Dites visca!
Dites visca! D
- d
- d'acord!
- all right!, OK!
- d'un cap de dia a l'altre
- from dawn to dusk
da: da-li que da-li — obstinately, doggedly, tenaciously
- daina
- lleuger com una daina
- light as a feather
- més llest que una daina
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted
- dalt
- dalt de tot
- at/to the very top
- de dalt a baix
- 1 from head to toe 2 completely, entirely, from A to Z
- mirar algú de dalt a baix
- look someone up and down
- puja aquí dalt!
- don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
- saber una cosa de dalt a baix
- know something inside out
daltabaix: daltabaix — (escàndol) uproar, big stink, big scene, row
- damunt
- damunt damunt
- superficially, perfunctorily
- damunt davall
- at sixes and sevens; fouled up, screwed up [vulg.]
- dansa
- anar en dansa
- in action, functional, operating
- posar en dansa
- deploy, put/bring forth, bring into play; get started/going, set in motion
- darrer
- el darrer cartutx
- the last chance, the last resort; cremar ~ = make a last-gasp/last-ditch effort
- el darrer crit
- the latest thing, all the rage
- el darrer mot del credo
- the least important thing/person
- el darrer son/sospir/viatge
- death, the last breath
- en darrer cas
- as a last resort
- en darrer terme
- when all is said and done
- fer el darrer badall
- give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh
- darrere
- amb una mà al davant i l'altra al darrere
- with no money at all, flat broke, penniless
- anar darrere d'algú amb un pa calent
- be hopeless; be too late to change anything; nothing is able to be done
- darreria
- a la darreria
- at the end
- a la darreria de
- at the end of
dat: estar dat i beneït — be decided/resolved/settled; when it's too late to change anything
- dau
- estar a un tomb de dau
- be about to, be that close to, be a hairsbreadth from
- tirar el dau
- roll the die
daurar: daurar la píndola — sweeten the pill; sugarcoat something (the truth, reality, etc.); (mitigate / alleviate / take the edge off) something unpleasant
daurat: somni daurat — lifelong dream
daus: els daus ja han estat tirats — the die is cast
- davall
- damunt davall
- at sixes and sevens; fouled up, screwed up [vulg.]
- davall-davall
- furtively, on the sly, secretly
davallant: tenir un bon davallant — be a hearty eater
- davant
- davant dels ulls
- obvious, self-evident, under one's nose
- davant per davant
- face to face
- de
- de baldraga
- for free; not paying one's share
- de bo de bo
- seriously, really, indeed
- de cada dia
- ordinary, everyday, usual, run-of-the-mill
- de cop descuit
- unexpectedly; out of the blue
- de cor dur
- hard-hearted
- de dalt a baix
- 1 from head to toe 2 completely, entirely, from A to Z
- de debò
- really, for real, in earnest
- de dia
- before dusk
- de dia en dia
- day by day, from day to day
- de dol
- in mourning
- de domini públic
- widely known
- de dos en dos
- two by two
- de dos mals, el menor
- the lesser of two evils
- de dret a
- straight/right to
- de dret al gra
- right to the point
- de dret
- by right(s)
- de fa quatre dies
- recently, a short time ago
- de la nit al dia
- suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly
- de no dir
- remarkable, extraordinary, amazing, sensational, unrivaled
- de propòsit
- on purpose, willfully, intentionally
debatut: comptat i debatut — all in all, overall, at the end of the day
debò: de debò — really, for real, in earnest
decisió: prendre una decisió — make a decision
- declarar
- declarar concurs de creditors
- [Br.] summon/call a meeting of creditors; [Am.] file for chapter 11
- declarar-se en fallida
- file for bankruptcy
dedins: al dedins de — within; inside of
defecte: en defecte de — lacking
- defensar
- defensar a capa i espasa
- oppose/resist/defend tooth and nail
- defensar a peu i a cavall
- oppose/resist/defend tooth and nail
defensiva: a la defensiva — on the defensive
definitiva: en definitiva — definitely
- defora
- al defora de
- outside of
- al defora
- without; outside
- degolla
- a degolla
- killing, massacring, slaughtering
- entrar a degolla
- take by storm, giving no quarter
- estar a mata-degolla
- at daggers drawn
deguda: en deguda forma — in due/proper order
degut: degut a — owing to
deixa: deixa't d'històries! — come/get to the point!
