Dites visca!
Dites visca! B
b: sigui per a o per b — for whatever reason
babalà: a la babalà — carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
babarotes: fer babarotes a algú — cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
bacallà: tallar el bacallà — rule the roost, be in control, have the last word, have the final say
bacs: anar a bacs — laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- badall
- fer el darrer badall
- give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh
- fer l'últim badall
- die; breathe one's last, give up the ghost
- fer un badall
- to yawn
- badar
- badar uns ulls com uns salers
- be all eyes
- no badar boca
- not say a word, keep quiet/silent, clam up
- no val a badar
- be on the alert, be on guard; be on the (lookout / qui vive)
badis: no badis! — be careful, don't get distracted
bags: check one's bags — facturar les maletes
- baix
- a baix preu
- low cost
- a baix!
- down with!
- anar al baix
- hit the skids, go to (the dogs / seed)
- baix de sostre
- dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
- baix-baixet
- whispering; saying softly, under one's breath
- cap baix
- despondent, forlorn
- cop baix
- low blow
- de baix en baix
- in a whisper, sotto voce, murmured, quietly
- mirar algú de dalt a baix
- look someone up and down
- orella baix
- timid, timorous, pusillanimous
- pel cap baix
- at the least
- saber una cosa de dalt a baix
- know something inside out
- baixa
- a hora baixa
- at dusk, in the evening
- a la baixa
- lower
- anar de baixa
- decline, suffer a reverse, decrease in importance, become less popular
- de baixa estofa
- [coses] low quality; [persones] coarse, vulgar, low-class
- de baixa
- on sick leave; out sick [Am.]
- donar de baixa
- remove from a list or group, eliminate, dismiss, dispense with; [med.] give sick leave (to)
- gent de baixa estofa/mà
- rabble, riff-raff; people of low birth
baixada: avall, que fa baixada — come on! let's get going! onward and upward! let's get a move on!
- baixar
- baixar a l'arena
- enter the fray
- baixar bandera
- knuckle under, back down, admit defeat
- baixar d'Arbeca
- be in the dark, be out of touch
- baixar de l'hort
- be in the dark, be out of touch
- baixar de to
- lose intensity, become less arrogant/hostile
- baixar del burro
- be willing to compromise, to come to an agreement, to adapt
- baixar del cel
- come as a godsend, be manna from heaven
- baixar per l'altra banda
- [menjar] go down the wrong way
baixet: baix-baixet — whispering; saying softly, under one's breath
baixos: alts i baixos — ups and downs
- bala
- anar carregat amb bala
- be loaded for bear
- bala perduda
- 1 stray shot 2 [persona] good-for-nothing
- com una bala
- like a shot, like greased lightning, in a flash
balaga: baliga-balaga — flake, goof, ninny, nitwit, scatterbrain
balança: fer caure la balança — settle, resolve, be the deciding factor
balançada: fer la balançada — tip the scales
balba: mosca balba — hypocrite, wolf in sheep's clothing
baldat: deixar baldat — beat up, thrash, batter
baldor: a balquena/baldor — galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
baldraga: de baldraga — for free; not paying one's share
baldufa: fer anar/ballar/voltar algú com una baldufa — dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place)
bales: cosir a bales — gun down, bump off
baliga: baliga-balaga — flake, goof, ninny, nitwit, scatterbrain
- ball
- acabar com el ball de Torrent
- end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
- ball d'etiqueta
- ball, formal dance
- ball de bastons
- fight, skirmish, brawl, scrap
- ball de patacada
- low-class shindig/shindy/blowout
- som al ball i hem de ballar
- one has to make the best of a bad situation
- the ball is in your court
- Has de moure fitxa
balla: dur la balla — make (a scene / waves)
- ballar
- ballar amb un peu
- jump for joy, be delighted
- ballar de capoll
- have a hard/tough/difficult time, be troubled, be disturbed
- ballar de coroneta
- strive, do one's utmost, knock oneself out
- ballar pel cap
- 1 [recordar vagament] seem to remember/recall 2 [pensar] have in mind, entertain the idea, mull over
- ballar per un peu
- be elated/delighted/thrilled; be tickled pink
- ballar segons el so
- adapt to the circumstances, roll with the punches
- ballar-la grassa
- live high off/on the hog; be well off, flush, loaded, rich
- ballar-la
- have had it, be done for, be sunk; one's goose is cooked
- ballar-la magra
- go through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent
- ballar-ne més que no en toquen
- go overboard, overdo
- fer anar/ballar/voltar algú com una baldufa
- dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place)
- fer ballar algú
- dominate someone, order someone around, have someone under one's thumb
- fer ballar el cap a algú
- make someone's head swim
- fer ballar el paraigua (a algú)
