i mig d'arròs.
Give me half a pound of chickpeas and two and a half kilos of rice.
3) Només en vull la meitat.
I only want half (of it).
4) Vam haver de parar a la meitat de la cançó.
We had to stop in the middle of the song.
5) Et comportes com si fóssim al mig de la selva.
You act as if we were in the middle of the jungle.


1) A molta més gent li agraden més els teus quadres que els d'ell.
(Many / A lot) more people like your paintings more than his.
2) Aquesta sequera és molt pitjor que la de l'any passat.
This drought is (much / a lot) worse than last year's.
3) Aquests dies vaig a dormir molt més d'hora que abans.
These days I've (gone / been going) to bed (much / a lot) earlier than I used to.


1) Aquesta cadira pesa molt.
This chair weighs a lot.
2) El seu aspecte ha millorat molt des que surt amb la Rosa.
His appearance has really improved since he's been going out with Rosa.
3) Estic avorrit perquè aquesta gent m'avorreixen molt.
I'm bored because these people really bore me.


1) Què li vols comprar ("per a ell" i "a ell")?
What do you want to buy (for) him? What do you want to buy from him?
2) A qui compres els queviures?
Who do you buy your groceries from?
3) No m'han robat res que valori.
They haven't stolen anything from me that I value.


1) Hem d'arribar a Nome abans que comencin les nevades.
We have to reach Nome before the snow storms begin.
2) No trobo el cadenat.
I can't find the padlock.
3) Hi arribes?
Can you reach it?


1) No tinc ganes de parlar-ne.
I don't feel like talking about it.
2) Ja n'estic fart, de tan mal temps; tinc ganes que arribi l'estiu.
I'm fed up with such bad weather; I really want summer to (come / get here).
3) Em moria de ganes de ser part de tot allò.
I was dying to be part of all that.


1) Aquesta clau obre tots els panys de la casa.
This key opens all the locks in the house.
2) S'ha menjat tot el pastís.
He's eaten (up) the whole cake.
3) El diner obre totes les portes.
Money opens all doors.
4) Volem facilitar l'ús del valencià a tota la nostra societat.
We want to facilitate the use of Valencian in our whole society.


1) On tots pensen igual, ningú no deu pensar gaire.
Where everybody thinks the same, nobody must think much.
2) Tots parlàvem del que ens havia agradat més.
We were all talking about what we'd liked the most.
3) Els seus amics es van amagar i, en entrar ell, tots arrencaren a cantar.
His friends hid and, when he came in, they all (broke out singing / started to sing).


1) Què puc regalar a l'home que ho té tot?
What can I give to the man who has everything?
2) Tot va ser una gran equivocació.
It was all a big mistake.
3) Amb tot el que els has fet de debò haurien de donar-te les gràcies.
With all you've done for them they really should thank you.
4) Poden fer el que vulguin amb tot el que trobin.
They can do what they want with (everything/whatever) they find.
5) Per estar amb tu, l'única cosa que he de fer és somiar.
To be with you, all I have to do is dream.


1) Està bé que el defensi; després de tot, és el seu germà.
It's good that he defends him; after all, he's his brother.
2) Per damunt de tot ens cal poder entendre'ns.
Above all, we need to be able to (understand each other / get along together).
3) Fet i fet, ens ho vam passar molt bé.
All in all we had a really good time.


1) Anava fent fins que em vaig casar.
I was doing all right until I got married.
2) D'acord, doncs, no els en direm res llevat que ens ho demanin.
All right then, we won't tell them anything about it unless they ask us.
3) Acaba de tenir un infart cerebral, però ara està bé.
He has just had a stroke but now he's all right.


1) Hem trobat problemes pel que fa a la qualitat de l'aigua.
We've had problems (concerning / as to) the quality of the water.
2) Els pisos són caríssims i, pel que fa a les cases, val més que ni hi pensis!
Apartments are really expensive and as for houses, you'd better not even think of it!
3) Ara em sento més còmoda amb l'anglès, pel que fa a saber-lo parlar.
Now I'm more comfortable with English as far as knowing how to speak it (is concerned / goes).
4) Quant a la puntuació, tothom a vegades té dubtes.
When it comes to punctuation, everybody has questions sometimes.


1) Ah, sí? Segons qui?
Really? According to who(m)?
2) Segons la policia, els espanyaportes eviten cases amb gossos.
According to the police, the burglars avoid houses with dogs.
3) Segons com votessin, els immigrants podrien jugar-hi un paper molt important.
Depending on how they voted, immigrants could play a very important role.


1) Érem quatre, però podríem haver estat vint.
There were four of us, but there could have been twenty.
2) Som sis vivint aquí des de fa un any.
Six of us have (lived / been living) here for a year.
3) Som més del que penses.
There are more of us than you think.


1) Robar per viure bé és arriscat.
Stealing to live well is risky.
2) Qui roba la meva bossa em roba una bagatel·la.
He who steals my purse steals trash.
3) Quanta gent va atracar, la trepa?
How many people did the gang rob?


1) No havíem tracta mai d'un afer de tanta importància.
We had never had to deal with such an important affair.
2) Tals comentaris (Comentaris semblants d'aquests) li van costar l'elecció.
Such comments cost him the election.
3) El judaisme era el primer monoteisme reconegut com a tal.
Judaism was the first monotheistic religion recognized as such.


1) Tinc tanta gana que podria menjar mig bou.
I'm so hungry I could eat half a steer.
2) Com és que els deixes associar amb gent tan menyspreable?
How is it (that) you let them go around with such contemptible people?
3) Un home tan sensible és bastant difícil de trobar.
Such a sensitive man is quite difficult to find.


1) Em va fer il·lusió presentar-los.
I was really happy to introduce them.
2) Sempre veiem amb molta il·lusió l'arribada de l'estiu.
We always really look forward to the arrival of summer.
3) Ja m'has fet fer il·lusions!
You have already made me get my hopes up.


1) (parlant d'un sofà) Aixeca, tu, aquella punta i jo aixecaré aquesta.
You lift that end and I'll lift this.
2) Hissen la bandera cada matí a trenc d'alba.
They raise the flag every morning at the break of dawn.
3) Dubto molt que t'apugin el sou.
I really doubt they're going to raise your wages.