Dites visca!
Dites visca! F
- fa
- de fa quatre dies
- recently, a short time ago
- el pecat fa forat
- the truth will out; crime doesn't pay
- fa anys i panys
- long, long ago
- feina feta no fa/té destorb
- don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today
- ni fa ni fum
- make no difference, be of no importance, be irrellevant
- no hi fa res
- it doesn't matter, it isn't important; never mind
- pel que fa a
- when it comes to, with regard to, as for
- qui no fa quan pot, no fa quan vol
- opportunity doesn't knock twice
- si fa no fa
- more or less
- tant me/em fa
- I couldn't care less
- tant se fa
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- una flor/oreneta no fa estiu
- one swallow doesn't make a summer
fabricació: fabricació en sèrie — mass production
- faci
- bon profit li faci!
- little good may it do him!
- Déu faci que
- heaven grant that
fàcil: ser fàcil a dir — be easier said than done
facilitat: tenir facilitat de paraula — have a way with words
facilitats: facilitats de pagament — easy terms
factura: passar factura — have a bad effect; take its toll (ex.: menjar massa pot passar factura = overeating can take its toll)
fades: conte de fades — fairytale
fadrinatge: fer el fadrinatge — sow one's wild oats
- faixa
- guardar-se un roc a la faixa
- have an ace in the hole, have something put aside/away
- no arribar ni al serrell de la faixa
- be incapable; not be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- o caixa o faixa
- all or nothing
faldilles: de faldilles — concerning women (ex.: embolic de faldilles = woman trouble)
fallar: fallar (més que / com) una escopeta de fira — be unpredictable, erratic, unreliable
- fallida
- declarar-se en fallida
- file for bankruptcy
- fer fallida
- go bankrupt, crash, fail
- fals
- fer (un pas / una passa) en fals
- make a false move; foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- jurar en fals
- commit perjury
- falsa
- clau falsa
- skeleton key
- entrar per la porta falsa
- get in through the backdoor
Falset: acabar com la comèdia de Falset — end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
- falta
- a falta de
- lacking
- sens falta
- without fail
- faltar
- faltar a una cita
- break an appointment
- faltar-li un bull (a algú)
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- fer faltar
- to need (ex.: em fan falta dos gots = I need three glasses)
- trobar a faltar
- to miss
faltaria: només faltaria això — that's all I/we/etc. need
faltava: només faltava aquesta! — this is the final straw!
faltes: tenir faltes (una dona) — miss a period
fam: mort de fam — someone lacking life's basic needs
- fama
- tenir mala fama
- be notorious, have a bad reputation
- uns tenen la fama i altres carden la llana
- some have fame or notoriety that others enjoy or suffer from
- família
- cap de família
- head of the household
- en família
- within one's family circle
- venir de família
- run in the family
- fang
- anar a pastar fang
- [generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
- arrossegar pel fang
- drag through the mud
- eixir del fang i caure al barranc
- fall out of the frying pan into the fire
- enviar/engegar a pastar fang algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
fantasia: de fantasia — fancy, gaudy, chichi, splashy; joies ~ = costume jewelry
- farà
- per ell farà!
- it's his funeral!, that's his business!, that's up to him!
- tal dia farà un any
- it's nothing to get excited about, it leaves me cold, I couldn't care less
faran: ja s'ho faran! — it's their funeral!, that's their business!, that's up to them!
- faràs
- ja t'ho faràs!
- it's up to you!
- per a tu faràs!
- it's your funeral!, go right ahead!
- tal faràs, tal trobaràs
- you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
farcides: olives farcides — stuffed olives
farciment: costar més el farciment que el gall — something secondary is worth more than the main thing
- farem
- què hi farem?
- there's nothing to be done; what can we do?
- tot ho farem!
- keep calm!, don't get excited!
- farina
- fer la farina blana
- submit, give in, cave in, chicken out
- qui matina fa farina
- the early bird gets/catches the worm
faristol: fer el faristol — stand around, goof off, dilly-dally, goldbrick, shirk
farons: fer farons — to swagger; strut one's stuff, show off
- farrago
- farriga-farrago
- hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.]), jumble
- farrigo-farrago
- mix-up, confusion, muddle, foul-up, tangle, chaos
farriga: farriga-farrago — hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.]), jumble
farrigo: farrigo-farrago — mix-up, confusion, muddle, foul-up, tangle, chaos
- fart
- estar fart
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- estar fart de
- be fed up with, be up to here with, have had it with, be sick and tired of
- fart d'olla
- glutton, hog
- fart de llenya
- beating, thrashing, whipping
- fer-se un fart
- 1 [menjar] eat one's fill 2 [excedir-se] have one's fill
- un fart de
- a bellyful of, more than enough of
- fas
- mal si fas, mal si no fas
- damned if you do, damned if you don't; in a no-win situation
- per fas o per nefas
- for better or worse; for one reason or another, for whatever reason
- fàstic
- fer fàstic/escudella
- be disgusting, sickening, revolting
- fet un fàstic
- in disgusting condition
- la confiança fa fàstic
- familiarity breeds contempt
- quin fàstic!
- how awful! how disgusting!
- fàstics
- dir fàstics de
- backbite, badmouth, defame, villify; [falsament] slander
- dir quatre fàstics a algú
- tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
fastigosament: fastigosament ric — filthy rich
fatigues: les fatigues de la guerra — the hardships of war
fatxenda: fer el fatxenda — show off, put on airs, strut one's stuff; to swagger; to grandstand
fava: no poder dir ni fava — be exhausted, done in, all in, dead tired
- faves
- ser faves comptades
- be a sure thing
- treure faves d'olla
- recover, recuperate, show improvement; [salut] get better/well, convalesce
- favor
- fer el favor
- please (ex.: Em pots fer el favor de venir? = Could you please come here?)
- fer un favor
- to do a favor
- fe
- a fe que
- it's true that, it's a fact that
- anar de bona fe
- act in good faith
- de bona fe
- in good faith
- donar fe
- witness, be a witness; attest, verify, confirm
- mala fe
- malevolence, malice, ill will
feble: la carn és feble — the flesh is weak
febre: una febre de cavall — a high fever
- feina
- anar per feina
- get to work
- company de feina
- workmate
- feina feta no fa/té destorb
- don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today
- girar-se feina
- be swamped/overwhelmed with work
- posar-se a la feina
- get to work
- qui no té feina, el gat pentina
- people with idle time will do most anything to fill it
- sense feina
- out of work, unemployed
- ser un escarràs de feina
- be a (go-getter / ball of fire / mover and shaker); be hardworking, industrious, sedulous
feiner: dia feiner — workday, work/working day
- feines
- amb prou feines
- hardly, barely, scarcely
- dona de fer feines
- cleaning lady
- feines de casa
- housework
feix: un feix de nervis — a bundle of nerves
feixa: per la feixa de baix! — don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
- fel
- no hi ha mel sense fel
- nothing is ever perfect; there's always a catch
- suar fel
- sweat blood
felicitats: felicitats! — congratulations!
- feliços
- feliços els humils
- blessed are the meek
- i van ser feliços i van menjar anissos
- and they lived happily ever after
Felip: anar a can Felip — relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
femella: femella d'orelles — wing nut
fent: anar fent — get by/along/on, make ends meet, muddle through
- fer
- a mig fer
- half done
- acabar de fer el pes
- 1 to top it off 2 [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- anar a fer la mà
- go to hell [vulg.], go to the devil
- anar a fer punyetes
- [generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
- causar/fer sensació
- make a splash, create a sensation
- dona de fer feines
- cleaning lady
- en fer-se de dia
- at the break of day; at daybreak
- fer a algú la llei
- lay down the law to someone
- fer a mans
- hand in/over personally
- fer a sorts
- draw straws
- fer abaixar els fums a algú
- take someone down a notch/peg
- fer acte de presència
- appear, show up, make an appearance, put in an appearance
- fer aigües
- ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
- fer al cas
- be appropriate, pertinent
- fer almoina
- give alms/charity
- fer amb
- to square with, be consistent with; [roba] to suit, go with
- fer amoretes
- come on to (ex.: M'estranya veure el meu pare fer amoretes amb la tieta Carol = It is strange for me to see my father coming on to Aunt Carol)
- fer anar
- [fer funcionar] run (ex.: Com fas anar aquest torn? = How do you run this lathe?)