- to rattle/befuddle someone (ex.: Totes aquestes explicacions em fan ballar el paraigua = All these explanations rattle me)
- fer ballar la barretina
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- som al ball i hem de ballar
- one has to make the best of a bad situation
ballen: ells canten i ballen sols — they can get along on their own
ballmanetes: fer ballmanetes — play patty-cake
balquena: a balquena/baldor — galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
- banc
- de peu de banc
- baseless, groundless, unfounded
- pegat en un banc
- useless solution, futile attempt, wasted effort
banca: fer saltar la banca — break the bank
bancarota: fer bancarota — go wrong, go to the dogs
- banda
- a banda a banda
- on both sides
- a banda
- apart, to one side, off to the side
- baixar per l'altra banda
- [menjar] go down the wrong way
- banda sonora
- sound track
- d'altra banda
- on the other hand
- d'una banda a l'altra
- from one place to another, all around, from one side to another
- de banda a banda
- from one side to another, completely
- deixar de banda
- set aside, pass over, leave out
- tancar-se en banda
- adopt an obstinate, uncompromising position
- bandera
- alçar bandera
- rise up, demonstrate; take up arms (figuradament)
- baixar bandera
- knuckle under, back down, admit defeat
- plantar la bandera
- take over, seize, take control (of), comandeer, usurp
- portar la bandera
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- banderes
- a banderes desplegades
- in the open, without reserve
- plegar banderes
- give up (the ship), bail/bow/drop out
- bandes
- a totes bandes
- all around, far and wide, near and far
- en altres bandes
- elsewhere, somewhere else (ex.: Si voleu antiguitats de valor, haureu de cercar-les en altres bandes = If you want antiques that are valuable, you'll have to look elsewhere)
bany: bany maria — water bath
banya: ficar la banya (en un forat) — dig in one's heels, refuse to submit; be mulish, pigheaded, stiff-necked
banyar: banyar-se el cul — take a chance, run a risk
- banyes
- agafar el bou per les banyes
- take the bull by the horns
- entre les banyes d'un toro
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- portar banyes
- have been (cuckolded / cheated on / betrayed)
- posar banyes
- cuckold (una dona a l'home); commit adultery
- trencar-se les banyes
- make an effort, strain; knock oneself out
banzam: banzim-banzam — wobbling, swaying, undulating
banzim: banzim-banzam — wobbling, swaying, undulating
baqueta: tractar a baqueta — treat severely/harshly
baquetes: passar per les baquetes — run the gauntlet
barat: allò barat surt car — what's cheap ends up being expensive
barata: a barata de — in exchange for
barb: com un barb en un rostoll — like a fish out of water, like a square peg in a round hole,
- barba
- barba a barba
- face to face
- fer-se la barba d'or
- make a fortune, make a bundle
- mentir per la barba
- lie shamelessly; lie like a rug
- per barba
- a head, per person
- posar la barba a remullar
- prepare oneself, make/get ready
Bàrbara: no recordar-se de Santa Bàrbara fins que trona — be ungrateful, unappreciative
barbes: a les barbes d'algú — right under someone's nose
- barca
- bon vent i barca nova!
- good riddance!
- bon vent i bona barca!
- good luck!
bardisses: anar-se'n tot per les bardisses — to waste money uselessly
barliqui: barliqui-barloqui — flake, goof, ninny, nitwit, scatterbrain
barloqui: barliqui-barloqui — flake, goof, ninny, nitwit, scatterbrain
- barra
- barra lliure
- open bar
- cavall de bona barra
- hearty eater
- portar algú a la barra
- take someone to court
- quina barra!
- what gall/nerve!
- tenir bona barra
- 1 be gullible, a sucker, an easy mark; be likely to fall for anything 2 be a hearty eater
- trobar barra de cap
- run into trouble/opposition/resistance
Barrabàs: ser de la pell de Barrabàs — devilish, wicked, thoroughly bad; [nen] mischievous, naughty, a holy terror
barral: tap de barral — half-pint, shorty, shrimp, runt
barrals: ploure a bots i barrals — rain cats and dogs
barram: barrim-barram — willy-nilly, helter-skelter
barranc: eixir del fang i caure al barranc — fall out of the frying pan into the fire
barrat: tancat i barrat — locked up, closed down, sealed, padlocked
barreja: barrija-barreja — hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.]), jumble
barrera: des de la barrera — from the sidelines
- barres
- clavar/fotre/tirar barres avall
- tell it like it is, let someone have it, jump down (someone's) throat
- estar barres a pit
- be downhearted, crestfallen; down in the dumps
- penjar les barres al sostre
- starve to death, die of hunger
- barret
- barret de copa
- top hat
- barret de rialles
- barrel of laughs; buffoon, joker, wag
- barret en mà
- courteously, graciously
- ca barret!
- come off it!, no way!, not on your life!