- deixar
- deixar a desitjar
- be lacking; leave something to be desired
- deixar a l'estacada algú
- leave someone in the lurch; leave someone (high and dry / flat); walk out on someone
- deixar al tinter
- omit, leave without saying, pass over
- deixar algú a l'alçada del betum
- criticize someone harshly
- deixar algú amb el cul a l'aire
- embarrass someone, bring someone up short, show someone up
- deixar (algú) amb la mel a la boca
- frustrate/thwart/stymy someone; dash someone's hopes
- deixar algú amb la paraula a la boca
- leave someone speechless/dumbstruck
- deixar algú amb un pam de boca
- surprise/astound/astonish someone, take someone aback
- deixar algú amb un pam de nas
- leave someone (in the lurch / high and dry / flat)
- deixar algú parat
- surprise/astound/astonish someone, take someone aback
- deixar algú sense paraules
- leave someone speechless
- deixar anar
- 1 [aviar] release, let go 2 [dir] mention, make known
- deixar anar un sermó a algú
- give someone a lecture
- deixar anar una indirecta
- drop a hint
- deixar baldat
- beat up, thrash, batter
- deixar blau algú
- to surprise/astonish/flabbergast someone
- deixar bocabadat algú
- leave someone astounded, dumbfounded, flabbergasted
- deixar caure que
- mention (that), make known that
- deixar clavat
- leave speechless; dumbfound, overwhelm, flabbergast
- deixar com qui veu visions
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- deixar com un drap brut
- rake over the coals, scold/criticize up one side and down the other, give someone a dressing down, come down hard on someone
- deixar constància d'alguna cosa
- put something on record
- deixar córrer
- abandon, back down, give in, withdraw
- deixar córrer la ploma
- write fluently and spontaneously
- deixar cua
- have consequences
- deixar de banda/costat
- set aside, pass over, leave out
- deixar de pedra
- surprise, astonish, astound; to take aback
- deixar de racó
- leave out of account, ignore, cold-shoulder, overlook, scorn
- deixar de sembrar per por dels ocells
- hesitate, look before one leaps, not take chances
- deixar de viure
- die, give up the ghost
- deixar el camp lliure a
- give in to, surrender to, knuckle/buckle under to
- deixar els llibres
- give up one's studies
- deixar els ulls en
- never tire of looking at
- deixar enlaire
- leave up in the air
- deixar estar
- 1 [abandonar] abandon, back down, give in, withdraw 2 [no tocar; imperatiu] let (someone/something) be, leave (someone/something) alone
- deixar fred
- fail to impress
- deixar penjat/plantat algú
- 1 [decebre] frustrate, thwart, disappoint someone 2 [no acudir-hi] stand someone up
- deixar penjat/plantat alguna cosa
- give something up, quit something, opt out of something
- deixar refredar una cosa
- postpone, put something off; put something on hold
- deixar verd algú
- insult/disparage someone; put/run someone down
- deixar-hi la pell
- 1 [perdre] lose everything, die 2 [esforçar-se] go all out
- deixar-ho córrer/estar
- let it be/lie
- deixar-se anar
- 1 [abandonar] let oneself go, grow unkempt, get untidy, become disheveled 2 [desprendre's] let go, become disconnected 3 [desinhibir-se] cut/let loose, let one's hair down 4 [relaxar-se] relax, take it easy, ease off
- deixar-se caure en un indret
- (show up / make an appearance) somewhere
- deixar-se de compliments
- stand on ceremony
- deixar-se de romanços
- come/get to the point, get down to business, get down to brass tacks
- deixar-se dur pel corrent
- go along with the crowd
- deixar-se dur per [una passió, etc.]
- yield to [a passion, etc.]
- deixar-se veure
- be seen
- no deixar canya dreta
- lay waste, devastate, obliterate
- no deixar caps per lligar
- leave nothing to chance
- no deixar de petja
- not lose sight of, give no peace to, be at (one) constantly
- no deixar pedra sobre pedra
- raze to the ground, flatten, demolish
- no deixar res per verd
- 1 [exhaustiu] leave nothing undone 2 [acaparar] to hoard
- no deixar viure
- bully, bother, harass, badger, annoy; be on (someone's) case
- deixat
- anar molt deixat
- to dress shabbily
- deixat de la mà de Déu
- godforsaken, desolate, stark, austere
deixem: deixem-ho córrer! — let's drop it!
dejú: en dejú — fasting
- dejuna
- curar-se amb saliva dejuna
- be easily cured/remedied
- enganxar amb saliva dejuna
- ineffectively (hooked / coupled / stuck together)
- del
- del dia
- present day
- del dit al fet, hi ha un tret
- it's easier said than done
- del dret
- [roba] right side out
delir: fer delir algú — cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
dellà: allà dellà — in the distance
- demà
- avui fos i demà festa!
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- avui per demà
- overnight, suddenly, without warning
- d'avui a demà
- suddenly, all of a sudden; peremptorily, at short notice
- demà m'afaitaràs!
- horsefeathers!, pull the other one (it's got bells on it)!
- demà passat l'altre
- three days from now
- demà passat
- the day after tomorrow
- demà serà un altre dia
- tomorrow is another day
- durar d'avui a demà
- not last long
- el dia de demà
- someday, in the future
demana: qui demana? — who's there?, who is it?
- demanar
- demanar compte
- call to account
- demanar compte(s) a algú
- hold/call someone to account
- demanar hora
- ask for an appointment
- demanar la lluna en un cove
- ask for the moon
- demanar la paraula
- ask to speak
- demanar no fa pobre
- there's no harm in asking
- demanar peres a l'om
- ask for the impossible
- demanar permís a un peu per moure l'altre
- be sluggish, move at a snail's pace, be as slow as molasses in January
- demanar tanda
- ask who is last in line
demanda: l'oferta i la demanda — supply and demand
demanen: ficar-se on no el (o et, etc.) demanen — meddle, horn/butt in, kibitz, stick one's nose in
demesia: en demesia — excessively
déna: me caso en déna! [vulg.] — rats!, for crying out loud!, pooh!, phooey!