- fer anar algú com una pilota
- give someone the runaround
- fer anar/ballar/voltar algú com una baldufa
- dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place)
- fer anar dret algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
- fer anar l'aigua al seu molí
- be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
- fer anar pel mal camí
- to lead astray
- fer angúnia
- disgust, sicken, nauseate
- fer atenció a
- pay attention to; [neg.] be careful not to
- fer atots
- play trumps
- fer avinent
- remind
- fer babarotes a algú
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- fer ballar algú
- dominate someone, order someone around, have someone under one's thumb
- fer ballar el cap a algú
- make someone's head swim
- fer ballar el paraigua (a algú)
- to rattle/befuddle someone (ex.: Totes aquestes explicacions em fan ballar el paraigua = All these explanations rattle me)
- fer ballar la barretina
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- fer ballmanetes
- play patty-cake
- fer bancarota
- go wrong, go to the dogs
- fer barrila
- whoop it up, kick up one's heels, go on a tear
- fer barrina
- close a deal
- fer befa
- mock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of
- fer beguda
- take a (coffee) break; have a snack (ex.: És hora de fer beguda = It's time to take a coffee break)
- fer beure a galet
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- fer blanc
- hit the bull's-eye
- fer boca
- have an appetizer
- fer bocades de
- 1 [alabar] praise, delight in, extol 2 [presumir] boast/brag about; blow one's own horn
- fer bon paper
- 1 [ser amable] be friendly, agreeable 2 [reeixir] be successful, effective
- fer bon pes
- give a little more than the fair weight
- fer bona cara/fila
- look good/healthy/well, be pleasant
- fer bona gavella
- make a nice/good/lovely couple
- fer bona mesura
- give a little more than the exact measure
- fer bondat
- behave, mind, obey
- fer bonic
- be fitting, look good
- fer bossa
- save up; (lay aside / squirrel away) money
- fer botifarra a algú
- flip/give someone the finger (estendre el dit del mig)
- fer bracet
- take (someone's) arm
- fer bullir a algú la sang
- make one's blood boil
- fer bullir l'olla
- make ends meet, muddle through
- fer cabal de
- pay attention to, give importance to
- fer cabrioles
- be feeling one's oats
- fer cala buida
- come away empty-handed
- fer calaix
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- fer calça
- knit
- fer calendaris
- make predictions, foretell
- fer camí
- walk, hike
- fer campana
- play hooky ([Br.] play truant); cut/skip class [Am.]
- fer cancaneta/canca a algú
- give someone a leg up, give someone a boost
- fer cap (a algun lloc)
- go (somewhere) to live, go (somewhere) to hang out
- fer cara a
- to face, stand up to, come up against
- fer cara de bon any
- look pleased, delighted, contented
- fer cara de pomes agres
- look hostile/unfriendly/angry
- fer cara de
- to look like
- fer cara de tres déus
- be grim-faced, stone-faced
- fer carrer
- make way, pave the way
- fer cas de
- pay attention to, take notice of; heed
- fer cas omís de
- take no notice of, ignore, overlook, neglect
- fer casa a part
- stop/quit living together
- fer catúfols/caducs
- dodder, drivel, talk nonsense
- fer cau i net
- finish off, exhaust
- fer caure de l'escambell
- disparage, criticize, scorn; trash-talk [col·loq.]
- fer caure de tos
- [impressionar] knock out, knock dead
- fer caure la balança
- settle, resolve, be the deciding factor
- fer causa comuna
- make common cause
- fer cendres quelcom
- turn something to ashes
- fer coïssor
- irritate, cause irritation
- fer coixí
- to pad/cushion
- fer colzes
- hit the books
- fer com aquell
- dissemble, put on a false front, fake, put on an act
- fer com el capità Aranya
- get left behind
- fer com qui no ho veu
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fer combregar amb rodes de molí
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- fer comèdia
- dissemble, put on a false front, fake, put on an act
- fer companyia a algú
- keep someone company, hang out/around with
- fer compliments
- stand on ceremony
- fer conèixer
- get to know
- fer consciència
- awaken sensibility
- fer constar
- certify
- fer conxorxa
- conspire, connive, scheme, be in cahoots
- fer cop
- make an impression
- fer córrer (els dits / l'arpa / l'ungla)
- steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
- fer córrer la bruixa
- bribe; grease/oil (someone's) palm
- fer córrer (la veu) [propalar]
- spread, make known, disseminate, promulgate
- fer costat a algú
- to side with, support someone
- fer (creu i) ratlla a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- fer criatures
- have children
- fer crit
- cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
- fer cua
- stand in line, line up ([Br.] queue, queue up)
- fer curt
- 1 [massa breu] seem too short 2 [no tenir-ne prou] run short, fall short 3 [escurçar] cut short
- fer d'escut
- shield, protect, safeguard
- fer d'espelma
- to chaperone
- fer de
- [excercir un ofici] to work as
- fer de bo a algú
- intercede for someone
- fer de bo
- be easy (Fa de bo llegir aquest llibre = This book is easy to read)
- fer de cos
- relieve oneself, go to the bathroom/toilet
- fer de frontissa
- be a go-between; serve as a middle ground
- fer de la boca cul
- break one's word, go back on (what one has said)
- fer de la necessitat virtut
- make a virtue of necessity
- fer de la nit dia
- burn the midnight oil
- fer de mal
- be difficult (Fa de mal saber què fer = It's difficult to know what to do)
- fer de mal veure
- make a bad impression
- fer delir algú
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- fer dentetes/denteta a algú
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- fer diana
- hit the bull's-eye
- fer dieta
- go/be on a diet
- fer diners
- make/earn (a lot of) money
- fer dissabte
- to clean house
- fer divendres
- abstain from eating meat; to fast; go hungry
- fer do de
- donate, give
- fer drecera
- take a shortcut
- fer dues cares
- be conciliatory/placatory
- fer efecte
- 1 [med.] take effect 2 [semblar] seem
- fer eixamples
- widen, open up, spread out
- fer el boig
- 1 [eixelebrar-se] act crazy, play the fool 2 [funcionar malament] act up, be on the fritz
- fer el borinot
- grumble, bellyache, gripe
- fer el bot
- pout, glower, look sullen, sulk
- fer el buit a algú
- ostracize, boycott, blackball, snub, blacklist
- fer el cantussol
- whine, whimper, blubber, snivel
- fer el cap viu
- be on the alert
- fer el compte de la vella
- to count on one's fingers
- fer el contrari
- do the opposite
- fer el cor fort
- muster the courage, gather the/one's courage
- fer el darrer badall
- give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh
- fer el desentès/sonso
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- fer el desmenjat
- pretend to be indifferent
- fer (el) dilluns
- take Monday off
- fer el dissimulat
- play dumb, pretend not to understand
- fer el doble joc
- double-deal, double-cross, act with duplicity
- fer el dropo
- goof off, fool around; dog it; to shirk
- fer el fadrinatge
- sow one's wild oats
- fer el faristol
- stand around, goof off, dilly-dally, goldbrick, shirk
- fer el fatxenda
- show off, put on airs, strut one's stuff; to swagger; to grandstand
- fer el favor
- please (ex.: Em pots fer el favor de venir? = Could you please come here?)
- fer el fet
- do (ex.: farà el fet = it will do)
- fer el gall
- show off, swagger, grandstand, put on airs, strut one's stuff
- fer el gandul
- laze around/about, loaf, twiddle one's thumbs
- fer el joc a algú
- to help or favor someone on the sly
- fer el/la ronsa
- procrastinate, put off, shilly-shally
- fer el llit
- make the bed
- fer el maco
- have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself; be on one's high horse
- fer el malalt
- fake an illness
- fer (el mandra / la manta)
- laze around/about, loaf, twiddle one's thumbs
- fer el mec
- make oneself noticed
- fer el mico
- make a fool of oneself
- fer el mort
- pretend to be dead, play possum
- fer el nas
- to drop in
- fer el negoci d'en Robert de les cabres
- get swindled, get conned, make a bad deal
- fer el número
- make a scene
- fer el pagès
- play dumb, pretend not to understand
- fer el pallasso
- make a fool of oneself
- fer el paper de
- play the role of
- fer el paperot
- dissemble, feign, put on a false front, fake, put on an act
- fer el paquet
- [diners] make a bundle
- fer el passerell
- fall for a scam; be an easy mark, be easy pickings
- fer el pes
- stand to reason, be convincing, seem likely; [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- fer el petarrell
- look as if one is about to cry; pout
- fer el pinxo
- boast, brag, blow one's own horn
- fer el ploricó
- whimper, fuss, snivel; be a crybaby
- fer el préssec
- make a fool of oneself
- fer el primer pas
- take the first step
- fer el ridícul
- make a fool of oneself
- fer el salt
- 1 [no comparèixer] to stand someone up 2 [ser infidel] be unfaithful, philander, cheat on someone, sleep around
- fer el senyor
- act pretentiously, ostentatiously; put on airs
- fer el seu agost
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- fer el seu camí
- forge/push ahead, go/make one's own way
- fer el sord
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- fer el sorn
- dawdle, dilly-dally; goof off
- fer el tastet
- taste, try, sample
- fer el tifa
- be presumptuous, show off, flaunt, grandstand
- fer el titella
- make a fool of oneself
- fer el tronera
- go out on the town and get up late
- fer el valent
- bluster, throw one's weight around, act tough
- fer el vermut
- have an appetizer
- fer els anys
- have a birthday
- fer els comptes de la lletera
- indulge in wishful thinking, count one's chickens before they're hatched
- fer els gegants
- be presumptuous, show off, flaunt, grandstand
- fer els honors
- do the honors
- fer els ous en terra
- screw up, foul up, blunder, make a mess/hash of something
- fer els ulls grossos
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fer embalum
- take up space
- fer embuts
- beat around/about the bush, hedge, not get to the point
- fer empassar
- [fer creure] make someone believe
- fer encàrrecs (fer un encàrrec)
- run errands (run an errand)
- fer ensalivar
- be mouth-watering
- fer entenent
- notify, inform
- fer entrar amb calçador alguna cosa
- to shoehorn something; fit/put a square peg in a round hole
- fer entrar pels ulls
- make obvious, make clear; bring to light
- fer època
- make an impression, cause a stir/sensation, make a splash
- fer equilibris
- do a balancing act
- fer escala
- have a layover ([Br.] stopover)
- fer escaleta
- boost, hitch/help up
- fer escarafalls/esgarips
- make a fuss, cause a commotion, be in a dither/tizzy
- fer escarni (de)
- mock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of
- fer esment de
- mention
- fer esport
- go in for sports
- fer esquitxar
- cause to (pay/shell out, fork over)
- fer estada
- stop over, spend time, sojourn, lodge
- fer estaries
- dawdle, dilly-dally, tarry
- fer estralls
- wreak havoc
- fer estrany
- be strange, surprising, unusual (ex.: fa estrany que no vinguin = it's strange/surprising/unusual they haven't come)
- fer exprés
- 1 [fet expressament] be made to order 2 [intencionat] do on purpose, do deliberately
- fer fallida
- go bankrupt, crash, fail
- fer faltar
- to need (ex.: em fan falta dos gots = I need three glasses)
- fer farons
- to swagger; strut one's stuff, show off
- fer fàstic/escudella
- be disgusting, sickening, revolting
- fer fer rotlle
- have people widen the circle
- fer feredat
- appall, terrify, curdle the blood, make one's blood run cold
- fer ferm
- to fasten/tie/bind firmly
- fer festa
- to take a day off
- fer festes
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
- fer figa
- weaken, fail; [negoci] go bankrupt; [màquina] break down
- fer fila
- 1 [fer cua] line up, get in line [Am.]; queue [Br.] 2 [anar massa mudat] look silly/foolish; be overdressed
- fer foc nou
- go back to square one, go back to the drawing board, start from scratch
- fer fonedís
- make (something) vanish/disappear
- fer fora
- to put out, kick out
- fer forat
- make an impression
- fer forrolla
- have a hit, make a big splash, be successful
- fer fortuna
- 1 [tenir èxit] be successful, become popular 2 [guanyar diners] make a fortune
- fer/fotre un clau [vulg.]
