| Dites visca!

Dites visca! A

a aixopluc
under cover, protected from the elements
a (alta hores / altes hores)
late at night, in the dead of night
a aquest efecte
for this purpose, to this end
a ca l'afartapobres
at a greasy spoon, at a second-rate inn/tavern/restaurant
a comptar des d'ara
starting now, from now on
a mà armada
armed (ex.: atracament a mà armada = armed robbery)
a no ser per
if not for, but for
a no ser que
a part d'això
besides this, apart from this
a part de
aside from
a punta (d'alba / de dia)
at the crack of dawn
a tot allargar
at (the) most, at the outside
a través de
1 across, over, through 2 by means of
a veure
I wonder; let's see, let me see
no saber ni la a
not know a thing; not know one's ass from a hole in the ground [vulg.]
abaixar el cap
1 [resignar-se] knuckle under, give in 2 [sentir vergonya] hang one's head, feel ashamed
abaixar el llistó
lower the bar
abaixar la cresta
lose courage
abaixar veles
calm down, simmer down; give way, yield a little
abaixar-se els pantalons
give in, admit defeat, buckle under, cry uncle
fer abaixar els fums a algú
take someone down a notch/peg
abans d'hora
ahead of time
abans de gaire
before long, soon, in the near future (ex.: Abans de gaire tot canviarà = Everything is going to change before long)
abans de (no) gaire
before long
abans (de tot / que res)
first of all, before anything else
abans-d'ahir l'altre
three days ago
the day before yesterday

abarrotat: abarrotat de gentcrowded

a l'abast de
within reach of
donar l'abast
no donar l'abast
not be able to cope

abatre: abatre les cartesshow one's cards, lay one's cards on the table

abillar: abillar-labe financially sound

abisme: al caire de l'abismeon the brink of ruin/disaster

abocar: abocar pel broc grosnot mince words, speak one's mind, speak right out

abonar: abonar-se als desenganysget used to disppointments

abordar: abordar els gossos aset the dogs on

abraça: qui molt abraça, poc estrenyjack of all trades, master of none

abric: a l'abric deunder cover, in the shelter of

abrivat: pujar abrivatbecome proud; act haughty, high-and-mighty

absència: brillar per la seva absènciabe conspicuous by one's absence

absoltes: cantar les absoltes — 1 give/read/administer/perform the last rites 2 consider (something) finished/ended 3 give (something) up for good

absolut: en absolut — 1 [d'una manera absoluta] certainly, without question 2 [de cap de les maneres] not at all, not by any means, no way; not by a long (shot [Am.] / chalk [Br.])

abundància: corn de l'abundànciahorn of plenty

abundor: en abundorgalore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion

abús: abús de confiançabreach of faith, betrayal of trust

acaba: tot va bé si acaba béall's well that ends well

acabalat: home acabalatman of means (ex.: Era un home acabalat, sense problemes d'índole econòmica = He was a man of means, without problems of an economic nature)

acaballes: a les acaballes — 1 in the final/closing stages, at or near the end; winding down, coming to an end 2 [moribund] at death's door

acabant: en acabat/acabantright after

acabar com Camot
come to a bad end
acabar com el ball de Torrent
end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
acabar com el rosari de l'aurora
come to a bad end, come to grief, go up in smoke
acabar com la comèdia de Falset
end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
acabar de fer el pes
1 to top it off 2 [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
acabar en punta
end badly, come to a bad end
acabar en sec
stop suddenly, come to a standstill
acabar la corda
run out of steam
acabar primer el pa que la gana
be ambitious, insatiable, rapacious
acabar-se la candela
expire the time limit, be past the deadline
no acabar de
cannot quite (ex.: No acabo d'entendre't = I cannot quite understand you.)
no poder-se/saber-se acabar una cosa
not get something through one's head; not be able to come to terms with something
per a acabar-ho d'adobar
to top it off; to make matters worse; what's more; and as if that weren't enough
per acabar
in conclusion
acabat de dir, acabat d'oferir
go in one ear and out the other
en acabat/acabant
right after
en acabat
afterwards, subsequently
s'ha acabat el bròquil!
that's it!, enough!, end of story!, it's over with!, that's all she wrote!
s’ha acabat el cafetí!
that's it!, enough is enough!, enough already!

acabats: acabats[habitatge] finishing details, finishing touches

acadèmic: expedient acadèmicacademic record

acarar: acarar-se amb la veritatface up to the truth

accent: posar l'accent enemphasize, stress, highlight, point up

posar en acció
deploy, put/bring forth, bring into play; get started/going, set in motion
promoure una acció
bring a lawsuit
ací i allà
hither and yon/thither
d'ací d'allà
back and forth, from side to side
d'ací i d'allà
everywhere, far and wide, near and far, all over the place
heus ací
[és aquest, això, etc.] here's, there's
heus ací que
[esdevenir-se] it happened that

aclapar: aclapar-se per les penesbecome weighed down with grief

aclarir: aclarir-se la veuclear one's throat

aclucar els ulls
die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
aclucar l'ull
get to sleep; [neg.] not sleep a wink
no aclucar l'ull
not sleep a wink

açò: tot açò i mésall this and more

acompanyar: acompanyar un mortattend a funeral

acompanyi: mentre la vida m'acompanyias long as I live

acompanyo: l'acompanyo en el sentimentI'm sorry for your loss; please accept my (deepest sympathy / condolences)

acontentar: de mal acontentarhard to please

arribar a un acord
reach an agreement
d'acord amb
in accordance with
all right!, OK!
de comú acord
by common consent
posar d'acord
come to an agreement
prendre l'acord de
agree to
acta de naixement
birth certificate
acta notarial
a l'acte
1 [simultàniament] at the same moment 2 [sense d'haver de marxar i tornar] while you wait
fer acte de presència
appear, show up, make an appearance, put in an appearance
actiu i passiu
assets and liabilities
en actiu
in active service

activa: per activa i passivain all possible ways

actualitat: temes d'actualitatcurrent affairs

acudir: acudir a una citakeep an appointment

acuit: jugar a l'acuitplay hide and seek

Adam: més vell que Adamas old as the hills

adés adés
constantly, all the time
ara i adés
from time to time

administració: consell d'administracióboard of directors

adob: no tenir adob — 1 [coses] be beyond repair 2 [malalties] be incurable

adobar: per a acabar-ho d'adobarto top it off; to make matters worse; what's more; and as if that weren't enough

adobat: terreny adobatfertile ground

adormir: adormir-se sobre els llorersrest on one's laurels

fer passar per l'adreçador algú
make someone (come to heel / toe the line); put someone through the wringer
passar per l'adreçador
bite the bullet, face the music, have no choice
tenir-se per advertit
be on one's guard
un home advertit en val dos
forewarned is forearmed

advocat: advocat del diabledevil's advocate

afaitaràs: demà m'afaitaràs!horsefeathers!, pull the other one (it's got bells on it)!

