Dites visca!
Dites visca! E
- eco
- fer-se eco de
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- tenir eco
- arouse interest
ecs: ecs! — yuck!, gross!, ugh!
- edat
- d'edat
- elderly
- d'una certa edat
- of mature years, of a certain age
- de bona edat
- middle-aged
- edat de la poca-solta
- adolescence
- l'edat mitjana
- the Middle Ages
- l'edat no perdona
- time takes its toll
- major d'edat
- of age
- menor d'edat
- underage (under age)
- tercera edat
- old age
edició: edició de butxaca — paperback edition
educat: mal educat — offensive, rude, disrespectful
- efecte
- a aquest efecte
- for this purpose, to this end
- a l'efecte de
- in order to; that one may
- cop d'efecte
- coup de théâtre
- efecte secundari
- side effect
- en efecte
- in fact, really, indeed
- fer efecte
- 1 [med.] take effect 2 [semblar] seem
- fer l'efecte
- seem, appear, give the impression
- fer mal efecte
- to look bad/terrible/awful
- fer (un) bon efecte
- make a good impression
- tenir efecte
- take place
efectes: efectes secundaris — side effects
efectiu: en efectiu — in cash
eh: eh? — huh?
ei: ei! — hey!
eina: espasa/eina de dos talls — double-edged/two-edged sword
eixam: de tal buc, tal eixam — like father, like son
- eixamples
- donar eixamples
- give free rein, give/offer carte blanche
- fer eixamples
- widen, open up, spread out
eixerit: més eixerit que un gínjol — smart as a whip
- eixir
- eixir de mare
- 1 [un riu] overflow its banks 2 [persona] get (overly excited / worked up)
- eixir del fang i caure al barranc
- fall out of the frying pan into the fire
eixit: a sol eixit — at daybreak, at first light, at cockcrow
eixugar: eixugar la butxaca a algú — clean someone out, leave someone penniless
el: el més enllà — the other side, what lies beyond the grave
eleccions: eleccions anticipades — snap election(s)
elis: elis, elis — nyaah, nyaah
- ell
- pagat d'ell mateix (i variants)
- self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up; have a swelled head
- per ell farà!
- it's his funeral!, that's his business!, that's up to him!
elogis: desfer-se en elogis — pay lavish compliments
els: els extrems es toquen — extreme positions often have things in common; [lit.] extremes meet
embalis: no t'embalis! — don't get excited!, keep calm!
embalum: fer embalum — take up space
- embolic
- fer-se un embolic
- get into a muddle, get mixed up
- ficar-se en un embolic
- get into trouble
embolica: embolica que fa fort — and to top it off; here's a mix-up/muddle for you; wait till you hear this
- embolicar
- embolicar (la troca / el credo)
- mess/foul up, complicate things; make a muddle of things
- poder embolicar-se amb una fulla de pi quelcom
- (can/could) put/stick something where the sun don't shine [vulg.]
- embranzida
- agafar embranzida
- gather momentum
- perdre embranzida
- lose momentum
embrutar: embrutar-se les mans — dirty one's hands
embrutes: si m'embrutes, t'emmascaro — just the same
embuatada: bata embuatada — padded/quilted bathrobe
- embut
- la llei de l'embut
- might makes right
- llei de l'embut
- "might makes right"; laws or restrictions unfairly imposed upon the weak by those immune from complying with said laws and restrictions
- embuts
- fer embuts
- beat around/about the bush, hedge, not get to the point
- no (anar amb / gastar) embuts
- not mince words, speak one's mind, lay it on the line
- parlar/dir sense embuts
- speak one's mind, speak right out, say what one means
emissari: boc emissari — scapegoat
emmascaro: si m'embrutes, t'emmascaro — just the same
emoció: quina emoció! — what a thrill!, how exciting!
empara: a l'empara de — 1 [a cobert de] protected/sheltered from 2 [d'acord amb] in agreement with; pursuant to
- empassar
- empassar-s'ho tot
- to believe/swallow anything
- empassar-se el gripau
- bite the bullet, grin and bear it, bow to fate
- empassar-se la saliva
- contain oneself, bottle up one's anger
- fer empassar
- [fer creure] make someone believe
empassat: haver-se empassat una escombra — self-important, self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up
empatolla: què s'empatolla? — what nonsense!
empenta: d'empenta — resolute, persevering, purposeful, staunch, steadfast
- empentes
- a bots i empentes
- by fits and starts; jerkily, any which way
- a empentes i rodolons
- arduously, laboriously
- a empentes
- rudely, disrespectfully
- treure a empentes
- kick out, give the boot
- empeny
- qui dia passa, any empeny
- 1 by resolving small everyday problems, longterm problems can be resolved 2 in the long run we'll have to deal with problems we try to ignore in the present
- qui t'empeny que tant rodoles?
- who rattled your cage?
emportar: emportar-se la palma — take the cake, triumph, prevail
emporti: que el diable se m'emporti si... — may the devil take me if...
emprenyis: no m'emprenyis! — don't bother me!, leave me alone!