- get laid, screw [vulg.], fuck [tabú]; wet the willie, make the beast with two backs, get the little man wet, get one's ashes hauled, squeak the springs, lay pipe, make whoopee, do the horizontal tango
- fer frases
- talk pretentiously
- fer fretura
- be lacking/wanting
- fer front a
- to cope, to face, stand up to, come up against
- fer gala de
- show off; [presumint] glory in
- fer ganxet
- to crochet
- fer ganyes
- make faces
- fer ganyotes
- make faces
- fer gàrgares
- to gargle
- fer glatir/gruar
- make someone yearn for something anxiously over a period of time
- fer gloc-gloc
- gurgle, bubble
- fer goig
- 1 look good, be attractive/good-looking 2 [a algú] like, be pleasing to (ex.: Et fa goig, aquesta poma? = Do you like this apple?)
- fer goma
- make a great display
- fer gràcia
- be appealing, likable
- fer gràcies de
- be thankful for
- fer gresca
- whoop it up, kick up one's heels, go on a tear
- fer guàrdia
- be on call/duty
- fer guardiola
- save up; (lay aside / squirrel away) money
- fer hores extres
- work overtime
- fer i desfer
- be in complete control, do whatever one wants, rule the roost
- fer il·lusió
- look forward to; enjoy
- fer iu-iu a algú
- give someone the creeps, the heebie-jeebies
- fer joc
- match, go together, harmonize
- fer justícia
- do justice
- fer justícia pel seu compte
- take the law into one's hands
- fer jutipiris
- do/work wonders, work miracles
- fer l'agost
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- fer l'aleta
- to flatter/court/woo
- fer l'amor
- to make love
- fer l'ànec
- die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
- fer l'arquet
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- fer l'efecte
- seem, appear, give the impression
- fer l'enze
- play the fool
- fer l'estira-i-arronsa
- barter, haggle, dicker
- fer l'important
- have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself; be on one's high horse
- fer (l'impossible / els impossibles)
- move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
- fer l'orella sorda
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- fer l'orni
- [desentendre's] ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice; [dissimular] play dumb, pretend not to understand
- fer l'ull viu
- be on the lookout/alert
- fer l'ullet
- to wink
- fer l'últim badall/sospir
- die; breathe one's last, give up the ghost
- fer la balançada
- tip the scales
- fer la batuda [policial]
- to raid
- fer la bauxa
- go on a binge, go out on the town
- fer la becaina del canonge
- take a good/deep nap
- fer la bona
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
- fer la cagarel·la
- make a fool of oneself, to bungle; be an object of ridicule
- fer la cara
- to clean/polish, to brush up; put on the finishing touches
- fer la contra
- oppose, dispute; be disagreeable/cantankerous/contentious
- fer la copa
- have a drink
- fer la cort
- court, woo, set one's cap for
- fer (la creu / creu i ratlla) a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- fer la dentició
- teethe
- fer la farina blana
- submit, give in, cave in, chicken out
- fer la fi del cagaelàstics
- come to a bad end
- fer la figuereta
- do a headstand
- fer la gara-gara
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to[vulg.]
- fer la grémola
- whine, whimper, blubber, snivel
- fer la guitza/llesca/murga a
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- fer (la) migdiada
- take a nap
- fer la papallona
- be fickle, capricious, inconsistent, erratic, unreliable
- fer la patota
- cheat, trick, double-deal
- fer la pau
- 1 get even, get revenge, square accounts 2 recover a loss; break even
- fer la pell a algú
- kill someone, rub someone out
- fer (la) pinya
- join forces, cooperate, pull together, unite and work together; form/present a common front
- fer la pipa
- suck one's thumb
- fer la primera pesseta
- make a (lot of money / fortune / bundle)
- fer la punyeta (a)
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- fer la puta i la Ramoneta
- be duplicitous, dissemble, play a double game, engage in double-dealing
- fer la rateta
- reflect sunlight off a mirror
- fer la roda
- [ocell] spread its tail
- fer la rosca
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to[vulg.]
- fer la seva
- act up; look out for number one
- fer la toia
- be inept, be all thumbs; have two left feet
- fer la traveta
- 1 [fer caure] trip 2 [obstaculitzar] hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- fer la vetlla
- not sleep a wink; have a sleepless night
- fer la vida impossible a algú
- torment/harass/plague/persecute someone; give someone a hard time
- fer la vista grossa
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fer la viu-viu
- just get by, live from hand to mouth
- fer la volta de campana
- do/turn a somersault
- fer la xim-xim
- drizzle
- fer les amèriques
- 1 get rich, make a killing, strike it rich, hit the jackpot 2 travel extensively
- fer les mans
- give (someone) a manicure
- fer les paus
- to make up, reconcile
- fer llàstima
- to be pitiful
- fer lleig
- look bad, make a bad impression
- fer llengotes
- stick out one's tongue
- fer llenya
- said of a human tower that has collapsed (ex.: El 5 de 8 ha fet llenya = The eight-storey tower with 5 to a floor has collapsed)
- fer llevada
- give forth, yield; give a good account of itself
- fer llit a part
- not sleep together, sleep in separate beds
- fer llit
- keep to one's bed, be confined to bed
- fer lloc
- make room for
- fer lluernes
- reflect sunlight off a mirror
- fer llufa
- fail, break down, be on the blink/fritz, go haywire, go/be kaput; [petard, bomba, etc.] not go off
- fer llum sobre
- shed light on
- fer llunes
- pout, glower, look sullen, sulk
- fer magre
- abstain from eating meat; to fast; go hungry
- fer mal (a)
- to hurt, to harm
- fer mal (d'ulls / efecte)
- to look bad/terrible/awful
- fer mal paper
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- fer mala cara a
- to frown/scowl at
- fer mala espina
- arouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension
- fer mala ganya
- look awful/hideous, be unsightly
- fer mala pinta (tenir mal aspecte)
- look bad, terrible, awful, unhealthy
- fer mala sang
- annoy/bother/irritate; get on one's nerves
- fer malbé
- to spoil, mess up, screw up [vulg.]; [menjar] go bad/off
- fer malícia
- bother, annoy, infuriate, exasperate
- fer malves
- push up daisies
- fer manetes
- hold hands
- fer mans i mànigues
- move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
- fer marrada
- take/make a detour
- fer marxa enrere
- withdraw, back/pull out, do an about-turn
- fer (massa) el viu
- try to get away with something
- fer matinada
- sleep in
- fer matinades/matines
- get up early, rise with the sun/dawn/birds
- fer memòria de
- remember, recall, call to mind
- fer memòria
- try to remember; remind
- fer menester
- need, require, lack
- fer mèrits
- (strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward; be deserving
- fer més hores que un rellotge
- work long hours, work hard
- fer més mal que bé
- do more harm than good
- fer més por que una pedregada (seca)
- be frightening
- fer metes
- nurse, breast-feed, suckle
- fer miques
- pulverize, shatter, smash to smithereens
- fer miroies a algú
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- fer mitja
- to knit
- fer mofa
- mock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of
- fer moixaines
- to sweet talk, cajole, butter up
- fer (molta) volta
- go out of one's way; go the long way around
- fer morros
- pout, glower, look sullen, sulk
- fer mullader
- create/cause a scandal, tell tales, spread rumors
- fer (mutis / moixoni / mutis i a la gàbia)
- keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]
- fer negoci
- do business; [obtenir guany] make a profit