afarta: afarta'm i digue'm morocall me what you will so long as I get mine; laugh all the way to the bank

afartapobres: a ca l'afartapobresat a greasy spoon, at a second-rate inn/tavern/restaurant

afartar: afartar-se com un lladreeat like a horse

afegir: afegir llenya al focadd fuel to the fire, make matters worse

afegitó: d'afegitóin addition, for good measure

afinar: afinar el tretact diligently, take great pains

afluixa: afluixa!calm down!

afluixar els cordons
pay out, fork over, shell out
afluixar la bossa/mosca
pay out, fork over, shell out
afluixar les regnes
ease up/off, let up, slacken
afluixar-se de molles
fart [vulg.], pass gas/wind; cut the cheese

afluixis: potser que afluixis!you're exaggerating!; take it easy!

afores: als aforeson the outskirts

slowcoach, dawdler
anar de tres qui n'agafa quatre
go bad, become depraved, go astray

agafadors: tenir bons agafadorshave friends in high places

agafar a contrapeu
take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
agafar ales
take heart
agafar algú pel mot
take someone's word for something, take someone at their word
agafar (alguna cosa) (per la punta / pel costat) que crema
bark up the wrong tree
agafar d'improvís
take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
agafar desprevingut
take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
agafar el bou per les banyes
take the bull by the horns
agafar el camí de la porta
leave, hit the road, make tracks, take off
agafar el fil
pick up the thread
agafar el portant
leave, beat it, make tracks
agafar el rave per les fulles
take something (the wrong way / personally)
agafar el son
start to fall asleep, start to get to sleep
agafar el trabuc
head for the hills
agafar els trastets
pack up and leave/go, beat it, clear out
agafar embranzida
gather momentum
agafar en pilotes
take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
agafar fums
have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself; be on one's high horse
agafar gana
whet one's appetite
agafar in fraganti
catch red-handed
agafar la dèria de
take it into one's head to
agafar la figa pel capoll
take something (the wrong way / personally)
agafar la mona
get drunk, high, stoned, tight, loaded, plastered
agafar la paella pel mànec
take charge/control; lay down the law
agafar la vara
take control; [alcalde] take office
agafar les coses pel bon costat
to see the good side of things
agafar les regnes
take/gain/get control
agafar malament
take something wrong, become offended
agafar mania a
take a dislike to
agafar pel seu compte
take on, take (someone/something) in hand, take charge of
agafar pit
make an effort
agafar por
be afraid/frightened/scared, to fear; chicken out, turn yellow
agafar salivera
be mouth-watering
agafar tanda
wait and take one's turn
agafar un refredat
catch a cold
agafar una calipàndria
catch cold, come down with a cold
agafar una cosa a la valenta
take something (hard / to heart)
agafar una enrabiada
lose one's temper, fly into a passion, hit the ceiling, go through the roof
agafar una torradora
get drunk; tie one on
agafar volada
take on an ambitious project
agafar-s'ho de broma
take something as a joke
agafar-se els dits
lose money, have a deal go wrong/bad/south
no poder-se agafar (una cosa) ni amb pinces
be repugnant/revolting/disgusting
voler agafar (la lluna / el cel) amb les dents
want something impossible, set one's sights too high

agarrat: agarrat a la sevastubborn, pigheaded, stiff-necked

aglà: donar un aglà per fer cagar un rouregive a little in order to get a lot back

agost: fer (l'agost / el seu agost)make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business

agradable: fer-se agradableput one's best foot forward

aguait: estar a l'aguaitbe on the lookout, lie in wait

aguantar el cop/xàfec
cope, put up with, bear up, bite the bullet
aguantar l'espelma
to chaperone
aguantar-se per un fil
hang by a thread
no aguantar-se els pets
dodder, be senile, be in one's dotage
buscar/cercar una agulla en un paller
look for a needle in a haystack
no cabre-hi una agulla
full to bursting, jam-packed, very crowded, chock-a-block
posar fil a l'agulla
to get started (on something), to get working (at something)
abans-d'ahir l'altre
three days ago
the day before yesterday
ai las!
en un ai
quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
estar amb l'ai al cor
be (in suspense / sweating bullets / on pins and needles); have one's heart in one's throat
a flor d'aigua
on the surface of the water
aigua amb gas
sparkling water
aigua amunt
aigua avall
amb l'aigua (fins) al coll
in dire straits, in a jam; in deep trouble/water
anar aigua avall
go broke/bust; go belly up; go to the dogs
anar-se'n a l'aigua
fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing
boca d'aigua
fire hydrant
canviar l'aigua de les olives
answer the call of nature, take a leak
com dues gotes d'aigua
like two peas in a pod
com l'aigua de maig
like manna from heaven
espetec/ram d'aigua
downpour, cloudburst, deluge
estar com un peix a l'aigua
be in one's element/glory
fer anar l'aigua al seu molí
be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
fer retxes dins l'aigua
make an effort (in vain / fruitlessly); to spin one's wheels
fer venir a algú aigua a la boca
make one's mouth water
fer-se la boca aigua
make someone long for something
gerro/galleda d'aigua freda
setback, letdown
la sang mai es torna aigua
blood is thicker than water
més clar que l'aigua
plain as day [Am.]; plain as a pikestaff [Br.]
no trobar aigua a/al mar
be unable to do the simplest task
obrir-se una via d'aigua
spring a leak
ofegar-se/negar-se en un got d'aigua
make a mountain out of a molehill
passat per aigua
[temps] rainy, drizzly, soggy
pescar en aigua tèrbola
turn the misfortunes of others into a financial gain
pixar aigua beneita
be very devote
portar/tirar aigua al mar
carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
quedar tot en aigua de borratges
come to nothing, go to waste
ser aigua passada
be in the past; be back when
ser del ram de l'aigua
be gay/homosexual
ser l'home a l'aigua
be lost/ruined; be in the soup
tirar aigua al foc
discourage, dishearten, throw cold water on
tirar aigua al mar
carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
tirar una galleda d'aigua freda
throw/pour cold water (on); be a (killjoy / spoilsport / wet blanket)
treure el cap de l'aigua
overcome obstacles/adversity
treure'n l'aigua clara
see things clearly
via d'aigua

aigualir: aigualir la festaspoil the fun

aiguapoll: tornar-se aiguapollcome to nothing; be (fruitless / in vain / to no avail)

aiguardent: veu d'aiguardenta hoarse/raspy/gravelly voice

aigüera: el més calent és a l'aigüeranothing has been done, I haven't even started