- empresa
- d'empresa
- resolute, persevering, purposeful, staunch, steadfast
- home d'empresa
- businessman
- en
- en cas extrem
- as a last resort
- en compendi
- in brief
- en efecte
- in fact, really, indeed
- en efectiu
- in cash
- en escanvi
- in return
- en escruix
- completely, entirely
- en esguard de
- compared to, in comparison with
- en espera de
- awaiting, pending; looking forward to
- en esperit
- in spirit
- en estat de gràcia
- in a state of grace
- en estat
- pregnant, in the family way, with a bun in the oven
- en estudi
- under study/consideration
- en extrem
- very, really
- en l'endemig
- in the meantime, meanwhile, for the moment
- en un no res
- right away, immediately
- en una esgarrapada
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
- en una exhalació
- quickly, fast; in/like a flash, lickety-split, like a shot
enaiguar: enaiguar-se-li els ulls — get misty, be moved/stirred
- ençà
- d'aleshores ençà
- since then
- d'un temps ençà
- for some time
- ençà i enllà
- here and there
- fer-se ençà
- come/move closer
encalç: anar a l'encalç d'algú — be in hot pursuit of someone
encant: tenir la vida a l'encant — be in dire straits, in a desperate situation
- encara
- encara ara
- even now; still
- encara com aquell
- it might be all right
- encara més
- even more so
- encara que
- 1 [mode indicatiu] even though, although (ex.: Encara que plou, sortirem = Even though it is raining, we're going out) 2 [mode subjuntiu] even if (ex.: Encara que plogui, sortirem = Even if it rains, we'll go out)
- encara rai
- thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
- encara sort/rai
- thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
- i encara
- at (the) most
- i encara bo/sort/gràcies
- it could have been worse
encàrrec: fer encàrrecs (fer un encàrrec) — run errands (run an errand)
encàrrecs: fer encàrrecs (fer un encàrrec) — run errands (run an errand)
encarrilat: ben encarrilat — well under way
encén: qui té cua de palla s'encén — if the shoe fits, wear it
encenalls: foc d'encenalls — flash in the pan, nine days' wonder; fleeting, short-lived, ephemeral
- encendre
- encendre la candela
- accept an opening bid
- encendre la sang
- 1 stir one's blood 2 annoy/bother/irritate; get on one's nerves
- encendre's com un lluquet
- lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof
encerta: qui l'encerta l'endevina — trusting to luck
encertar: encertar el pinyol — get it absolutely right
encerto: si l'encerto, l'endevino — trusting to luck; I'll be lucky if what I'm doing turns out well
encesa: a encesa de llums — at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- encetar
- encetar amb bon peu
- (get/be off) to a good start
- encetar el son
- start to get to sleep
- enclusa
- clavar-ne una al mall i (dues / l'altra) a l'enclusa
- foul up, blunder, screw up [vulg.]; make a mess/hash of something
- costar més el mall que l'enclusa
- something secondary is worth more than the main thing
- entre l'enclusa i el martell
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- encomanar
- no saber a quin sant encomanar-se
- be up a stump
- sense encomanar-se a Déu ni al diable
- impulsively, impetuously
encongir: encongir el cor — give a fright; daunt, intimidate
encop: a l'encop — at the same time
- endarrere
- fer un pas endarrere
- lose ground, slip back
- fer un pas endavant i dos endarrere
- take one step forward and two steps back
- tirar endarrere
- 1 [recular] move back, back up 2 [desdir-se] back down, go back on one's word
- tornar-se endarrere
- go back on one's word
- endavant
- (d'ara / d'avui / en) endavant
- from now on
- d'ara endavant
- from now on
- endavant les atxes!
- full steam ahead!, let's get on with it!
- fer un pas endavant i dos endarrere
- take one step forward and two steps back
- per endavant
- in advance
- tirar endavant
- go/forge ahead, proceed; keep on keeping on
- endemà
- l'endemà passat l'altre
- three days after
- l'endemà passat
- two days after
endemig: en l'endemig — in the meantime, meanwhile, for the moment
endeví: a l'endeví — gropingly, feeling one's way
- endevina
- endevina endevineta
- here's a riddle; riddle me this
- endevina qui t'ha tocat
- there's nothing you can do about it
- qui l'encerta l'endevina
- trusting to luck
endevinar: endevinar la tecla — hit the nail on the head
endevineta: endevina endevineta — here's a riddle; riddle me this
endevino: si l'encerto, l'endevino — trusting to luck; I'll be lucky if what I'm doing turns out well
endreça: molta fressa i poca endreça — much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
endreçat: anar endreçat — be all spruced up
- endreços
- cambra dels mals endreços
- spare room
- mals endreços
- odds and ends, clutter, junk
enemic: ser enemic de si mateix — be one's own worst enemy
- enèsima
- a l'enèsima potència
- to the nth degree
- per enèsima vegada
- for the umpteenth time
enfadós: la cançó de l'enfadós — a broken record; something that is tediously repeated (ex.: Sé que sembla la cançó de l'enfadós, però val la pena repetir-ho! = I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but it bears repeating!)
