| Dites visca!

Dites visca! C

a ca l'afartapobres
at a greasy spoon, at a second-rate inn/tavern/restaurant
amor de germà, amor de ca
love among family members is not always deep
ca barret!
come off it!, no way!, not on your life!
ca la Quica
a madhouse; bedlam
bah!, phooey! pooh!
de ca l'ample
huge, enormous, whopping, giant, great big
i ca!
come off it!, no way!, not on your life!

cabal: fer cabal depay attention to, give importance to

beneit del cabàs
weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
com un cabàs
powerful, impressive, influencial
fer-ne una com un cabàs
get way out of line, behave very badly, get into mischief
un cas com un cabàs
a marvel, a sensation, one for the books

cabassades: a cabassadesgalore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

a cabassos
galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion; tons of, loads of
n'hi ha a cabassos
there are tons/loads of them
arrencar-se els cabells
tear one's hair
estirar-se els cabells
[frustració, ràbia] tear one's hair; [recança] kick oneself
fer posar a algú els cabells de punta
frighten, scare, shock someone; make someone's hair stand on end; put the wind up someone [Br.]
fer sortir cabells blancs
give someone gray hair

cabina: cabina telefònicatelephone booth ([Br.] telephone box)

cabo: quatre i el cabovery few people

cabota: voler fer entrar el clau per la cabotatry to fit/put a square peg in a round hole; bang/beat one's head against a (brick/stone) wall

com una cabra
[dit afectuosament] cuckoo, batty, daffy, off one's rocker
haver mamat llet de cabra
be unruly, rebellious, headstrong
peu de cabra
no cabre (a la pell / al món)
1 [autosatisfacció] be full of oneself, self-satisfied, complacent, big-headed 2 [content] be delighted, on cloud nine, tickled pink
no cabre a la pell
1 [autosatisfacció] be full of oneself, self-satisfied, complacent, big-headed 2 [content] be delighted, on cloud nine, tickled pink
no cabre al cap
be beyond belief; be inconceivable, incomprehensible
no cabre-hi una agulla
full to bursting, jam-packed, very crowded, chock-a-block
carregar les cabres
shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on
fer el negoci d'en Robert de les cabres
get swindled, get conned, make a bad deal
quan les cabres tindran llana
when pigs have wings; when hell freezes over [vulg.]

cabrioles: fer cabriolesbe feeling one's oats

caçar mosques
waste time, dawdle; dilly-dally, shilly-shally
vendre la pell de l'ós abans de caçar-lo
count one's chickens before they hatch
a cada bugada (perdem / es perd) un llençol
for every step forward, two steps back
a cada moment/instant/punt
very often, again and again
a cada pas
at every step
cada casa és un món
all families are unique; all places have their own distinctive features
cada cosa al seu temps (i els naps a l'Advent)
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
cada dos per tres
time and again, more often than not
cada quan de celis
seldom, rarely, infrequently, once in a blue moon
cada terra fa sa guerra
different strokes for different folks, every country has its own customs
cada vegada més
more and more; "«adj. comparatiu» and «adj. comparatiu»" (p.e., cada vegada més alt = taller and taller)
cada vuit dies
weekly, once a week
de cada dia
ordinary, everyday, usual, run-of-the-mill
dia de cada dia
weekday, work day
el millor de cada casa
riffraff, the dregs of society, the scum of the earth
per Nadal cada ovella al seu corral
everyone should be home for Christmas
saber-ne de cada mà
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
un lloc per a cada cosa, i cada cosa al seu lloc
everything in its place
anar cadascú pel seu vent
go one's separate ways, go off in different directions
cadascú per on l'enfila
to each his own; different strokes for different folks
cadascú té la seva dèria
everyone's obsessed about something, everyone has something on the brain
tirar cadascú pel seu cantó
split up, go our/your/their separate ways

cadascun: tots i cadascunevery single one, all and sundry

cadàver: per sobre del meu cadàverover my dead body

cadena de muntatge
assembly line
cadena de producció
production line
cadena perpètua
life without parole ([Br.] life imprisonment)

cadira: cadira de braçosarmchair

escalfar cadires
idly visit, make a social call; overstay one's welcome
n'hi ha per a llogar-hi cadires
it shouldn't be missed, it's beyond belief, it's a real knockout

caducs: fer caducsdodder, drivel, talk nonsense

cafetí: s’ha acabat el cafetí!that's it!, enough is enough!, enough already!

cagacalces: cagacalceschicken liver, yellow belly; [infantil] fraidy-cat, scaredy-cat

cagadubtes: cagadubteswaffler, nervous Nellie, fence-straddler, vacillator, an irresolute person

cagaelàstics: fer la fi del cagaelàsticscome to a bad end

cagalló: cagallóchicken, yellow, lily liver

cagamandúrries: cagamandúrriesclod, klutz, bonehead, dolt, bungler, muddler

caganiu: caganiuyoungest child, baby (of the family)

screw up, fuck up [tabú]
cagar-se de por [vulg.]
be (terrified / scared to death)
donar (un aglà / una gla) per fer cagar un roure
give a little in order to get a lot back
més vell que cagar ajupit [vulg.]
as old as the hills
no menjar per no cagar
be stingy, miserly, tight-fisted

cagarel·la: fer la cagarel·lamake a fool of oneself, to bungle; be an object of ridicule

cago: me caso/cago en dena! [vulg.]damn it! [vulg.], hell! [vulg.], fuck! [tabú]

caic: aquí caic, allà m'aixecoarduously, laboriously, with difficulty

al caient de la mitjanit
at the stroke of midnight
al caient de la tarda
at dusk/twilight/nightfall
al seu caient
at his/her/their own pace, taking his/her/their time/her/their own sweet time
a la caiguda de la fulla
in the fall [Am.], in autumn [Br.]
a la caiguda del sol
at dusk/nightfall, in the twilight
anar de caiguda
decline, get worse, go downhill

caigui: caigui qui caiguiwhether someone likes it or not; whatever happens

caigut: com caigut dels núvolslike a bolt from the blue

al caire de l'abisme
on the brink of ruin/disaster
al caire de
on the brink of
un altre caire
another point of view, another aspect
destapar la caixa dels trons
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
o caixa o faixa
all or nothing
obrir/destapar la caixa de Pandora
open a Pandora's box

caixes: a caixes destempladesrelentlessly, ruthlessly, remorselessly, implacably

a cal sabater, sabates de paper (cap sabater calça bé)
the cobbler's children walk barefoot
així com cal
in the proper way
com a cal sogre
laid back, completely comfortable, with all the amenities
com cal
as someone/something should be; proper, correct; conventional
comportar-se com cal
behave properly, appropriately
de cal Déu
huge, enormous, whopping, giant, great big
ja cal que es calci
someone had better (beware / take heed / watch out)
no cal dir
it goes without saying, needless to say
perquè el carro marxi, cal untar les rodes
to obtain something, one must often pay or offer something in exchange

cala: fer cala buidacome away empty-handed

Calaf: semblar el mercat de Calafthere be (pandemonium / a hue and cry / a brouhaha)

anar-se'n al calaix
kick the bucket, give up the ghost
calaix de sastre
odds and ends, hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.])
fer calaix
make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
tenir una cama al calaix
have one foot in the grave

calaixera: boca de calaixerabig-mouthed; satchel-mouthed

calàndria: cantar com una calàndriaspill one's guts [vulg.]; make a clean breast of it

calar: calar foc a alguna cosaset something on fire, set fire to something

calb: calb com un pom d'escalabald as (a billiard ball / an egg)

calbot: donar un calbothit, cuff, spank, smack, thump

a cal sabater, sabates de paper (cap sabater calça bé)
the cobbler's children walk barefoot
fer calça
saber (de) quin peu calça algú
be onto someone

Calça: ser més mentider que en Calça/Calcesbe a bigger liar than (Tom Pepper / His Satanic Majesty)

calçador: fer entrar amb calçador alguna cosato shoehorn something; fit/put a square peg in a round hole

calçar el mateix peu
be alike in character
calçar-se (preparar-se per a afrontar un perill)
brace oneself

calçasses: calçasseshenpecked husband, wuss; a man who is pussy-whipped [vulg.], wife-ridden

Calces: ser més mentider que en Calça/Calcesbe a bigger liar than (Tom Pepper / His Satanic Majesty)

això són altres calces
that's a horse of a different color, a different kettle of fish
anar de calces
relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
cordar-se bé les calces
pull up one's socks, get one's act together, roll up one's sleeves
portar les calces
[família] wear the pants
posar-se les calces d'algú
dominate someone, make them do what one wants; usurp their authority

calci: ja cal que es calcisomeone had better (beware / take heed / watch out)

caldera: caldera vella, bony o foratas you get old, things go wrong

bufar en caldo gelat
put on airs; be affected/fake/pretentious
estar fet caldo
be exhausted, be ready to drop, be dog-tired
posar a caldo
censure, chastise, blast, condemn

caldria: només caldria aixòthat's all I, we, etc. need

calendaris: fer calendarismake predictions, foretell

calendes: a les calendes greguesat some indefinite time in the future, perhaps never

a cap calent
impulsively (ex.: Les decisions preses a cap calent no acostumen a ser les millors = Decisions made impulsively aren't usually the best)
a cop calent
suddenly, straightaway, there and then, without delay
anar calent
be randy, horny, hot to trot, turned on
anar calent d'orella
be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
anar darrere d'algú amb un pa calent
be hopeless; be too late to change anything; nothing is able to be done
calent com un torró
snug as a bug in a rug, warm as toast
calent d'orelles
drunk, tipsy, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
cap calent
hothead, firebrand
de calent en calent
without letting (something) cool off
el més calent és a l'aigüera
nothing has been done, I haven't even started
no haver menjat calent
to have gone hungry
a sang calenta
impulsively, impetuously, rashly, hotheadedly, recklessly
una de freda i una de calenta
something good and something bad; good news, bad news

calfred: calfredthe shivers

calipàndria: agafar una calipàndriacatch cold, come down with a cold

caliu: al caliu dein the warmth/glow of

posar call
be a dab hand, have a knack
posar-hi call
get used to something that at first was difficult

calla: calla, callasay no more

a la callada
secretly, stealthily, furtively, on the sly
va de callada
it goes without saying

callar: callar com un mortbe/keep still/quiet/silent, fall silent

calma: prendre-s'ho amb calmatake one's time; not rush into something

cop de calor
no fer fred ni calor
be lackluster, so-so, indifferent; be nothing to write home about

calzes: passar els set calzes d'amarguraendure hardship, suffer misfortune

cama a cama
[en una cursa] neck and neck
cama ací cama allà
astride, straddling
tenir bona cama
be a good walker
tenir una cama al calaix
have one foot in the grave
tocar la cama del mal
(expose / lay bare / reveal) someone's weakness/failings/shortcomings
una cama damunt l'altra
lounging, lying about, wasting time, loafing, goofing off

camades: a camadesby leaps and bounds

cambra: cambra dels mals endreçosspare room

amb la cua entre les cames
with one's tail between one's legs
amb les cames al cul
as fast as I could, full speed, full tilt
cames ajudeu-me
as fast as I could, full speed, full tilt
estirar les cames
stretch one's legs
fugir cames ajudeu-me
hotfoot it; make tracks, make oneself scarce; beat a hasty retreat; get the hell out [vulg.]
fugir (corrents / cames ajudeu-me)
run away, flee; beat a hasty retreat, make tracks; get the hell out [vulg.]
qui no té memòria ha de tenir cames
one would forget one's head if it weren't screwed on
segament de cames
knocking of the knees
tallar les cames a algú
clip someone's wings
a mig camí
agafar el camí de la porta
leave, hit the road, make tracks, take off
anar fora de camí
be on the wrong track
anar pel mal camí
be on the wrong track
anar per bon camí
be on the right track
camí de mala petja
rough irregular road, bumpy and uneven
camí de roses
bed of roses
camí dret
directly, straight; as the crow flies
camí per córrer
a ways to go; molt ~ = a long way to go
cuitar camí
make progress, make headway, advance, go for it
de camí
1 [caminant] on the/one's way 2 [de passada] at the same time, while one's at it
desfer (el) camí
double back, backtrack
errar-se de camí
lose one's way, go astray
fer anar pel mal camí
to lead astray
fer camí
walk, hike
fer el seu camí
forge/push ahead, go/make one's own way
fer un camí
1 [recórrer un camí] take a road 2 [obrir un camí] make way
guanyar camí
make progress, make headway, advance
obrir camí
pave the way
obrir el camí
open the way
obrir-se camí
make one's way
pel camí dret
on the straight and narrow (path)
posar-se en camí
leave, get going, hit the road/trail, make tracks
prendre un camí per altre
lose one's way, go astray
tirar pel camí del mig
act willfully, inconsiderately, heedlessly
un lladre de camí ral
a common thief, punk, swindler

camina: camina que caminaràswalking along, walking on, walking and walking

caminar de puntetes
to tiptoe
caminar de recules
walk/go backwards

camins: haver-hi molts camins per anar a Romathere be more than one way to skin a cat

aixecar la camisa a algú
1 [innocentment] pull someone's leg, fool someone 2 [estafar] cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bilk, rip off
canviar de camisa
[política] change sides
en cos de camisa
in shirtsleeves
jugar-se la camisa
go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
perdre la camisa
lose one's shirt