- fer net de
- do away with, get rid of (ex.: El nou president ha promès de fer net de la corrupció = The new president has promised to do away with corruption)
- fer net
- make a clean sweep
- fer nit
- to spend the night
- fer niu de tota brossa
- make good use of everything
- fer nones
- [infantil] go nighty-night; go to sleep/bed
- fer non-non
- [infantil] go to sleep (ex.: Fes non-non, fillet meu! = Go to sleep, my little son)
- fer nosa
- be in the way, hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct; make a nuisance of oneself
- fer números/comptes
- add/tote/tally up, calculate
- fer nyam-nyam
- [infantil] eat up, gobble up
- fer nyic-nyic/nyec-nyec
- to nag, carp, find fault, criticize
- fer obres a
- [una casa] work on, reform, fix up, repair
- fer ois
- be disgusting, sickening, revolting
- fer olor/podor de cremat/socarrim
- arouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension
- fer ombra
- 1 [sombrar] provide shade 2 [superar] eclipse, overshadow, outshine 3 [protegir] watch over, look after, keep safe
- fer orelles de (cònsol / marxant / paret)
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- fer orri
- to milk sheep
- fer ostentació
- be presumptuous, show off, flaunt, grandstand
- fer pagar [fer rebre les conseqüències]
- lash out at, take it out on, abuse
- fer pagar (els plats trencats / la festa)
- 1 [imputar] shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on 2 [fer rebre les conseqüències] take it out on
- fer palanca
- to use a lever, to prise
- fer palesa alguna cosa
- make something known, call attention to something
- fer pam i pipa
- thumb one's nose
- fer pam-pam
- [infantil] spank lightly
- fer panxa
- [una paret, un mur, etc.] protrude, bulge, stick out
- fer parar boig algú
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- fer paret
- [menjar] stick to one's ribs
- fer parlar
- 1 [ser causa de comentaris] raise eyebrows 2 [fer crit] cause a stir/commotion
- fer pas
- clear the way
- fer Pasqua abans de Rams
- be expecting a child before getting married; do something ahead of time
- fer passar amb raons/noves
- make excuses
- fer passar la porta a algú
- kick someone out
- fer passos per
- take steps to
- fer pastetes
- make mudpies
- fer patir/passar gana a algú
- make someone go hungry
- fer patxoca
- look good, look well, be attractive/good-looking
- fer peça
- 1 to suit 2 [ser útil] fill the bill, make the grade 3 [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- fer pega
- look bad, make a bad impression
- fer pena
- be pitiful, distressing, heartrending, painful, grievous
- fer pensar a algú
- give one pause, make one stop and think, arouse one's interest
- fer per
- 1 [procurar] make an effort to 2 [ser adient] to suit, be suitable/appropriate for
- fer per manera de
- make an effort, strive
- fer per manera que
- see to it that, arrange it so that
- fer pessigolles (a)
- to tickle
- fer petar els dits
- snap one's fingers
- fer petar la xerrada/claca
- have a chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze
- fer pipí
- take a leak, take a piss [vulg.]
- fer plorar
- be worthless, a waste of time, deplorable
- fer plorar les pedres
- be heartrending, heartbreaking, moving, touching
- fer ploure
- look bad, make a bad impression
- fer pols
- destroy, demolish, do away with
- fer pont
- take Monday or Friday off when Tuesday or Thursday is a holiday
- fer por
- to frighten, scare
- fer porra
- return from the hunt empty-handed
- fer posar a algú els pèls/cabells de punta
- frighten, scare, shock someone; make someone's hair stand on end; put the wind up someone [Br.]
- fer presa en
- seize, take possession of
- fer present
- 1 [fer recordar] remind 2 [presentar-se] make an appearance, crop up
- fer profit
- 1 [menjar] agree with 2 [assumptes] make good use of
- fer prop
- get close
- fer pudor de
- smell of, stink of
- fer punt
- end, come to an end, conclude
- fer punteria
- to aim; to set one's sights on
- fer punts
- 1 [guanyar favor] earn praise/admiration/respect, gain credit; get/earn/win brownie points 2 [superar] gain an advantage over
- fer punyetes
- twiddle one's thumbs
- fer ràbia
- bother, annoy, infuriate, exasperate
- fer racó
- save up, put by
- fer ressopó
- have a midnight snack
- fer retrets a algú
- take someone to task; to reproach, admonish, rebuke someone
- fer retxes dins l'aigua
- make an effort (in vain / fruitlessly); to spin one's wheels
- fer reviure
- revive, breathe new life into, revitalize
- fer riure
- to be absurd
- fer rodar el cap a algú
- make someone's head swim
- fer rodó
- to top it off
- fer rosegons (de)
- disdain, scorn, disparage, hold in contempt
- fer rotlle a algú
- pay attention to someone
- fer rotllo
- 1 [reunir-se entorn] surround, gather round 2 [formar rotllana] make a circle 3 [fer-se remarcar] make a strong impression, be influential
- fer rumb a
- to head for
- fer sabedor/saber a algú
- let someone know, make someone aware, communicate to someone
- fer safareig
- gossip
- fer safrà
- play hooky ([Br.] play truant); cut/skip class [Am.]
- fer salat
- be late
- fer saltar la banca
- break the bank
- fer semblant
- pretend
- fer senes
- make/earn (a lot of) money
- fer sensació
- make a splash, create a sensation
- fer senyors
- be a prostitute
- fer setze
- blow one's nose using only one's fingers
- fer sirgar algú
- make someone (work / get to work)
- fer sortir algú de polleguera
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- fer sortir cabells blancs
- give someone gray hair
- fer sortir els colors a la cara a algú
- to shame someone, make someone feel embarrassed/ashamed, make someone blush
- fer sotsobre
- capsize
- fer suar a algú
- make someone beg/plead
- fer suar el sagí a algú
- tire someone out, run someone ragged
- fer suar la cansalada a algú
- run someone ragged, give someone a run for their money
- fer tabola
- go on a spree/binge, make a racket
- fer talaia
- keep a lookout
- fer tant de paper com en Palou a sa Pobla
- be of no account/consequence
- fer tard
- be/arrive late, be delayed; [anar tard] run late
- fer tat
- play peek-a-boo
- fer tec
- have a hit, make a big splash, be successful
- fer temps
- kill time, pass the time, while away the time
- fer tentines
- 1 [vacil·lar] hesitate 2 [caminar sense estabilitat] stagger, walk unsteadily
- fer tots els papers de l'auca
- 1 [servir per a tot] wear more than one hat, be a jack of all trades 2 [cercar la conveniència pròpia] be a weathercock
- fer trampa
- to cheat
- fer trinquis
- shatter
- fer (tro / tronar i ploure)
- cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
- fer ufana
- blow one's own horn; brag, boast
- fer ulleres
- have bags under one's eyes
- fer un alè
- take a rest/break/breather
- fer un badall
- to yawn
- fer un bisbe
- two people simultaneously saying the same words
- fer (un) bon efecte
- make a good impression
- fer un bot
- [d'esglai] give a start; [d'alegria] jump for joy
- fer un brindis
- propose a toast
- fer un camí
- 1 [recórrer un camí] take a road 2 [obrir un camí] make way
- fer un canvi de front
- make a sea/radical change; do an about-face
- fer un capmàs
- do a summing up, calculate a global price
- fer un cop de cap
- 1 make a sudden decision 2 to head-butt
- fer un cop de mà
- give a (helping) hand
- fer un crit
- to yell
- fer un disbarat
- do something silly
- fer un esquinç
- to sprain one's knee/ankle/shoulder/wrist, etc.
- fer un esternut
- to sneeze
- fer un extraordinari
- 1 [sortir del que és habitual] do something special 2 [excedir-se en quelcom] go all out, shoot the works, spare no expense, pull out all the stops
- fer un favor
- to do a favor
- fer un forat per tapar-ne un altre
- rob Peter to pay Paul
- fer un fred que pela/talla
- be freezing cold; be colder than a witch's tit [vulg.]