aigües braves
fer aigües
ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
nedar entre dues aigües
play both ends against the middle
prendre les aigües
take the waters
tornar les aigües a mare
get (things) back to normal
a l'aire lliure
outdoors, in the open air
al ple aire
outdoors, in the open air
anar a prendre l'aire
take a walk/stroll, go for a walk/stroll
castells en l'aire
pie in the sky, pipe dreams
deixar algú amb el cul a l'aire
embarrass someone, bring someone up short, show someone up
en l'aire
[sense realitzar] up in the air, in abeyance, in limbo, on hold
un cop d'aire
a cold, a head cold, a chill
viure a l'aire
be shiftless, idle, laggard, slothful
viure de l'aire del cel
1 [menjar poc] eat little; eat like a bird 2 [tenir pocs recursos] live on nothing
canviar d'aires
have a change of scene
corren bons aires
things are looking up, the future seems bright
corren mals aires
there's trouble brewing
donar-se aires a
hasten to
donar-se aires
to put on airs
estar de bons aires
be in a good mood

airós: sortir airós decome through with flying colors

airosa: sortida airosagraceful exit

aixafar: aixafar la guitarrabe a wet blanket, a killjoy, a party-pooper

aixafaterrossos: aixafaterrossosclodhoppper

aixecar el colze
bend the elbow, hit the bottle
aixecar l'ànim
encourage, hearten, raise someone's spira
aixecar la camisa a algú
1 [innocentment] pull someone's leg, fool someone 2 [estafar] cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bilk, rip off
aixecar la catifa
tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
aixecar la llebre
let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, blab, blow the gaff
aixecar la sessió
adjourn the meeting
aixecar-se el dia
to clear up (the day, the weather)
alçar/aixecar al vol
1 take flight 2 sneak out/away
alçar/aixecar el vol
take wing, take to the air, soar

aixeco: aquí caic, allà m'aixecoarduously, laboriously, with difficulty

aixella: portar un pa sota l'aixellabe born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

així així
fairly well, fair to middling, as good/well as can be expected
així com
1 in the same way that, in the same way as 2 [com també] as well as
així com així
willy-nilly, unreflectively, offhandedly, just any old (which) way
així com cal
in the proper way
així i tot
even so, however, nonetheless
així mateix
likewise, furthermore; in the same way
així que
as soon as
així sia!
may it be so!
essent així
this being the case
tot i així
even so, however, nonetheless
a part d'això
besides this, apart from this
això a part
besides this, apart from this
això és
that is to say
això mateix!
exactly! yes indeed!, right on!
això pla!
not on your life!, no way!
això rai!
no problem!, no sweat!, don't worry!, that's not important!
això són altres calces
that's a horse of a different color, a different kettle of fish
amb tot (i això)
even so, all the same
fora d'això
besides this, apart from this
llevat d'això
besides this, apart from this
només faltaria això
that's all I/we/etc. need
per això
that's why (ex.: I és per això que vaig marxar corrents = And that's why I rushed off)
tornar-se'n al llit, que això és la lluna
that's it, that's all she wrote, end of story
tot i (amb) això
even so, however, nonetheless

aixopluc: a aixoplucunder cover, protected from the elements

ajeure: ajeure-s'higoof/slack off, dog it, lie down on the job

ajuda: quart i ajudahelp, rescue, deliverance

ajudant: ajudant DéuGod willing

ajudar: ajudar algú a portar la creuhelp someone through trials and tribulations

ajudeu: cames ajudeu-meas fast as I could, full speed, full tilt

ajupir: ajupir l'esquenaknuckle under, give in

ajupit: més vell que cagar ajupit [vulg.]as old as the hills

Déu ajut quan...
Lord knows when...
Déu i ajut
a huge effort

al: al rompent de l’albaat the break of day

amagar el cap sota l'ala
hide/bury one's head in the sand
amb el cap sota l'ala
daunted, intimidated
color d'ala de mosca
indeterminate color, pale gray
de cap d'ala
first-rate, first-class; top of the line, top-notch
tenir un perdigó a l'ala
have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
tocat de l'ala
weak in the head

alaba: alaba't ruc! (alaba't ruc que a fira et duc!)braggart!

alacaigut: alacaigutdespondent

a punta (d'alba / de dia)
at the crack of dawn
a trenc d'alba
at the break of day
a l'albir de
at the will of, at the mercy of
al lliure albir
freely, as one pleases

albis: estar/quedar-se en albisbe at a loss, without a clue; have one's mind go blank

dear me!, gee!, golly!, goodness gracious!
alça, Manela!
nonsense!, poppycock! rubbish!, you're pulling my leg!
tenir una gana que alça
be starving
a l'alçada de les circumstàncies
equal to the challenge, equal to the task
a l'alçada del betum
as low as can be
deixar algú a l'alçada del betum
criticize someone harshly
fer-ne de l'alçada d'un campanar
create/cause problems, make trouble; create/cause one problem after another
alçar/aixecar al vol
1 take flight 2 sneak out/away
alçar/aixecar el vol
take wing, take to the air, soar
alçar bandera
rise up, demonstrate; take up arms (figuradament)
alçar el cap
1 [espavilar-se] get a move on, get cracking 2 [salut] recover, recuperate, show improvement; get better/well, convalesce
alçar el colze
bend the elbow, hit the bottle
alçar els ulls
look up; raise one's eyes
alçar la cresta
be full of oneself
alçar la llebre
let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, blab, blow the gaff
alçar les mans al cel
raise one's hands to the sky; implore the heavens
no alçar un pam de terra
be short/pint-sized/sawed-off

alcavot: alcavot[el qui rep béns robats] fence

beure d'un alè
guzzle, chug-a-lug
fer un alè
take a rest/break/breather
perdre l'alè
lose one's breath
prendre alè
catch one's breath
prendre un alè
take a breather

alegre: alegre com (un picarol / unes castanyoles)happy as a clam/lark

alegret: pobret i alegretwithout ambition

alegria: tenir (un) goig sense alegriahave one's hopes dashed; be disappointed, frustrated

alerta: alerta!heads up!, watch it!, take heed!