Camot: acabar com Camotcome to a bad end

a camp ras
in the open
camp per córrer
scope to develop, room to expand; (wide) range of options/possibilities
deixar el camp lliure a
give in to, surrender to, knuckle/buckle under to
fot el camp! [vulg.]
piss off! [vulg.], fuck off! [tabú]
fotre el camp [vulg.]
get the hell out [vulg.]
ser un camp perdut
be a lost cause
tenir el camp lliure
have a free hand

campal: batalla campalpitched battle

a toc de campana
rigorously on time, punctually, on the dot
fer campana
play hooky ([Br.] play truant); cut/skip class [Am.]
fer la volta de campana
do/turn a somersault
sord com una campana
deaf as a post

campanada: donar la campanadashock, stun, astound, startle, take aback, flabbergast

campanar (de cadireta / d'espadanya)
bell gable
fer-ne de l'alçada d'un campanar
create/cause problems, make trouble; create/cause one problem after another
llançar les campanes al vol
peal the bells, beat the drum; celebrate, make merry, revel
sentir tocar campanes i no saber on
to have a vague idea of something
tocar campanes
talk nonsense/claptrap/balderdash, run off at the mouth, babble/rattle on
ventar/volar les campanes
peal the bells, beat the drum; celebrate, make merry, revel

campi: campi qui puguirun for your life, head for the hills, skedaddle, hightail it

campionat: de campionatcolossal, huge, prodigious, tremendous; awe-inspiring

camps: camps a travéscross-country

anar a can Felip
relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
anar-se'n a can Pistraus
go to rack/wrack and ruin, go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]
can penja-i-despenja
a shambles, a madhouse (ex.: La teva habitació sembla can penja-i-despenja = Your room is a shambles)
can pixa (i rellisca)
a madhouse

canal: obrir en canalslit open, from top to bottom; [fig.] excoriate, severely criticize

canalera: fer-li canalera els ullssob/cry one's eyes out

canca: fer cancagive a leg up, give a boost

cancaneta: fer cancanetagive a leg up, give a boost

això és una altra cançó
that's a horse of a different color
cançó de bressol
la cançó de l'enfadós
a broken record; something that is tediously repeated (ex.: Sé que sembla la cançó de l'enfadós, però val la pena repetir-ho! = I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but it bears repeating!)
acabar-se la candela
expire the time limit, be past the deadline
el joc no paga la candela
the game is not worth the candle
encendre la candela
accept an opening bid
prendre candela
butt/horn in, meddle, interfere
qui sigui confrare que prengui candela
if the shoe fits, wear it
esperar amb candeletes
look forward to; can't wait (ex.: I can't wait to see you tomorrow = espero amb candeletes veure't demà)
portar algú amb candeletes
wait on someone hand and foot

cangueli: tenir canguelibe afraid, be anxious

a boca de canó
point blank, at close range
al peu del canó
in readiness; ready, willing and able
carn de canó
cannon fodder
morir al peu del canó
die in harness

canonge: fer la becaina del canongetake a good/deep nap

fer suar la cansalada a algú
run someone ragged, give someone a run for their money
suar la cansalada/carcanada
work up a sweat; do one's utmost, go all out, knock oneself out

cansar: no cansar-s'hiact/work sluggishly, slothfully, lethargically

cant: cant de sirenasiren song

canta: pagant, sant Pere cantamoney talks

cantant: portar la veu cantantto be influential; to head, be in charge, lead, supervise

al cantar el gall
at the break of day
cantar clar
talk straight, tell it like it is, hold/keep nothing back
cantar com una calàndria
spill one's guts [vulg.]; make a clean breast of it
cantar el gori-gori a algú/quelcom
give someone/something up for dead
cantar (la canya / les veritats / les quaranta) a algú
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
cantar la palinòdia
recant, take back; [a contracor] eat one's words
cantar les absoltes
1 give/read/administer/perform the last rites 2 consider (something) finished/ended 3 give (something) up for good
cantar victòria
exult, celebrate
cantar-hi els àngels
be mouthwatering/delicious/delectable/exquisite; be fit for a king
cantar-les clares
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
no cantar-ne gall ni gallina
fall/sink into oblivion

cantell: de cantellon edge, edgewise

canten: ells canten i ballen solsthey can get along on their own

cantet: canviar de cantetchange one's tune, go back on what one has said

càntir: ànima de càntirsimpleton, dolt, blockhead

de cantó
sideways, aslant, obliquely, crosswise
tirar cadascú pel seu cantó
split up, go our/your/their separate ways

cantussol: fer el cantussolwhine, whimper, blubber, snivel

a canvi (de)
in exchange (for)
canvi de xip
break with the past, sea change
en canvi
1 [en compensació] in return 2 [contràriament] on the contrary, in contrast, however
fer un canvi de front
make a sea/radical change; do an about-face
tornar el canvi
get even, get back at, even/settle the score
canviar com una mitja
have a complete change of mind
canviar d'aires
have a change of scene
canviar d'idea
have second thoughts, change one's mind
canviar d'opinió
have second thoughts, change one's mind
canviar de camisa/color
[política] change sides
canviar de cantet
change one's tune, go back on what one has said
canviar de jaqueta
be a turncoat, change sides, cross over
canviar de pensament
change one's mind
canviar de rosca
change the subject, go on to something else
canviar de soca-rel
make a major/drastic/radical change
canviar de xip
make a change; change/shift gears
canviar el disc
change the subject
canviar l'aigua de les olives
answer the call of nature, take a leak
amb el temps i una canya (tot s'apanya)
slowly but surely, easy does it
amb paciència i una canya
with great/extreme patience
cantar la canya a algú
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
no deixar canya dreta
lay waste, devastate, obliterate
prim com una canya
thin as a rake; scrawny; skin and bones

canyet: anar(-se'n) al canyet — 1 [morir] die, pass away, breathe one's last, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, buy the farm, cash in one's chips 2 [fracassar] fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing

a cal sabater, sabates de paper (cap sabater calça bé)
the cobbler's children walk barefoot
a cap calent
impulsively (ex.: Les decisions preses a cap calent no acostumen a ser les millors = Decisions made impulsively aren't usually the best)
a cap lloc
nowhere, anywhere
a cap preu
1 [de cap manera] not a chance, no way, by no means, on no account 2 [molt barat] cheap, low cost
abaixar el cap
1 [resignar-se] knuckle under, give in 2 [sentir vergonya] hang one's head, feel ashamed
al cap de [+espai de temps]
after; at the end of (ex.: al cap d'un mes = after a month) (ex.: al cap d'aquest mes = at the end of this month)
al cap de poc
before long
al cap i a la fi
when all is said and done, after all
alçar el cap
1 [espavilar-se] get a move on, get cracking 2 [salut] recover, recuperate, show improvement; get better/well, convalesce
amagar el cap sota l'ala
hide/bury one's head in the sand
amb el cap ben alt
nobly, honorably
amb el cap sota l'ala
daunted, intimidated
anar amb el cap alt
hold one's head up
anar de cap per avall
go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
anar-se'n del cap
1 [oblidar] forget, slip one's mind, draw a blank 2 [perdre el seny] go crazy, go out of one's mind
assentar el cap
settle down
ballar pel cap
1 [recordar vagament] seem to remember/recall 2 [pensar] have in mind, entertain the idea, mull over
cap baix/cot
despondent, forlorn
cap buit/fluix/gros
boneheaded, bubbleheaded, empty-headed, featherheaded
cap calent
hothead, firebrand
cap cot
despondent, forlorn
cap d'any
New Year's Day
cap de bou
cap de carbassa/trons
dimwit, doofus, airhead, dingbat, dope, sap
cap de casa/família
head of the household
cap de colla
leader, guide
cap de pardals
scatterbrain, birdbrain, ninny, nitwit
cap de pont
foothold, bridgehead (també beachhead)
cap de setmana
cap de suro
fool, blockhead, bonehead, dolt
cap de turc
scapegoat, fall guy
cap i pota
cap per amunt
right side up
cap per avall
upside down
cap per cap
all things considered, all in all, everything being equal; may/might as well
cap quadrat
[persona massa convencional] square
cap verd
light-headed, foolish
cop de cap
1 sudden decision 2 head-butt
d'un cap a l'altre
completely, entirely, fully, from top to bottom
d'un cap de dia a l'altre
from dawn to dusk
de cap a cap/peus
from beginning to end, completely, from top to bottom, from head to toe
de cap a peus
from beginning to end, completely, from top to bottom, from head to toe
de cap d'ala
first-rate, first-class; top of the line, top-notch
de cap de brot
first-rate, first-class; top of the line, top-notch
de cap i de nou
from scratch, from square one, from the ground up
en cap cas
by no means
entre cap i coll
[difícil de suportar] obnoxiously, annoyingly
escalfar el cap a algú
provoke, goad, rouse someone; push (someone's) buttons, rattle (someone's) cage
escalfar-se el cap
rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
escombrar cap a casa
be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
estar malament del cap
have a screw loose, be not all there, be of unsound mind
fer cap (a algun lloc)
go (somewhere) to live, go (somewhere) to hang out
fer el cap viu
be on the alert
fer rodar/ballar el cap a algú
make someone's head swim
fer un cop de cap
1 make a sudden decision 2 to head-butt
fer volar el cap a algú
kill someone; rub someone out; off someone
ficar-se al cap
have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
fugir del cap
forget, slip one's mind, draw a blank
haver-se'n d'estrènyer el cap
to have to resign oneself (to something)
inflar el cap (d'algú)
put ideas in (someone's) head; brainwash, indoctrinate, influence, convince someone
jugar-se el cap
risk life and limb
la nit de cap d'any
New Year's Eve
mal de cap
marxar del cap
slip one's mind (ex.: Pensava trucar-te però m'ha marxat del cap = I meant to call you but it slipped my mind)
no cabre al cap
be beyond belief; be inconceivable, incomprehensible
no cap a la pell
delighted, on cloud nine, tickled pink
no mirar cap ni cara
be rude, inconsiderate
no tenir (ni) cap ni peus
make no sense at all
no treu cap a res
not amount to anything; be useless, irrelevant
no treure cap (a res / enlloc / a carrer)
be senseless, without rhyme or reason
no treure cap a res
be beside the point, be neither here nor there
omplir el cap a algú
talk someone's ear off; annoy/upset someone by talking too much
pel cap alt
at (the) most, at the outside
pel cap baix
at the least
per cap
a head, per person
perdre el cap
1 [enfollir] lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end 2 [descontrolar-se] lose control of oneself, lose one's grip, go out of control
portar a cap
carry out
portar de cap
have in mind
posar a algú un cap com un tabal
talk someone's ear off; annoy/upset someone by talking too much
posar-se les mans al cap
throw one's hands up; get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
pujar al cap
1 [marejar] make one's head swim, make one dizzy 2 [envanir-se] have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself
pujar els fums al cap
have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself
pujar la sang al cap
lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof
qui és fill del gat, li retira de la cua o del cap
like father, like son
rodament de cap
vertigo, dizziness, giddiness, lightheadedness
rodar el cap a algú
have one's head swim, feel dizzy (ex.: em roda el cap = my head is swimming)
rompre's el cap
rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
sense cap ni centener
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
(sortir / anar-se'n / tornar-se'n) amb les mans al cap
have things (go wrong / turn out badly)
sortir fum del cap
be confused, bewildered, dazed, baffled
tallar el cap a algú
harass/plague/torment/persecute someone; give someone a bad/hard time
tenir cap i peus
be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
tenir el cap a carrerons
be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
tenir el cap a tres quarts de quinze
have one's head in the clouds; be scatterbrained, woolgathering, out to lunch
tenir el cap ben moblat
have one's head screwed on straight, have common sense
tenir el cap buit
not play with a full deck
tenir el cap clar
be clearheaded
tenir el cap com un timbal
be all hot and bothered, all shook up, in a dither/flap/flutter
tenir el cap dur
be hard-headed
tenir el cap espès
be muddled, hazy
tenir el cap (ple de pardals / als peus)
be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
tenir pardalets al cap
be dreamy, starry-eyed, in the clouds
tenir pel cap dels dits
be knowledgeable, proficient, expert
tenir vent al cap
be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
tirar-s'hi de cap
dive right in, go right ahead
tirar-s'ho pel cap
devaluate merchandise
tirar-se de cap
take the plunge
tirar-se els plats/trastos pel cap
quarrel, wrangle, squabble
tirar-se els trastos pel cap
lock horns, cross swords, have words
trencar-se el cap
rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
treure cap
be relevant, to the purpose
treure del cap
talk out of, discourage, dissuade
treure el cap de l'aigua
overcome obstacles/adversity
treure el cap
drop in, show up
treure's del cap alguna cosa
get something out of one's mind
treure's del cap una cosa
dream/think/cook up something
trobar barra de cap
run into trouble/opposition/resistance
venir al cap
come to mind
volar-se el cap
blow one's brains out, commit suicide
sota capa de
under the guise/pretext of
tirar la capa al toro
go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works