dena: me caso/cago en dena! [vulg.] — damn it! [vulg.], hell! [vulg.], fuck! [tabú]
dentagades: a dentagades — bitingly; savagely
denteta: fer dentetes/denteta a algú — cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
dentetes: fer dentetes/denteta a algú — cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
dentició: fer la dentició — teethe
- dents
- amb dents i ungles
- heart and soul
- armat fins a les dents
- armed to the teeth
- dir entre dents
- mutter, mumble
- ensenyar les dents
- 1 snarl, threaten, show one's claws 2 smile, perhaps falsely
- fer-se-li les dents llargues
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- i les dents
- and then some
- parlar entre dents
- mumble, mutter
- petar de dents
- one's teeth be chattering
- riure de les dents enfora
- force a laugh
- serrar les dents
- grind/grit one's teeth
- tenir les dents esmolades
- 1 [amb gana] be ravenous/starved 2 [disposat a discutir] be ready to (argue / enter the fray /do battle)
- voler agafar (la lluna / el cel) amb les dents
- want something impossible, set one's sights too high
- dèria
- agafar la dèria de
- take it into one's head to
- cadascú té la seva dèria
- everyone's obsessed about something, everyone has something on the brain
- deriva
- a la deriva
- adrift
- anar a la deriva
- go adrift, go astray, go off-course
desacord: punt de desacord — bone of contention
desastre: fet un desastre — in deplorable condition
descansi: en pau descansi — may he/she rest in peace
descarada: a la descarada — brazenly, shamelessly, flagrantly, unabashedly
descàrrec: testimoni de descàrrec — witness for the defense
- descobert
- a cel descobert
- outdoors, in the open air
- a pit descobert
- open, straightforward, aboveboard, forthright
- al descobert
- out in the open
- en descobert
- [banc] overdrawn, short on funds
- haver descobert la sopa d'all
- to state as a novelty what is already known to everyone; to be presumptious
- posar al descobert
- give the lie to
- venda en descobert
- short-selling
descoberta: a cara descoberta — in the open, without reserve, forthrightly
- descobrir
- descobrir el marro
- see through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something
- descobrir el pastís
- tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- descobrir la sopa d'all
- catch onto what has always been obvious
- descomptat
- donar per descomptat
- take for granted
- per descomptat
- it goes without saying, needless to say
descosida: a la descosida — overmuch, immoderately, unrestrainedly
- descosits
- clavar-les pels descosits
- shoot off one's mouth
- parlar pels descosits
- chatter/pratter/babble on
- descuit
- de cop descuit
- unexpectedly; out of the blue
- en descuit
- sneakily, covertly, behind one's back
desdir: a desdir — galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
desenganys: abonar-se als desenganys — get used to disppointments
desentès: fer el desentès — ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
desert: clamar/predicar en el desert — preach in the wilderness; give advice that isn't heeded
desesperada: a la desesperada — hastily, desperately
- desfer
- desfer (el) camí
- double back, backtrack
- desfer-se en elogis
- pay lavish compliments
- fer i desfer
- be in complete control, do whatever one wants, rule the roost
- desgràcia
- caure en desgràcia
- fall from grace
- per desgràcia
- unfortunately, regrettably, lamentably
desgràcies: les desgràcies mai no vénen soles — when it rains, it pours
- desgrat
- a desgrat de
- in spite of
- a desgrat
- grudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly
desgreuge: en desgreuge de — to make amends for, in compensation for
deshora: a deshora — at an inconvenient time, at a bad moment
desitjar: deixar a desitjar — be lacking; leave something to be desired
desmenjat: fer el desmenjat — pretend to be indifferent
desorbitats: amb els ulls desorbitats — wide-eyed, bug-eyed; dumbfounded, flabbergasted
desparar: desparar taula — clear the table
despert: somiar despert — daydream
desperta: desperta ferro! — draw your swords!
despesa: pagar la despesa — pay/foot the bill, bear the expense, pick up the tab
despeses: despeses generals — overhead, continuing costs of operation
despit: a despit de — in spite of
desplegades: anar veles desplegades — go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- després
- després de poc
- before long
- després de tot
- after all
desprevingut: agafar desprevingut — take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
despullar: despullar un sant per a vestir-ne un altre — rob Peter to pay Paul
despuntar: en apuntar/despuntar el dia — at the break of day
despús: despús-anit — the night before last
dessobre: al dessobre — over, above; on top of
dessota: al dessota — under, below, underneath, beheath
- destapar
- destapar l'olla
- tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- destapar la caixa de Pandora
- open a Pandora's box
- destapar la caixa dels trons
- raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
- destapar-ho tot
- tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
destemplades: a caixes destemplades — relentlessly, ruthlessly, remorselessly, implacably
destemps: a destemps — too early or late, inconveniently
destinació: cobrament a destinació — COD
destorb: feina feta no fa/té destorb — don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today
destra: a destra i sinistra — 1 [a un costat a l'altra] left and right 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
destral: tenir llengua de destral — calumniar
destret: en un destret — in a fix/jam/pickle
destriar: destriar el gra de la palla — separate the wheat from the chaff
desús: caure en desús — fall into disuse; become obsolete
detall: al detall — retail
- déu
- no haver-hi déu que
- absolutely nobody (can) (exs.: no hi ha déu que estudiï = absolutely nobody studies; no hi ha déu que ho entengui = absolutely nobody can understand it)
- tot déu
- everyone; every Tom, Dick and Harry
- Déu
- a la bona de Déu
- 1 trusting to luck, without any plans, hit-or-miss 2 carefree, free and easy
- ajudant Déu
- God willing
- clamar a Déu
- cry (out) to heaven
- com Déu mana
- befittingly, correctly
- com hi ha Déu!
- for sure!, I swear!, sure as I'm standing/sitting here!
- deixat de la mà de Déu
- godforsaken, desolate, stark, austere
- Déu ajut quan...
- Lord knows when...
- Déu em perdoni
- excuse me if I'm mistaken
- Déu faci que
- heaven grant that
- Déu hi faci més que nosaltres
- it's in God's hands now
- Déu ho faci/vulgui
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- Déu i ajut
- a huge effort
- Déu l'hagi perdonat
- may he/she rest in peace
- Déu me'n guard!
- by no means! absolutely not! no way!
- Déu n'hi do!
- 1 [admiratiu] that's impressive!; that's really something!; wow!; and how! (ex.: Déu n'hi do, aquest jersei! = That's some sweater!) 2 [quantitatiu] quite a lot!, quite a few! 3 [qualificatiu] really!
- Déu nos en guard d'un ja està fet
- no use crying over spilt milk
- Déu us ho pagui!
- may God be with you and bless you!
- Déu volent!
- God willing!
- Déu vos guard!
- greetings!
- en gràcia de Déu
- in the grace of God
- gràcies a Déu
- thank heaven, thank God
- l'home proposa i Déu disposa
- the best laid plans can go astray
- lliurar l'ànima a Déu
- meet one's maker
- lloat sia Déu!
- praise the Lord!