- ficar-se al barret
- have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
- per treure's el barret
- to be admired, highly regarded, respected, venerated
- posar-se el món per barret
- forget one's worries/cares; be inconsiderate, neglectful, heedless
- tirar el barret al foc
- give it up, throw in the towel
- treure's del barret
- pull out of one's hat (produce by surprise)
- barretina
- fer ballar la barretina
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- treure's de la barretina una cosa
- dream/think/cook up something
- barrets
- casa de barrets
- brothel, cathouse, whorehouse
- tants caps tants barrets
- to each his own; everyone has a different opinion
barri: anar-se'n a l'altre barri — die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
barrija: barrija-barreja — hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.]), jumble
barrila: fer barrila — whoop it up, kick up one's heels, go on a tear
barrim: barrim-barram — willy-nilly, helter-skelter
barrina: fer barrina — close a deal
barrisc: a barrisc — by sight, at first glance, at a rough guess
basca: en la basca de la mort — in the throes of death
- base
- base imposable
- taxable income
- sobre la base de
- on the basis of, based on; in accordance with
basques: tenir basques — feel nauseated, sick to one's stomach
- bassa
- com una bassa d'oli
- smooth, quiet, tranquil
- tap de bassa
- half-pint, shorty, shrimp, runt
bastament: a bastament/bastança — aplenty, completely, in full measure, and then some
bastança: a bastament/bastança — aplenty, completely, in full measure, and then some
bastar: bastar-se a si mateix — be self-sufficient
bastidors: entre bastidors — behind the scenes
bastó: xarop de bastó — beating, hiding, whipping, thrashing
- bastons
- ball de bastons
- fight, skirmish, brawl, scrap
- posar bastons a les rodes
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
bastos: pintar bastos — go wrong, be in a bad way; go through hard times
bat: de bat a bat — wide open
bata: bata embuatada — padded/quilted bathrobe
- batalla
- batalla campal
- pitched battle
- cavall de batalla
- 1 point/bone of contention 2 [tema habitual] hobbyhorse, fixation
- de batalla
- for everyday use
- entaular batalla
- join battle
bategen: qui té padrins el bategen — it's good to have connections
batejada: ser un tros de carn batejada — be a dullard/dolt/dork/lunkhead/meathead; be vapid, colorless, dull as dishwater
- batent
- a nit batent
- in the wee hours, in the dead of night, late at night
- pluja batent
- a hard rain, rainstorm, tempest
- batre
- batre's en retirada
- retreat, fall back, give ground; turn tail
- en un batre d'ulls
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
batuda: fer la batuda [policial] — to raid
batut: cul batut i cara alegre — frustrated, without having gotten what one solicited
batuta: portar la batuta — to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
batuts: a esperons batuts — flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
batzegades: a batzegades — in fits and starts, on-again, off-again, jerkily
bauxa: fer la bauxa — go on a binge, go out on the town
- bava
- caure la bava
- be entranced/delighted/thrilled/enchanted/enraptured/spellbound
- mala bava
- rudeness, impudence, bad humor
- tenir mala bava
- be ill-tempered, quarrelsome, surly
- bé
- a fi de bé
- with good intentions
- anar bé
- 1 [anar pel bon camí] go the right way 2 [escaure] suit, fit, look well on
- ara bé
- now then, however; then again
- bé de preu
- popularly priced, worth the money
- ben bé
- 1 [del tot] quite, precisely 2 [pel cap baix] at least
- caure bé
- make a good impression
- d'allò més bé
- really well
- de bé a bé
- peacefully, without making trouble
- en bé de
- for the good of, for the benefit of
- encara bé
- thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
- gent de bé
- honest/decent/virtuous/upright people
- mal que bé
- for better or worse
- no ben bé
- 1 [cloc-piu] so-so, not so good/well 2 [gairebé] almost
- passar-s'ho bé
- have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
- per bé que
- even though, in spite of the fact that
- portar bé els anys
- not show one's age; appear younger than one is
- posar bé
- [endreçar] put in order, tidy (up)
- posar-s'hi bé
- get comfortable
- posar-se bé
- 1 [amb algú] get on someone's good side, get in (good) with someone 2 [salut] get well 3 [menjar] agree with 4 [amb Déu] to confess (one's sins), go to confession
- prendre bé
- take something well
- si bé
- even though
- tenir a bé de
- see fit to, consent to
- tenir per bé
- approve, accept, go along with
- un bé de Déu de
- a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
be: i un be negre! — horsefeathers!, poppycock!, fiddledeedee!; pull the other one (it's got bells on it)!
- bec
- costar el bec i les ungles
- cost an arm and a leg
- donar-se el bec
- bill and coo
- sempre han tingut bec les oques
- there's always been evil in the world
- becaina
- fer la becaina del canonge
- take a good/deep nap
- fer una becaina
- take a nap/catnap/siesta, grab some z's, have a snooze
beceroles: ser a les beceroles — be wet behind the ears; [impersonal] be in its infancy
becoll: a becoll — piggyback; sitting astride someone's shoulders
befa: fer befa — mock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of
- beguda
- donar-se a la beguda
- take to drink
- fer beguda
- take a (coffee) break; have a snack (ex.: És hora de fer beguda = It's time to take a coffee break)
- begut
- begut de galtes
- thin, scrawny; skin and bones
- haver begut oli
- have had it, be done for, be sunk
- bell
- a bell doll/raig
- galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- a bell ull
- by sight, at first glance, at a rough guess
- al bell mig de
- right in the middle of
- de bell antuvi
- first of all, to begin with, before anything else
- de bell nou
- anew, again, once more
- ben
- ben al lluny
- as far as the eye can see
- ben amanit
- well prepared, all arranged
- ben bé
- 1 [del tot] quite, precisely 2 [pel cap baix] at least
- ben comptat
- and then some
- ben encarrilat
- well under way
- ben mirat
- on second thought, then again
- ben segur
- as likely as not, most likely, dollars to donuts
- ben ver
- especially/particularly true
- ben xafat!
- you said it! well said! right on!