- fer un gall
- sing/play off-key
- fer un gir
- do an about-face; make a change; undergo a sea change
- fer un gran pas
- take a big step forward, make a big advance, make real/significant headway
- fer un mal gest
- to pull/strain a muscle
- fer un mos
- have a snack/bite
- fer un nyap/bunyol
- foul up, blunder, screw up [vulg.]; make a mess/hash of something
- fer un pa com unes hòsties
- screw up, foul up, blunder, make a mess/hash of something
- fer un paper d'estrassa
- make a fool of oneself, make a gaffe
- fer un paper
- play a role
- fer un paperàs
- make a hit, be a huge success
- fer (un pas / una passa) en fals
- make a false move; foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- fer un pas endarrere
- lose ground, slip back
- fer un pas endavant i dos endarrere
- take one step forward and two steps back
- fer un pensament
- make/reach a decision, make up one's mind
- fer un pet com (un aglà / una gla)
- burst, explode, go bust, crash
- fer un pou
- to talk a lot; to gab/jabber/prattle; be long-winded
- fer un raro
- throw a tantrum
- fer un ris
- loop the loop
- fer un riu
- take a piss/leak, go to the bathroom/toilet, to pee
- fer un sagramental
- raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
- fer un salt el cor
- have one's heart skip a beat; be startled, shocked, surprised
- fer un sanglot
- to hiccough (hiccup)
- fer un sol que estavella (les pedres)
- be blazing hot
- fer un son
- take a nap/catnap/siesta, grab some z's, have a snooze
- fer un sospir
- to sigh
- fer un tort a algú
- offend someone, put someone down
- fer un tracte
- make a deal
- fer un truc
- [telèfon] to call/phone
- fer un ull de vellut a algú
- to give someone a black eye
- fer un vaitot
- 1 [arriscar-se fins a l'extrem] go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works 2 [excedir-se molt] go overboard, go to extremes
- fer un volt
- take a walk, go for a walk
- fer un xiscle
- to scream
- fer un xiulet
- to whistle
- fer una becaina/capcinada
- take a nap/catnap/siesta, grab some z's, have a snooze
- fer una broma a
- play a joke on
- fer una cara nova a algú
- to beat someone up
- fer una francesilla
- indulge in an extravagance, permit oneself an extravagance
- fer una ganyota
- make a face
- fer una muntanya d'un gra de sorra
- make a mountain out of a molehill
- fer una pausa
- to take a break
- fer una planxa
- make a fool of oneself
- fer una putada [vulg.]
- play a dirty trick, pull a fast one
- fer una queixalada
- have a snack
- fer una reverència
- to bow
- fer (una volta / la volta / un tomb)
- take a walk, go for a walk
- fer uns ulls com unes taronges
- be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
- fer upa
- raise a child saying "upsy-daisy!"
- fer vaga
- go on strike
- fer vela
- set sail
- fer venir a algú (aigua a la boca / salivera)
- make one's mouth water
- fer veure
- 1 show, demonstrate 2 pretend, make believe
- fer via
- make way, advance; hurry
- fer vibrar el cor
- to thrill, to delight
- fer visita de metge
- drop in briefly, pay a brief/short visit
- fer volar coloms
- have one's head in the clouds; speculate, make assumptions
- fer volar el cap a algú
- kill someone; rub someone out; off someone
- fer vores
- cold-shoulder, shun, spurn
- fer xerinola
- have a good time
- fer xixines
- tear/rip up, shred, tear to pieces/shreds
- fer xup-xup
- simmer, cook at a slow boil
- fer zigues-zagues
- to zigzag, twist and turn, to wind
- fer-la bona
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- fer-la grossa/blava
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- fer-la petar
- have a chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze
- fer-li canalera els ulls
- sob/cry one's eyes out
- fer-li la pell
- kill someone; rub someone out; off someone
- fer-li un nus a la cua
- there's no hope, there's nothing you can do, it's too late
- fer-ne cinc cèntims
- give (a brief rundown, a rough sketch, a quick summary)
- fer-ne de (totes / crespes / l'alçada d'un campanar)
- create/cause problems, make trouble; create/cause one problem after another
- fer-ne un gra massa
- go too far, go overboard, go/be over the top
- fer-ne una com un cabàs
- get way out of line, behave very badly, get into mischief
- fer-ne una com un cove
- bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]
- fer-ne una de les seves
- be up to one's old tricks
- fer-ne via!
- to hurry up!, to get a move on!
- fer-s'hi veure
- show off, flaunt, brag, swagger
- fer-s'ho a cara o creu
- flip a coin ([Br.] toss a coin)
- fer-s'ho a la carta més alta
- cut the cards/deck
- fer-s'ho a palletes
- draw straws
- fer-s'ho
- make do
- fer-s'ho venir bé
- find a way to get what one wants
- fer-se a la mar
- go to sea
- fer-se agradable
- put one's best foot forward
- fer-se (amb algú)
- get along (with someone)
- fer-se amo de
- seize, take possession of
- fer-se ben veure
- (strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward
- fer-se capaç de
- grasp, take in, understand
- fer-se càrrec de
- 1 [encarregar-se] take charge of 2 [considerar] take into account
- fer-se clar
- to dawn, get light
- fer-se conèixer
- 1 [significar-se] make a name for oneself, make oneself known 2 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
- fer-se costerut
- become difficult, get tough
- fer-se creus
- be shocked/stunned/amazed/horrified/appalled/aghast
- fer-se d'or
- get rich, make a lot of money, make a bundle
- fer-se de nit
- get dark
- fer-se eco de
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- fer-se ençà
- come/move closer
- fer-se enllà
- move further away, move over
- fer-se enrere
- 1 [recular] move back, back up 2 [desdir-se] back down, go back on one's word
- fer-se escàpol
- make an/one's escape
- fer-se esperar
- be late, be delayed, take a long time
- fer-se fonedís
- to get away, disappear, vanish
- fer-se fort
- 1 [entossudir-se] stubbornly insist 2 [parapetar-se] shield/defend oneself, take refuge 3 [reforçar-se] get strong
- fer-se fosc/vespre
- get dark
- fer-se gran
- 1 [créixer] grow, get taller/bigger 2 [fer-se adult] grow up 3 [envellir-se] get old
- fer-se home
- make one's way (in life); become independent
- fer-se il·lusions
- get one's hopes up, engage/indulge in wishful thinking
- fer-se l'estret
- to feign modesty, virtue, chasteness; pretend to be rigorously moral, especially in sexual matters
- fer-se l'interessant
- make oneself seem (more) interesting
- fer-se la barba d'or
- make a fortune, make a bundle
- fer-se la boca aigua
- make someone long for something
- fer-se la idea
- get the idea, accept that something is true; get something through one's head
- fer-se mal veure
- make a bad impression, leave a bad taste
- fer-se mala sang
- get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
- fer-se malveure
- make a bad impression
- fer-se mirar
- look good, be attractive/good-looking
- fer-se'n l'estella
- lose out, come up short, meet with disaster, go wrong
- fer-se'n la pell
- pay with one's life
- fer-se pesat
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- fer-se pregar algú
- make someone beg/plead; play hard to get
- fer-se respectar
- cause others to respect one
- fer-se ressò de
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- fer-se ric
- get rich, become wealthy
- fer-se seu
- 1 [apropriar-se] seize, take possession of 2 [assumir] take on, agree to do, take upon oneself 3 [convèncer] win over, enthrall, convince
- fer-se trobadís
- to contrive an apparently chance meeting
- fer-se un embolic
- get into a muddle, get mixed up
- fer-se un fart
- 1 [menjar] eat one's fill 2 [excedir-se] have one's fill
- fer-se un garbuix
- get confused/muddled
- fer-se un home
- become a man
- fer-se un lloc/nom
- succeed, find a place for oneself, do well
- fer-se un panxó de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- fer-se un ronyó d'or
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- fer-se un tip/fart
- 1 [menjar] eat one's fill 2 [excedir-se] have one's fill
- fer-se una idea de
- get an idea of, form an impression of
- fer-se una palla
- masturbate; beat the meat [vulg.], choke the chicken [vulg.]
- fer-se valer
- 1 [fer-se ben veure] (strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward 2 [exigir] demand, insist on, lay claim to
- fer-se veure
- 1 [presumir] show off, put on airs, blow one's own horn 2 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
- fer-se violència
- move heaven and earth, do one's utmost
- fer-se-li les dents llargues
- cause craving, make someone envious or desirous
- no fer al cas
- be beside the point, be neither here or there
- no fer brot
- to do nothing, not lift a finger
- no fer cap any de tretze mesos
- be fickle, unreliable, inconstant, capricious
- no fer cas de
- not pay attention to; not heed
- no fer el pes
- remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- no fer fred ni calor
- be lackluster, so-so, indifferent; be nothing to write home about
- no fer mal a una mosca
- not hurt a fly
- no fer ni pols ni remolí
- be innocuous, unoffending; be bland, insipid
- no fer servei
- be no good
- no fer-ne (cap de dreta / una de condreta)
- bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage; do nothing right, screw everything up [vulg.]
- no fer-s'ho dir dues vegades
- not have/need to be told twice
- no poder fer-hi més
- there be nothing one can do about it
- posar-se a fer
- start doing
- voler fer entrar el clau per la cabota
- try to fit/put a square peg in a round hole; bang/beat one's head against a (brick/stone) wall
- fera
- cuca fera
- a cross between a dragon and a centipede
- fet una fera
- furious, hopping mad, beside oneself, fit to be tied
feredat: fer feredat — appall, terrify, curdle the blood, make one's blood run cold
ferides: el temps cicatritza les ferides — time heals all wounds
ferit: ferit de mort — fatally wounded/injured
- ferm
- a peu ferm
- relentlessly, firmly, steadfastly, doggedly, tenaciously
- de ferm
- hard, like mad, with all one's might
- de fort i de ferm
- resolutely, steadfastly; with all one's heart
- en ferm
- definite, genuine, authentic; [presó] without parole
- fer ferm
- to fasten/tie/bind firmly
- mantenir-se ferm
- stand (one's ground / firm / strong); not yield, not give in
- terreny ferm
- fertile ground
ferma: terra ferma — dry land
fermar: fermar curt — restrict, hamper, impede, inhibit; bottle up, pin down
ferrer: tenir les orelles a cal ferrer — be deaf/oblivious, pay no attention/mind, disregard; [fingint] ignore, turn a deaf ear
Ferriol: durar com la bóta de sant Ferriol — last forever
- ferro
- de ferro
- [adj.] iron, strong
- desperta ferro!