enfila: cadascú per on l'enfila — to each his own; different strokes for different folks
- enfilar
- enfilar-se com una carbassera
- 1 [enfadar-se] fly off the handle, hit the ceiling, blow a gasket 2 [créixer] grow like a weed
- enfilar-se per les parets
- fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket
- enfora
- de llavis enfora
- (paying/giving) lip service; speaking insincerely, empty talk, hollow words
- de portes enfora
- from the outside, on the surface, on the face of it, superficially
- riure de les dents enfora
- force a laugh
enfront: enfront de — 1 [davant per davant] opposite (to) 2 [malgrat] in spite of
- engaltar
- engegar-les sense engaltar
- speak bluntly/carelessly; speak off the cuff
- sense engaltar
- carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
- enganxar
- enganxar amb saliva dejuna
- ineffectively (hooked / coupled / stuck together)
- enganxar-se com una paparra
- stick like glue, stick like a barnacle
- enganxar-se els dits
- get one's fingers burned
enganyar: enganyar la gana — take the edge off one's hunger
enganyen: les aparences enganyen — appearances are deceiving
- engegar
- engegar a la merda algú [tabú]
- tell someone to piss off [vulg.], to fuck off [tabú]
- engegar a (passeig / pastar fang / escampar la boira) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- engegar a (prendre pel sac / prendre pel cul) algú [vulg.]
- tell someone to get lost, to piss off [vulg.]
- engegar a rodar algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- engegar a rodar alguna cosa
- ruin, destroy, wreck something
- engegar (al botavant / a dida / a la quinta forca / a porgar fum / a la porra / a fregir espàrrecs) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- engegar amb bon peu
- (get/be off) to a good start
- engegar el ventilador
- tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- engegar-ho tot a rodar
- give up, throw in the towel, wash one's hands of it; say to hell with it [vulg.]
- engegar-les sense engaltar
- speak bluntly/carelessly; speak off the cuff
enginy: més val enginy que força — brains are better than brawn
engiponat: mal engiponat — [mal vestit] shabby, scruffy, frowzy, unkempt, dishevelled 2 [mal fet] carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
engreixa: (tot) el que no mata engreixa — what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
engròs: a l'engròs — in bulk, wholesale
engrunes: al cul del sac es troben les engrunes — you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around
- enhorabona
- donar l'enhorabona
- congratulate
- estar d'enhorabona
- to be in luck
- enlaire
- de cara enlaire
- face up, facing upward
- de panxa enlaire
- 1 [lit.] face up, facing upward 2 [fig.] be idle, be at leisure; not do a thing
- de potes enlaire
- topsy-turvy, pell-mell, helter-skelter
- deixar enlaire
- leave up in the air
- enllà
- arribar poc enllà
- be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
- el més enllà
- the other side, what lies beyond the grave
- ençà i enllà
- here and there
- fer-se enllà
- move further away, move over
- lluny enllà
- far away, way over yonder, in the distance
- més enllà de
- greater than
- no veure-hi més enllà del nas
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- enlloc
- no anar enlloc
- 1 [no conduir a res] make no difference, be of no importance, be irrellevant 2 [no ser bo per a res] be good-for-nothing, useless, worthless
- no poder-se agafar per enlloc
- be senseless, nonsense, cockamamie, illogical, off-the wall, claptrap, balderdash
enrabiada: agafar una enrabiada — lose one's temper, fly into a passion, hit the ceiling, go through the roof
enrenou: moure enrenou — cause problems, make trouble
- enrere
- fer marxa enrere
- withdraw, back/pull out, do an about-turn
- fer-se enrere
- 1 [recular] move back, back up 2 [desdir-se] back down, go back on one's word
- no hi ha volta enrere
- there's no turning back
- quedar enrere
- be left behind
ensalivar: fer ensalivar — be mouth-watering
ensé: ensé que — just as soon as
ensems: ensems amb — along with, together with
- ensenyar
- ensenyar (el llautó / la ceba / la pota / l'orella)
- show one's true colors; involuntarily reveal one's hidden intentions/agenda
- ensenyar les cartes
- 1 [revelar] lay one's cards on the table 2 [comportar-se lleialment] play fair, be faithful/loyal/honest
- ensenyar les dents
- 1 snarl, threaten, show one's claws 2 smile, perhaps falsely
- ensenyar les ungles
- snarl, threaten, show one's claws
ensopega: tot bon cavall ensopega — anyone can make a mistake
ensopegades: a ensopegades — arduously, laboriously
entaular: entaular batalla — join battle
- entén
- com s'entén?
- well I never!
- parlant, la gent s'entén
- (reaching out / communicating), people get along/on
- entendre
- al meu entendre
- in my opinion, the way I see it is
- donar a entendre
- imply, hint at, intimate, connote
- no entendre's de raons/romanços
- not listen to reason
- no entendre un borall de
- know absolutely nothing about, be completely ignorant of
- no entendre-hi futil·la
- not understand a thing; be completely ignorant of
- no entendre-hi ni un borrall
- not understand a thing
- entenent
- donar entenent
- persuade, cajole
- fer entenent
- notify, inform
- enteniment
- beure's l'enteniment
- go crazy, go out of one's mind; go bananas/haywire/nuts; lose it; crack up
- perdre l'enteniment
- 1 [enfollir] lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end 2 [descontrolar-se] lose control of oneself, lose one's grip, go out of control
- posar enteniment
- gain maturity, become mature
- un bri d'enteniment
- a bit of common sense
entesos: entesos! — agreed! all right!