- ni Déu
- nobody, very few
- per aquests mons de Déu
- around the world
- per un voler de Déu
- by the will of God, by a miracle
- plagui a Déu
- may it please God
- que Déu t'escolti
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- retre l'ànima a Déu
- give up the ghost, meet one's Maker
- sense encomanar-se a Déu ni al diable
- impulsively, impetuously
- si Déu vol
- God willing
- temptar Déu
- tempt (the gods / fate); push one's luck
- un bé de Déu de
- a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
- (valga'ns / valga'm) Déu!
- oh my God!, good God!, sakes alive!
- deure
- deure la vida a algú
- owe one's life to someone
- quedar en deure
- (be / end up) owing
- déus
- cara de tres déus
- grim-faced, stone-faced
- fer cara de tres déus
- be grim-faced, stone-faced
devoció: no ser sant de la devoció d'algú — not be someone's cup of tea
- dia
- aixecar-se el dia
- to clear up (the day, the weather)
- al dia
- up-to-date
- avui (en) dia
- nowadays
- caure l'any tal dia
- fall due
- clar com la llum del dia
- plain as (day [Am.] / a pikestaff [Br.] / the nose on one's face)
- com de la nit al dia
- like night and day, completely different
- d'un cap de dia a l'altre
- from dawn to dusk
- d'un dia a l'altre
- soon, in the near future, before long, in due time
- de cada dia
- ordinary, everyday, usual, run-of-the-mill
- de dia
- before dusk
- de dia en dia
- day by day, from day to day
- de la nit al dia
- suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly
- del dia
- present day
- demà serà un altre dia
- tomorrow is another day
- dia a dia
- day by day
- dia de cada dia
- weekday, work day
- dia de festa
- 1 [oficial] holiday 2 [personal] day off
- dia del gos
- the day after a city festival (when nobody feels like working)
- dia festiu
- holiday
- dia hàbil/laborable/feiner
- workday, work/working day
- dia per altre
- every other day
- dia sí dia no
- every other day
- el dia d'avui
- today
- el dia de demà
- someday, in the future
- el nostre pa de cada dia
- our daily bread
- el pa de cada dia
- (a common / an everyday) occurrence, a common/frequent/familiar event
- en apuntar/despuntar el dia
- at the break of day
- en el seu dia
- in the past, once, at one time; in times past
- en fer-se de dia
- at the break of day; at daybreak
- fer de la nit dia
- burn the midnight oil
- l'altre dia de pagès
- the other day
- llarg com un dia sense pa
- never-ending, ceaseless, endless; [discurs] long-drawn-out, long-winded
- nit i dia
- day and night
- posar al dia
- to update; bring something up to date
- qui dia passa, any empeny
- 1 by resolving small everyday problems, longterm problems can be resolved 2 in the long run we'll have to deal with problems we try to ignore in the present
- rompre el dia
- break of day
- tal dia com avui
- on this date (ex.: Tal dia com avui de 1926 va morir Antoni Gaudí = On this date in 1926, Antoni Gaudí died)
- tal dia farà un any
- it's nothing to get excited about, it leaves me cold, I couldn't care less
- tot el sant dia
- constantly, neverendingly, forever
- un dia no i l'altre tampoc
- never
- un dia sí l'altre també
- time and again, time after time, repeatedly
- viure al dia
- live hand to mouth
- diable
- advocat del diable
- devil's advocate
- que el diable se m'emporti si...
- may the devil take me if...
- sense encomanar-se a Déu ni al diable
- impulsively, impetuously
- temptar al diable
- tempt fate, push one's luck
- tenir el diable al cos
- be full of the devil
- vés-te'n al diable!
- go to the devil!
diagonal: llegir en diagonal — to skim
diamant: diamant (en) brut — diamond in the rough
- diana
- fer diana
- hit the bull's-eye
- tocar diana
- to sound/blow reveille
diari: dir més mentides que (el diari / una llebre no fa salts) — lie shamelessly; lie like a rug
dibuixos: ficar-se en dibuixos — get mixed up in questionable affairs
- dida
- dida
- wet-nurse
- engegar/enviar a dida algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- portar a dida
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
die: sine die (llatinisme) — sine die
diem: carpe diem — carpe diem; seize the day, live for the day
dient: més dient — [subhasta] highest bidder
- dies
- a dies
- changeably, erratically
- cada vuit dies
- weekly, once a week
- de fa quatre dies
- recently, a short time ago
- donar els dies
- to congratulate someone on their birthday or name day
- haver-hi més dies que llonganisses
- there be all the time in the world
- home de dies
- oldster, elderly man, old-timer
- tenir dies
- be temperamental/moody/touchy; be fickle/mercurial
- tenir els dies comptats
- someone's/something's days are numbered
dieta: fer dieta — go/be on a diet
dificultats: posar en dificultats — discredit, jeopardize, endanger; get (someone) into trouble
digues: digues-li com vulguis — call it what you will
diguis: no diguis blat que no sigui al sac i ben lligat — don't count your chickens before they hatch
- dijous
- fins a la setmana dels tres dijous
- till pigs fly
- posar-se al mig, com el dijous
- get in the way
dilluns: fer (el) dilluns — take Monday off
- dimoni
- córrer com el dimoni
- run like the devil/wind; run like hell [vulg.]