capaç: fer-se capaç degrasp, take in, understand

caparrut: caparrutstubborn, bullheaded, obstinate, pigheaded [despectiu]

capçal: posar un capçal a algú[fabricar proves perquè un innocent sembli culpable] to frame someone

capçalera: metge de capçalerafamily doctor, general practioner

capcinada: fer una capcinadatake a nap/catnap/siesta, grab some z's, have a snooze

capdamunt: estar fins al capdamuntbe fed up, up to here, sick and tired; have had it

capdavall: al capdavallafter all; when all is said and done

al capdavant
at the top, at the head/front
anar al capdavant
lead the way

capell: posar un capell a algú[fabricar proves perquè un innocent sembli culpable] to frame someone

capella ardent
funeral chapel
estar en capella
be on pins and needles

capellans: tirar capellansspray saliva when one speaks

a capgirells
by fits and starts; jerkily, any which way
caure a capgirells
fall headlong, fall head over heels; tumble down

capità: fer com el capità Aranyaget left behind

capital: pes capitaldecisive role

cridar a capítol
call to account, hold accountable/responsible
guanyar el capítol
come out on top

capmàs: fer un capmàsdo a summing up, calculate a global price

agafar la figa pel capoll
take something (the wrong way / personally)
ballar de capoll
have a hard/tough/difficult time, be troubled, be disturbed

caprici: a capritx/capricicapriciously; willy-nilly

capritx: a capritx/capricicapriciously; willy-nilly

lligar caps
understand, get the picture, get the point, catch on
no deixar caps per lligar
leave nothing to chance
tants caps tants barrets
to each his own; everyone has a different opinion
tenir molts caps per lligar
have a lot on one's plate, have a lot to do

capsigrany: capsigranyblockhead, bonehead, dolt, numskull, twit

capvespre: capvespredusk, evening

allò barat surt car
what's cheap ends up being expensive
costar car
come out badly, end up costing a lot
ser car de veure
be rarely/seldom seen
a cara descoberta
in the open, without reserve, forthrightly
a cara o creu
flipping (tossing [Br.]) a coin (heads or tails)
a la cara
point-blank, face to face
al mal temps bona cara
smile through one's tears
amb bona cara
graciously, pleasantly
amb cara i ulls
well done; up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
amb la cara paga
people's faces reveal truths about their character
anar de cara al gra
get down to (business / brass tacks)
cara a cara
face to face
cara de bon any
looking healthy
cara de circumstàncies
expression in harmony with the nature of events
cara de Judes
two-faced, hypocritical
cara de pa de ral
cara de peix bullit
cara de (pomes agres / pocs amics)
looking hostile, unfriendly, angry
cara de tres déus
grim-faced, stone-faced
cara llarga
long-faced, gloomy, sad, depressed
cara o creu
heads or tails
caure la cara de vergonya
feel deeply ashamed
clavar-li per la cara
throw it in someone's face; berate someone, not mincing words; violently tell someone to their face
costar un ull de la cara
cost an arm and a leg
cul batut i cara alegre
frustrated, without having gotten what one solicited
de cara a
with a view to
de cara enlaire
face up, facing upward
donar la cara
confront, stand up to, challenge
dur escrit a la cara
be written on one's face
fer bona cara
look good/healthy/well, be pleasant
fer cara a
to face, stand up to, come up against
fer cara de
to look like
fer cara de tres déus
be grim-faced, stone-faced
fer la cara
to clean/polish, to brush up; put on the finishing touches
fer mala cara a
to frown/scowl at
fer mala cara
look bad/ill/sick
fer sortir els colors a la cara a algú
to shame someone, make someone feel embarrassed/ashamed, make someone blush
fer/tenir cara de bon any
look pleased, delighted, contented
fer una cara nova a algú
to beat someone up
fer-s'ho a cara o creu
flip a coin ([Br.] toss a coin)
girar cara
turn tail, run away, flee
negar la cara a algú
to cut someone (dead); to snub
no mirar cap ni cara
be rude, inconsiderate
no saber on té la cara
not know a thing; not know one's ass from a hole in the ground [vulg.]
no tenir cara ni ulls
be senseless, nonsense, cockamamie, illogical, off-the wall, claptrap, balderdash
passar la mà per la cara a algú
get the better of someone
per la cara
shamelessly, brazenly
per la seva bona cara
for looks, not for merit
plantar cara a
take a stand against, stand up to, take issue with; confront, oppose
posar de cara a
to face
rentar la cara a
to suck up to [vulg.], to brown-nose [vulg.], fawn on
rentar la cara amb un drap brut
cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
rompre's la cara
make an effort, put oneself out, take pains, go out of one's way
sense cara ni ulls
slovenly, incoherent, muddled, disorganized
tenir cara d'ovella i urpes de llop
be a wolf in sheep's clothing
tenir cara
have the nerve, audacity, cheek
tenir cara i ulls
be well done; be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
tenir la cara gruixuda
be shameless
tenir la sort de cara
be very lucky
tenir ulls a la cara
see things clearly
tirar (en / per la) cara
blame, criticize, censure, rebuke; take someone to task, tell someone off
trencar la cara
beat up, thrash, batter, knock around
treure la cara
stand up for oneself, make a commitment, face a challenge
una altra cara faria
it would be different, it would be something else again

carabassa: ser tap i carabassabe inseparable, thick as thieves

caràcter: amb caràcter dein the role of

caragol: bona nit caragol!that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!

caragols: valer més la salsa que els caragolssomething secondary is worth more than the main thing

carai: què carai? [vulg.]what the hell? [vulg.], what the fuck? [tabú]

carall: al carallto hell, to the Devil

carambola: per carambola — 1 [casualment] by chance 2 [indirectament] in a roundabout way, obliquely, indirectly

caramel: treure-li el caramel de la bocadash someone's hopes, let someone down

caramull: a caramullto overflowing

caramulls: a caramullsgalore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

cap de carbassa
dimwit, doofus, airhead, dingbat, dope, sap
donar carbassa
1 [rebutjar un pretendent] throw over, dump 2 [suspendre el curs] flunk, fail
donar carbassa/carbasses
1 [rebutjar un pretendent] throw over, dump 2 [suspendre el curs] flunk, fail
sortir carbassa
turn out badly
tap i carbassa
inseparable, thick as thieves
enfilar-se com una carbassera
1 [enfadar-se] fly off the handle, hit the ceiling, blow a gasket 2 [créixer] grow like a weed
pujar com una carbassera
grow like a weed
donar carbassa/carbasses
1 [rebutjar un pretendent] throw over, dump 2 [suspendre el curs] flunk, fail
nedar sense carbasses
to shift for oneself

carcanada: suar la cansalada/carcanadawork up a sweat; do one's utmost, go all out, knock oneself out

cardiorespiratòria: aturada cardiorespiratòriacardiac arrest

fer dues cares
be conciliatory/placatory
veure's les cares
come face to face, meet eyeball-to-eyeball
llevar-se la careta
show one's true colors
treure la careta
bring out into the open, bring to light, make known/public

cargol: tenir un cargol fluixhave a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged

carn de canó
cannon fodder
com carn i ungla
inseparable, thick as thieves
de carn i ossos
flesh and blood
en carn i ossos
in the flesh
entre carn i pell
just under the skin
la carn és feble
the flesh is weak
ni carn ni peix
neither fish nor fowl
posar carn
gain weight; [posar-se gras] get fat
posar tota la carn a la graella
go all out (all-out), go whole hog ([Br.] go the whole hog)
ser un tros de carn batejada
be a dullard/dolt/dork/lunkhead/meathead; be vapid, colorless, dull as dishwater
tornar la carn a la terra
die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
un sac de carn

carnestoltes: anar fet un carnestolteslook ridiculous; be dressed in bad taste

carns: perdre les carnslose weight, slim down

carpe: carpe diemcarpe diem; seize the day, live for the day

carpetada: donar carpetada apostpone, defer, shelve, put off, pigeonhole

a càrrec de
in the charge of
càrrec de consciència
shame, remorse, guilty feeling
fer-se càrrec de
1 [encarregar-se] take charge of 2 [considerar] take into account

càrrecs: testimoni de càrrecswitness for the prosecution

càrrega que plau no pesa
work one enjoys is never a chore
tornar a la càrrega
try again
carregar el mort a algú
1 [culpar] put/place/lay the blame on someone 2 [obligar] make someone do an objectionable task
carregar els neulers a algú
blame someone, make someone bear the brunt of something
carregar la mà
overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
carregar les cabres
shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on
anar carregat amb bala
be loaded for bear
anar carregat de front
be a cuckold
carregat d'anys
decrepit, old and feeble
carregat d'espatlles
estar carregat de raó
be absolutely in the right
bo per a tirar al carrer
useless, good-for-nothing
de carrer
ordinary, everyday, usual, run-of-the-mill
fer carrer
make way, pave the way
no treure cap (a res / enlloc / a carrer)
be senseless, without rhyme or reason
semblar el carrer de mitja galta
look/seem half-baked, half-assed [vulg.]
tirar-se al carrer
take to the streets; protest, cause an uproar
a carrera feta
one after (another / the other)
a carrera llarga
in the long run, sooner or later; in the fullness of time
de carrera
in a row, successively

carrerons: tenir el cap a carreronsbe dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded

carretades: a carretadesgalore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion; tons of, loads of

fumar com un carreter
smoke like a chimney
renegar com un carreter
swear like a (sailor [Am.] / trooper [Br.])
suar com un carreter
sweat like a pig
anar el carro pel pedregar
go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
estirar el carro
do the heavy work
para el carro!
hold your horses!
perquè el carro marxi, cal untar les rodes
to obtain something, one must often pay or offer something in exchange
posar el carro davant els bous
put the cart before the horse
donar carta blanca
give carte blanche; give a free hand, give free rein, give a blank check
fer-s'ho a la carta més alta
cut the cards/deck
jugar-se l'última carta
make a last ditch effort
l'última carta
the last resort
perdre la carta de navegar
lose one's bearings
posar-ho tot sobre una carta
stake everything on one card

cartera: en carteraready/about to be published

a cartes vistes
openly, aboveboard, candidly
abatre les cartes
show one's cards, lay one's cards on the table
castell de cartes
house of cards, castle in the sky/air
ensenyar les cartes
1 [revelar] lay one's cards on the table 2 [comportar-se lleialment] play fair, be faithful/loyal/honest
estripar les cartes
give it up, throw in the towel
jugar a cartes vistes
lay one's cards on the table
prendre cartes
intervene, take a hand
prendre les cartes
speak, especially in a meeting
tirar les cartes
tell fortunes
vuits i nous i cartes que no lliguen
useless, of no account