- draw your swords!
- picar ferro fred
- flog a dead horse
- salut de ferro
- good health
- tenir una mala salut de ferro
- to be strong in spite of problematical health; to be impervious to untoward circumstances
- tocar ferro
- knock on wood, touch wood
- treure ferro
- play down, minimize, represent as less important; make little of
fèrula: sota la fèrula de — under the tyranny of
fes: fes-te fotre! — Tough shit! [vulg.]; too bad!; Deal with it!
fesols: mirar-se com els fesols — have an aversion to
- festa
- aigualir la festa
- spoil the fun
- anar de festa
- go out on the town
- avui fos i demà festa!
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- dia de festa
- 1 [oficial] holiday 2 [personal] day off
- fer festa
- to take a day off
- fer pagar la festa
- 1 [imputar] shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on 2 [fer rebre les conseqüències] take it out on
- pagar la festa
- take the rap, pay the piper
- riure's del sant i de la festa
- make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
- tenir festa
- have a day off
festes: fer festes — compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
festiu: dia festiu — holiday
- fet
- a preu fet
- piecework
- a raig fet
- 1 abundantly, in a big way 2 incessantly 3 spontaneously, without forethought, off the top of one's head
- anar a preu fet
- be/go in a hurry, in a rush
- de fet
- in fact, as a matter of fact, actually
- de gran fet
- of great importance/significance
- del dit al fet, hi ha un tret
- it's easier said than done
- dit i fet!
- no sooner said than done!
- donar per fet
- be sure/confident; take for granted
- dret i fet
- through and through
- en fet de
- in the matter of; as regards
- estar fet caldo
- be exhausted, be ready to drop, be dog-tired
- fer el fet
- do (ex.: farà el fet = it will do)
- fet a mida
- made to measure
- fet i amagar
- [joc] hide and seek
- fet i fet
- all in all, overall
- fet i fotut
- all in all, overall, at the end of the day
- fet un desastre
- in deplorable condition
- fet un fàstic
- in disgusting condition
- fet un sant llàtzer
- bedraggled, battered, beat up
- fet una coca
- exhausted, whacked, all in, bushed, ready to drop
- fet una fera/fúria
- furious, hopping mad, beside oneself, fit to be tied
- fet una llàstima
- in deplorable condition
- fet una merda [vulg.]
- [persona] wasted, wiped out, done in; [cosa] ruined, demolished, wrecked
- fet!
- agreed! it's a deal!
- obeir al fet que
- be due to, arise from the fact that
- pel fet que
- owing to the fact that
- posar-se fet una fúria
- hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket, fly off the handle
- tal dit tal fet
- no sooner said than done; as could have been foreseen
- un cop fet ja està fet
- it is no good/use crying over spilt milk
- feta
- feina feta no fa/té destorb
- don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today
- feta la llei feta la trampa
- every law has a loophole
- frase feta
- idiom
- l'has feta bona!
- now you've done it!
- fetge
- de sang i fetge
- blood and guts
- no posar-se (cap pedra / pedres) al fetge
- not make a big deal of something, not worry about it
- tenir el fetge (gros / de rajada)
- be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
- tenir fetge
- have the stomach
- treure (el fetge / la freixura) per la boca
- work like a dog; be dead tired, done in, all in
feu: feu lloc! — make way!, clear the way!
- fi
- a fi de bé
- with good intentions
- a fi de
- in order to
- a fi que
- so that
- a la fi de
- at the end of
- a la fi
- finally, in the end
- a tal fi
- for this purpose, to this end
- al cap i a la fi
- when all is said and done, after all
- anar fi
- to run/perform well
- en fi
- finally, in conclusion
- fer la fi del cagaelàstics
- come to a bad end
- no tenir fi
- be endless, never-ending, interminable
- per fi!
- at last!
- posar fi a
- put an end to, stop, conclude
- sense fi ni compte
- without number
- una mala fi de
- a lot of, tons of, loads of
fiar: a fiar — on credit, without paying at the time of the transaction
fica: fica-m'ho aquí que no tinc butxaques! — I couldn't care less!
- ficar
- ficar al cove
- take over/charge, take the helm
- ficar al pap
- eat, chow down, have a meal
- ficar (cullerada / el nas)
- meddle in, horn/butt in on, kibitz, stick one's nose/oar in
- ficar el dit a l'ull
- scrutinize, probe; keep tabs on
- ficar el rem
- blunder, make a fool of oneself, put one's foot in one's mouth; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- ficar els dits a la boca d'algú
- make someone talk
- ficar els peus a la galleda
- blunder, make a fool of oneself, put one's foot in one's mouth; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- ficar entre cella i cella
- have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
- ficar la banya (en un forat)
- dig in one's heels, refuse to submit; be mulish, pigheaded, stiff-necked
- ficar la pota
- say something wrong, put one's foot in one's mouth
- ficar-s'ho a la butxaca
- triumph; come out on top, carry the day
- ficar-se a la gola del llop
- put oneself at risk; go into the lion's den
- ficar-se al barret/cap
- have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
- ficar-se al llit
- 1 [anar a dormir] go to bed 2 [emmalaltir] get sick, fall ill
- ficar-se algú a la butxaca
- win over, enthrall, convince
- ficar-se de peus a la galleda
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- ficar-se en (brocs / un vesper)
- get involved in a difficult/awkward/messy situation
- ficar-se en (dibuixos / llibres de cavalleries)
- get mixed up in questionable affairs
- ficar-se en un embolic
- get into trouble
- ficar-se fins als colzes
- become deeply involved, be in it up to one's elbows/neck/ears
- ficar-se la llengua a la butxaca
- hold one's tongue; keep one's trap shut [vulg.]
- ficar-se la llengua al cul
- keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]
- ficar-se (on no el [o et, etc.] demanen / en bucs)
- meddle, horn/butt in, kibitz, stick one's nose in
- ficar-se on no el demanen
- meddle in, horn/butt in on, kibitz, stick one's nose/oar in
- no saber on ficar-se
- feel mortified, ashamed, red-faced
ficat: tenir algú ficat a la butxaca — have someone under one's thumb
fiduciari: fons fiduciari — trust fund
- figa
- agafar la figa pel capoll
- take something (the wrong way / personally)
- fer figa
- weaken, fail; [negoci] go bankrupt; [màquina] break down
- figa tova
- wimp, wuss, namby-pamby, pantywaist
- mitja figa, mig raïm
- dubiously, ambiguously, indefinitely; neither fish nor fowl
- tou com una figa
- soft as silk
figaflor: figaflor — ninny, twit, turkey, silly goose
figuereta: fer la figuereta — do a headstand
- figues
- com ara plouen figues!
- when pigs fly!; not at all!, not by any means!, no way!; not by a long (shot! [Am.] / chalk! [Br.])
- en collir les figues ens veurem
- the proof of the pudding is in the eating, there may be trouble in paradise, we'll know more when we see how things turn out
- pesar figues
- nod (sleepily)
- quan no són figues són raïms
- if it's not one thing, it's another
- ser figues d'un altre paner
- be (a horse of a different color / a different kettle of fish)
- fil
- a dret fil
- [teixit] in a straight line
- agafar el fil
- pick up the thread
- aguantar-se per un fil
- hang by a thread
- amb un fil de veu
- in a thin/weak voice
- de fil de vint
- exquisitely, flawlessly, impeccably, sublimely; [mudat] to the nines
- donar a algú fil
- encourage someone to go on talking without paying attention to them
- fil per randa/agulla
- in detail, thoroughly, exhaustively
- perdre el fil
- lose the thread
- posar fil a l'agulla
- to get started (on something), to get working (at something)
- reprendre el fil
- take up where one has left off
- seguir el fil
- follow the thread
- un fil de
- a tiny amount, a smidgen, a wee bit, a scintilla
- fila
- en fila índia
- in single file
- fer bona fila
- look good/healthy/well, be pleasant
- fer fila
- 1 [fer cua] line up, get in line [Am.]; queue [Br.] 2 [anar massa mudat] look silly/foolish; be overdressed
filar: filar prim — quibble, nitpick, split hairs
files: cridar a files — draft, call up
filis: de filis — in a good mood, in good health
- fill
- el fill de la gata, rates mata
- like father, like son
- fill de la polla rossa
- favorite son
- fill de puta [tabú]
- asshole/dickhead/douchebag [tabú]
- fill de sa mare
- son of a bitch [vulg.], bastard [vulg.]; ass, schmuck, jerk
- fill únic
- only child
- qui és fill del gat, li retira de la cua o del cap
- like father, like son
fils: moure els fils — pull strings
- final
- arribar a final de mes
- make ends meet (ex.: És difícil que arribin al final de mes = It's hard for them to make ends meet)
- posar punt final a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- finalitat
- amb aquesta finalitat
- for this purpose, to this end
- sense finalitat de lucre
- nonprofit
finals: a finals de — at the end of
- finestra
- llençar/tirar la casa per la finestra
- go all out, shoot the works, spare no expense, pull out all the stops
- ni en forat ni en finestra
- nowhere, anywhere
- no haver vist culs en finestra
- not have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot
- fins
- estar fins (al capdamunt / als collons [vulg.])