entonar: entonar el mea culpa — have regrets, feel remorse, have a guilty conscience
- entorn
- a l'entorn
- around; in the neighborhood of
- entorn de
- around, about, near; close at hand
- entrada
- a entrada/entrants de
- at the beginning/entrance of
- d'entrada
- first of all, to begin with
- donar entrada a
- admit, accept, agree to take
entrant: a l'entrant de — 1 [a l'entrada] at the entrance of 2 [al començament] in early (ex.: a l'entrant del mes de maig = in early May)
entrants: a entrada/entrants de — at the beginning/entrance of
entranyat: mal entranyat — callous, heartless, unfeeling, cold-hearted, pitiless
- entranyes
- (no tenir / sense) entranyes
- be heartless, callous, unfeeling, cold-hearted
- tenir males entranyes
- have a mean streak; be cruel, hard-hearted
- entrar
- entrar a degolla
- take by storm, giving no quarter
- entrar amb (bon peu / el peu dret)
- (get/be off) to a good start
- entrar en anys
- get old
- entrar en escena/joc
- come into play, take effect, come up
- entrar en foc
- enter into combat
- entrar en funcions
- asume office
- entrar en matèria
- get down to (it / business / brass tacks / the nitty-gritty)
- entrar en raó
- see the light
- entrar en vigència
- go into effect
- entrar (pels ulls / per l'ull dret)
- be beautiful to look at, have an attractive appearance
- entrar per la porta falsa
- get in through the backdoor
- entrar per la porta gran
- get the red carpet treatment; accede to office with all honors
- entrar per una orella i sortir per l'altra
- go in one ear and out the other
- fer entrar amb calçador alguna cosa
- to shoehorn something; fit/put a square peg in a round hole
- fer entrar pels ulls
- make obvious, make clear; bring to light
- voler fer entrar el clau per la cabota
- try to fit/put a square peg in a round hole; bang/beat one's head against a (brick/stone) wall
entrat: entrat en anys — elderly, long in the tooth
- entre
- entre bolquerets
- pampered, mollycoddled, sheltered
- entre dos llostres/llustres
- at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- entre l'enclusa i el martell
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- entre l'espasa i la paret
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- entre les potes dels cavalls
- denigrated, impugned, vilified
- entre naps i cols
- what with one thing and another
- entre nosaltres
- between ourselves, between you and me
- entre poc i massa
- between two extremes
- entre poc i massa!
- let's not go overboard! don't overdo it!
- entre tant
- meanwhile, in the meantime, for the moment
- entre Tots Sants i Manresa
- between these two places occur whatever one considers to be highly improbable; "you're pulling my leg"
entrebancs: posar entrebancs — create obstacles
entredit: posar en entredit — call into question; put in doubt, cast doubt on; not believe/trust
entrellat: treure'n l'entrellat — see things clearly, shed light on, get to the bottom of something
entretemps: d'entretemps — between winter and summer
entretenguis: no t'entretenguis! — don't dawdle!
entretenir: entretenir la gana — have a snack
entro: no hi entro ni en surto — it has nothing to do with me, it's none of my business
- enviar
- enviar a pastar fang algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- enviar (al botavant / a dida / a la quinta forca / a porgar fum / a la porra / a fregir espàrrecs) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- enviar-ho tot a rodar
- give up, throw in the towel, wash one's hands of it; say to hell with it [vulg.]
- envistes
- a les envistes de
- within sight of, on the brink/verge of
- a les envistes
- in sight
enze: fer l'enze — play the fool
ep: ep! — look out! be careful!
epilèpsia: atac d'epilèpsia — epileptic fit
època: fer època — make an impression, cause a stir/sensation, make a splash
equilibris: fer equilibris — do a balancing act
equip: company d'equip — teammate
- era
- qui no vulgui pols que no vagi a l'era
- if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
- temps era temps
- long ago, in times past
- errar
- errar el tret
- foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- errar-se de camí
- lose one's way, go astray
errat: anar errat de comptes — be mistaken, off the beam, wide of the mark
- es
- al cul del sac es troben les engrunes
- you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around
- els extrems es toquen
- extreme positions often have things in common; [lit.] extremes meet
- l'esperança és l'últim que es perd
- where there's life, there's hope
- és
- és a dir
- that is to say
- és clar!
- of course!
- és forçós que
- it's inevitable/unavoidable that
- és igual!
- 1 never mind! forget it! 2 [amb pronom] (someone does) not care! (ex.: m'és igual! = I don't care!, it's all the same to me!)
- és tard i vol ploure
- hurry up, get a move on, get cracking
- és veritat!
- that's right!
- l'esperança és l'últim que es perd
- where there's life, there's hope
- tant és
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
esbiaixada: d'esbiaixada — obliquely, on the bias, diagonally, kitty-corner, catty-corner
esbombar: esbombar-ho tot — tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
esca: l'esca del pecat — instigator, rabble-rouser, troublemaker, firebrand
escac: escac i mat! — checkmate!