- més ben dit
- rather, instead
- no ben bé
- 1 [cloc-piu] so-so, not so good/well 2 [gairebé] almost
- bena
- caure la bena dels ulls
- see the light, wake up to the truth; have the scales fall from (one's) eyes
- llevar/treure (a algú) la bena dels ulls
- wise someone up, make someone see the light
- tenir una bena als ulls
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
benèfica: funció benèfica — charity performance
- benefici
- a benefici de
- for the benefit of
- en benefici de
- for the good of, for the benefit of
- sense ofici ni benefici
- worthless, good-for-nothing
beneir: beneir la taula — say grace
- beneit
- beneit del cabàs
- weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- com pa beneit
- widely and abundantly
- ser més beneit que el pa de munició
- dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
beneita: pixar aigua beneita — be very devote
benentès: amb el benentès que — on the condition that
béns: béns seents — real estate
benvinguda: donar la (benvinguda / bona arribada) — to welcome
Berenguera: en Pau, en Pere i en Berenguera — every Tom, Dick and Harry
bertran: tenir l'os bertran — be lazy, bone idle, slothful
bertrol: caure al bertrol (= caure a la trampa) — fall into the trap
besades: a mans besades — willingly, with good grace, with pleasure
besar: besar els peus — put on a pedestal, venerate, exalt
besllum: de besllum — against the light
- bèstia
- amb seny de bèstia vella
- warily, alertly, guardedly, walking on eggshells/eggs
- bèstia negra
- nemesis
- mala bèstia
- scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch
- morta la bèstia, mort el verí
- remove the cause, remove the problem; dead dogs don't bite
- no dir ni ase ni bèstia a algú
- not greet someone, to cut/snub someone
- passar bou per bèstia grossa
- not be particular/finicky
- sense dir ni ase ni bèstia
- without so much as a word
bèsties: als temps que les bèsties parlaven — long ago, in days of yore, in olden times/days
bestreta: a la bestreta — in advance
- betum
- a l'alçada del betum
- as low as can be
- deixar algú a l'alçada del betum
- criticize someone harshly
betzef: a betzef — galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
beu: beu-te aquest ou, que l'altre es cou! — put that in your pipe and smoke it!
- beure
- beure a (broc d'ampolla / galet)
- drink a jet of wine, water, etc.
- beure a galet
- 1 drink a jet of wine, water, etc. 2 believe all one hears
- beure a glops/xarrup
- to sip
- beure a la salut d'algú
- drink to someone's health, to toast someone
- beure a xerric
- slurp
- beure d'un alè
- guzzle, chug-a-lug
- beure i bufar no pot ser
- you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
- beure's (el seny / l'enteniment / el cervell)
- go crazy, go out of one's mind; go bananas/haywire/nuts; lose it; crack up
- fer beure a galet
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- ser cornut i pagar el beure
- to have insult added to injury
biaix: de biaix — obliquely, on the bias, diagonally, kitty-corner, catty-corner
biaixos: treure els biaixos — economize, skimp; cut down/corners, pinch pennies
biblioteca: rata de biblioteca — bookworm
- bigotis
- caure de bigotis
- fall on one's face, fall flat
- fregar pels bigotis a algú una cosa
- rub someones's nose in something; throw something in someone's teeth
- per llepar-se'n els bigotis
- finger-licking good; to find something particularly tasty
- tenir bigotis
- have guts, balls
bigues: comptar les bigues — to daydream/woolgather; to be distracted/inattentive; to be out to lunch
bilis: regirar-se-li la bilis — bother/annoy/irritate someone; rub someone the wrong way
biorxa: a la biorxa — at sixes and sevens, snarled up, screwed up [vulg.]; badly, wrong
bisbe: fer un bisbe — two people simultaneously saying the same words
bitlles: joc de bitlles — skittles
- bitllet
- bitllet d'anada i tornada
- round-trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
- bitllet d'anar i tornar
- round trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
- bitllet simple/d'anada
- one-way ticket [Am.]; single ticket [Br.]
bitllo: bitllo-bitllo — cash on the barrelhead/nail
blana: fer la farina blana — submit, give in, cave in, chicken out
- blanc
- blanc com un glop de llet
- white as a sheet
- fer blanc
- hit the bull's-eye
- girar els ulls en blanc
- roll one's eyes
- passar la nit en blanc
- not sleep a wink; have a sleepless night
- quedar en blanc
- not understand a thing
- quedar-se en blanc
- be at a loss, without a clue; have one's mind go blank
- xec en blanc
- blank check
- blanca
- blanca com la neu
- white as snow
- donar carta blanca
- give carte blanche; give a free hand, give free rein, give a blank check
- blau
- anar blau
- be dead/flat broke
- deixar blau algú
- to surprise/astonish/flabbergast someone
- blava
- aquesta sí que és blava!
- this is really serious/dire/crucial!
- clavar una blava
- lie (be untruthful)
- de sang blava
- blue-blooded, belonging to the aristocracy
- fer-la blava
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- bleda
- bleda assolellada
- ninny, twit, turkey, silly goose
- plantar la bleda al clatell
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- bo
- al bo de
- in the middle of
- anar de bo en millor
- get better and better
- bo de mena
- good-natured
- bo per a (llençar / tirar al carrer)
- useless, good-for-nothing
- d'allò més bo
- [menjar] delicious, tasty, yummy, mouthwatering
- de bo (de bo)
- [adv.] truly, veritably, seriously; [adj.] authentic, real, out-and-out
- el bo i millor
- the cream of the crop
- encara bo
- thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
- fer de bo a algú
- intercede for someone
- fer de bo
- be easy (Fa de bo llegir aquest llibre = This book is easy to read)
- posar(-se) bo
- get well
- saber bo
- appeal to (ex.: Què li darem que li sàpiga bo? = What can we give him that will appeal to him?)