- be fed up, up to here, sick and tired; have had it
- ficar-se fins als colzes
- become deeply involved, be in it up to one's elbows/neck/ears
- fins a l'extrem
- to the max, to the hilt, to an extreme, as much as possible
- fins a la setmana dels tres dijous
- till pigs fly
- fins (a les celles / al coll)
- to the hilt/limit, up to one's ears/elbows/neck
- fins a més veure
- until we meet again
- fins a (un) cert punt
- to (some / a certain) extent
- fins a una altra!
- see you later!, later!
- fins al moll (d'os / de l'os / dels ossos)
- to the core, to the marrow
- fins als nassos
- fed up
- fins aviat!
- see you later!
- fins i tot
- even
- fins on la vista arriba
- as far as the eye can see
- fins que
- until
fiquis: no t'hi fiquis! — mind your own business!
- fira
- de fira
- feeble, rickety, jerrybuilt
- fallar (més que / com) una escopeta de fira
- be unpredictable, erratic, unreliable
fit: de fit a fit — from head to toe, from top to bottom
fitxa: moure fitxa — make a move
fixa: idea fixa — obsession, fixation
flabiol: amb un flabiol sonant (anar al darrere d'algú ~) — fruitlessly, in vain, with little hope, to no avail
flaca: tenir una flaca per — have a (soft spot / weakness) for
flamarada: ser de la flamarada — be emotional, hot-headed, mercurial
flaquesa: treure forces de flaquesa — muster the courage; make an effort, knock oneself out
flauta: tenir molt vent a la flauta — be a chatterbox, long-winded, very talkative, gabby
- flor
- a flor d'aigua
- on the surface of the water
- a flor de
- level/flush with; on the surface of
- a flor de llavis
- on one's lips
- a flor de pell
- skin deep; tenir els nervis ~ = be on edge; tenir/sentir les emocions ~ = be very sensitive, be thin-skinned
- en la flor de la vida
- in the prime of life
- estar en flor
- be in bloom
- flor d'un dia
- ephemeral, short-lived
- la flor i nata
- the cream of the crop
- néixer amb la flor al cul
- be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- una flor/oreneta no fa estiu
- one swallow doesn't make a summer
floreta: llançar una floreta — pay a compliment; praise, flatter
floretes: tirar floretes — compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole; suck up to[vulg.]
flors: flors i violes — beer and skittles, fun and games, plain sailing
- fluix
- anar fluix d'armilla
- be low on funds, feel the pinch
- cap fluix
- boneheaded, bubbleheaded, empty-headed, featherheaded
- de cotó fluix
- feeble, spineless, namby-pamby, wishy-washy
- de fluix
- impulsively, thoughtlessly, heedlessly
- fluix de boca/llengua
- gossipy, loose-lipped, gabby, prattling
- fluix de molles
- flatulent; long-winded
- fluix de ventre
- diarrhea; loose bowels, the runs, the trots
- ser fluix de llengua
- be a bigmouth/blabbermouth; be indiscreet
- tenir un cargol fluix
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
fluixa: a la corda fluixa — in danger, at risk, in jeopardy
flux: flux i reflux — ebb and flow
fly: fly high — ser al setè cel
- foc
- a primera línia de foc
- on the front line
- a sang i a foc
- by fire and sword
- afegir llenya al foc
- add fuel to the fire, make matters worse
- atiar el foc
- fan the flames; stir up trouble
- calar/botar foc a alguna cosa
- set something on fire, set fire to something
- coure a foc lent
- simmer; cook at low heat
- entrar en foc
- enter into combat
- fer foc nou
- go back to square one, go back to the drawing board, start from scratch
- foc d'encenalls
- flash in the pan, nine days' wonder; fleeting, short-lived, ephemeral
- fugir/sortir del foc i/per caure a les brases
- fall out of the frying pan into the fire
- haver-n'hi (d'una cosa) més que un foc no en cremaria
- more (of something) than you can shake a stick at
- jugar amb foc
- play with fire
- llar de foc
- fireplace
- posar la mà al foc
- be willing to swear (to something); to guarantee; be absolutely positive (about something)
- prova de foc
- acid test
- tirar aigua al foc
- discourage, dishearten, throw cold water on
- tirar el barret al foc
- give it up, throw in the towel
- tirar llenya al foc
- add fuel to the fire, make matters worse
- tocar a foc
- sound/ring the fire alarm
- treure foc pels queixals
- be furious, hopping mad, fit to be tied
- treure les castanyes del foc a algú
- pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
- focs
- castell de focs
- fireworks
- entre dos focs
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- focs artificials
- fireworks
- fogó
- sortir de fogó
- lose one's temper, fly off the handle, see red; lose it
- treure de fogó algú
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
fogots: tenir fogots — have hot flashes
folla: a la folla — like crazy, like mad, frantically, furiously
folrat: folrat d'armilla — rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
fonda: fonda de sisos — greasy spoon, second-rate inn/tavern/restaurant
fondo: llaurar a fondo — devote oneself to a job, an activity, etc.
fondre: voler fondre's — suffer embarassment; want to sink through the floor
- fonedís
- fer fonedís
- make (something) vanish/disappear
- fer-se fonedís
- to get away, disappear, vanish
- fons
- a fons
- thoroughly, in depth, in detail, painstakingly
- al fons del cor
- deep down (in one's heart), at heart/bottom
- anar a fons
- [una nau, un negoci] go under, go bankrupt, fail, founder
- en el fons
- at heart, in essence; basically
- fons fiduciari
- trust fund
font: de bona font — from the horse's mouth; from good/reliable sources
fonts: nom de fonts — first name, forename
fóra: una altra cosa fóra — it would be different, it would be something else again
- fora
- anar fora de camí
- be on the wrong track
- de fora
- outside
- estar/anar fora de seny/corda
- be (beside oneself / agitated / raving)
- estar fora de comptes
- be overdue to give birth
- fer fora
- to put out, kick out
- fora bromes
- no joke
- fora d'això
- besides this, apart from this
- fora d'hora
- at an inconvenient time, at a bad moment
- fora d'ús
- out of service
- fora de combat
- out of action
- fora de joc
- offside
- fora de lloc
- uncalled-for, improper, inappropriate, off-base
- fora (de) mida
- beyond measure, limitless, myriad, boundless, numberless, no end of
- fora de sèrie
- unique, one-of-a-kind
- fora de si
- beside oneself, furious
- fora de to
- out of tune
- fora mida
- [adj.] out of all proportion, limitless [adv.] immoderately, unrestrainedly, overmuch
- fora que
- unless
- fora vila
- out of town
- pit i fora!
- take courage!, chin up!, take heart!, buck up!
- pixar fora de test
- 1 beat around the bush, not come to the point 2 put one's foot in one's mouth
- via fora!
- warning! sound the alarm!
foradada: tenir la butxaca/mà foradada — be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
foradades: tenir les mans foradades — be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
- foradat
- caure en sac foradat
- fall on deaf ears, go unnoticed, be ignored
- parlar foradat
- blather, gabble, jabber, twaddle, prate
- forat
- caldera vella, bony o forat
- as you get old, things go wrong
- el pecat fa forat
- the truth will out; crime doesn't pay
- fer forat
- make an impression
- fer un forat per tapar-ne un altre
- rob Peter to pay Paul
- ficar la banya (en un forat)
- dig in one's heels, refuse to submit; be mulish, pigheaded, stiff-necked
- ni en forat ni en finestra
- nowhere, anywhere
- no haver vist el món (sinó) per un forat
- not have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot
- posar el dit al forat
- hit the nail on the head, hit the bull's-eye/mark
- ser aranya de forat
- withdrawn, antisocial, unsociable
- tapar un forat
- put/set right, amend
forats: tapar forats — meet expenses, pay debts, pay bills
- força
- a força de
- by dint of, by way of, by means of
- a la força
- grudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly
- a viva força
- forcibly, under duress, violently, brutally
- cas de força major
- act of God, unavoidable casuality, unexpected or uncontrollable event
- de grat o per força
- whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
- la unió fa la força
- unity/union is strength
- més val enginy que força
- brains are better than brawn
- per força
- 1 [forcejant] by force, forcibily 2 [obligadament] whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
- si us plau per força
- whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
- forca
- a la quinta forca
- in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
- engegar/enviar a la quinta forca algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
forçades: a marxes forçades — full tilt, flat out, in double time; something fierce, with a vengeance
forces: treure forces de flaquesa — muster the courage; make an effort, knock oneself out
forçós: és forçós que — it's inevitable/unavoidable that
forellat: no tenir trellat (ni forellat) — be senseless/meaningless/nonsensical; be without rhyme or reason
- forma
- de forma que
- in a way that
- en deguda forma
- in due/proper order
- en forma
- in good shape
- no haver-hi forma de
- there be no way to
- prendre forma
- take shape
formatge: posar-hi més pa que formatge — make a mountain out of a molehill; blow out of proportion; magnify, overdo, overstate
- formes
- bones formes
- good manners
- guardar les formes
- behave oneself; behave rather formally
- perdre les formes
- lose control
forques: passar per les forques caudines — be forced to put up with humiliating conditions; bite the bullet
forquilla: esmorzar de forquilla — a hearty breakfast
forro: passar-se pel forro — ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
forrolla: fer forrolla — have a hit, make a big splash, be successful
- fort
- anar fort d'armilla
- be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
- anar/ser fort en
- be good at
- de fort i de ferm
- resolutely, steadfastly; with all one's heart
- dret del més fort
- law of the jungle, survival of the fittest
- embolica que fa fort
- and to top it off; here's a mix-up/muddle for you; wait till you hear this
- fer el cor fort
- muster the courage, gather the/one's courage
- fer-se fort
- 1 [entossudir-se] stubbornly insist 2 [parapetar-se] shield/defend oneself, take refuge 3 [reforçar-se] get strong
- fort com un roure
- strong as an ox
- fort com una roca
- solid as a rock
- picar fort
- 1 [tenir mà dura] be severe, harshe, ruthlesse, rigorous 2 [ser car] be expensive, cost an arm and a leg
- punt fort
- strong suit
- ser de morro fort
- be bad-tempered
- ser del morro fort
- 1 [tossut] be bull-headed, headstrong, strong-willed 2 [de mal geni] bad-tempered
- ser el seu fort
- be good at
fortuït: cas fortuït — accident, misadventure
- fortuna
- fer fortuna
- 1 [tenir èxit] be successful, become popular 2 [guanyar diners] make a fortune
- per fortuna
- luckily, fortunately
- fos
- així fos!