- escala
- a escala de
- in the field/province/purview of
- a gran escala
- on a large scale
- calb com un pom d'escala
- bald as (a billiard ball / an egg)
- escala de mà
- stepladder
- escala de tisora
- step-ladder
- fer escala
- have a layover ([Br.] stopover)
- escaldat
- gat escaldat, (amb aigua tèbia en té prou / d'aigua freda fuig)
- once bitten, twice shy
- quedar escaldat
- get one's fingers burned; to have learned one's lesson
escaleta: fer escaleta — boost, hitch/help up
escalf: a l'escalf de — in the warmth/glow of
escalfabraguetes: escalfabraguetes [vulg.] — cock-teaser [vulg.]
escalfacadires: escalfacadires — chairwarmer
escalfada: una escalfada d'orelles — a chewing out, a talking to, a scolding
- escalfar
- escalfar cadires
- idly visit, make a social call; overstay one's welcome
- escalfar el cap a algú
- provoke, goad, rouse someone; push (someone's) buttons, rattle (someone's) cage
- escalfar-se el cap
- rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
- escambell
- caure de l'escambell
- lose influence
- fer caure de l'escambell
- disparage, criticize, scorn; trash-talk [col·loq.]
- escampa
- hereu escampa
- spendthrift, big spender, squanderer, wastrel
- un hereu escampa
- a spendthrift, big spender, squanderer, wastrel
- escampar
- engegar a (passeig / pastar fang / escampar la boira) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- escampar la boira
- take a walk/stroll, go for a walk/stroll
- escampar-se com una taca d'oli
- spread like wildfire
escanvi: en escanvi — in return
escanyapobres: escanyapobres — usurer, Shylock, loan shark
escanyat: anar escanyat — be hard up; be in need; be short (on time, on money)
- escapar
- escapar-se de les mans
- to miss out, to miss an opportunity
- escapar-se el riure
- laugh involuntarily
- escapar-se per un pèl
- be/have a close call/shave
- escapça
- a l'escapça
- frustrated, in the dark, thwarted, baffled
- quedar-se a l'escapça
- be frustrated, stymied, thwarted, foiled
escàpol: fer-se escàpol — make an/one's escape
escapolir: escapolir de l'escomesa — weather the storm
- escar
- a escar
- piecework
- treballar a escar/escara/escarada
- do piecework
escara: treballar a escar/escara/escarada — do piecework
- escarada
- a escarada
- piecework
- treballar a escar/escara/escarada
- do piecework
escarafalls: fer escarafalls — make a fuss, cause a commotion, be in a dither/tizzy
escarni: fer escarni (de) — mock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of
- escarràs
- ser un escarràs de feina
- be a (go-getter / ball of fire / mover and shaker); be hardworking, industrious, sedulous
- treballar com un escarràs
- work hard, toil; buckle/knuckle down
- escau
- si escau
- if appropriate/applicable
- si s'escau
- if the opportunity arises
esclafir: esclafir el riure — burst out laughing
esclat: pegar un esclat — receive a blow falling
escolà: escolà d'amén — sycophant, bootlicker, doormat, brownnoser
escola: escola normal — teachers' college, normal school
escolans: escolans d'amén — cohorts, collaborators; sycophants
escolta: donar escolta a — listen to, pay attention to; heed
escoltes: estar a les escoltes — hang on every word, listen very carefully
escolti: que Déu t'escolti — let's hope so! may it be so!
- escombra
- a cops d'escombra
- offensively, rudely, brusquely, insolently
- haver-se empassat una escombra
- self-important, self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up
escombrar: escombrar cap a casa — be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
escomesa: escapolir de l'escomesa — weather the storm
escopeta: fallar (més que / com) una escopeta de fira — be unpredictable, erratic, unreliable
escopetada: d'escopetada — 1 [de manera imprevista] unexpectedly, out of the blue 2 [ràpidament] like a shot/flash
escopir: escopir al cel — receive an injury that one intended to inflict on another
escorpí: tenir llengua d'escorpí — have a sharp tongue; be a backbiter, detractor, slanderer, vilifier
escorxar: escorxar el gat — sleep off a hangover
escorxat: semblar un gat escorxat — look thin as a rail, be all skin and bones
- escreix
- amb escreix
- amply, and then some
- d'escreix
- amply, and then some
- escrit
- dur escrit a la cara
- be written on one's face
- per escrit
- in writing
- escruix
- a escruix
- piecework
- en escruix
- completely, entirely
escudella: fer escudella — be disgusting, sickening, revolting
escurabutxaques: escurabutxaques — [màquina] slot machine, one-armed bandit
escurar: escurar la butxaca a algú — clean someone out, leave someone penniless
- escurat
- estar escurat
- be flat/dead broke
- quedar escurat
- (be / end up) dead/flat broke
escurçó: tenir llengua d'escurçó — have a sharp tongue; be a backbiter, detractor, slanderer, vilifier
escut: fer d'escut — shield, protect, safeguard
esdevinença: a tota esdevinença — whatever happens
esfilagarsar: esfilagarsar — fray
esgarips: fer esgarips — make a fuss, cause a commotion, be in a dither/tizzy
- esgarrapada
- d'esgarrapada
- carelessly, haphazardly, negligently, offhandedly
- en una esgarrapada
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
esgarrapades: amb quatre esgarrapades — carelessly, haphazardly, negligently, offhandedly
- esguard
- en esguard de
- compared to, in comparison with
- havent esguard de
- considering, taking into account
- per esguard de
- in consideration of
- tenint esguard que
- considering that, taking into account that
- esma
- d'esma
- from force of habit
- perdre l'esma
- get disoriented, lose one's sense of direction, go adrift
- sense esma
- aimless, listless, desultory
esmena: no tenir esmena — there's no help for it
- esment
- fer esment de
- mention
- parar esment en
- call attention to
- parar esment
- pay attention
- posar esment a
- pay particular attention to
- tenir esment de
- be aware of
- esmentar
- per no esmentar
- to say nothing of, not to mention
- sense esmentar (alguna cosa / algú)
- let alone (someone/something)
esmolades: tenir les dents esmolades — 1 [amb gana] be ravenous/starved 2 [disposat a discutir] be ready to (argue / enter the fray /do battle)
esmorzar: esmorzar de forquilla — a hearty breakfast
espadanya: campanar d'espadanya — bell gable
espai: a poc d'espai — a short time/while later
espant: tenir un espant — have/get/receive a shock
espanyaportes: espanyaportes — burglar, housebreaker
- espardenya
- amb una sabata i una espardenya
- on a shoestring
- dur merda a l'espardenya [vulg.]