- tant de bo!
- [la possibilitat existeix] I wish!, I hope so!; [la possibilitat no existeix] if only it were so!; no such luck!
boc: boc expiatori/emissari — scapegoat
- boca
- a boca de canó
- point blank, at close range
- a boca de fosc/nit
- at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- a boca plena
- ravenously, hungrily
- a boca què vols
- to one's heart's content, without denying oneself anything, with complete satisfaction of all desires
- amb el cor a la boca
- from the bottom of one's heart, in all sincerety, honestly; trustingly, naively
- amb el mos a la boca
- having barely finished eating
- amb la boca tancada
- furtively, underhandedly, stealthily; on the QT, on the sly
- amb un pam de boca
- astounded, dumbfounded, flabbergasted
- anar-se'n de la boca
- run off at the mouth; blab
- boca avall
- face downward
- boca d'aigua
- fire hydrant
- boca de calaixera
- big-mouthed; satchel-mouthed
- boca de pinyó
- small-mouthed
- boca de trons
- loudmouth, shouter
- boca per amunt
- face up
- boca per avall
- face down
- cosir-se la boca
- keep one's mouth shut
- de boca en boca
- by word of mouth
- de boca i prou
- all talk and no action
- deixar (algú) amb la mel a la boca
- frustrate/thwart/stymy someone; dash someone's hopes
- deixar algú amb la paraula a la boca
- leave someone speechless/dumbstruck
- deixar algú amb un pam de boca
- surprise/astound/astonish someone, take someone aback
- dir amb mitja boca
- mutter, mumble
- dir amb tota la boca
- say right out loud
- en boca de tots
- much-discussed; on everyone's lips
- fer boca
- have an appetizer
- fer de la boca cul
- break one's word, go back on (what one has said)
- fer venir a algú aigua a la boca
- make one's mouth water
- fer-se la boca aigua
- make someone long for something
- ficar els dits a la boca d'algú
- make someone talk
- moll/fluix de boca
- gossipy, loose-lipped, gabby, prattling
- no badar boca
- not say a word, keep quiet/silent, clam up
- no tenir prou boca
- not be able to say enough
- parlar per boca d'algú
- speak for someone
- posar la mel a la boca (d'algú)
- get (someone's) hopes up
- quedar-se amb la boca oberta
- be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
- quedar-se amb la mel a la boca
- be (left) frustrated, thwarted, stymied
- solament de boca
- all talk and no action
- tornar a la boca
- blame, criticize, censure, rebuke; take someone to task, tell someone off
- treure a algú alguna cosa de la boca
- take the words right out of someone's mouth
- treure (el fetge / la freixura) per la boca
- work like a dog; be dead tired, done in, all in
- treure's el pa de la boca
- deprive someone of the means to live
- treure-li el caramel de la boca
- dash someone's hopes, let someone down
bocabadat: deixar bocabadat algú — leave someone astounded, dumbfounded, flabbergasted
bocadents: caure de bocadents — fall face down, fall on one's face, do a face plant
bocades: fer bocades de — 1 [alabar] praise, delight in, extol 2 [presumir] boast/brag about; blow one's own horn
bocafluix: bocafluix — blabbermouth, bigmouth
bocamoll: bocamoll — blabbermouth, bigmouth
bocatancat: bocatancat — close-mouthed, silent, taciturn, tight-lipped
bocaterrosa: de bocaterrosa — face down
bocí: mal bocí — difficult situation/predicament; nuisance, annoyance, bugbear, hassle, headache
bocins: a bocins — in tiny pieces
bocons: a bocons — face down
bodes: a bodes em convides! — it's music to my ears!, gladly!, with pleasure!
bòfia: bòfia — cops
- boig
- de boig
- irresponsibly, carelessly, without caution or consideration
- fer el boig
- 1 [eixelebrar-se] act crazy, play the fool 2 [funcionar malament] act up, be on the fritz
- fer parar boig algú
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- val més boig conegut que savi per conèixer
- better the devil you know
- boira
- boira pixanera
- drizzle
- engegar a escampar la boira algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- escampar la boira
- take a walk/stroll, go for a walk/stroll
boixets: molts boixets i poca punta — much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
- bola
- bola de naftalina
- mothball
- tenir bola a algú
- to dislike someone; to hate/loathe/detest someone
- bolet
- donar un bolet
- hit, cuff, spank, smack, thump
- tocat del bolet
- nutty as a fruitcake, demented, deranged
- bolets
- pertot es fan bolets, quan plou
- there've always been problems in the world
- sortir com bolets
- (come up / grow) like mushrooms
bòlit: anar de bòlit — 1 act recklessly, carelessly, heedlessly 2 be hectically busy
bolla: prometre el món i la bolla — promise the moon
bolquerets: entre bolquerets — pampered, mollycoddled, sheltered
- bomba
- a prova de bomba
- sturdy, rock-solid; built to last
- caure com una bomba
- hit like a bombshell/earthquake
- passar-s'ho bomba
- have a really good time
- ser la bomba
- be wonderful/extraordinary/awesome/stupendous
bombers: cotxe de bombers — fire engine
bombin: que (el, et, us, etc.) bombin! — he/you/they can lump it!