cartutx: el darrer cartutxthe last chance, the last resort; cremar ~ = make a last-gasp/last-ditch effort

cas de força major
act of God, unavoidable casuality, unexpected or uncontrollable event
cas fortuït
accident, misadventure
donat cas que
supposing that
el cas és que
it happens that, the fact is that
en cap cas
by no means
en cas de
in case of
en cas extrem
as a last resort
en cas que
if, in case (ex.: en cas que hi hagi un problema = [if / in case] there is a problem)
en darrer cas
as a last resort
en qualsevol cas
in any case/event, at any rate
en tot cas
in any case
estar al cas
be aware/conscious/mindful
fer al cas
be appropriate, pertinent
fer cas de
pay attention to, take notice of; heed
fer cas omís de
take no notice of, ignore, overlook, neglect
no fer al cas
be beside the point, be neither here or there
no fer cas de
not pay attention to; not heed
no fos cas/cosa que (algú/quelcom) [+verb]
1 just in case someone/something might [+verb] 2 we wouldn't want someone/something [+verb]
per si de cas
(just) in case, in the event that
posant per cas que
supposing that
posat (cas) que
in case, in the event that
posem per cas que
let us suppose that
que és cas!
by no means!, absolutely not!, no way!
segons el cas
as the case may be
ser cosa de gran cas
be very important
si fos el cas
if this/that was/were the case; if it just so happened
si per cas
just in case
un cas com un cabàs
a marvel, a sensation, one for the books
venir al cas
be timely, suitable, auspicious, relevant; be to the point/purpose
cada casa és un món
all families are unique; all places have their own distinctive features
cap de casa
head of the household
casa de barrets/dones/tolerància
brothel, cathouse, whorehouse
casa de joc
gambling casino/hall
casa de la vila
town hall
casa de maturrangues
brothel, cathouse, whorehouse; house of ill fame
casa per casa
house to house
com una casa de pagès
huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous
començar la casa per la teulada
put the cart before the horse
d'estar/d'anar per casa
shabby, second-rate, two-bit
de casa bona
posh, classy, upper-class, high-class, swank
el millor de cada casa
riffraff, the dregs of society, the scum of the earth
escombrar cap a casa
be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
feines de casa
fer casa a part
stop/quit living together
llençar/tirar la casa per la finestra
go all out, shoot the works, spare no expense, pull out all the stops
mestressa de casa
portar la casa a sobre
be hard up, impoverished, needy, destitute
posar casa
take up residence, settle down
ser com de casa
like one of the family
ser molt de casa
be a homebody
vendre la casa i anar a lloguer
give it up as a bad deal, bow out, give up the ship; go out of business

casar: casar-se de penalbe expecting a child before getting married; do something ahead of time

casat: home casat, ruc espatllata married man is even more useless than a bachelor

posar el cascavell al gat
bell the cat; take a risk, perform a daring act
qui posarà el cascavell al gat?
who will bell the cat?, who will perform this daring act?

caso: me caso/cago en dena! [vulg.]damn it! [vulg.], hell! [vulg.], fuck! [tabú]

assemblar-se com un ou a una castanya
be completely unlike, dissimilar
com un ou i una castanya
as different as chalk and cheese

Castanya: l'any de Maria Castanyalong ago, in times past, never

castanyes: treure les castanyes del foc a algúpull someone's chestnuts out of the fire

castanyoles: alegre com unes castanyoleshappy as a clam/lark

castell de cartes
house of cards, castle in the sky/air
castell de focs

castells: castells en l'airepie in the sky, pipe dreams

casualitat: per casualitatby chance

català: clar i catalàfrankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush

Catarroja: Catarroja descoberta!Duh!; Obviously!

categoria: de categoriaeminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable

catifa: aixecar la catifatell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag

catòlic: no estar catòlicnot feel well, be unhealthy

catrac: catric-catracclick-clack

catric: catric-catracclick-clack

catúfols: fer catúfolsdodder, drivel, talk nonsense

a cau d'orella
in a whisper
dir a cau d'orella
whisper in someone's ear
fer cau i net
finish off, exhaust
si cau no cau
be about to happen, be in the offing, be on the horizon
tal com cau
1 [sense retocar] as (it) is 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, thoughtlessly

caudines: passar per les forques caudinesbe forced to put up with humiliating conditions; bite the bullet

baixar/caure del cel
come as a godsend, be manna from heaven
caure a capgirells
fall headlong, fall head over heels; tumble down
caure a la ratera/trampa
fall for something, be completely taken in, be had, fall like a ton of bricks
caure a les grapes/urpes d'algú
fall into someone's clutches
caure a les mans
1 [rebre] come to hand 2 [ser agafat] fall into (someone's) hands
caure a plom
fall straight down; plummet, plunge, nose-dive
caure al bertrol (= caure a la trampa)
fall into the trap
caure bé
make a good impression
caure com mosques
drop like flies
caure com un sac
fall in a heap
caure com una bomba
hit like a bombshell/earthquake
caure de bocadents
fall face down, fall on one's face, do a face plant
caure de clatell
fall backwards, hitting one's head
caure de corcoll
go/fall head over heels
caure de cul
be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
caure de l'escambell
lose influence
caure de la trona
lose influence
caure de memòria
fall over backwards, hitting one's head
caure de morros/bigotis/nassos
fall on one's face, fall flat
caure de tos
fall, hitting the back of one's head
caure de vint ungles
fall flat, fall headlong, bite the dust
caure del cavall
see the light, see the error of one's ways
caure del cavall, com sant Pau
see the error of one's ways
caure del cel
come as a godsend, be manna from heaven
caure del niu
be wet behind the ears, callow
caure del ruc
catch on, get the picture/idea, get it through one's head
caure dels núvols
1 [inesperadament] come like a bolt from the blue 2 [enfrontar-se a la realitat] come back to the real world
caure el món a sobre
be devastated/stunned/staggered
caure en desgràcia
fall from grace
caure en desús
fall into disuse; become obsolete
caure en (el buit / sac foradat)
fall on deaf ears, go unnoticed, be ignored
caure fulminat
keel over, collapse; fall suddenly
caure gotes
to sprinkle/drizzle
caure l'ànima als peus
feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
caure l'any tal dia
fall due
caure la bava
be entranced/delighted/thrilled/enchanted/enraptured/spellbound
caure la bena dels ulls
see the light, wake up to the truth; have the scales fall from (one's) eyes
caure la cara de vergonya
feel deeply ashamed
caure les ales del cor
feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
caure malament
make a bad impression
caure pel seu propi pes
go without saying, be obvious, be crystal clear, be plain as the nose on one's face
caure plomat
fall in a heap
caure rodó
fall flat
caure tot pla
fall flat
caure-hi de quatre potes
fall for something hook line and sinker; be completely taken in, be had
understand, get the picture
deixar caure que
mention (that), make known that
deixar-se caure en un indret
(show up / make an appearance) somewhere
eixir del fang i caure al barranc
fall out of the frying pan into the fire
estar per caure
be about to happen, be in the offing, be on the horizon
fer caure de l'escambell
disparage, criticize, scorn; trash-talk [col·loq.]
fer caure de tos
[impressionar] knock out, knock dead
fer caure la balança
settle, resolve, be the deciding factor
no caure a terra
not go unnoticed, have an impact
no caure en sac foradat
not be ignored/overlooked
no tenir on caure mort
be dirt poor, bad off, impoverished
sense caure els anells
without making a big deal about it
a causa de
because of
fer causa comuna
make common cause
instruir una causa
prosecute a case
causar/fer sensació
make a splash, create a sensation
causar sensació
make a splash, create a sensation
a cavall de
astride, straddling
a cavall regalat no li miris el dentat
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
a peu i a cavall
relentlessly, firmly, steadfastly, doggedly, tenaciously
anar en el cavall de sant Francesc
go on foot
caure del cavall
see the light, see the error of one's ways
caure del cavall, com sant Pau
see the error of one's ways
cavall de batalla
1 point/bone of contention 2 [tema habitual] hobbyhorse, fixation
cavall de bona barra
hearty eater
cavall marí
cavall vell no aprèn trot nou
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
crisi de cavall
defensar a peu i a cavall
oppose/resist/defend tooth and nail
tot bon cavall ensopega
anyone can make a mistake
un constipat de cavall
a terrible cold (ex.: He agarrat un constipat de cavall = I've caught a terrible cold)
una febre de cavall
a high fever

cavalleries: ficar-se en llibres de cavalleriesget mixed up in questionable affairs

cavalls: entre les potes dels cavallsdenigrated, impugned, vilified

arribar al cor de la ceba
get to the heart of the matter
ensenyar la ceba
show one's true colors; involuntarily reveal one's hidden intentions/agenda
qui no té un all, té una ceba (al qui no li passa una cosa li'n passa una altra)
if it's not one thing, it's another
quina ceba li fa coure els ulls?
what is he/she complaining about?
ser de la ceba
be a Catalan nationalist (aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination)

cec: cec com un talpblind as a bat

cedir: cedir a la sonyield to sleep

cega: tornar-se cegago blind

a cegues
1 in the dark 2 without thinking twice
cita a cegues
blind date
a cel obert/descobert
outdoors, in the open air
al cel sia
may he/she rest in peace
alçar les mans al cel
raise one's hands to the sky; implore the heavens
amb paciència es guanya el cel
all things come to those who wait
anar al cel de les oques
go where those who don't believe in God go after death
anar-se'n al cel
go broke/bankrupt; go out of business; go belly up [Am.]
baixar/caure del cel
come as a godsend, be manna from heaven
cel rogent, pluja o vent
red sky in the morning, sailor take warning
clamar al cel
cry (out) to heaven
escopir al cel
receive an injury that one intended to inflict on another
guanyar-se el cel
gain/attain salvation
llamp del cel!
dammit! [vulg.], damnation! [vulg.], darn it!, dang!
posar el crit al cel
complain loudly and bitterly, raise the roof, make a stink
remoure cel i terra
move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
setè cel
seventh heaven
veure el cel obert
see one's way out of a difficulty; come out smelling like a rose
viure de l'aire del cel
1 [menjar poc] eat little; eat like a bird 2 [tenir pocs recursos] live on nothing
voler agafar el cel amb les dents
want something impossible, set one's sights too high
voler tocar el cel amb la mà
ask for the moon

celis: cada quan de celisseldom, rarely, infrequently, once in a blue moon

ficar/posar/tenir entre cella i cella
have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
tenir entre cella i cella
have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
arrufar les celles
frown, knit one's brows
cremar-se les celles
burn the midnight oil
fins a les celles
to the hilt/limit, up to one's ears/elbows/neck

cementiri: tenir un peu al cementirihave one foot in the grave

cendra: cendra vivaembers; sentiments or passions that only seem to be extinguished

cendres: fer cendres quelcomturn something to ashes

a cent anys, coteta verda
there's no fool like an old fool
dir-ne cent per un diner
vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, tell someone what's what, bawl someone out
donar cent voltes a
run rings around
no hi ha mal que cent anys duri
time heals all wounds
més viu que una centella
smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted
viu com una centella
smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, on the ball

centener: sense cap ni centenermeaningless, without rhyme or reason

cèntims: fer-ne cinc cèntimsgive (a brief rundown, a rough sketch, a quick summary)

centre: centre comercialshopping center, mall

cents: a cents i a milersin bulk, wholesale

cenyir: cenyir la coronawear/take/receive the crown

cep: com un cepdrunk, tipsy, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]

com una cera
compliant, submissive, yielding
groc com la cera
white as a sheet, pale as death
no haver-hi més cera que la que crema
to have to make do with what one has; that's all there is, there is no more

cerca: cerca-raonscontrarian, troublemaker, squabbler, quarreler

cercar raons
infuriate, exasperate, aggravate, rile, anger
cercar tres/cinc peus al gat
split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
cercar una agulla en un paller
look for a needle in a haystack

cercle: cercle viciósvicious circle

cerebral: commoció cerebralconcussion

cerimònia: sense més cerimòniawithout further ado, without fuss

fins a (un) cert punt
to (some / a certain) extent
per cert
by the way, by the by (ex.: By the way, have you decided on a day for the premier? = Per cert, heu decidit el dia de l'estrena?)
saber del cert
know for sure
tenir de coll (un cert temps)
have (an amount of time) left
d'una certa edat
of mature years, of a certain age
d'una certa manera
after a fashion, up to a point
de ciència certa
beyond question, with complete certainty
saber de ciència certa
know for sure