- have bad/rotten/hard/tough luck
- on sant Pere va perdre l'espardenya
- in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
espardenyes: lligar-se bé les espardenyes — pull up one's socks; prepare oneself for a dfficult task
- espàrrecs
- engegar (al botavant / a dida / a la quinta forca / a porgar fum / a la porra / a fregir espàrrecs) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- enviar (al botavant / a dida / a la quinta forca / a porgar fum / a la porra / a fregir espàrrecs) algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- espasa
- a punta d'espasa
- rigorously, strictly, stringently
- entre l'espasa i la paret
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- espasa/eina de dos talls
- double-edged/two-edged sword
- passar a (espasa / fil d'espasa)
- slaughter, massacre; put to the sword
- passar a espasa
- execute summarily; put to death; slaughter, annihilate
- espatlla
- mirar per sobre l'espatlla
- look down on, cold-shoulder
- posar l'espatlla
- make an effort, lend a hand
- espatlles
- a les espatlles de
- at the expense of
- arronsar-se d'espatlles
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- arronsar-se les espatlles
- shrug one's shoulders
- carregat d'espatlles
- broad-shouldered
- guardar les espatlles
- back up, support, side with
espavila: espavila't! — get with it!, jump to it!
espectacle: donar un espectacle — cause an uproar, act outrageously/scandalously
- espelma
- aguantar l'espelma
- to chaperone
- fer d'espelma
- to chaperone
- espera
- en espera de
- awaiting, pending; looking forward to
- no tenir espera
- 1 [sense paciència] be/get impacient 2 [urgent] be pressing, urgent, top priority, imperative
- qui dóna rebre espera
- those who give expect something in return
- tenir espera
- 1 [tenir la paciència] have patience, show restraint 2 [no ser urgent] be uncritical; can wait (ex.: Això té espera = This can wait)
- esperança
- l'esperança és l'últim que es perd
- where there's life, there's hope
- un raig d'esperança
- a ray of hope
- esperar
- esperar amb candeletes
- look forward to; can't wait (ex.: I can't wait to see you tomorrow = espero amb candeletes veure't demà)
- esperar assegut
- not hold one's breath (ex.: Pots esperar assegut = Don't hold your breath)
- esperar que plogui
- delay, procrastinate
- fer-se esperar
- be late, be delayed, take a long time
- esperit
- en esperit
- in spirit
- exhalar l'esperit
- breathe one's last, give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh
- presència d'esperit
- presence of mind
- tenir esperit de contradicció
- be contentious/testy/factious
esperitat: com un esperitat — like crazy, like mad, frantically, furiously
esperits: perdre els esperits — to faint/swoon; pass out
esperons: a esperons batuts — flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
espès: tenir el cap espès — be muddled, hazy
espetec: espetec d'aigua — downpour, cloudburst, deluge
espiadimonis: espiadimonis — dragonfly
espiga: l'ordiga sempre espiga — a bad penny always turns up
espigola: qui no pot segar, espigola — if you can't get what you want, you'll have to make do
espina: fer mala espina — arouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension
espines: no hi ha roses sense espines — there is no joy without pain
espinyar: haver d'espinyar-se — have to go/do without; have to forgo
espolsabutxaques: espolsabutxaques — pickpocket
espolsar: espolsar-se les mosques/puces — shake/shrug off problems/difficulties
- esponja
- passar l'esponja
- [esborrar el passat] let bygones be bygones
- tenir una esponja al clatell
- be a crybaby
esport: fer esport — go in for sports
esprémer: esprémer-se el cervell — rack one's brains
espurna: una espurna de — a tiny amount, a smidgen, a wee bit, a scintilla
esqueixada: a l'esqueixada — obliquely, on the bias, diagonally, kitty-corner, catty-corner
esquelles: perdre bous i esquelles — lose one's shirt
- esquena
- a (esquena/l'esquena) de
- at the expense of
- ajupir l'esquena
- knuckle under, give in
- caure d'esquena
- fall over backwards
- doblegar l'esquena
- work
- donar l'esquena a
- give the cold shoulder to, turn one's back on; snub, brush off, dismiss, shun, spurn, rebuff
- esquena per esquena
- back-to-back
- girar l'esquena a
- give the cold shoulder to, turn one's back on; snub, brush off, dismiss, shun, spurn, rebuff
- rompre's l'esquena
- make an effort, put oneself out, take pains, go out of one's way
- tenir un os a l'esquena
- be lazy, bone idle, slothful
- tirar-s'ho (tot) a l'esquena
- be unconcerned, carefree, blithe, heedless
- viure a l'esquena d'algú
- live off someone
- viure amb l'esquena dreta
- be shiftless, idle, laggard, slothful
- esquerra
- tenir mà esquerra
- be tactful, diplomatic; be skillful, adept
- un zero a l'esquerra
- a cipher, a nobody, a nonentity, a twit
esquerre: llevar-se amb el peu esquerre — get up on the wrong side of (the) bed
esquila: prendre de cap d'esquila — take an unreasonable dislike to
esquilat: anar per llana i tornar esquilat — become the victim of one's own scam
esquinç: fer un esquinç — to sprain one's knee/ankle/shoulder/wrist, etc.