- saber on jeu el dimoni
- know what's what
- ser de la pell de dimoni
- be underhanded, swindling, deceiving
- diner
- diner menut
- change
- dir-ne cent per un diner
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, tell someone what's what, bawl someone out
- diners
- diners fan diners
- it takes money to make money
- fer diners
- make/earn (a lot of) money
- tocar diners
- get paid; make money
dins: dins la pell d'algú — in someone's shoes
dinyar: dinyar-la — kick the bucket
- dir
- a dir ver/veritat
- to tell the truth, if the truth be told
- a tot dir
- to the utmost
- acabat de dir, acabat d'oferir
- go in one ear and out the other
- de no dir
- remarkable, extraordinary, amazing, sensational, unrivaled
- dir (a algú) el nom del porc
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, tell someone what's what, bawl someone out; give someone (what for / a dressing down / a piece of one's mind)
- dir a algú quatre coses ben dites
- chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
- dir a cau d'orella
- whisper in someone's ear
- dir amb tota la boca
- say right out loud
- dir de tot a algú
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, give someone a dressing down
- dir el cor una cosa
- have a feeling/hunch/premonition; have a feeling in one's bones
- dir (entre dents / amb mitja boca)
- mutter, mumble
- dir fàstics/mal/penjaments/pestes de
- backbite, badmouth, defame, villify; [falsament] slander
- dir la bonaventura a algú
- tell someone's fortune
- dir les coses pel seu nom
- talk straight, tell it like it is, hold/keep nothing back
- dir més mentides que (el diari / una llebre no fa salts)
- lie shamelessly; lie like a rug
- dir (paraules gruixudes / paraulotes / renecs)
- swear, curse, cuss; be foul-mouthed
- dir per dir
- say something just to make conversation, say something without meaning it, talk through one's hat
- dir quatre fàstics a algú
- tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
- dir sense embuts
- speak one's mind, speak right out, say what one means
- dir-hi la seva
- stick one's nose/oar in, interfere, butt in
- dir-ne a algú quatre de fresques
- tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
- dir-ne cent per un diner
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, tell someone what's what, bawl someone out
- dir-ne de tots colors
- to speak scornfully/contemptuously/disparagingly of something/someone
- en un dir Jesús
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
- és a dir
- that is to say
- és a dir...
- in other words...
- ja ho pots ben dir
- you said it, you said a mouthful
- mal m'està de dir-ho
- if I do say so myself
- no cal (ni) dir
- it goes without saying, needless to say
- no dir ni ase ni bèstia a algú
- not greet someone, to cut/snub someone
- no dir (ni piu / mot)
- not say a word
- no dir ni piu/pruna
- not say a word
- no dir res a algú
- [no produir cap impressió] leave someone cold
- no fer-s'ho dir dues vegades
- not have/need to be told twice
- per dir-ho així
- so to speak, as it were, in a manner of speaking, to coin a phrase
- qui ho havia de dir!
- who would have thought (it)!
- sense dir ni ase ni bèstia
- without so much as a word
- ser fàcil a dir
- be easier said than done
- tenir a dir
- take exception, disagree, object
- tenir una per dir
- be a jokester
- una cosa de no dir
- a lot; excedingly, tremendously
- val a dir
- it must/should be said
- vols dir?
- really?
diràs: tu diràs! — of course!
directa: posar la directa — get a move on, afanyar-se
directe: en directe — live
diria: qui ho diria! — who would have thought (it)!
disbarat: fer un disbarat — do something silly
disc: canviar el disc — change the subject
discòrdia: poma de la discòrdia — bone of contention
discreció: a discreció (de) — at one's discretion, at will
- discutir
- discutir a crits
- get into a shouting match
- discutir sobre el sexe dels àngels
- argue uselessly, debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin
disparat: sortir disparat — rush out
disposa: l'home proposa i Déu disposa — the best laid plans can go astray
disposat: estar disposat a tot — willing to do anything; be ready for anything
disposició: a la seva/teva disposició — at your service
dispost: mal dispost — under the weather
dissabte: fer dissabte — to clean house
dissimulat: fer el dissimulat — play dumb, pretend not to understand
dissort: per dissort — unfortunately, regrettably, lamentably
- distància
- mantenir algú a distància
- keep someone at (arm's length / a distance), give a wide berth to someone
- tenir a distància
- keep one's distance
distàncies: guardar les distàncies — keep one's distance, be wary/reticent/guarded/reserved
- dit
- anar com l'anell al dit
- be a perfect fit, fill the bill, be just what the doctor ordered
- assenyalar amb el dit
- point out, call/draw attention to
- del dit al fet, hi ha un tret
- it's easier said than done
- dit i fet!
- no sooner said than done!
- donaria un dit de la mà
- would give one's right arm
- mamar-se el dit
- be gullible, be a sucker, likely to fall for anything
- més ben dit
- rather, instead
- no moure un dit
- not lift a finger, not move a muscle
- posar el dit (a la llaga / al forat)
- hit the nail on the head, hit the bull's-eye/mark
- posar/ficar el dit a l'ull
- scrutinize, probe; keep tabs on
- que no sigui dit
- for form's sake, to maintain appearances
- tal dit tal fet
- no sooner said than done; as could have been foreseen
- tenir a algú el dit a l'ull
- have it in for someone, feel hostility toward someone
- tenir-li el dit ficat al ull
- feel ill-will toward someone
- tot sigui dit
- if all be told
- través de dit
- finger's width
- venir com l'anell al dit
- be just the thing, just what the doctor ordered
- dites
- arribar a misses dites
- be late
- dir a algú quatre coses ben dites
- chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
- dits
- a dos dits de
- within an ace of
- agafar-se els dits
- lose money, have a deal go wrong/bad/south
- enganxar-se els dits
- get one's fingers burned
- fer córrer els dits
- steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
- fer petar els dits
- snap one's fingers
- ficar els dits a la boca d'algú
- make someone talk
- marcar els cinc dits a algú
- slap someone in the face
- mossegar-se'n els dits
- be on (tenterhooks / pins and needles), be ill at ease; have the jitters
- no tenir dos dits de front/seny
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- pelar-se els dits
- work one's fingers to the bone
- per llepar-se'n els dits
- finger-licking good; to find something particularly tasty
- picar els dits a algú
- scold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap someone's knuckles
- picar-se els dits
- lose money in a deal
- prendre dels dits
- take (something) right out of (someone's) hands
- qui oli mesura/remena, els dits se n'unta
- he who deals with money is often tempted to keep some for himself
- ser llarg de dits
- steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe
- tenir dits
- be dextrous, skillful, deft
- tenir els dits pelats
- to have done something repeatedly; to be an old hand
- tenir la vista als dits
- inclined/prone to touch everything
- tenir pel cap dels dits
- be knowledgeable, proficient, expert
- untar-se els dits
- embezzle, peculate, defalcate
- diu
- com qui diu
- as they say
- com qui no diu res
- as if it were nothing, as if it had no importance
- el corb diu negra a la garsa
- the pot calling the kettle black
- dius
- ara que ho dius
- now that you mention it
- què dius?