cerval: por cervalgreatest fear

beure's el cervell
go crazy, go out of one's mind; go bananas/haywire/nuts; lose it; crack up
esprémer-se el cervell
rack one's brains
rentatge de cervell
tenir un cervell de pardal
be a lamebrain

cervells: fuga de cervellsbrain drain

check: check one's bagsfacturar les maletes

cicatritza: el temps cicatritza les feridestime heals all wounds

de ciència certa
beyond question, with complete certainty
pou de ciència
bookworm, egghead; bookish person
saber de ciència certa
know for sure

cient: a cient dewith the knowledge of

cigonya: pintar la cigonyacheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in

cim: arribar al cimreach the top

amb els cinc sentits
thoroughly, conscientiously, painstakingly
cercar tres/cinc peus al gat
split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
fer-ne cinc cèntims
give (a brief rundown, a rough sketch, a quick summary)
no tenir ni cinc
be dead/flat broke
posar els cinc sentits
pay close attention

cinquantena: haver tombat la cinquantenato have reached the age of fifty

cinta: cinta americanaduct tape

cinturó de seguretat
seatbelt, safety belt
estrènyer el cinturó
economize, cut corners, pinch pennies, stint, be frugal
posar en circulació
introduce, bring out, come out with, set forth
retirar de la circulació
1 [diners] withdraw from circulation 2 [arraconar] set aside, get rid of

circumstància: aprofitar la circumstància(take advantage / make the most) of the opportunity/situation

a l'alçada de les circumstàncies
equal to the challenge, equal to the task
cara de circumstàncies
expression in harmony with the nature of events

circumvalació: via de circumvalacióbypass

cireres: remenar les cirerescall the shots, be in control, have the last word, have the final say

dret com un ciri
bolt upright, straight as a die
muntar un ciri
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
sortir amb un ciri trencat
make an impertinent/rude remark/comment
acudir a una cita
keep an appointment
cita a cegues
blind date
faltar a una cita
break an appointment
fer petar la claca
have a chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze
clamar (a Déu / al cel)
cry (out) to heaven
clamar en el desert
preach in the wilderness; give advice that isn't heeded

claps: a clapsin patches

cantar clar
talk straight, tell it like it is, hold/keep nothing back
clar com la llum del dia
plain as (day [Am.] / a pikestaff [Br.] / the nose on one's face)
clar i català
frankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush
clar i net
frankly, forthrightly; when all is said and done, at the end of the day
clar i ras
straight out, emphatically, with no ifs, ands or buts
és clar!
of course!
fer-se clar
to dawn, get light
més clar que l'aigua
plain as day [Am.]; plain as a pikestaff [Br.]
no ho veu clar
be uncertain, doubtful, dubious; remain unconvinced, skeptical
no veure clar
[no aprovar] disapprove, reject, condemn; not go along with
posar en clar
clarify, make (perfectly clear / plain); throw light on
tenir el cap clar
be clearheaded
veure-hi clar
understand, fathom, see clearly

clara: a la clarafrankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush

clares: cantar-les clareschew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals

caure de clatell
fall backwards, hitting one's head
passar pel clatell
ignore, be oblivious to, not pay attention to
passar-se pel clatell
ignore, neglect, pass over, be oblivious to
plantar la bleda al clatell
cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
ser net de clatell
have a lot on the ball; be on one's toes
tenir els ulls al clatell
not see what is obvious
tenir llana al clatell
be gullible, a sucker, an easy mark
treure a algú la llana del clatell
wise someone up, put someone in the know

clatellot: donar un clatellothit/cuff/smack/thump on the back of the neck

clau falsa
skeleton key
com un clau
right on time
fer/fotre un clau [vulg.]
get laid, screw [vulg.], fuck [tabú]; wet the willie, make the beast with two backs, get the little man wet, get one's ashes hauled, squeak the springs, lay pipe, make whoopee, do the horizontal tango
la clau de la qüestió
the crux of the matter
la clau de volta
the keystone
ni un clau
not a penny
no tenir un clau
be dead/flat broke
no valer un clau
not worth a thing, not worth a damn [vulg.], not worth a (plugged nickle [Am.] brass farthing [Br.])
reblar el clau
clinch it, hammer it home, bring it to a conclusion
tancar amb pany i clau
tancar sota clau
un clau
a nuisance, a drag
un clau en treu un altre
new worries (or a new love) will help you forget the old
voler fer entrar el clau per la cabota
try to fit/put a square peg in a round hole; bang/beat one's head against a (brick/stone) wall

claus: tallar clausget angry, get hot under the collar; get pissed off [vulg.]

claustre: claustre maternuterus, womb

clavar els ulls
stare, ogle, gape
clavar/fotre/tirar barres avall
tell it like it is, let someone have it, jump down (someone's) throat
clavar l'ungla
cheat, fleece, swindle, take for a ride, take to the cleaners'
clavar la vista a
to stare at
clavar un moc a algú
tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
clavar un pinyac/juli
strike, hit, deal a blow
clavar una blava
lie (be untruthful)
clavar una pallissa a algú
give someone a beating, thrashing, whipping
clavar-les pels descosits
shoot off one's mouth
clavar-li per la cara
throw it in someone's face; berate someone, not mincing words; violently tell someone to their face
clavar-ne una al mall i (dues / l'altra) a l'enclusa
foul up, blunder, screw up [vulg.]; make a mess/hash of something
deixar clavat
leave speechless; dumbfound, overwhelm, flabbergast
restar/quedar clavat en terra
be stunned, confounded, shocked
ser clavat a
be the spitting image of

cloc: estar cloc-piube under the weather

dur de closca
dense, thick, stolid; slow on the uptake
sortir de la closca
be inexperienced; be wet behind the ears
anar(-se'n) al clot
die; kick the bucket, buy the farm, go west
clot d'arena
boozer, lush, dipsomaniac, sot

cloure: cloure els ullsdie; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm

clucs: a ulls clucs — 1 with one's eyes closed, blindfolded 2 trustingly, guilelessly

a cobert de
protected/sheltered from
posar a cobert
1 [abrigar] seek shelter, find safety 2 [de tiroteig] take cover
tenir el ronyó cobert
be a man of means; be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
cobrament a destinació
cobrament de primes
premium income

cobriment: cobriment de corfainting spell, (be in a, go into a) swoon

cobrir l'expedient
keep up appearances
cobrir-se de glòria
humiliate/disgrace/demean oneself

coca: fet una cocaexhausted, whacked, all in, bushed, ready to drop

cocodril: llàgrimes de cocodrilcrocodile tears

codi: codi postalzip code [Am.]; postcode [Br.]

coent: més coent que un allpretentious and uncouth

coïssor: fer coïssorirritate, cause irritation

a peu coix
hop on one foot
anar coix
be lacking/wanting; fall short; not be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])

coixam: coixim-coixamlimping; lamely

consultar amb el coixí
sleep on it
fer coixí
to pad/cushion
punta de coixí
bobbin lace
un bon coixí
a nest egg; money in the bank, something for a rainy day, something to fall back on

coixim: coixim-coixamlimping; lamely

coixos: conèixer els coixos assegutssee through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something

a coll de
at the expense of
amb el coll dret
proudly, arrogantly
amb (el dogal / la corda) al coll
in dire straits, in a jam
amb (el dogal / la soga) al coll
in dire straits, in a jam
amb l'aigua (fins) al coll
in dire straits, in a jam; in deep trouble/water
cop de coll
major effort, final effort
de coll
limit, period (ex.: deu dies de coll = a ten-day limit/period)
dur l'alforja al coll
be prepared
entre cap i coll
[difícil de suportar] obnoxiously, annoyingly
fins al coll
to the hilt/limit, up to one's ears/elbows/neck
jugar-se el coll
swear (up and down), give one's word, avow, guarantee
m'hi jugaria el coll
I'd bet my life
mal de coll
sore throat
mentir pel coll
lie shamelessly; lie like a rug
nou del coll
Adam's apple (ex.: És cert que només els homes tenen la nou de coll = Is it true that only men have Adam's apples?)?)
posar el dogal al coll a algú
enslave someone, keep someone under one's thumb
posar-hi el coll
do something with all one's might, give a hundred ten percent
tenir coll avall
have (something) in the bag, be able to count (on something) (ex.: Sembla que la independència la tenim coll avall = It seems that we have independence in the bag)
tenir de coll (un cert temps)
have (an amount of time) left
tenir el coll moll
be softhearted, tender-hearted
tenir el peu al coll a algú
have someone under one's thumb
tirar coll avall
gulp down
tirar-se al coll
throw oneself into (someone's) arms
tirar-se la manta al coll
ignore, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
tòrcer el coll
1 [escanyar] strangle, choke 2 [morir] die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
trencar-se/rompre's el coll
break one's neck

colla: cap de collaleader, guide

collibè: a collibèpiggyback; sitting astride someone's shoulders

collir: en collir les figues ens veuremthe proof of the pudding is in the eating, there may be trouble in paradise, we'll know more when we see how things turn out

collita: de collita pròpiaoriginal

un colló!
not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
val un colló
it costs an arm and a leg

collonada: collonadacodswallop, foolishness, flapdoodle

collons! [vulg.]
son of a bitch!, damn!, holy shit! [tots vulg.]
de collons [vulg.]
[molt bo] awesome, out of this world
estar fins als collons [vulg.]
be fed up, up to here, sick and tired; have had it
no m'importa tres collons [vulg.]
I couldn't care less
portar els collons entre parentesis [vulg.]
be bowlegged
posar els collons sobre la taula [vulg.]
have the balls (to tell it like it is / to lay it on the line / not to beat around the bush) [vulg.]
quins collons! [vulg.]
1 [admiratiu] what balls!, what guts! 2 [descarament] what nerve/gall!
sortir de collons [vulg.]
come out very well, be very successful
tenir (dos) collons [vulg.]
have guts, balls
tenir els collons ben posats [vulg.]
be gutsy, stouthearted, strong-willed
tenir els collons pelats de [vulg.]
be an old hand at, be used to
tenir els collons quadrats [vulg.]
be stubborn, bullheaded, obstinate
tenir uns collons que se'ls trepitja [vulg.]
have a lot of nerve/gall
tenir-ne els collons plens [vulg.]
be fed up, be up to here, have had it
tocar els collons a algú [vulg.]
hassle, bother, harass, plague someone; fuck with someone [tabú]

collonut: collonut! [vulg.]great! wonderful! fantastic!; brilliant! [Br.]