esquinçar: esquinçar-se/estripar-se les vestidures — pretend to be shocked/aghast/scandalized
esquitllada: d'esquitllada — 1 [mirar] look out of the corner of one's eye 2 [dissimuladament] furtively, on the sly
esquitllentes: d'esquitllentes — 1 [mirar] look out of the corner of one's eye 2 [sortir] sneak out
esquitx: un esquitx d'home — a half-pint, shorty, shrimp, runt
esquitxar: fer esquitxar — cause to (pay/shell out, fork over)
essent: essent així — this being the case
éssers: éssers vius — human beings
estacada: deixar a l'estacada algú — leave someone in the lurch; leave someone (high and dry / flat); walk out on someone
estada: fer estada — stop over, spend time, sojourn, lodge
estalvi: sa i estalvi — safe and sound
estalviar: estalviar-se molèsties — save oneself the trouble
estaqueta: estar a l'estaqueta — be (tied up / snowed under) with work
estaquirot: estaquirot — 1 [espantaocells] scarecrow 2 [no es mou] a bump on a log
- estar
- a tot estar
- with room and board
- d'estar per casa
- shabby, second-rate, two-bit
- deixar-ho estar
- let it be/lie
- estar a l'estaqueta
- be (tied up / snowed under) with work
- estar a l'expectativa
- be on the lookout; adopting a wait-and-see attitude/approach
- estar a les escoltes
- hang on every word, listen very carefully
- estar cloc-piu
- be under the weather
- estar d'enhorabona
- to be in luck
- estar de bones
- be in a good mood
- estar de bons aires
- be in a good mood
- estar de guardia
- be on call/duty; keep watch
- estar de
- have affection for, be fond of
- estar de pega
- have a run of bad luck
- estar de vacances
- be on vacation/holiday
- estar de vena
- be inspired, on the beam
- estar en
- be based/founded on
- estar escurat
- be flat/dead broke
- estar fart/tip de
- be fed up with, be up to here with, have had it with, be sick and tired of
- estar fotut [vulg.]
- [malalt] be run-down, sick as a dog, under the weather; [deprimit] be depressed, bummed out, in the dumps/pits
- estar gat/torrat
- be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
- estar mort
- be exhausted, done in, all in, dead tired
- estar nyic-i-nyac
- arguing, bickering, quarreling
- estar per
- be about to (ex.: El tren està per arribar = The train is about to arrive)
- estar pioc
- be under the weather
- estar-se de
- abstain from, go without
- no estar bé del tupí
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- no estar catòlic
- not feel well, be unhealthy
estaries: fer estaries — dawdle, dilly-dally, tarry
- estat
- cop d'estat
- coup d'etat
- en estat de gràcia
- in a state of grace
- en estat
- pregnant, in the family way, with a bun in the oven
- prendre estat
- get married
- raons d'estat
- the national interest
estavella: fer un sol que estavella (les pedres) — be blazing hot
- estel
- estel amb cua
- comet
- estel fugaç
- shooting star
- l'estel porquer
- Venus
- estella
- fer-se'n l'estella
- lose out, come up short, meet with disaster, go wrong
- treure'n estella
- make good use of
estelles: treure estelles de — gain a benefit from; capitalize on, profit from; take advantage of
- estendre
- estendre la vista
- expand one's outlook; see further; look off into the distance
- estendre's com una taca d'oli
- spread like wildfire
esternut: fer un esternut — to sneeze
estesa: haver-hi roba estesa — there are children present; little pitchers have big ears
Esteve: durar de Nadal a Sant Esteve — short-lived, ephemeral, fast fading
estil: coses per l'estil — suchlike, other similar things
estimar: estimar-se més — would rather; prefer (ex.: M'estimo més dormir = I would rather sleep)
- estira
- d'estira-i-arronsa
- bartering, haggling, dickering
- estira-i-arronsa
- give and take, compromise
- fer l'estira-i-arronsa
- barter, haggle, dicker
estiracabells: a estiracabells — belligerently, contentiously
estiracordetes: estiracordetes — myrmidon
- estirar
- a tot estirar
- at (the) most, at the outside
- estirar el carro
- do the heavy work
- estirar la corda
- [joc] tug-of-war 2 put on the pressure
- estirar la llengua a algú
- to loosen someone's tongue
- estirar la manta
- tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- estirar la pota
- kick the bucket
- estirar les cames
- stretch one's legs
- estirar les orelles a algú
- scold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap someone's knuckles
- estirar més el (braç que la màniga / peu que la sabata)
- bite off more than one can chew
- estirar-se els cabells
- [frustració, ràbia] tear one's hair; [recança] kick oneself
estisores: cop d'estisores — cutbacks, cost-cutting
- estiu
- a l'estiu, tota cuca viu
- in summertime the living is easy
- una flor/oreneta no fa estiu
- one swallow doesn't make a summer
estiuet: estiuet de Sant Martí — Indian summer
Estocolm: síndrome d'Estocolm — Stockholm syndrome