agafar ales
take heart
caure les ales del cor
feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
donar ales
en ales de
[emportat per] carried away by
trencar les ales a algú
clip someone's wings

aleshores: d'aleshores ençàsince then

fer l'aleta
to flatter/court/woo
l'aleta del cor
the apple of someone's eye

alforja: dur l'alforja al collbe prepared

àlgid: punt àlgidhigh point

aliments: tranquil·litat i bons alimentspeace and quiet

haver inventat/descobert la sopa d'all
to state as a novelty what is already known to everyone; to be presumptious
més coent que un all
pretentious and uncouth
qui no té un all, té una ceba (al qui no li passa una cosa li'n passa una altra)
if it's not one thing, it's another
ací i allà
hither and yon/thither
allà dellà
in the distance
aquí caic, allà m'aixeco
arduously, laboriously, with difficulty
d'ací d'allà
back and forth, from side to side
d'ací i d'allà
everywhere, far and wide, near and far, all over the place
posar mal allà on no n'hi ha
be suspicious without cause, be distrustful
a tot allargar
at (the) most, at the outside
allargar el pas
step lively, pick up one's pace
allargar la mà
1 [estirar la mà] hold out one's hand 2 [ser caritatiu] be charitable/generous/magnanimous/open-handed
allargar més el peu que la sabata
bite off more than one can chew
no allargar gaire
be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
donar allargs
procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing (something)
donar allargues/allargs
put off, delay, defer

allargues: donar allargues/allargsput off, delay, defer

allisada: donar una allisada a algútick someone off

d'allò més bé
really well
d'allò més bo
[menjar] delicious, tasty, yummy, mouthwatering
passar-s'ho d'allò més bé
have a really good time
ser d'allò que no hi ha
be unbelievable/unheard-of/extraordinary

almoina: fer almoinagive alms/charity

a sol alt
at midday/noon; at high noon
alt com un sant Pau
tall as a tree
amb el cap ben alt
nobly, honorably
amb el front (ben) alt
holding one's head high
anar amb el cap alt
hold one's head up
d'alt rang
eminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable
passar per alt
overlook, omit
picar alt
aim high, shoot for the moon
posar alt el llistó
set the bar high
volar alt
have ambition, have a lot of get up and go
a (alta hores / altes hores)
late at night, in the dead of night
alta costura
haute couture, high fashion
anar alta (estar en zel)
be in heat
d'alta volada
eminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable
donar(-se) d'alta
join, sign up; [med.] discharge
tenir vara alta
have the whip hand, have authority

altes: a (alta hores / altes hores)late at night, in the dead of night

alto les seques!
hold on there! not so fast!
cridar l'alto a algú
warn someone to stop/halt
altra feina hi ha!
no way!, not a chance!, not on your life!
d'altra banda
on the other hand
d'altra manera
per altra part
besides; moreover, what's more
si altra cosa no
at least, if nothing else
una altra cara faria
it would be different, it would be something else again
una altra cosa fóra
it would be different, it would be something else again
una vegada i altra
again and again, repeatedly
abans-d'ahir l'altre
three days ago
anar-se'n a l'altre barri
die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
demà passat l'altre
three days from now
això són altres calces
that's a horse of a different color, a different kettle of fish
en altres bandes
elsewhere, somewhere else (ex.: Si voleu antiguitats de valor, haureu de cercar-les en altres bandes = If you want antiques that are valuable, you'll have to look elsewhere)

alts: alts i baixosups and downs

a l'altura de
1 at/on the same level as 2 at/on the same latitude as

al·ludit: donar-se per al·luditconsider oneself referred to

amagar el cap sota l'ala
hide/bury one's head in the sand
amagar l'ou
hide one's intentions, dissemble
conillets a amagar (fet i amagar)
[joc] hide and seek
tirar la pedra i amagar la mà
do damage and try to escape the consequences; hit and run
secretly, surreptitiously, stealthily, undercover, furtively
haver-hi gat amagat
there be something fishy, one smells a rat

amagatall: amagatall — 1 [coses] hiding place 2 [persones] hideout

amagatotis: d'amagat/amagatotissecretly, surreptitiously, stealthily, undercover, furtively

amagats: tenir cops amagatshave hidden talents, hidden qualities

amanit: ben amanitwell prepared, all arranged

amargura: passar els set calzes d'amarguraendure hardship, suffer misfortune

amarres: amollar les amarresloosen one's bonds

aigua amb gas
sparkling water
amb que
as/so long as
amb tot (i això)
even so, all the same
no poder anar ni amb rodes
be useless/good-for-nothing/worthless
no poder-se agafar (una cosa) ni amb pinces
be repugnant/revolting/disgusting

ambages: sense ambagesfrankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush

àmbit: en l'àmbit dein the field/province/purview of

en un sant-i-amén
quickly, fast; in no time
escolà d'amén
sycophant, bootlicker, doormat, brownnoser
escolans d'amén
cohorts, collaborators; sycophants

americana: cinta americanaduct tape

amèriques: fer les amèriques — 1 get rich, make a killing, strike it rich, hit the jackpot 2 travel extensively

ametller: secret de l'ametlleropen secret

amic: amic de l'ànimasoul mate

amics: cara de pocs amicslooking hostile, unfriendly, angry

fer-se amo de
seize, take possession of
l'amo nou tot ho remou
a new broom sweeps clean (ex.: El nou president diu que ja no serà "el mateix de sempre": l'amo nou tot ho remou! = The new president says it will no longer be "business as usual": this new broom is going to sweep clean!)

amollar: amollar les amarresloosen one's bonds

amor a primera vista
love at first sight
amor de germà, amor de ca
love among family members is not always deep
amor sobtat
love at first sight
fer l'amor
to make love
l'amor amb amor es paga
one good turn deserves another
pensar en l'amor de les tres taronges
build castles in (the air / Spain)
tocar l'amor propi
touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve

amoretes: fer amoretescome on to (ex.: M'estranya veure el meu pare fer amoretes amb la tieta Carol = It is strange for me to see my father coming on to Aunt Carol)

ampla: de (la) màniga amplaoverpermissive

anar ample a algú
[feina] be beyond someone, be too much for someone
de ca l'ample
huge, enormous, whopping, giant, great big
quedar-se tan ample
act nonchalant, be oblivious, act as if nothing has happened
venir/anar ample a algú
[feina] be beyond someone, be too much for someone

ampolla: beure a broc d'ampolladrink a jet of wine, water, etc.