coloms: fer volar colomshave one's head in the clouds; speculate, make assumptions

canviar de color
[política] change sides
color (d'ala de mosca / de gos com fuig)
indeterminate color, pale gray
ja n'hi ha prou d'aquest color!
all right already!, enough already!
perdre el color
turn pale, to blanch
trencar el color
(fruita) begin to ripen; change color
vidre de color
stained glass
de tots colors
all kinds of, a wide variety/array of
dir-ne de tots colors
to speak scornfully/contemptuously/disparagingly of something/someone
fer sortir els colors a la cara a algú
to shame someone, make someone feel embarrassed/ashamed, make someone blush
pujar els colors
blush, turn red/crimson
tornar-se de tots colors
blush, turn red/crimson
veure'n/passar-ne de tots colors
go/be through the mill; go through hard times, experience sorrow and suffering
ara per naps, ara per cols
if not for one thing, then another; for one thing or another
entre naps i cols
what with one thing and another
olla de cols
raucous gathering/assembly/meeting; tumult, clamor
que si naps, que si cols
blah blah blah, yammer yammer yammer
tant se li'n dóna naps com cols
be six of one and half-a-dozen of the other; it's all the same, it doesn't matter
a cops (de colze)
by force; violently
aixecar/alçar el colze
bend the elbow, hit the bottle
colze a colze
shoulder to shoulder
fer colzes
hit the books
ficar-se fins als colzes
become deeply involved, be in it up to one's elbows/neck/ears
riure pels colzes
laugh heartily, uproariously
portar a col·lació
bring up, to broach; speak of/about, mention, refer to, call attention to
portar a col·lació una cosa
bring something up, introduce a topic

col·lapse: col·lapse nerviósnervous breakdown

col·lisió: col·lisió frontalhead-on collision

acabar com Camot
come to a bad end
així com cal
in the proper way
arrossegar-se com un cuc
to act cravenly/obsequiously/submissively
canviar com una mitja
have a complete change of mind
com a cal sogre
laid back, completely comfortable, with all the amenities
com anem?
how are you doing?, how's it going?
com ara
such as
com caigut dels núvols
like a bolt from the blue
com cal
as someone/something should be; proper, correct; conventional
com carn i ungla
inseparable, thick as thieves
com de costum
as usual, true to form
com ho tenim?
how's it going?
com més va més
more and more (ex.: Tenim a sobre la força del castellà i també com més va més de l'anglès = We're subjected to the pressure of Spanish and also more and more, to that of English)
com no n'hi ha
second to none; incomparable, inimitable, matchless
com pitjor, millor
the worse, the better
com qui no vol la cosa
pretending a lack of interest
com un cabàs
powerful, impressive, influencial
com un cep
drunk, tipsy, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
com un clau
right on time
com un ou i una castanya
as different as chalk and cheese
com un temple
huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous
com una cabra
[dit afectuosament] cuckoo, batty, daffy, off one's rocker
com una casa de pagès
huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous
com una cera
compliant, submissive, yielding
com una cua de conill
slow on the uptake, thick, dull-witted
com una exhalació
flat out, at top speed, full tilt, like lightning
com una mala cosa
(adjectival) as hell [bitter as hell]; (adverbial) like hell, like crazy [he ran like hell/crazy]
com va (això)?
how are you (doing / getting along / making out)?
com va la cosa
how things are
córrer com el dimoni
run like the devil/wind; run like hell [vulg.]
córrer com la pólvora
spread like wildfire
córrer com la tramuntana
run like the wind
créixer com la mala herba
grow like a weed
dret com un ciri
bolt upright, straight as a die
el com i el què
the how and why, all the details
fer-ne una com un cabàs
get way out of line, behave very badly, get into mischief
fer-ne una com un cove
bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]
per tal com
because, on account of
prim com una canya
thin as a rake; scrawny; skin and bones
renegar com un carreter
swear like a (sailor [Am.] / trooper [Br.])
sense com va ni com costa
1 [sobtadament] all of a sudden, without warning, out of the blue 2 [sense justificació] for no reason at all
ser com de casa
like one of the family
suar com un carreter
sweat like a pig
fora de combat
out of action
posar fora de combat
knock out; put/knock out of action
combregar amb rodes de molí
to believe/swallow anything
fer combregar amb rodes de molí
cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in

combregaren: quan fou mort el/lo combregarenlock the barn/stable door after the horse (is gone / has bolted)

acabar com la comèdia de Falset
end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
fer comèdia
dissemble, put on a false front, fake, put on an act

comèdies: no estar per comèdiesnot have time to fool around

començament: de bon començamentfrom the very beginning

començaments: a començaments deearly (ex.: a començaments de març = early [in] March)

començar amb bon peu
(get/be off) to a good start
començar amb mal peu
get off on the wrong foot
començar la casa per la teulada
put the cart before the horse

comercial: centre comercialshopping center, mall

donar comiat a algú
ask someone to leave; lay someone off
prendre comiat
take one's leave, say goodbye (to someone)

commoció: commoció cerebralconcussion

company d'equip
company de feina

companyia: fer companyia a algúkeep someone company, hang out/around with

comparèixer: comparèixer davant un tribunalappear in court

compendi: en compendiin brief

compixar: compixar-se de riurelaugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides

a temps complet
full time, full-time (ex.: Els treballadors a temps parcial tenen els mateixos drets que els treballadors a temps complet = Part-time workers have the same rights as those who work full time)
per complet
completely, absolutely

complicar: complicar-se la vidamake life difficult

compliment: per complimentfor form's sake

deixar-se de compliments
stand on ceremony
fer compliments
stand on ceremony
sense compliments
wholeheartedly, unequivocally

complir: complir amb la lleiabide by the law

compondre: compondre-se-lesfend for oneself, get with it, manage

comportar: comportar-se com calbehave properly, appropriately

anar a comprar
go shopping
comprar a termes/terminis
buy on time, buy on the installment plan
per compromís
out of duty, (from / out of) a sense of obligation
posar algú en un compromís
embarrass someone, put someone on the spot
posar en un compromís
discredit, jeopardize, endanger; get (someone) into trouble

comptades: a passes comptadesslowly and carefully; deliberately

comptagotes: amb comptagotesin dribs and drabs; like molasses in January

a comptar de
starting from
a comptar des d'ara
starting now, from now on
comptar les bigues
to daydream/woolgather; to be distracted/inattentive; to be out to lunch
donar sense comptar
be generous, open-handed
no comptar per a res
be good-for-nothing, useless, worthless
parar de comptar
that's it/all/enough
poder comptar
1 [ser probable] (can/could) (count on / be assured) 2 [pensar] (can|could) imagine
saber comptar
know how to look after oneself; not be anyone's fool
al comptat
in cash
ben comptat
and then some
comptat i debatut
all in all, overall, at the end of the day
pagar al comptat
pay all at once
a passos comptats
slowly, measuredly, detachedly, carefully
tenir els dies comptats
someone's/something's days are numbered
a bon compte
apparently; on the face of it; in all likelihood; it appears/seems that
a compte
on account
a/per compte de
for (ex.: Treballa a compte del propietari = He works for the owner)
agafar pel seu compte
take on, take (someone/something) in hand, take charge of
anar amb compte
be careful, take care, watch out, beware
compte rodó
round figures
demanar compte
call to account
donar compte
account for, justify, give an explanation for
en comptes/compte de
instead of
fer el compte de la vella
to count on one's fingers
més del compte
excessively, overmuch, unduly, out of all proportion
perdre el compte
lose count
retre compte
give an account of; justify, provide (information / an explanation) about, substantiate
sense fi ni compte
without number
sortir a compte
be worth it, be worthwhile
tenint en compte
taking into account, considering; in view of
tenir en compte
bear/keep in mind, take into account
tenir un compte pendent
have a bone to pick
anar errat de comptes
be mistaken, off the beam, wide of the mark
comptes de la lletera
wishful thinking, self-deception
demanar compte(s) a algú
hold/call someone to account
en comptes/compte de
instead of
estar fora de comptes
be overdue to give birth
fer comptes
add/tote/tally up; calculate
fer els comptes de la lletera
indulge in wishful thinking, count one's chickens before they're hatched
no sortir els comptes
[no quadrar] not add up, not make sense
passar comptes
1 [diners] settle accounts, calculate what is owed 2 [vengança] get even, even the score, pay back
per comptes de
instead of
portar els comptes
keep the books, do the bookkeeping
sortir de comptes
be overdue to give birth
de comú acord
by common consent
lloc comú
[tòpic] half-truth, banality; generalization without substance

comuna: fer causa comunamake common cause

concepte: en concepte deas, by way of, in the character/role of, in consideration of

conceptes: en tots els conceptesfrom all points of view

concerneix: pel que concerneixconcerning, regarding; in/with regard to

concert: sense ordre ni concerthaphazardly, willy-nilly, chaotically

concret: en concretspecifically, when all is said and done

concurs: presentar/declarar concurs de creditors[Br.] summon/call a meeting of creditors; [Am.] file for chapter 11

condemna: condemna perpètualife without parole ([Br.] life imprisonment)

condició: a condició queon the condition that

condol: donar el condoloffer condolences

sa i condret
tenir en condret
put in order, organize, pull together, straighten up

condreta: no fer-ne una de condretabungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]

coneguda: a coneguda d'algúin someone's opinion, it's someone's belief that

conegut: val més boig conegut que savi per conèixerbetter the devil you know

coneixement: perdre el coneixementlose consciousness, faint, black out; [ebri] pass out

coneixença: tenir coneixença ambhave relations with

conèixer de vista
to know by sight
conèixer el marro
know (the ropes / the score / what's what); know one's (way around / stuff)
conèixer els coixos asseguts
see through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something
someone can tell (the difference), it's noticeable (ex.: He fet canviar els frens del cotxe i s’hi coneix = I've had the brakes changed on the car and you can really tell)
donar a conèixer
make known
donar-se a conèixer
1 [presentar-se] introduce oneself 2 [significar-se] make a name for oneself, make oneself known 3 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
fer conèixer
get to know
fer-se conèixer
1 [significar-se] make a name for oneself, make oneself known 2 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
val més boig conegut que savi per conèixer
better the devil you know

confecció: de confeccióoff the rack; [adj.] off-the-rack

abús de confiança
breach of faith, betrayal of trust
de confiança
en confiança
la confiança fa fàstic
familiarity breeds contempt

confiar: confiar en l'atzartrust to luck, leave to chance, trust in providence

confins: en els confins de la terraat the end/ends of the earth

confirma: l'excepció que confirma la reglathe exception that proves the rule

ja se la poden confitar
they can stick it where the sun don't shine [vulg.]
poder confitar-se amb una fulla de pi quelcom
(can/could) put/stick something where the sun don't shine [vulg.]

confitura: al pot petit hi ha la bona confituragood things come in small packages

confondre: confondre el cul amb les témporesconfuse the issue

conforme: conforme!all right!, OK!

conformitat: de conformitat ambin agreement/tune with

confrare: qui sigui confrare que prengui candelaif the shoe fits, wear it

conhort: mal de molts, conhort de boigsmisery loves company

anar conill
go naked; be in the buff, in one's birthday suit
com una cua de conill
slow on the uptake, thick, dull-witted
en conill
nude, naked
més curt que una cua de conill
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)

conillet: conillet d'Índiesguinea pig

conillets: conillets a amagar (fet i amagar)[joc] hide and seek

conjunt: en conjuntas a whole, altogether, all things considered

conreu: conreu de secàdry farming

a consciència
thoroughly, conscientiously, painstakingly
càrrec de consciència
shame, remorse, guilty feeling
fer consciència
awaken sensibility
tenir la consciència tranquil·la
have a clear conscience

consegüent: per consegüentas a result; consequently, therefore

consell d'administració
board of directors
la nit porta consell
things will look better/different in the morning
a conseqüència de
as a result of
en conseqüència
therefore, for that reason

consideració: de consideracióimportant, valuable, substantial

cònsol: fer orelles de cònsolignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice

constància: deixar constància d'alguna cosaput something on record

constar: fer constarcertify

constipat: un constipat de cavalla terrible cold (ex.: He agarrat un constipat de cavall = I've caught a terrible cold)

consulta: obra/llibre de consultareference book

consultar amb el coixí
sleep on it
consultar amb la bossa
think twice before spending money

consumació: la consumació dels seglesthe end of the world

contacte: posar-se en contacte ambget in touch with

conte acabat
end of story
conte de fades
el conte de la vella
the same old story

contemplacions: sense contemplacionsrelentlessly, ruthlessly, remorselessly, implacably

content: més content que (un gínjol / unes pasqües)happy as a clam/lark; tickled pink

continu: de continucontinuously; on and on

continuació: a continuacióstraight away, forthwith

continuïtat: solució de continuïtatinterruption

anar contra corrent
go against the grain, be at odds with
contra les cordes
on the ropes (ex.: La vaga dels treballadors posa contra les cordes el govern espanyol = The workers' strike has put the Spanish government on the ropes)
contra rellotge
[esport] against the clock
contra vent i marea
come hell or high water [vulg.], against all odds
en contra (de)
against; opposed (to)
fer/dur/portar la contra
oppose, dispute; be disagreeable/cantankerous/contentious
girar-se en contra
1 [plantar cara] confront 2 [oposar-se] turn against (someone/something)
per contra
on the contrary
posar-se en contra
be opposed to
topar contra una paret
come/run up against a brick wall

contraclaror: a contraclaroragainst the light

contracop: a contracopas a consequence

contracor: a contracorgrudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly

contracorrent: a contracorrentupstream, against the current

contradicció: tenir esperit de contradiccióbe contentious/testy/factious

contrafur: a contrafurcontrary to the law

en contrapartida
in compensation
per contrapartida
in return

contrapèl: a contrapèlagainst the grain, counter to, at odds with

contrapeu: agafar a contrapeutake by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares

al contrari de
unlike, the opposite of
al contrari
on the contrary, but rather, contrary to
fer el contrari
do the opposite
tot el contrari
the complete opposite, not at all

contrària: portar la contràriabe disruptive, obstructive, uncooperative

contrastant: no contrastantin spite of

contratemps: a contratempstoo early or late, inconveniently

si molt convé
probably; if need be, in/at a pinch
si tant convé
probably; if need be, in/at a pinch

convides: a bodes em convides!it's music to my ears!, gladly!, with pleasure!