- come again?
divaguis: no divaguis — don't beat about/around the bush, come/get to the point, cut to the chase
divendres: fer divendres — abstain from eating meat; to fast; go hungry
Divendres: Divendres Sant — Good Friday
- do
- Déu n'hi do!
- 1 [admiratiu] that's impressive!; that's really something!; wow!; and how! (ex.: Déu n'hi do, aquest jersei! = That's some sweater!) 2 [quantitatiu] quite a lot!, quite a few! 3 [qualificatiu] really!
- do de gents
- charm, affability
- fer do de
- donate, give
- ser un do me'n do me'n
- be something easily consumed or used up
doblar: doblar el pas — quicken one's pace
doble: fer el doble joc — double-deal, double-cross, act with duplicity
- dogal
- amb (el dogal / la corda) al coll
- in dire straits, in a jam
- amb el dogal al coll
- in dire straits, in a jam
- posar el dogal al coll a algú
- enslave someone, keep someone under one's thumb
doina: en doina — helter-skelter, topsy-turvy, disorganized
dojo: a dojo — galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- dol
- de dol
- in mourning
- portar dol
- be in mourning
- saber (de) quin peu es dol algú
- be onto someone; know someone well, know someone's weaknesses
- voler i doler/doldre (vol i dol)
- to be of two minds; to want something but also to fear it
dolç: dolç com l'arrop — sweet as honey
dolces: mamar-se-les dolces — have an easy time of it
- doldre
- ser de doldre
- be regrettable/lamentable/heartbreaking
- voler i doler/doldre (vol i dol)
- to be of two minds; to want something but also to fear it
dolent: més dolent que el pebre — devilish, wicked, thoroughly bad; [nen] mischievous, naughty, a holy terror
dolents: tots els massa són dolents — moderation in all things (all things in moderation)
doler: voler i doler/doldre (vol i dol) — to be of two minds; to want something but also to fear it
dolgui: mal que em/ens dolgui — though it pains me/us
- doll
- a bell doll
- galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- a doll (fet)
- galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
domilcili: a domilcili — at home, to one's home
domini: de domini públic — widely known
- dona
- dona de fer feines
- cleaning lady
- dona de la vida
- woman of easy virtue
- tenir faltes (una dona)
- miss a period
- dóna
- dóna recapte a casa teva!
- mind your own business!
- dóna-me'n, que te'n donaré
- give and take, compromise
- qui dóna rebre espera
- those who give expect something in return
- saber el pa que s'hi dóna
- know what to expect, know what the situacion is
- tant se (me'n / te'n / li'n / ens en / us en / els en) dóna
- I/you/he/she/we/they couldn't care less
donant: més donant — [subhasta] highest bidder
- donar
- donar a algú fil
- encourage someone to go on talking without paying attention to them
- donar a algú una pallissa
- give someone a beating, thrashing, whipping
- donar a conèixer
- make known
- donar a entendre
- imply, hint at, intimate, connote
- donar a llum
- give birth
- donar ales
- encourage
- donar (alguna cosa) per
- regard something as, consider something to be, deem something
- donar allargs
- procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing (something)
- donar ansa a algú
- give someone a chance
- donar bo
- be pleasant/delightful
- donar bombo
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- donar bona mesura
- give a little more than the exact measure
- donar carbassa (a)
- 1 leave at the altar, jilt 2 cold-shoulder, shun, spurn
- donar carbassa/carbasses
- 1 [rebutjar un pretendent] throw over, dump 2 [suspendre el curs] flunk, fail
- donar carpetada a
- postpone, defer, shelve, put off, pigeonhole
- donar carta blanca
- give carte blanche; give a free hand, give free rein, give a blank check
- donar cent voltes a
- run rings around
- donar comiat a algú
- ask someone to leave; lay someone off
- donar compte
- account for, justify, give an explanation for
- donar cor
- encourage
- donar corda
- 1 [mecanisme] wind up 2 [impulsar] egg on, prod 3 bolster, call attention to, push for, popularize
- donar crèdit a
- [cosa veraç] believe; [cosa falsa] be taken in by, fall for, be deceived by
- donar curs
- open the way, pave the way, break ground
- donar de baixa
- remove from a list or group, eliminate, dismiss, dispense with; [med.] give sick leave (to)
- donar de si
- give forth, yield; give a good account of itself
- donar duros a quatre pessetes
- 1 [fer mal negoci] sell at a loss, go broke, go bankrupt 2 [enganyar] pull the wool over someone's eyes, offer something too good to be true
- donar eixamples
- give free rein, give/offer carte blanche
- donar el braç a tòrcer
- ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
- donar el condol
- offer condolences
- donar el passaport a algú
- (fire / get rid of) someone
- donar el pit
- nurse, breast-feed, suckle
- donar el sus
- ring the opening bell
- donar els dies
- to congratulate someone on their birthday or name day
- donar entenent
- persuade, cajole
- donar entrada a
- admit, accept, agree to take
- donar escolta a
- listen to, pay attention to; heed
- donar estudis
- pay for one's education
- donar fe
- witness, be a witness; attest, verify, confirm
- donar (garsa per perdiu / gat per llebre)
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- donar greix
- please, satisfy, gladden, comfort
- donar hora
- make an appointment
- donar impuls
- boost, bolster, advance, promote
- donar joc/pas a
- open the way for
- donar l'abast
- cope
- donar l'arreveure a
- say goodbye to
- donar l'enhorabona
- congratulate
- donar l'esquena a
- give the cold shoulder to, turn one's back on; snub, brush off, dismiss, shun, spurn, rebuff
- donar la (benvinguda / bona arribada)
- to welcome
- donar la campanada
- shock, stun, astound, startle, take aback, flabbergast