ampolles: bufar i fer ampolleseasy as pie, a piece of cake, like falling off a log, like shooting fish in a barrel, like stealing candy from a baby

aigua amunt
amunt i avall
back and forth; hither and thither, from pillar to post
amunt i crits!
let's go!, come on!, full steam ahead!; take courage!, chin up!, take heart!, buck up!
boca per amunt
face up
cap per amunt
right side up
en amunt
[edat] and over
bitllet d'anada i tornada
round-trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
bitllet d'anada
one-way ticket [Am.]; single ticket [Br.]
anant malament
at worst
anant molt bé
at best
anar-hi anant
get by/along, make ends meet
ja hi estem anant
we'd better hurry

anants: anants i vinentspassers-by

anar a bacs
laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
anar a can Felip
relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
anar a comprar
go shopping
anar a costura
go to little girls' school
anar (a dormir / al llit) com les gallines
go to bed with the chickens
anar a estones
be changeable/inconstant/unpredictable
anar a fer la mà
go to hell [vulg.], go to the devil
anar a fer punyetes/gàrgares
[generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
anar a fons
[una nau, un negoci] go under, go bankrupt, fail, founder
anar a l'encalç d'algú
be in hot pursuit of someone
anar a l'hora
[rellotge] keep time
anar a l'orsa
1 [navegar] to luff 2 [anar malament] go to rack/wrack and ruin
anar a l'una
band/join/link together, join forces, become one
anar a la deriva
go adrift, go astray, go off-course
anar a la fresca
wear few clothes
anar a la saga de
go in pursuit of
anar a la segura
carefully, warily, prudently; without taking any risks
anar a la seva
do whatever one feels like, do one's own thing; watch out for number one
anar a la vela
be three sheets to the wind
anar a la ventura
go haphazardly, willy-nilly
anar a llengües de la gent
be the subject of malicious gossip
anar a menys
come down in the world
anar a més
make headway, advance, gain ground
anar a pams
proceed in an orderly, meticulous fashion
anar a parar
1 [acabar] end up, wind up 2 [al·ludir] to mean, to drive at (ex.: on vols anar a parar? = what are you driving at?)
anar a passeig
go for a walk
anar a pastar fang
[generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
anar a plaça
go grocery shopping
anar a prendre l'aire
take a walk/stroll, go for a walk/stroll
anar a preu fet
be/go in a hurry, in a rush
anar a raure a
head to; end up in/at
anar a sou
to be hired
anar a tornes
retaliate; get (back at / even with) someone
anar a totes
go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
anar a veure el senyor Roca
go to the bathroom/restroom; see a man about a dog
anar aigua avall
go broke/bust; go belly up; go to the dogs
anar al baix
hit the skids, go to (the dogs / seed)
anar al capdavant
lead the way
anar al cel de les oques
go where those who don't believe in God go after death
anar al davant
be ahead, lead the way
anar al gra
come to the point, get down to business, get down to brass tacks
anar al pèl
be a perfect fit, fill the bill, be just what the doctor ordered
anar al pic
sink; go under/down, go to the bottom
anar (al tall / per feina)
get to work
anar alta (estar en zel)
be in heat
anar amb compte/ull
be careful, take care, watch out, beware
anar amb el cap alt
hold one's head up
anar amb mitges tintes
beat around/about the bush, hedge, not get to the point
anar ample a algú
[feina] be beyond someone, be too much for someone
anar bé
1 [anar pel bon camí] go the right way 2 [escaure] suit, fit, look well on
anar blau
be dead/flat broke
anar cadascú pel seu costat/vent
go one's separate ways, go off in different directions
anar calent
be randy, horny, hot to trot, turned on
anar calent d'orella
be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
anar carregat amb bala
be loaded for bear
anar carregat de front
be a cuckold
anar coix
be lacking/wanting; fall short; not be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
anar com arengades al barril
be packed like sardines
anar com l'anell al dit
be a perfect fit, fill the bill, be just what the doctor ordered
anar com un trabuquet
run like a (top / Swiss watch)
anar com una seda
go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
anar conill
go naked; be in the buff, in one's birthday suit
anar contra corrent
go against the grain, be at odds with
anar (cua dreta / cuadret)
be self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up
anar curt
be low on funds, feel the pinch
anar d'Herodes a Pilat
get the runaround
anar darrere d'algú amb un pa calent
be hopeless; be too late to change anything; nothing is able to be done
anar de/a mal borràs
go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
anar de baixa
decline, suffer a reverse, decrease in importance, become less popular
anar de bo en millor
get better and better
anar de bòlit
1 act recklessly, carelessly, heedlessly 2 be hectically busy
anar de bona fe
act in good faith
anar de borina
go on a spree/binge, go carousing
anar de braçet
go arm in arm
anar de caiguda
decline, get worse, go downhill
anar de calces
relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
anar de cara al gra
get down to (business / brass tacks)
anar de corcoll
1 have a hard/tough/difficult time, be troubled, be disturbed 2 go belly up, go broke/bust
anar de cul
be hectically busy
anar de cul per terra
come down in the world
anar de festa
go out on the town
anar de gambirot
trip up, stumble; flail about/around, flounder
anar de la Seca a la Meca
run around all over the place
anar de llarg
(take / go on / last) a long time
anar de mà en mà
go from hand to hand
anar de mal en pitjor
go from bad to worse
anar de morros per terra
fall headfirst, fall on one's face
anar de part
be in labor, give birth
anar de pet a
make a beeline for
anar de poc
have a close call/shave, a near thing, a narrow escape
anar de puntetes
to tiptoe
anar de recules
walk/go backwards
anar de ronda
take a walk/stroll
anar de tort
stagger, weave, wobble, totter
anar de tres qui n'agafa quatre
go bad, become depraved, go astray
anar de trompis
fall on one's face, fall flat
anar de vega
go on a spree/binge, go carousing
anar de ventre
have a bowel movement, defecate
anar de verbes
to kid (ex.: no fa mal, anar de verbes de tant en tant = there's nothing wrong with kidding from time to time)
anar dur/restret
be constipated
anar el carro pel pedregar
go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
anar en dansa
in action, functional, operating
anar en el cavall de sant Francesc
go on foot
anar endreçat
be all spruced up
anar errat de comptes
be mistaken, off the beam, wide of the mark
anar escanyat
be hard up; be in need; be short (on time, on money)
anar fent
get by/along/on, make ends meet, muddle through
anar fent, com en Met de Ribes
things could be better
anar fi
to run/perform well
anar fluix d'armilla
be low on funds, feel the pinch
anar fora de camí
be on the wrong track
anar fort d'armilla
be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
anar fort en
be good at
anar gat/mau
be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
anar granat
be flush/loaded (ex.: Tu sí que vas granat = You really are flush/loaded)
anar just (de)
be lacking, be short on
anar la processó per dins
suffer in silence
anar lluny d'osques
be mistaken, off the beam, wide of the mark
anar mal dades
go through hard times, have hard times hit
anar massa lluny
get out of hand
anar molt deixat
to dress shabbily
anar peix
be ignorant
anar pel mal camí
be on the wrong track
anar (per a tu) el pollastre
it's your funeral; this is your affair
anar per bon camí
be on the right track
anar per les seves
go one's own way, without regard to others
anar per llana i tornar esquilat/tos
become the victim of one's own scam
anar per llarg
take a while
anar per nota
stand out, be prominent; attract attention
anar per parts
organize, make plans, methodize, arrange, ascertain
anar per portes
go to pot, go to rack/wrack and ruin
anar per terra
fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing
anar pet
be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
anar pitof
be tipsy
anar que ni pintat
to fit (perfectly / like a glove)
anar rabent
to hurry, be in a rush
anar sobre rodes
go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
anar sobre segur
not take any chances; play it safe; be overly cautious
anar tallant del tros
going through (consuming) one's wealth; living off one's capital
anar tirant de la rifeta
live the life of Riley
anar tirant
get by/along/on, make ends meet, muddle through
anar tort
to limp
anar tots a una
band together, close ranks, join forces, pull together
anar tou
feel/be under the weather
anar veles desplegades
go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
anar (vent) en popa
go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
anar venut
[falta d'experiència] be green, inexperienced, inexpert
anar-hi anant
get by/along, make ends meet
anar-hi la pell
risking one's life
anar-hi la vida
be in mortal danger, risk one's life
anar-se'n a can Pistraus
go to rack/wrack and ruin, go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]
anar-se'n a l'aigua
fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing
anar-se'n a l'altre barri
die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
anar-se'n a la francesa
1 leave without saying goodbye 2 [mil.] take French leave
anar-se'n a la merda [vulg.]
go to the dogs; go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]; go to rack and ruin; decay
anar-se'n a la pífia
go up in smoke, come to nothing, fail
anar-se'n a terra
1 go downhill, go to the dogs 2 be fruitless, be in vain
anar-se'n al calaix
kick the bucket, give up the ghost
anar(-se'n) al canyet
1 [morir] die, pass away, breathe one's last, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, buy the farm, cash in one's chips 2 [fracassar] fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing
anar-se'n al cel
go broke/bankrupt; go out of business; go belly up [Am.]
anar(-se'n) al clot
die; kick the bucket, buy the farm, go west
anar-se'n al llit
go to bed
anar-se'n amb les mans al cap
have things (go wrong / turn out badly)
anar-se'n amb les mans plenes
go off with a lot
anar-se'n de la boca
run off at the mouth; blab
anar-se'n de la llengua
to let slip, to blab; let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans
anar-se'n en fum
come to nothing, go to waste
anar-se'n en orri(s)
go to rack/wrack and ruin, go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]
anar-se'n en raons
beat around/about the bush
anar-se'n per la tangent
go off on a tangent, change the subject
anar-se'n tot per les bardisses
to waste money uselessly
anar-se-li'n la mà
overdo it, go overboard, go too far
bitllet d'anar i tornar
round trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
d'anar per casa
shabby, second-rate, two-bit
deixar-se anar
1 [abandonar] let oneself go, grow unkempt, get untidy, become disheveled 2 [desprendre's] let go, become disconnected 3 [desinhibir-se] cut/let loose, let one's hair down 4 [relaxar-se] relax, take it easy, ease off
fer anar
[fer funcionar] run (ex.: Com fas anar aquest torn? = How do you run this lathe?)
fer anar algú com una baldufa
dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place)
fer anar algú com una pilota
give someone the runaround
fer anar dret algú
make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
fer anar l'aigua al seu molí
be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
fer anar pel mal camí
to lead astray
haver-hi molts camins per anar a Roma
there be more than one way to skin a cat
més vell que l'anar a peu
as old as the hills
no anar amb embuts
not mince words, speak one's mind, lay it on the line
no anar bé del tupí
have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
no anar enlloc
1 [no conduir a res] make no difference, be of no importance, be irrellevant 2 [no ser bo per a res] be good-for-nothing, useless, worthless
no es pot repicar i anar a la processó
you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
no poder anar ni amb rodes
be useless/good-for-nothing/worthless
sense anar més lluny
for example/instance
vendre la casa i anar a lloguer
give it up as a bad deal, bow out, give up the ship; go out of business