estofa: de baixa estofa — [coses] low quality; [persones] coarse, vulgar, low-class
- estómac
- regirar l'estómac
- make one sick (to one's stomach); make one nauseous
- tenir estómac
- have the stomach
- tenir un nus a l'estómac
- have butterflies in one's stomach
estona: perdre l'estona — waste time, dawdle; dilly-dally, shilly-shally
estonades: a estonades — from time to time
- estones
- a estones
- from time to time
- a estones perdudes
- at odd moments, in one's spare time
- anar a estones
- be changeable/inconstant/unpredictable
estrafer: estrafer la veu — disguise one's voice
estralls: fer estralls — wreak havoc
estranquis: d'estranquis — furtively, on the sly
estrany: fer estrany — be strange, surprising, unusual (ex.: fa estrany que no vinguin = it's strange/surprising/unusual they haven't come)
- estrassa
- de paper d'estrassa
- bogus, ersatz, worthless, phony
- fer un paper d'estrassa
- make a fool of oneself, make a gaffe
- paper d'estrassa
- kraft paper
- estrella
- tenir bona estrella
- be lucky; have the luck of the Irish
- tenir mala estrella
- be unlucky/ill-starred; be down on one's luck
estrelles: veure les estrelles — be in great pain
estrena: d'estrena — wearing something for the first time
estreny: qui molt abraça, poc estreny — jack of all trades, master of none
- estrènyer
- estrènyer (la bossa / el cinturó)
- economize, cut corners, pinch pennies, stint, be frugal
- haver-se'n d'estrènyer el cap
- to have to resign oneself (to something)
estrep: tenir el/un peu a l'estrep — be ready/about to leave
estrèpit: sense estrèpit — without any fuss
estreps: perdre els estreps — lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling
estret: fer-se l'estret — to feign modesty, virtue, chasteness; pretend to be rigorously moral, especially in sexual matters
- estreta
- de (la) màniga estreta
- strict, stern; hard-nosed, tight-lipped
- de via estreta
- mediocre, bogus, shabby, second-rate, two-bit
estretor: estretor de mires — narrow-mindedness
estretors: passar estretors — go through hard times
- estripar
- esquinçar-se/estripar-se les vestidures
- pretend to be shocked/aghast/scandalized
- estripar les cartes
- give it up, throw in the towel
estrop: a tot estrop — non-stop, continually, all day long, every hour in the day
- estudi
- en estudi
- under study/consideration
- fugir d'estudi
- change the subject, go off on a tangent
estudis: donar estudis — pay for one's education
esvalotar: esvalotar el galliner — raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain
- etiqueta
- ball d'etiqueta
- ball, formal dance
- d'etiqueta
- in formal dress, white tie, dressed to the nines
ets: amb tots els ets i uts — thoroughly, from A to Z, from top to bottom, through and through
evidència: posar en evidència — 1 [demostrar] expose, lay bare, reveal 2 [a algú] make a fool of someone, show someone up
exaltis: no t'exaltis! — don't get all worked up!
excel·lència: per excel·lència — par excellence; quintessential, supreme
- excepció
- a excepció de
- except (for); with the exception of
- l'excepció que confirma la regla
- the exception that proves the rule
- per excepció
- exceptionally
excés: a l'excés — to extremes; excessively
excuses: excuses de mal pagador — flimsy and implausible excuses; [lit.] excuses of a deadbeat borrower
- exemple
- per exemple
- for example/instance
- predicar amb l'exemple
- practice what one preaches
- exhalació
- com una exhalació
- flat out, at top speed, full tilt, like lightning
- en una exhalació
- quickly, fast; in/like a flash, lickety-split, like a shot
- exhalar
- exhalar l'ànima
- give up the ghost
- exhalar l'esperit
- breathe one's last, give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh
expectativa: estar a l'expectativa — be on the lookout; adopting a wait-and-see attitude/approach
- expedient
- cobrir l'expedient
- keep up appearances
- expedient acadèmic
- academic record
- expedient policíac
- criminal record
expenses: a expenses de — at the expense of
expiatori: boc expiatori — scapegoat
exprés: fer exprés — 1 [fet expressament] be made to order 2 [intencionat] do on purpose, do deliberately
extraordinari: fer un extraordinari — 1 [sortir del que és habitual] do something special 2 [excedir-se en quelcom] go all out, shoot the works, spare no expense, pull out all the stops
extraordinàries: hores extraordinàries — overtime
- extrem
- d'un extrem a l'altre
- from beginning to end, completely, from top to bottom, from head to toe
- en cas extrem
- as a last resort
- en extrem
- very, really
- fins a l'extrem
- to the max, to the hilt, to an extreme, as much as possible
- portar a l'extrem
- take to extremes; go beyond reason
extrems: els extrems es toquen — extreme positions often have things in common; [lit.] extremes meet
extres: hores extres — overtime |
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