- donar la cara
- confront, stand up to, challenge
- donar la culpa a
- to blame
- donar la dreta a
- give priority/precedence to
- donar la gana
- feel like (ex.: No li dóna la gana d'ajudar-nos = He doesn't feel like helping us)
- donar la llauna
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- donar la mà
- 1 shake hands 2 [ajudar] give (someone) a hand
- donar la nota
- be the center of attention
- donar la raó a
- agree with, go along with; accept/admit/acknowledge that someone is right
- donar la tabarra
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- donar la talla
- come through, measure up; be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- donar les gràcies
- thank
- donar llargues mànigues
- give a free hand, give free rein, give a blank check
- donar llenya
- beat up, thrash, knock around
- donar lloc a
- cause, bring about, give rise to
- donar mil voltes a
- run rings around
- donar mitja volta
- do an about-face
- donar mort
- kill
- donar nom a
- 1 [batejar] name, baptize, christen 2 [acreditar] make famous, give/do credit to
- donar notícia
- make known, call/draw attention to, highlight, point out
- donar orella
- listen; take notice; lend an ear
- donar pàbul a
- encourage, stir up, lend oneself to, breathe life into; ~ murmuracions = give rise to rumors
- donar paraula
- give one's word, promise
- donar part a
- inform, give notice to, notify; ~ la nit = go to bed
- donar peixet
- 1 [ajudar] give a special advantage to, make things easy for 2 [enganyar] cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bilk, rip off
- donar pel (cul [vulg.] / sac)
- to abuse, mistreat, exploit, take advantage of
- donar penyora
- leave something in pawn
- donar per descomptat
- take for granted
- donar per fet/segur
- be sure/confident; take for granted
- donar per mort (algú/quelcom)
- assume someone/something is dead
- donar perles als porcs
- cast pearls before swine
- donar peu
- cause, bring about, give rise to
- donar punts
- sew stitches
- donar raó de
- provide (information / an explanation) about
- donar recapte a
- take care of, deal with
- donar records a algú de part de
- give one's regards to someone; say hello to someone for someone
- donar sabó
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
- donar sense comptar
- be generous, open-handed
- donar senyals de vida
- give signs of life
- donar suport
- support, back up, encourage, help out
- donar taba
- monopolize the conversation
- donar temps
- provide/give time
- donar (un aglà / una gla) per fer cagar un roure
- give a little in order to get a lot back
- donar un bolet/calbot/mastegot
- hit, cuff, spank, smack, thump
- donar un clatellot
- hit/cuff/smack/thump on the back of the neck
- donar un cop d'ull
- check out, take a look at
- donar un cop de mà
- give a (helping) hand
- donar un espectacle
- cause an uproar, act outrageously/scandalously
- donar un miquel a algú
- tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
- donar un moc a algú
- tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
- donar una allisada a algú
- tick someone off
- donar una lliçó
- give a good example
- donar una maneta a algú
- scold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap (someone's) knuckles
- donar una ullada a
- check out, take a glance at
- donar valor a
- give/attach importance to
- donar veus
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- donar volta
- turn over/around
- donar voltes/tombs
- ponder, mull over
- donar(-hi) voltes
- dwell on (something), ponder, mull over
- donar-l'hi mastegat
- make something simple/easy for someone; give something to someone on a silver platter
- donar-se a conèixer
- 1 [presentar-se] introduce oneself 2 [significar-se] make a name for oneself, make oneself known 3 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
- donar-se a la beguda
- take to drink
- donar-se a la mala vida
- give oneself over to decadence and immorality
- donar-se a
- take to, give oneself over to, go in for
- donar-se aires a
- hasten to
- donar-se aires
- to put on airs
- donar(-se) d'alta
- join, sign up; [med.] discharge
- donar-se el bec
- bill and coo
- donar-se importància
- give oneself airs, put on airs
- donar-se la mà
- shake hands
- donar-se manya
- contrive
- donar-se per al·ludit
- consider oneself referred to
- donar-se per assabentat
- acknowledge
- donar-se per vençut
- give up, admit defeat, surrender
- donar-se to
- show off, flaunt, brag, swagger
- donar-se una vidassa
- live the good life
- haver-n'hi per a donar i per a vendre
- there be in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- no donar l'abast
- not be able to cope
- no donar quarter
- give no quarter
- no donar tanda
- monopolize the conversation
- per donar i per vendre
- galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion (ex.: De castellanismes en aquest diari n'hi ha per donar i per vendre = There are Spanish elements galore in this newspaper)
donaré: dóna-me'n, que te'n donaré — give and take, compromise
donaria: donaria un dit de la mà — would give one's right arm
- donat
- donat cas que
- supposing that
- donat que
- assuming that
- ser donat
- be allowed (ex.: No m'és donat de parlar d'aquestes coses = I'm not allowed to speak of these things)
doncs: si doncs no — unless
dones: casa de dones — brothel, cathouse, whorehouse
dormilega: dormilega — sleepyhead
- dormir
- anar a dormir com les gallines
- go to bed with the chickens
- dormir a la palla
- not be prepared for unexpected setbacks
- dormir amb els ulls oberts
- sleep with one eye open
- dormir amb un ull obert
- sleep with one eye open
- dormir com un tronc/soc
- sleep like a log
- dormir com una marmota
- sleep like a log
- dormir de memòria
- sleep face up