àncores: llevar àncoresleave, clear out, make tracks, take off; [lit.] weigh anchor

andola: córrer l'andolabum around

ànec: fer l'ànecdie; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm

anar com l'anell al dit
be a perfect fit, fill the bill, be just what the doctor ordered
venir com l'anell al dit
be just the thing, just what the doctor ordered

anells: sense caure els anellswithout making a big deal about it

anem a pams!
first things first!, one thing at a time!, let's think about this a bit!, let's not rush into this!
com anem?
how are you doing?, how's it going?

àngel: àngel de la guardaguardian angel

Àngela: Àngela! (o Àngela Maria!)that's right!, right on!

angelets: somiar amb els angeletshave sweet dreams

àngels: cantar-hi els àngelsbe mouthwatering/delicious/delectable/exquisite; be fit for a king

angoixa: en l'angoixa de la mortin the throes of death

anguila: com una anguilaslippery, slithery, hard to hold

angular: pedra angularcornerstone

angúnia: fer angúniadisgust, sicken, nauseate

anhels: tenir anhels deto long for

ànim: aixecar l'ànimencourage, hearten, raise someone's spira

amb tota l'ànima
body and soul
amic de l'ànima
soul mate
ànima de càntir
simpleton, dolt, blockhead
arribar a l'ànima
carry away, move (to tears), affect deeply
caure l'ànima als peus
feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
en cos i ànima
body and soul
exhalar l'ànima
give up the ghost
lliurar l'ànima a Déu
meet one's maker
mala ànima
1 [criminal] delinquent, blackguard, bad actor, hoodlum, criminal, thug 2 [persona de mals sentiments] scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch 3 [qualitat] malevolence, malice, ill will
ni una ànima
not a soul
retre l'ànima a Déu
give up the ghost, meet one's Maker
una ànima en pena
a lost soul

anissos: i van ser feliços i van menjar anissosand they lived happily ever after

anit: despús-anitthe night before last

eminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable
tenir bona anomenada
have a good reputation

ansa: donar ansa a algúgive someone a chance

antecedents: antecedents[criminal] a record

anticipades: eleccions anticipadessnap election(s)

antiga: a l'antigain an old-fashioned way, in olden times

first of all, to begin with, before anything else
de bell/primer antuvi
first of all, to begin with, before anything else

anvers: a l'anverson the front, on the top

any de traspàs
leap year
any nou, vida nova
the New Year brings a fresh start
cap d'any
New Year's Day
cara de bon any
looking healthy
caure l'any tal dia
fall due
de l'any vuit
from long ago
fer/tenir cara de bon any
look pleased, delighted, contented
l'any (de la picor / de Maria Castanya / de xeix / d'en Quinze)
long ago, in times past, never
la nit de cap d'any
New Year's Eve
no fer cap any de tretze mesos
be fickle, unreliable, inconstant, capricious
qui dia passa, any empeny
1 by resolving small everyday problems, longterm problems can be resolved 2 in the long run we'll have to deal with problems we try to ignore in the present
ser de l'any vuit
be old-fashioned
tal dia farà un any
it's nothing to get excited about, it leaves me cold, I couldn't care less
treure el ventre de mal any
eat well after having fasted
anys i panys
a long time, years on end, years and years
carregat d'anys
decrepit, old and feeble
entrar en anys
get old
entrat en anys
elderly, long in the tooth
fa anys i panys
long, long ago
fer els anys
have a birthday
home d'anys
oldster, elderly man, old-timer
no hi ha mal que cent anys duri
time heals all wounds
per molts anys!
happy birthday!; many happy returns!
portar bé els anys
not show one's age; appear younger than one is
posar anys
get old/older
un grapat d'anys
a long time

apa: apa!let's go!, up and at 'em!, come on!