convido: convido jo!my treat!

conxo: conxo!wow!, my God!, cripes!, goodness gracious!

conxorxa: fer conxorxaconspire, connive, scheme, be in cahoots

cony de
fucking [tabú]; damn [Am.] [vulg.], bloody [Br.] [vulg.]
what the hell [vulg.], what the fuck! [tabú]

conya: de conya![adj.] awesome!, ([Br.] brilliant!), great! wonderful! fantastic!; [adv.] superbly, magnificently

a cop calent
suddenly, straightaway, there and then, without delay
a cop de
by way of, by means of, by dint of
a cop segur
carefully, warily, prudently; without taking any risks
aguantar el cop
cope, put up with, bear up, bite the bullet
cop baix
low blow
cop d'efecte
coup de théâtre
cop d'estat
coup d'etat
cop d'estisores
cutbacks, cost-cutting
cop d'ull
glance, fleeting look
cop de calor
cop de cap
1 sudden decision 2 head-butt
cop de coll
major effort, final effort
cop de geni
1 [ira] flash of anger, fit of rage/anger 2 [inspiració] stroke of genius
cop de gràcia
coup de grace, deathblow, finishing stroke
cop de mà
helping hand, hand
cop de puny
cop de vent
gust of wind
d'un cop de ploma
at a single stroke, with the stroke of a pen
de cop descuit
unexpectedly; out of the blue
de cop i volta
out of the blue
de cop (i volta)
suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly
donar/fer un cop de mà
give a (helping) hand
donar un cop d'ull
check out, take a look at
en un sol cop
without stopping, without a break, at once
fer cop
make an impression
fer un cop de cap
1 make a sudden decision 2 to head-butt
petit com un cop de puny
tenir cop d'ull
be clear-sighted, insightful, perspicacious
tornar el cop
get even, get back at, even/settle the score
un cop d'aire
a cold, a head cold, a chill
un cop de vent
a gust of wind
un cop fet ja està fet
it is no good/use crying over spilt milk
barret de copa
top hat
fer la copa
have a drink
una copa de més
one too many

copernicà: gir copernicàradical change, sea change, upheaval

còpia: a còpia deas a consequence/result of, by dint of

a cops d'escombra
offensively, rudely, brusquely, insolently
a cops (de colze)
by force; violently
a cops de puny
in haste, haphazardly, willy-nilly
ase/sac dels cops
butt, object of ridicule
ser el sac dels cops
be the butt, the object of ridicule
ser l'ase dels cops
be the butt, the object of ridicule
tenir cops amagats
have hidden talents, hidden qualities
a cor què vols (cor què desitges)
to one's heart's content, without denying oneself anything, with complete satisfaction of all desires
al cor de l'hivern
in the depths of winter
al fons del cor
deep down (in one's heart), at heart/bottom
amb el cor a la boca/mà
from the bottom of one's heart, in all sincerety, honestly; trustingly, naively
amb el cor al puny
in suspense, sweating bullets, on pins and needles
aprendre de cor
learn by heart
arribar al cor
be touching/moving
arribar al cor de la ceba
get to the heart of the matter
atac de cor
heart attack
caure les ales del cor
feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
cobriment de cor
fainting spell, (be in a, go into a) swoon
de bon cor
of good will, kind-hearted, big-hearted
de cor a pensa
off-handedly, on the spur of the moment
de cor
by heart
de cor dur
de cor moll
de mal cor
grudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly
de tot cor
wholeheartedly, enthusiastically
del que els ulls no veuen, el cor no se'n dol
out of sight, out of mind; ignorance is bliss
dir el cor una cosa
have a feeling/hunch/premonition; have a feeling in one's bones
donar cor
el cor d'algú fa un salt
one's heart skips/misses a beat
els impulsos del cor
the promptings of the heart
encongir el cor
give a fright; daunt, intimidate
(estar amb / tenir) l'ai al cor
be (in suspense / sweating bullets / on pins and needles); have one's heart in one's throat
estar amb l'ai al cor
be (in suspense / sweating bullets / on pins and needles); have one's heart in one's throat
fer el cor fort
muster the courage, gather the/one's courage
fer un salt el cor
have one's heart skip a beat; be startled, shocked, surprised
fer vibrar el cor
to thrill, to delight
guanyar el cor de
win the heart of, win over; to charm, captivate
l'aleta del cor
the apple of someone's eye
mal cor
1 [de sentiments cruels] hard-hearted person 2 [qualitat] malevolence, malice, ill will
no tenir cor
be hard-hearted
no tenir cor de
not have the heart to
obrir el cor
bare one's soul
omplir el cor
delight, enchant, please, thrill
partir el cor
break one's heart
sagnar el cor
cut to the quick; pain the spirit, hurt the heart
ser tot cor
be all heart, big-hearted, open-handed
tenir el cor com una llentilla
be scared (stiff / to death)
tenir el cor en un puny
be intimidated/scared/discouraged
tenir el cor net
have a clear conscience
tenir el cor robat
to have had one's heart stolen (ex.: Ella em té el cor robat = She has stolen my heart)
tenir mal de cor
be hungry
tocar el cor
tug at the heart/heartstrings, afectar les emocions; touch
veure's amb cor de
feel able/competent to, feel capable of

coragre: coragreheartburn

el corb diu negra a la garsa
the pot calling the kettle black
negre com el corb
black as night/coal/pitch
anar de corcoll
1 have a hard/tough/difficult time, be troubled, be disturbed 2 go belly up, go broke/bust
caure de corcoll
go/fall head over heels
a la corda fluixa
in danger, at risk, in jeopardy
acabar la corda
run out of steam
afluixar la corda
ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
amb (el dogal / la corda) al coll
in dire straits, in a jam
donar corda
1 [mecanisme] wind up 2 [impulsar] egg on, prod 3 bolster, call attention to, push for, popularize
estar/anar fora de corda
be (beside oneself / agitated / raving)
estirar la corda
[joc] tug-of-war 2 put on the pressure
mosso de corda
on va la corda va el poal
inseparable, thick as thieves
quedar corda
have enough energy left
saltar a corda
skip rope
tenir corda
last, keep on, be long-lived
tibar la corda
1 [arriscar-se] run a risk 2 [passar de ratlla] get out of line
tocar la corda sensible a algú
find someone's soft/weak spot

cordar: cordar-se bé les calcespull up one's socks, get one's act together, roll up one's sleeves

cordes: contra les cordeson the ropes (ex.: La vaga dels treballadors posa contra les cordes el govern espanyol = The workers' strike has put the Spanish government on the ropes)

afluixar els cordons
pay out, fork over, shell out
good grief!, for goodness' sake!, holy cow!, for crying out loud!
tenir els cordons de la bossa
hold the purse strings

cori: tenir cori-moribe hungry

corn: corn de l'abundànciahorn of plenty

cornut: ser cornut i pagar el beureto have insult added to injury

cenyir la corona
wear/take/receive the crown
corona funerària
funeral wreath

coroneta: ballar de coronetastrive, do one's utmost, knock oneself out

corporació: en corporaciówhole, entire, complete

corral: per Nadal cada ovella al seu corraleveryone should be home for Christmas

a (corre-cuita/corre-corrents)
hastily, on the double, rapidly, lickety-split, like a shot
corre que correràs
flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt
el temps corre
time flies
més corre una gota de sang que un riu d'aigua
blood is thicker than water
qui no corre, vola!
get with it or you'll lose out!

correcció: correcció de provesproofreading

corredor d'assegurances
insurance broker
corredor de borsa
stock broker
de correguda
helter-skelter, pell-mell, hastily, headlong, in a rush
en una correguda
in a hurry, lickety-split
corren bons aires
things are looking up, the future seems bright
corren mals aires
there's trouble brewing
anar contra corrent
go against the grain, be at odds with
deixar-se dur pel corrent
go along with the crowd
estar al corrent
be well informed, up to speed, up to date
posar al corrent
1 [assabentar algú] inform someone, bring someone up to date/speed 2 [actualitzar quelcom] to update; bring something up to date
prendre el corrent
get used to it
seguir el corrent
go with the flow
a (corre-cuita/corre-corrents)
hastily, on the double, rapidly, lickety-split, like a shot
a cuita-corrents
hastily, on the double, rapidly, lickety-split, like a shot
fugir (corrents / cames ajudeu-me)
run away, flee; beat a hasty retreat, make tracks; get the hell out [vulg.]
camí per córrer
a ways to go; molt ~ = a long way to go
camp per córrer
scope to develop, room to expand; (wide) range of options/possibilities
córrer com el dimoni
run like the devil/wind; run like hell [vulg.]
córrer com la pólvora
spread like wildfire
córrer com la tramuntana
run like the wind
córrer el risc
take a chance, take a gamble
córrer l'andola
bum around
córrer la brama
there is a rumor going round
córrer la cossia
run the gauntlet
córrer (la mar / les mars)
go to sea; navigate, to sail
córrer la seca i la meca
to have been everywhere, to have seen the world
córrer la veu
there is a rumor going around
córrer pressa
be in a rush/hurry
deixar córrer
abandon, back down, give in, withdraw
deixem-ho córrer!
let's drop it!
fer córrer (els dits / l'arpa / l'ungla)
steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
fer córrer la bruixa
bribe; grease/oil (someone's) palm
fer córrer (la veu) [propalar]
spread, make known, disseminate, promulgate

correràs: corre que correràsflat out, at full/top speed, full tilt

corretja: tenir corretjabe forbearing, long-suffering

correu: correu-hi tots!well la-di-da!; what's someone complaining about?

no pot anar ni amb corrioles
there's no way that will work
untar les corrioles a algú
bribe someone, grease someone's palm

corro: ara hi corro!don't hold your breath!

corrua: a corrua fetaone after the other

cort de porcs
pig sty
fer la cort
court, woo, set one's cap for
a cos de rei
with complete satisfaction of all desires
cos a cos
[adj.] hand-to-hand [nom] altercation, confrontation, encounter
de cos present
1 [difunt] to lie in state 2 in person
en cos de camisa
in shirtsleeves
en cos i ànima
body and soul
fer de cos
relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
posar la por al cos
intimidate, frighten, bully, daunt
prendre cos
gain momentum, snowball, intensify
tenir el diable al cos
be full of the devil
tenir un rei al cos
be arrogant, be high and mighty
agafar (alguna cosa) pel costat que crema
bark up the wrong tree
bona cosa de
a lot of, a great deal of
cada cosa al seu temps (i els naps a l'Advent)
we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
calar foc a alguna cosa
set something on fire, set fire to something
com qui no vol la cosa
pretending a lack of interest
com una mala cosa
(adjectival) as hell [bitter as hell]; (adverbial) like hell, like crazy [he ran like hell/crazy]
com va la cosa
how things are
cosa de
about, around, aproximately
deixar constància d'alguna cosa
put something on record
dir el cor una cosa
have a feeling/hunch/premonition; have a feeling in one's bones
el nom no fa la cosa
a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
fer entrar amb calçador alguna cosa
to shoehorn something; fit/put a square peg in a round hole
no fos cas/cosa que (algú/quelcom) [+verb]
1 just in case someone/something might [+verb] 2 we wouldn't want someone/something [+verb]
no ser cosa de riure
be no laughing matter
portar a col·lació una cosa
bring something up, introduce a topic
qui no té un all, té una ceba (al qui no li passa una cosa li'n passa una altra)
if it's not one thing, it's another
ser cosa de gran cas
be very important
si altra cosa no
at least, if nothing else
treure's del cap alguna cosa
get something out of one's mind
treure's del cap una cosa
dream/think/cook up something
un lloc per a cada cosa, i cada cosa al seu lloc
everything in its place
una altra cosa fóra
it would be different, it would be something else again
una cosa de no dir
a lot; excedingly, tremendously
una cosa no treu l'altra
one thing doesn't rule out the other
agafar les coses pel bon costat
to see the good side of things
coses per l'estil
suchlike, other similar things
dir a algú quatre coses ben dites
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
posar les coses al seu lloc
clarify matters, make things perfectly clear
cosir a bales
gun down, bump off
cosir a punyalades
stab to death
cosir-se la boca
keep one's mouth shut