- dormir la mona
- sleep off a hangover
- dormir més que el guix
- be a sleepyhead
- dormir pla
- sleep like a baby
- dormir-hi
- sleep on it
- poder dormir tranquil
- not have to worry
- dos
- a dos dits de
- within an ace of
- cada dos per tres
- time and again, more often than not
- com dos i dos fan quatre
- for sure/certain, no two ways about it
- de dos en dos
- two by two
- de dos mals, el menor
- the lesser of two evils
- matar dos pardals d'un tret
- kill two birds with one stone
- menjar a dos queixos
- eat like a horse; [despectivament] pig out
- no tenir dos dits de front/seny
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- tocar el dos
- leave, beat it, make tracks
- un home advertit en val dos
- forewarned is forearmed
dotzena: una dotzena de frare — a baker's dozen
- drap
- a tot drap
- flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
- deixar com un drap brut
- rake over the coals, scold/criticize up one side and down the other, give someone a dressing down, come down hard on someone
- quedar com un drap brut
- be put to shame; be disgraced
- rentar la cara amb un drap brut
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
drapets: treure (a algú) els drapets al sol — tattle/rat/tell on someone; air someone's dirty laundry; reveal secrets about someone
draps: posar draps calents — gloss over, whitewash, dissemble
dreçar: dreçar les orelles — pay attention
drecera: fer drecera — take a shortcut
- dret
- a bon dret
- by rights; lawfully, legally, rightly, justly
- a dret fil
- [teixit] in a straight line
- a peu dret
- standing
- a tort i a dret
- carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
- al dret
- right side up
- camí dret
- directly, straight; as the crow flies
- de dret a
- straight/right to
- de dret al gra
- right to the point
- de dret
- by right(s)
- del dret
- [roba] right side out
- dret com un ciri/rave
- bolt upright, straight as a die
- dret del més fort
- law of the jungle, survival of the fittest
- dret i fet
- through and through
- entrar amb el peu dret
- (get/be off) to a good start
- entrar per l'ull dret
- be beautiful to look at, have an attractive appearance
- fer anar dret algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
- llaurar dret
- toe the line, follow the book, adhere to the rules
- no hi ha dret!
- it's wrong/unfair/unjust!
- pel camí dret
- on the straight and narrow (path)
- pel dret
- 1 [en línia recta] straight ahead, as the crow flies 2 [directament] straightforwardly, openly, point-blank
- posar-se dret
- stand up
- pujar dret
- bring up strictly, making children toe the line
- ser el braç dret d'algú
- be someone's right arm
- tirar/tallar al/pel dret
- 1 [tirar endavant] get (down) to it 2 [amb bon resultat] act decisively 3 [amb mal resultat] go off half-cocked
- tot dret
- straight, right, directly
- dreta
- a dreta llei
- by rights; lawfully, legally, rightly, justly
- anar cua dreta
- be self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up
- donar la dreta a
- give priority/precedence to
- no deixar canya dreta
- lay waste, devastate, obliterate
- no fer-ne cap de dreta
- bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]
- no saber on té la mà dreta
- be all thumbs; be clumsy/inept/ham-handed
- saber on té la mà dreta
- be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
- ser la mà dreta d'algú
- be someone's right-hand man
- viure amb l'esquena dreta
- be shiftless, idle, laggard, slothful
dretcient: a dretcient — on purpose
dretes: a dretes — on purpose
drets: drets d'autor — copyright
dropo: fer el dropo — goof off, fool around; dog it; to shirk
- dubte
- no haver-hi dubte
- there be no doubt
- posar en dubte
- call into question; put in doubt, cast doubt on; not believe/trust
- sens dubte
- of course, no doubt, beyond question, for sure
- dubtes
- sortir de dubtes
- be/make sure, know for sure
- treure de dubtes
- explain, resolve, elucidate
- dues
- nedar entre dues aigües
- play both ends against the middle
- no fer-s'ho dir dues vegades
- not have/need to be told twice
dula: a la dula — at liberty, on the loose
- dur
- anar dur
- be constipated
- cru i dur/pelat
- without constraint, pulling no punches
- de cor dur
- hard-hearted
- deixar-se dur pel corrent
- go along with the crowd
- deixar-se dur per [una passió, etc.]
- yield to [a passion, etc.]
- dur a terme
- carry out
- dur d'orella
- hard of hearing
- dur de closca
- dense, thick, stolid; slow on the uptake
- dur de pair
- hard to accept
- dur els papers mullats
- be misinformed
- dur escrit a la cara
- be written on one's face
- dur l'alforja al coll
- be prepared
- dur la balla
- make (a scene / waves)
- dur la borromba
- be at the tail end of the class
- dur la contra
- oppose, dispute; be disagreeable/cantankerous/contentious
- dur les ombres mortes
- look (discouraged / crestfallen / dispirited / in the dumps)
- dur merda a l'espardenya [vulg.]
- have bad/rotten/hard/tough luck
- tenir el cap dur
- be hard-headed
- un os dur de rosegar
- a tough nut to crack; a tough/difficult question, a difficult problem
dura: mà dura — severity, harshness, ruthlessness, rigidity, rigor
- durar
- durar com la bóta de sant Ferriol
- last forever
- durar d'avui a demà
- not last long
- durar de Nadal a Sant Esteve
- short-lived, ephemeral, fast fading
duri: no hi ha mal que cent anys duri — time heals all wounds
- duro
- explicar sopars de duro
- tell cock-and-bull stories, fish stories, tall tales
- sopar de duro
- cock-and-bull story, fish story, tall tale
duros: donar duros a quatre pessetes — 1 [fer mal negoci] sell at a loss, go broke, go bankrupt 2 [enganyar] pull the wool over someone's eyes, offer something too good to be true |
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