- bombo
- a so de bombo i platerets
- with exaggerated fanfare, with ballyhoo
- donar bombo
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- bon
- a bon compte
- apparently; on the face of it; in all likelihood; it appears/seems that
- a bon mercat
- at a low price
- a bon pas
- apace
- a bon preu
- for a good price
- anar per bon camí
- be on the right track
- arribar a bon port
- be successful, bear fruit, turn out well
- bon profit li faci!
- little good may it do him!
- bon profit!
- bon apetit!, enjoy your meal!
- bon vent i barca nova!
- good riddance!
- bon vent i bona barca!
- good luck!
- bon viatge!
- bon voyage!, have a good trip!
- començar/encetar/engegar/entrar amb bon peu
- (get/be off) to a good start
- de bon començament
- from the very beginning
- de bon cor
- of good will, kind-hearted, big-hearted
- de bon de veres
- really, for real, in earnest
- de bon humor
- in a good (mood / frame of mind)
- de bon tros
- by far, by a wide margin, by a mile
- fer/tenir cara de bon any
- look pleased, delighted, contented
- gallina vella fa bon brou
- older women (rock / are wonderful)
- ni de bon tros
- not at all, not by any means, no way; not by a long (shot [Am.] / chalk [Br.])
- no veure de bon ull
- [no aprovar] disapprove, reject, condemn; not go along with
- sortir amb bon nom
- come out smelling like a rose
- tan bon punt
- just as soon as
- tenir bon paladar
- have good taste
- tenir bon ull
- make a good choice
- un bon coixí
- a nest egg; money in the bank, something for a rainy day, something to fall back on
- un bon partit
- [cònjuge en potència] a good catch
- veure de bon ull
- approve, support, favor, accept
- bona
- a bona hora
- opportunely, in a timely way, at the proper/right time
- a la bona de Déu
- 1 trusting to luck, without any plans, hit-or-miss 2 carefree, free and easy
- al pot petit hi ha la bona confitura
- good things come in small packages
- amb bona cara
- graciously, pleasantly
- anar de bona fe
- act in good faith
- aquesta sí que és bona
- that's too bad!, dear me!, that will never do!
- ara ve la bona
- here comes the good part
- bon vent i bona barca!
- good luck!
- bona cosa de
- a lot of, a great deal of
- bona nit caragol/violeta!
- that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!
- bona nit cresol!
- that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!
- bona nit i tapa't!
- that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!
- cavall de bona barra
- hearty eater
- de bona edat
- middle-aged
- de bona fe
- in good faith
- de bona fusta
- 1 healthy, robust 2 upright, of good character
- de bona gana
- willingly, gladly
- de bona llei
- genuine, veritable
- de bona lluna
- in a good mood, cheerful, in high spirits, bright, cheery, chipper
- de (bona) marca
- first-rate, A-1, top of the line, high-class, high-quality, glamorous, stylish, swank
- de bona mena
- good-natured
- de bona pasta
- friendly, good-natured, honest
- de bona tinta/font
- from the horse's mouth; from good/reliable sources
- donar la (benvinguda / bona arribada)
- to welcome
- en bona hora
- providentially
- fer bona cara/fila
- look good/healthy/well, be pleasant
- fer la bona
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
- fer-la bona
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- l'has feta bona!
- now you've done it!
- (ser de / tenir) bona jeia
- be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
- tenir bona barra
- 1 be gullible, a sucker, an easy mark; be likely to fall for anything 2 be a hearty eater
- tenir bona cama
- be a good walker
- tenir bona estrella
- be lucky; have the luck of the Irish
- tenir la bona
- 1 [de bon humor] be in a good mood, cheerful, in high spirits, bright, cheery, chipper 2 [de sort] be lucky, have a run of good luck
- una bona peça
- a swindler, con artist, grifter
bonaventura: dir la bonaventura a algú — tell someone's fortune
bondat: fer bondat — behave, mind, obey
bondó: a bondó — galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- bones
- a les bones i a les males
- in good times and in bad
- a les bones
- willingly, amicably, peacefully
- amb bones paraules
- [enganyar] cunningly, slyly, craftily, shrewdly
- bones formes
- good manners
- bones paraules
- excuses, song and dance
- de bones intencions, l'infern n'és ple
- the road to hell is paved with good intentions
- estar de bones
- be in a good mood
- tenir bones mans
- be dextrous, skillful, deft
- bonic
- fer bonic
- be fitting, look good
- trencar el plat bonic
- throw cold water on (something), be a (killjoy / spoilsport / wet blanket)
- bons
- bons oficis
- good word, commendation, favorable mention
- corren bons aires
- things are looking up, the future seems bright
- estar de bons aires
- be in a good mood
- posar bons sagins
- get fat, put on weight
- tenir bons padrins/agafadors/costats
- have friends in high places
bony: caldera vella, bony o forat — as you get old, things go wrong
- boqueta
- a boqueta de nit
- evening, nightfall
- a boqueta nit
- at dusk/twilight/nightfall
borall: no entendre un borall de — know absolutely nothing about, be completely ignorant of
borbollades: a borbollons/borbollades/borbolls — raising/causing a ruckus, boisterously, rowdily
borbollons: a borbollons/borbollades/borbolls — raising/causing a ruckus, boisterously, rowdily
borbolls: a borbollons/borbollades/borbolls — raising/causing a ruckus, boisterously, rowdily
bord: nen bord — foundling
borda: llançar per la borda — do away with, cast aside, dispense with, get rid of
Bòria: passar Bòria avall — go through hard times
- borina
- anar de borina
- go on a spree/binge, go carousing
- moure borina
- have a wild time
borinot: fer el borinot — grumble, bellyache, gripe
borrall: no entendre-hi ni un borrall — not understand a thing
borràs: anar de/a mal borràs — go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
borratges: quedar tot en aigua de borratges — come to nothing, go to waste
borromba: dur la borromba — be at the tail end of the class
borsa: corredor de borsa — stock broker
- bossa
- afluixar la bossa
- pay out, fork over, shell out
- bossa de mà
- handbag, purse
- consultar amb la bossa
- think twice before spending money
- estrènyer la bossa
- economize, cut corners, pinch pennies, stint, be frugal
- fer bossa
- save up; (lay aside / squirrel away) money
- la bossa o la vida!