cossera: setmana cosseraa six-day workweek

cossia: córrer la cossiarun the gauntlet

a costa de
at the expense of
sense com va ni com costa
1 [sobtadament] all of a sudden, without warning, out of the blue 2 [sense justificació] for no reason at all
costar car
come out badly, end up costing a lot
costar el bec i les ungles
cost an arm and a leg
costar més el (farciment que el gall / mall que l'enclusa / suc que els moixons)
something secondary is worth more than the main thing
costar un ou [vulg.]
be very difficult, grueling, backbreaking
costar un (ull de la cara / ronyó)
cost an arm and a leg
agafar (alguna cosa) pel costat que crema
bark up the wrong tree
agafar les coses pel bon costat
to see the good side of things
al costat de
next to, beside, by
d'un costat a l'altre
everywhere, far and wide, near and far, all over the place
deixar de costat
set aside, pass over, leave out
del costat de
fer costat a algú
to side with, support someone
per tots costats
on all sides; [a tort i a dret] carelessly, haphazardly
tenir bons costats
have friends in high places
a les costelles de
at the expense of
viure a les costelles d'algú
live off someone

coster: venir costerbe difficult, be an uphill battle

costerut: fer-se costerutbecome difficult, get tough

costi: costi el que costiat all costs; money is no object; the sky's the limit

com de costum
as usual, true to form
de costum
usual, normal
alta costura
haute couture, high fashion
anar a costura
go to little girls' school

costures: aplanar les costuresbeat/hit with a stick

cot: cap cotdespondent, forlorn

coteta: a cent anys, coteta verdathere's no fool like an old fool

de cotó fluix
feeble, spineless, namby-pamby, wishy-washy
prova del cotó
acid test

cotorra: xerrar com una cotorratalk a mile a minute; be very talkative, gabby, long-winded

cotxe de bombers
fire engine
cotxe (funerari, dels morts)
beu-te aquest ou, que l'altre es cou!
put that in your pipe and smoke it!
pela aquest ou que l'altre ja es cou
it's no big deal; don't make a federal case of it
coure a foc lent
simmer; cook at low heat
coure-s'hi ous
so hot you can fry an egg (on the sidewalk)
quina ceba li fa coure els ulls?
what is he/she complaining about?
tocar coure
be well-to-do/well-off/well-heeled

court: the ball is in your courtHas de moure fitxa

cova: cova de lladresden of thieves

buscar ronya al cove
split hairs, nitpick, complicate things unnecessarily; quibble, be finicky and hard to please
demanar la lluna en un cove
ask for the moon
fer-ne una com un cove
bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]
ficar al cove
take over/charge, take the helm
peix al cove
a sure thing, all sewn up
prometre la lluna en un cove
make empty promises
qui fa un cove fa un paner
he who steals a penny will steal a pound
ser peix al cove
be a sure thing, be all sewn up

creats: interessos creatsvested interest/interests

a crèdit
on credit
donar crèdit a
[cosa veraç] believe; [cosa falsa] be taken in by, fall for, be deceived by

creditors: presentar/declarar concurs de creditors[Br.] summon/call a meeting of creditors; [Am.] file for chapter 11

el darrer mot del credo
the least important thing/person
embolicar el credo
mess/foul up, complicate things; make a muddle of things
valer un credo
be unbearable, awful, agonizing, intolerable

créixer: créixer com la mala herbagrow like a weed

agafar (alguna cosa) pel costat que crema
bark up the wrong tree
no haver-hi més cera que la que crema
to have to make do with what one has; that's all there is, there is no more
salvar-se de la crema
avoid what others are suffering; escape the negative effects that others have been subject to

cremadent: a cremadenthastily, on the double

cremar les naus
burn one's bridges
cremar-se els ulls
strain one's eyes
cremar-se les celles
burn the midnight oil
cremar-se les celles/pestanyes
burn the midnight oil

cremat: fer olor/pudor de crematarouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension

et cremes!
bull's-eye!, exactly! yes indeed!, right on!
ja et cremes!
you're getting warmer/hot!

cresol: bona nit cresol!that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!

crespes: fer-ne de crespescreate/cause problems, make trouble; create/cause one problem after another

abaixar la cresta
lose courage
alçar la cresta
be full of oneself
picar la cresta a algú
scold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap someone's knuckles
a cara o creu
flipping (tossing [Br.]) a coin (heads or tails)
ajudar algú a portar la creu
help someone through trials and tribulations
cara o creu
heads or tails
don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
fer creu i ratlla a
have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
fer la creu a
have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
fer-s'ho a cara o creu
flip a coin ([Br.] toss a coin)
predicar el que no es creu
say one thing and do another

creure: creure's qui sap quèbe full of oneself

creus: fer-se creusbe shocked/stunned/amazed/horrified/appalled/aghast

cria: pedra que rodola no cria molsaa rolling stone gathers no moss

criar malves
push up daisies
criar-se com els arbres de la rambla
grow up wild

criatura: no siguis una criatura!act your age! ([Br.] be your age!)

criatures: fer criatureshave children

crida: última cridafinal call

cridar a (capítol / l'ordre)
call to account, hold accountable/responsible
cridar a files
draft, call up
cridar a (ple pulmó / plens pulmons)
shout/yell at the top of one's lungs
cridar a xafarranxo
call to arms
cridar als quatre vents
tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
cridar el mal temps
make a dire prediction; to jinx someone/something
cridar l'alto a algú
warn someone to stop/halt
cridar l'atenció
1 [advertir, remarcar] warn; call someone's attention to something 2 [significar-se] stand out 3 [presumir] show off, put on airs, blow one's own horn
ja pots cridar ous a vendre
you can save your breath
no cridar massa
knock on wood, touch wood
crisi de cavall
crisi nerviosa
nervous breakdown

crisma: trencar la crismabeat up, thrash, batter, knock around

crispar: crispar els nervisget on someone's nerves; annoy, aggravate, nettle

cristians: o tots moros o tots cristiansall are equal before the law

cristo: cristoconfusion, chaos, pandemonium

Cristo: treure el Sant Cristo grosmake every effort, go all out, pull out all the stops

el darrer crit
the latest thing, all the rage
fer crit
cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
fer un crit
to yell
l'últim crit
the latest thing, all the rage
posar el crit al cel
complain loudly and bitterly, raise the roof, make a stink

criteri: a criteri dein the opinion of, according to

a crits
at the top of one's voice
amunt i crits!
let's go!, come on!, full steam ahead!; take courage!, chin up!, take heart!, buck up!
discutir a crits
get into a shouting match
la crosta [+ adj.]
hard-core [+ adj.] (ex.: la crosta nacionalista = hard-core nationalism)
ni molla ni crosta
neither fish nor fowl
no tenir ni molla ni crostó
make no sense at all
picar el crostó
to anger, upset, bother
tocar el crostó
beat up, thrash, batter, knock around
cru i dur/pelat
without constraint, pulling no punches
net/nu i cru
point-blank, bluntly, frankly, no holds barred
amb la cua entre les cames
with one's tail between one's legs
anar cua dreta
be self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up
com una cua de conill
slow on the uptake, thick, dull-witted
estel amb cua
fer cua
stand in line, line up ([Br.] queue, queue up)
fer-li un nus a la cua
there's no hope, there's nothing you can do, it's too late
gat vell i la cua verda
said of old men who pursue young women
girar cua
turn tail, turn around and go back
més curt que una cua de conill
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
mirar de cua d'ull
1 [mirar de costat] look out of the corner of one's eye at 2 [tenir prevenció] look askance at
piano de cua
grand piano
portar cua
have consequences
portar/deixar cua
have consequences
qui és fill del gat, li retira de la cua o del cap
like father, like son
qui té cua de palla s'encén
if the shoe fits, wear it
remenar la cua
make one's presence felt/known
ser el peix que es mossega la cua
be a vicious circle; be a Catch-22
tenir cua de palla
to feel oneself alluded to when hearing negative comments

cuadret: anar cuadretbe self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up

arrossegar-se com un cuc
to act cravenly/obsequiously/submissively
matar el cuc
take the edge off one's appetite
a l'estiu, tota cuca viu
in summertime the living is easy
cuca fera
a cross between a dragon and a centipede
mala cuca
scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch
morta la cuca, mort el verí
remove the cause, remove the problem; dead dogs don't bite

Cucanya: país de CucanyaCloud Cuckoo Land

a (corre-cuita/corre-corrents)
hastily, on the double, rapidly, lickety-split, like a shot
a cuita-corrents
hastily, on the double, rapidly, lickety-split, like a shot

cuitar: cuitar camímake progress, make headway, advance, go for it

cuixa: de pit i cuixatitillating, salacious, steamy

al cul del sac es troben les engrunes
you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around
amb les cames al cul
as fast as I could, full speed, full tilt
anar de cul
be hectically busy
anar de cul per terra
come down in the world
caure de cul
be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
confondre el cul amb les témpores
confuse the issue
cul batut i cara alegre
frustrated, without having gotten what one solicited
cul d'olla
dunce, blockhead, bonehead, numskull, fool, simpleton
cul de sac
cul-de-sac, dead end, blind alley
de cul a la paret
stubborn, bullheaded, obstinate, pigheaded [despectiu]
deixar algú amb el cul a l'aire
embarrass someone, bring someone up short, show someone up
donar pel cul [vulg.]
to abuse, mistreat, exploit, take advantage of
engegar a prendre pel cul algú [vulg.]
tell someone to piss off [vulg.], to fuck off [tabú]
fer de la boca cul
break one's word, go back on (what one has said)
ficar-se la llengua al cul
keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]
galta del cul
cheek (either of the buttocks)
girar cul
turn tail, run away, flee
llepar el cul a algú
suck up (to someone) [Am.] [vulg.], kiss (someone's) ass [vulg.]
mullar-se/banyar-se el cul
take a chance, run a risk
néixer amb la flor al cul
be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
salvar el cul
save one's ass [vulg.]
ser cul i merda [vulg.]
inseparable, thick as thieves
ser el cul d'en Jaumet
be fidgety, antsy, restless; have ants in one's pants
ser un cul de mal seient
be fidgety, antsy, restless; have ants in one's pants
tenir el cul llogat
work for someone else, be dependent on another
tenir el cul pelat de
be an old hand at

culata: sortir el tret per la culatabackfire

cullera: bufar culleraeat, have a meal; make ends meet, survive

cullerada: ficar culleradameddle in, horn/butt in on, kibitz, stick one's nose/oar in

culleres: què sap el gat de fer culleres?what does he/she know about it?

donar la culpa a
to blame
net de culpa
innocent, blameless, above suspicion
per culpa de
because of
tenir la culpa de
to be to blame for

culs: no haver vist culs en finestranot have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot

culte: retre/rendir culte aworship, honor, glorify, exalt, put on a pedestal

cupons: tallar cuponslive off interest payments

el temps tot ho cura
time heals all wounds
posar cura
take great care
prendre cura de
take care of, care for
tenir cura de
take care of
curar-se amb saliva dejuna
be easily cured/remedied
curar-se en salut
take precautions

cures: sala de curestreatment room

donar curs
open the way, pave the way, break ground
el curs dels pensaments
train of thought
en curs
current; underway, in progress
a curt termini
in the short run/term
anar curt d'armilla
be low on funds, feel the pinch
curt de gambals
dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
curt de vista
fer curt
1 [massa breu] seem too short 2 [no tenir-ne prou] run short, fall short 3 [escurçar] cut short
fermar/lligar curt
restrict, hamper, impede, inhibit; bottle up, pin down
més curt que una cua de conill
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
més curt que una màniga (d'armilla / de guardapits)
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
quedar-se curt
not say all one could
ras i curt
short and to the point, short and sweet
tallar curt
1 [acabar] put an end to 2 [curtejar] not have enough, run out
tirant curt
at least
tirar curt
come up short
a la curta
in the short run/term
a la curta o a la llarga
sooner or later

curtes: tres són curtes i quatre són llarguesdamned if you do, damned if you don't

curull: curull -aoverflowing, crowded | Dites visca!