apamat: tenir apamatbe completely familiar with

apanya: apanya't com puguis!do what you can!, manage as best you can!

apanyar: apanyar-se amb el que hi hato make do with what's available

apanyi: que s'apanyi!that's his lookout!

les aparences enganyen
appearances are deceiving
salvar les aparences
save face, keep up appearances

aplanador: passar algú per l'aplanadorintimidate someone, bring someone to heel

aplanar: aplanar les costuresbeat/hit with a stick

aprendre de cor
learn by heart
aprendre de lletra
learn to read

aprenentatge: pagar l'aprenentatgelearn the hard way

aprofitar l'avinentesa
take advantage of the opportunity
aprofitar la circumstància
(take advantage / make the most) of the opportunity/situation

apuntar: en apuntar el diaat the break of day

com aquell que (no fa) res
playing dumb, pretending not to understand
com aquell qui res
playing dumb, pretending not to understand
encara com aquell
it might be all right
fer com aquell
dissemble, put on a false front, fake, put on an act

aquella: d'aquella manera — 1 after a fashion 2 [salut] as well as can be expected

aquest: a aquest efectefor this purpose, to this end

amb aquesta finalitat
for this purpose, to this end
aquesta sí que és bona
that's too bad!, dear me!, that will never do!
aquí caic, allà m'aixeco
arduously, laboriously, with difficulty
d'aquí a poc temps
in a little while
no venir d'aquí
not matter, not be important
per aquí a la vora
around here, nearby, close-at-hand
per aquí al voltant
around here, nearby, close-at-hand
puja aquí dalt!
don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
vet aquí
[és aquest, això, etc.] here's, there's
vet aquí que
[esdevenir-se] it happened that
a comptar des d'ara
starting now, from now on
a hores d'ara
by now, at the moment, at this point
ara bé
now then, however; then again
ara com/per ara
at/for the moment, just/for now
ara hi corro!
don't hold your breath!
ara i adés
from time to time
ara i sempre
now and forever/always
ara mateix
right now
ara o suara
at one time or another
ara per naps, ara per cols
if not for one thing, then another; for one thing or another
ara pla!
that's too bad!, dear me!, that will never do!
ara que ho dius
now that you mention it
ara si mai
now or never
com ara plouen figues!
when pigs fly!; not at all!, not by any means!, no way!; not by a long (shot! [Am.] / chalk! [Br.])
com ara
such as
com és ara
for example
d'ara endavant
from now on
encara ara
even now; still
i ara!
1 [sorpresa] what on earth?, what the heck?, what the hell? [vulg.], what the fuck? [tabú] 2 [reprovació] come off it!, no way!, not on your life!
no pas per ara
not at the moment
o ara o mai
now or never

arada: passar l'arada davant els bousput the cart before the horse

matar l'aranya
kill time
ser aranya de forat
withdrawn, antisocial, unsociable

Arbeca: baixar d'Arbecabe in the dark, be out of touch

arbitri: lliure arbitrifree will

arbres: criar-se com els arbres de la ramblagrow up wild

arc: arc de sant Martírainbow

ardent: capella ardentfuneral chapel

baixar a l'arena
enter the fray
clot d'arena
boozer, lush, dipsomaniac, sot
llaurar en arena
to flog a dead horse

arengades: anar com arengades al barrilbe packed like sardines

ares: en ares defor the sake of

arestes: llimar arestespour oil on troubled waters, work to reduce tensions, attempt to calm a problematic situation

argent: argent viulive wire, go-getter

armada: a mà armadaarmed (ex.: atracament a mà armada = armed robbery)

armar sarau
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
armar un rebombori/sagramental/tol·le-tol·le
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
armar-se de valor
pluck/gather up one's courage

armari: sortir de l'armaricome out of the closet

armat: armat fins a les dentsarmed to the teeth

a les armes!
to arms!
vetllar les armes
stick to one's guns
anar fluix d'armilla
be low on funds, feel the pinch
anar fort d'armilla
be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
folrat d'armilla
rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
més curt que una màniga d'armilla
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
tenir l'armilla malalta
be low on funds, feel the pinch

arna: més viu que l'arnasmart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted

fer córrer l'arpa
steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
tocar l'arpa
steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with

arquet: fer l'arquethinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct

arrambar: arrambar-se aget close to, approach

arrambatges: tenir mals arrambatgeshave a bad temper

arran: arran de — 1 [gairebé tocant a] level/flush with; almost touching 2 [a causa de] because of, by dint of

arranjaré: ja t'arranjaré!I'll get you!

arrapa: d'arrapa i fuigspur-of-the-moment, off the cuff, playing it by ear, shooting from the hip

arraps: a arrapscarelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way

arregli: que s'arregli!let him shift for himself!

arrels: posar arrelstake root; settle down

arrencar: arrencar-se els cabellstear one's hair

arreplegats: quatre arreplegatsa bunch of goofballs

arreu arreu
everywhere, everyplace
de tot arreu
everywhere, far and wide, near and far, all over the place
(pertot / per tot) arreu
everywhere, everyplace

arreveure: donar l'arreveure asay goodbye to

arriba: fins on la vista arribaas far as the eye can see

arribada: d'arribadafirst of all, to begin with, before anything else

arribar a bon port
be successful, bear fruit, turn out well
arribar a final de mes
make ends meet (ex.: És difícil que arribin al final de mes = It's hard for them to make ends meet)
arribar a l'ànima
carry away, move (to tears), affect deeply
arribar a les mans
come to blows
arribar a misses dites
be late
arribar a un acord
reach an agreement
arribar al cim
reach the top
arribar al cor
be touching/moving
arribar al cor de la ceba
get to the heart of the matter
arribar/estar a les tres pedretes
be in dire straits; be at death's door
arribar i moldre
get something done quickly; no fuss, no muss; in and out in no time
arribar lluny
succeed, go far, do well, get ahead, move up in the world
arribar poc enllà
be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
no arribar a la sola de la sabata d'algú
be clearly inferior to someone, not be anywhere near as good as someone
no arribar ni al serrell de la faixa
be incapable; not be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])