- your money or your life!
- tenir els cordons de la bossa
- hold the purse strings
- bot
- fer el bot
- pout, glower, look sullen, sulk
- fer un bot
- [d'esglai] give a start; [d'alegria] jump for joy
- tenir el bot ple
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
bóta: durar com la bóta de sant Ferriol — last forever
botar: botar foc a alguna cosa — set something on fire, set fire to something
botavant: engegar/enviar al botavant algú — tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
botes: penjar les botes — hang up one's (boots [Br.] / hat [Am.])
botet: tocar el botet a algú — 1 [fer parlar] make someone talk 2 [molestar] give someone a pain, get under someone's skin
botges: quedar tot en fum de botges — come to nothing, go to waste
botifarra: fer botifarra a algú — flip/give someone the finger (estendre el dit del mig)
botifarres: allà on no hi ha sang, botifarres no s'hi fan — blood is thicker than water
botiga: posar botiga — start/open a business/shop
botó: de vint-i-un botó/botons — (dressed) to the nines
botons: de vint-i-un botó/botons — (dressed) to the nines
- bots
- a bots i empentes
- by fits and starts; jerkily, any which way
- ploure a bots i barrals
- rain cats and dogs
- bou
- a pas de bou
- at a snail's pace
- agafar el bou per les banyes
- take the bull by the horns
- cap de bou
- tadpole
- no veure un bou a tres passes
- be blind as a bat
- passar bou per bèstia grossa
- not be particular/finicky
- bous
- passar (l'arada / el carro) davant els bous
- put the cart before the horse
- perdre bous i esquelles
- lose one's shirt
- braç
- braç a braç
- hand in hand, hand in glove, side by side
- donar el braç a tòrcer
- ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
- estirar més el braç que la màniga
- bite off more than one can chew
- néixer amb un pa sota el braç
- be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- ser el braç dret d'algú
- be someone's right arm
braçet: anar de braçet — go arm in arm
- bracet
- de bracet
- arm in arm
- fer bracet
- take (someone's) arm
- braços
- a pes de braços
- by hand
- cadira de braços
- armchair
- de braços plegats
- idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
brama: córrer la brama — there is a rumor going round
brams: brams d'ase no pugen/arriben al cel — nobody listens to a donkey bray; you're talking through your hat
brasa: a la brasa — grilled
brases: fugir/sortir del foc i/per caure a les brases — fall out of the frying pan into the fire
braves: aigües braves — whitewater
- brega
- buscar brega
- look for (trouble / a fight)
- moure brega
- cause problems, make trouble
bresca: com una bresca — delectable, heavenly, delicious, scrumptious
- bressol
- cançó de bressol
- lullaby
- des del bressol
- from birth, from the day one was born
breu: en breu — shortly, very soon
bri: un bri d'enteniment — a bit of common sense
brida: a (brida abatuda / tota brida) — flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
brillantor: tancar amb brillantor — end on a high note, end with a flourish
brillar: brillar per la seva absència — be conspicuous by one's absence
- brindis
- brindis al sol
- empty gesture, show for the gallery; fer un ~ = play to the gallery
- fer un brindis
- propose a toast
- broc
- abocar pel broc gros
- not mince words, speak one's mind, speak right out
- beure a broc d'ampolla
- drink a jet of wine, water, etc.
- pel broc gros
- irresponsibly, carelessly, without caution or consideration; letting the chips fall where they may
- brocs
- ficar-se en brocs
- get involved in a difficult/awkward/messy situation
- no estar per brocs
- 1 [de mal humor] not be in the mood for games 2 [no voler complicacions] have enough problemes/trouble (without that)
brodat: sortir brodat — be successful, turn out admirably
- broma
- agafar-s'ho de broma
- take something as a joke
- broma pesada
- practical joke
- de broma
- jokingly, facetiously, in jest
- de la broma
- cheerful, jolly, good-hearted, genial, lively
- fer una broma a
- play a joke on
- ni de broma
- not at all, not by any means, no way; not by a long (shot [Am.] / chalk [Br.])
- prendre-s'ho de broma
- take it as a joke
bromes: fora bromes — no joke
bròquil: s'ha acabat el bròquil! — that's it!, enough!, end of story!, it's over with!, that's all she wrote!
- brossa
- fer niu de tota brossa
- make good use of everything
- la brossa a l'ull
- the mote in the eye
- treure la brossa de l'ull de l'altre
- pull out the mote in another's eye
- veure la brossa a l'ull de l'altre
- see the beam in someone else's eye
- brot
- de cap de brot
- first-rate, first-class; top of the line, top-notch
- no fer brot
- to do nothing, not lift a finger
- no fot ni brot
- he doesn't do a thing
- brou
- brou de llengua
- humbug, balderdash, hot air, hooey
- gallina vella fa bon brou
- older women (rock / are wonderful)
bruc: sense suc ni bruc — half-baked, shallow, superficial
bruixa: fer córrer la bruixa — bribe; grease/oil (someone's) palm
- brut
- en brut
- [esborrany] rough copy
- joc brut
- foul play
- jugar brut
- cheat, play dirty/dishonestly
- rentar la cara amb un drap brut
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
bub: bub-bub — bow-wow, woof-woof
buc: de tal buc, tal eixam — like father, like son
bucs: ficar-se en bucs — meddle, horn/butt in, kibitz, stick one's nose in (ex.: no et fiquis en bucs! = mind your own business!)
budell: tenir un budell buit — have a hollow leg, be very hungry, be famished
- bufa
- bufa!
- good grief!, for goodness' sake!, holy cow!, for crying out loud!
- estar que bufa
- 1 [persona] be annoyed/upset/miffed/irked 2 [situació] be tense/stressful
- bufar
- beure i bufar no pot ser
- you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
- bufar cullera
- eat, have a meal; make ends meet, survive
- bufar en caldo gelat
- put on airs; be affected/fake/pretentious
- bufar i fer ampolles
- easy as pie, a piece of cake, like falling off a log, like shooting fish in a barrel, like stealing candy from a baby
bufat: un pet bufat — a blowhard, braggart, bigmouth, gasbag, windbag, know-it-all
bufes: moltes bufes i pocs trons — much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
bufet: obrir un bufet — [llei] hang out one's shingle
bugada: a cada bugada (perdem / es perd) un llençol — for every step forward, two steps back
buida: tenir la butxaca buida — be (dead/flat) broke, penniless, without a dime
- buidar
- buidar el pap
- reveal everything, say what's on one's mind, get something off one's chest
- buidar el sac
- get something (off one's chest / out of one's system)
- buides
- amb les mans buides
- empty-handed
- tornar-se'n/anar-se'n amb les mans buides
- come away empty-handed
- buit
- cap buit
- boneheaded, bubbleheaded, empty-headed, featherheaded
- caure en el buit
- fall on deaf ears, go unnoticed, be ignored
- fer el buit a algú
- ostracize, boycott, blackball, snub, blacklist
- tenir el cap buit
- not play with a full deck
- tenir un budell buit
- have a hollow leg, be very hungry, be famished
- bull
- faltar-li un bull (a algú)
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- veure-se'n un bull
- feel helpless, foresaken; be up a creek without a paddle; be in a pickle/jam
- bullir
- fer bullir a algú la sang
- make one's blood boil
- fer bullir l'olla
- make ends meet, muddle through
bunyol: fer un bunyol — foul up, blunder, screw up [vulg.]; make a mess/hash of something
- burro
- baixar del burro
- be willing to compromise, to come to an agreement, to adapt
- no veure'n tres dalt d'un burro
- be unseeing; be blind as a bat
bursada: de bursada — rashly, thoughtlessly, on impulse, impetuously
burxa: burxa que burxa — obstinately, doggedly, tenaciously
burxar: burxar l'orella a algú — egg someone on, goad someone
busca: busca-raons — contrarian, troublemaker, squabbler, quarreler
- buscar
- buscar brega
- look for (trouble / a fight)
- buscar les pessigolles/puces
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- buscar (pèls als ous / ronya al cove)
- split hairs, nitpick, complicate things unnecessarily; quibble, be finicky and hard to please
- buscar raons
- infuriate, exasperate, aggravate, rile, anger
- buscar tres/cinc peus al gat
- split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
- buscar tres peus al gat
- split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
- buscar una agulla en un paller
- look for a needle in a haystack
busques: treure busques — draw straws
- butxaca
- de butxaca
- pocket-sized; [llibre] paperback
- edició de butxaca
- paperback edition
- eixugar/escurar la butxaca a algú
- clean someone out, leave someone penniless
- ficar-s'ho a la butxaca
- triumph; come out on top, carry the day
- ficar-se algú a la butxaca
- win over, enthrall, convince
- ficar-se la llengua a la butxaca
- hold one's tongue; keep one's trap shut [vulg.]
- gratar-se la butxaca
- pay out, fork over, shell out
- tenir algú ficat a la butxaca
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir (alguna cosa) a la butxaca
- have something put away for safekeeping
- tenir la butxaca buida
- be (dead/flat) broke, penniless, without a dime
- tenir la butxaca foradada
- be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
- butxaques
- amb les mans a les butxaques
- idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
- butxaques plenes
- deep pockets
- omplir-se les butxaques
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- parlar per les butxaques
- chatter/pratter/babble on
- riure per les butxaques
- laugh heartily, uproariously |
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