arribat: ha arribat l'horathe time has come

arriben: brams d'ase no pugen/arriben al celnobody listens to a donkey bray; you're talking through your hat

arribi: arribi el que arribicome what may

arribista: arribistaJohnny-come-lately

arribo: si ho arribo a saberif I had known it

arrisca: qui no s'arrisca, no piscanothing ventured, nothing gained

bartering, haggling, dickering
give and take, compromise
fer l'estira-i-arronsa
barter, haggle, dicker
arronsar-se d'espatlles
ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
arronsar-se el melic
be afraid/frightened/scared, to fear; chicken out, turn yellow
arronsar-se les espatlles
shrug one's shoulders

arrop: dolç com l'arropsweet as honey

sense pagar
mosca hi ha en l'arròs
there's something fishy going on
arrossegar pel fang
drag through the mud
arrossegar-se als peus d'algú
to humble oneself before someone
arrossegar-se com un cuc
to act cravenly/obsequiously/submissively
arrufar el nas
frown, scowl; look askance, knit one's brow; turn up one's nose
arrufar les celles
frown, knit one's brows

art: no tenir ni art ni part ennot be at all affected by, have nothing to do with, not be any of one's business (ex.: en aquest assumpte no hi tinc ni art ni part = I'm not at all affected by this affair, this affair has nothing to do with me, this affair is none of my business)

arts: males artstrickery, guile

as: as a la mànigaace in the hole

ase magre, ple de puces/nafres
bad luck plagues the unfortunate
brams d'ase no pugen/arriben al cel
nobody listens to a donkey bray; you're talking through your hat
l'ase va davant
age before beauty
menjar el pa de l'ase
live off of someone; to sponge/mooch/freeload
no dir ni ase ni bèstia a algú
not greet someone, to cut/snub someone
no haver vist cap ase volar
not have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot
sense dir ni ase ni bèstia
without so much as a word
ser l'ase dels cops
be the butt, the object of ridicule
un tros d'ase
a blockhead/bonehead/dolt/nitwit/numbskull/simpleton

aspiracions: omplir les aspiracions d'algúfulfill someone's wishes, gratify someone

assabentat: donar-se per assabentatacknowledge

assaig: assaig generaldress rehearsal

assegurances: corredor d'assegurancesinsurance broker

assegurar: assegurar el tretbe sure of obtaining one's objective

asseguro: t'ho asseguro!I swear!, I promise/assure you!

assegut: esperar assegutnot hold one's breath (ex.: Pots esperar assegut = Don't hold your breath)

asseguts: conèixer els coixos assegutssee through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something

assemblar: assemblar-se com un ou a una castanyabe completely unlike, dissimilar

assentar: assentar el capsettle down

assenyalar: assenyalar amb el ditpoint out, call/draw attention to

assetjament: assetjament sexualsexual harassment

assolellada: bleda assolelladaninny, twit, turkey, silly goose

atac d'epilèpsia
epileptic fit
atac de cor
heart attack
atac de nervis
fit of hysterics

atacar: atacar els nervisget on someone's nerves; annoy, aggravate, nettle

cridar l'atenció
1 [advertir, remarcar] warn; call someone's attention to something 2 [significar-se] stand out 3 [presumir] show off, put on airs, blow one's own horn
fer atenció a
pay attention to; [neg.] be careful not to
posar/prestar atenció a
pay attention to, take notice of, heed

atiar: atiar el focfan the flames; stir up trouble

atipar: atipar-se com un lladreeat like a horse

atorador: no tenir atoradorgo non-stop

fer atots
play trumps
haver fet atots
be exhausted, be all/done in; be out on one's feet

atraccions: parc d'atraccionsamusement park

aturada: aturada cardiorespiratòriacardiac arrest

atxes: endavant les atxes!full steam ahead!, let's get on with it!

atxim: atximachoo, ah-choo

a l'atzar
at random
confiar en l'atzar
trust to luck, leave to chance, trust in providence
joc d'atzar
game of chance
per atzar
by chance

au: au! — 1 [incitar] come on!, let's go!, up and at 'em! 2 [asserenar] there, there 3 [dubte] nonsense!, rubbish!, baloney!

auca: fer tots els papers de l'auca — 1 [servir per a tot] wear more than one hat, be a jack of all trades 2 [cercar la conveniència pròpia] be a weathercock

aurora: acabar com el rosari de l'auroracome to a bad end, come to grief, go up in smoke

autor: drets d'autorcopyright

aigua avall
amunt i avall
back and forth; hither and thither, from pillar to post
anar aigua avall
go broke/bust; go belly up; go to the dogs
avall, que fa baixada
come on! let's get going! onward and upward! let's get a move on!
boca per avall
face down
cap per avall
upside down
en avall
[edat] and under
passar avall
disappear, die out
passar Bòria avall
go through hard times
tenir coll avall
have (something) in the bag, be able to count (on something) (ex.: Sembla que la independència la tenim coll avall = It seems that we have independence in the bag)
tirar barres avall
tell it like it is, let someone have it, jump down (someone's) throat
tirar coll avall
gulp down
tirar trona avall
call the banns

avançada: a l'avançadain advance

avenir-se a raons
listen to reason
no saber avenir-se'n
be baffled/puzzled/dumbfounded; be up a stump; not to be able to get over something

aventura: a l'aventuraat random

averany: mal averanybad omen

avergonyeix: avergonyeix-te!shame on you!

àvia: no tenir àviabe full of oneself, be swell-headed

aviat és dit
easier said than done
com més aviat millor
the sooner the better
com més aviat
the sooner
fins aviat!
see you later!
més aviat
1 [probablement] more likely 2 [més exactament] more exactly

àvid: àvid de sangbloodthirsty

avinent de
near, close to
fer avinent

avinentesa: aprofitar l'avinentesatake advantage of the opportunity

avis: rara avismaverick, oddball, odd bird; exception to the rule

avorrir: avorrir-se com una ostrabe bored stiff

avui (en) dia
avui fos i demà festa!
let's hope so! may it be so!
avui per demà
overnight, suddenly, without warning
d'avui a demà
suddenly, all of a sudden; peremptorily, at short notice
d'avui en quinze
in two weeks, two weeks from now; in a fortnight
d'avui en vuit
a week from now
d'avui endavant
from now on
durar d'avui a demà
not last long
el dia d'avui
tal dia com avui
on this date (ex.: Tal dia com avui de 1926 va morir Antoni Gaudí = On this date in 1926, Antoni Gaudí died) | Dites visca!