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- avui fos i demà festa!
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- ni que només fos
- even if it were only
- fosc
- a boca de fosc
- at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- fer-se fosc/vespre
- get dark
- fosc com una gola de llop
- black as night/pitch
foscant: (a hora / al primer) foscant — at dusk/twilight/nightfall
fosques: a les fosques — in the dark
fossa: tenir un peu a la fossa — have one foot in the grave
- fot
- fot el camp! [vulg.]
- piss off! [vulg.], fuck off! [tabú]
- no fot ni brot
- he doesn't do a thing
- tant me/em fot [vulg.]
- I don't give a damn [vulg.]
fotem: no fotem! — let's not kid ourselves!
fotims: tenir un geni de fotims — be cantankerous/irascible/testy/quarrelsome
fotis: no fotis! [vulg.] — no kidding!
- fotre
- fer/fotre un clau [vulg.]
- get laid, screw [vulg.], fuck [tabú]; wet the willie, make the beast with two backs, get the little man wet, get one's ashes hauled, squeak the springs, lay pipe, make whoopee, do the horizontal tango
- fes-te fotre!
- Tough shit! [vulg.]; too bad!; Deal with it!
- fotre a mar [vulg.]
- throw away, get rid of
- fotre barres avall [vulg.]
- tell it like it is, let someone have it, jump down (someone's) throat
- fotre el camp [vulg.]
- get the hell out [vulg.]
- fotre mà a algú [vulg.]
- to grope/paw someone
- fotre's de lloros [vulg.]
- fall on one's face, fall flat
- fotre's del mort i del qui el vetlla [vulg.]
- make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
- fotre una hòstia a algú [vulg.]
- [cop de puny] bash/slug/punch/smash/sock/clobber someone; [amb la mà oberta] slap/smack someone
- t'hauràs de fotre [vulg.]
- you'll have to (put up with it / bite the bullet / face up to it / grin and bear it)
fotrenca: a la fotrenca — carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
- fotut
- estar fotut [vulg.]
- [malalt] be run-down, sick as a dog, under the weather; [deprimit] be depressed, bummed out, in the dumps/pits
- fet i fotut
- all in all, overall, at the end of the day
- quedar-se fotut [vulg.]
- be/get screwed [vulg.]
fraganti: agafar in fraganti — catch red-handed
franc: de franc — for free, free of charge, gratis
francesa: anar-se'n a la francesa — 1 leave without saying goodbye 2 [mil.] take French leave
Francesc: anar en el cavall de sant Francesc — go on foot
francesilla: fer una francesilla — indulge in an extravagance, permit oneself an extravagance
francs: si hem de ser francs — to tell the truth
frare: una dotzena de frare — a baker's dozen
frase: frase feta — idiom
frases: fer frases — talk pretentiously
fre: posar fre — stop, put a stop (to), hold up; impede, hinder
- frec
- a frec de
- close to; on the verge of
- a frec de roba
- point blank
- frec a frec
- close by, next to, beside
- fred
- deixar fred
- fail to impress
- fa un fred que pela!
- it's freezing out!
- fer un fred que pela/talla
- be freezing cold; be colder than a witch's tit [vulg.]
- fred com el gel/marbre
- cold as ice, cold as hell [vulg.], cold as a witch's tit [vulg.]
- no fer fred ni calor
- be lackluster, so-so, indifferent; be nothing to write home about
- picar ferro fred
- flog a dead horse
- tenir fred de/als peus
- be jealous, green with envy, envious
- freda
- a sang freda
- in cold blood
- una de freda i una de calenta
- something good and something bad; good news, bad news
fregada: una fregada d'orelles — a chewing out, a talking to, a scolding
- fregar
- fregar pels bigotis a algú una cosa
- rub someones's nose in something; throw something in someone's teeth
- fregar-se les mans
- rub one's hands; display pleased anticipation, self-satisfaction, glee; feel satisfied, be pleased as punch
fregit: un rave fregit — nothing at all; horsefeathers!, poppycock!, fiddledeedee!
freixura: treure (el fetge / la freixura) per la boca — work like a dog; be dead tired, done in, all in
frenar: frenar la llengua — be closemouthed, hold one's tongue, keep one's peace, keep mum
- fresc
- en fresc
- in a cool place
- fresc com una rosa
- fresh as a daisy
- fresca
- a la fresca
- 1 outdoors, in the open air 2 carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
- anar a la fresca
- wear few clothes
- prendre la fresca
- get a breath of fresh air
- prendre-s'ho a la fresca
- laugh something off; not make a big deal of something, not worry about it; be indifferent
fresques: dir-ne a algú quatre de fresques — tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
- fressa
- molta fressa i poca endreça
- much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
- moure fressa
- make noise; be loud/noisy/boisterous/raucous
- fretura
- fer fretura
- be lacking/wanting
- tenir/passar fretura
- be lacking (ex.: Passàvem fretura de vi = We were lacking wine)
- front
- amb el front (ben) alt
- holding one's head high
- anar carregat de front
- be a cuckold
- de front
- from the front
- fer front a
- to cope, to face, stand up to, come up against
- fer un canvi de front
- make a sea/radical change; do an about-face
- no tenir dos dits de front
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
frontal: xoc/col·lisió frontal — head-on collision
frontissa: fer de frontissa — be a go-between; serve as a middle ground
fru: fru-fru — rustling/whishing sound
fruita: fruita del temps — (a common / an everyday) occurrence, a common/frequent/familiar event
fuga: fuga de cervells — brain drain
fugaç: estel fugaç — shooting star
fugida: prendre la fugida — take flight
- fugir
- fugir (corrents / cames ajudeu-me)
- run away, flee; beat a hasty retreat, make tracks; get the hell out [vulg.]
- fugir d'estudi
- change the subject, go off on a tangent
- fugir del cap
- forget, slip one's mind, draw a blank
- fugir per la tangent
- go off on a tangent, change the subject
- fugir/sortir del foc i/per caure a les brases
- fall out of the frying pan into the fire
- fuig
- color de gos com fuig
- indeterminate color, pale gray
- d'arrapa i fuig
- spur-of-the-moment, off the cuff, playing it by ear, shooting from the hip
- fuig!
- nonsense!, rubbish!, baloney!
- full
- full de ruta
- roadmap
- girar full
- turn a page, go on to something else
- no hi ha volta de full [castellà]
- there's no two ways about it; there is no other choice/possibility
- fulla
- a la caiguda de la fulla
- in the fall [Am.], in autumn [Br.]
- poder embolicar-se/confitar-se amb una fulla de pi quelcom
- (can/could) put/stick something where the sun don't shine [vulg.]
- tremolar com una fulla
- shake like a leaf
- fulles
- agafar el rave per les fulles
- take something (the wrong way / personally)
- posar-s'hi fulles
- have to lump it (ex.: si no els agrada que s'hi posin fulles = if they don't like it they can lump it)
- que es posin fulles!
- they can lump it!
fulminat: caure fulminat — keel over, collapse; fall suddenly
- fum
- anar-se'n en fum
- come to nothing, go to waste
- engegar/enviar a porgar fum algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- ni amb fum de sabatots
- by no means, no way (shape or form), nothing doing, not on your life
- ni fa ni fum
- make no difference, be of no importance, be irrellevant
- quedar tot en fum de botges
- come to nothing, go to waste
- saber-ne un fum
- know one's way around, be an expert
- sortir fum del cap
- be confused, bewildered, dazed, baffled
- tenir el cap ple de fum
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- un fum de
- a ton of, tons of
- vendre fum
- do busywork, occupy one's time uselessly
- venedors de fum
- charlatan, mountebank, imposter, swindler
fumar: fumar com un carreter — smoke like a chimney
- fums
- agafar fums
- have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself; be on one's high horse
- fer abaixar els fums a algú
- take someone down a notch/peg
- pujar els fums al cap
- have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself
- tenir fums
- 1 [tenir pretensions] be self-important, conceited, big-headed, cocky, puffed up, swell-headed 2 [tenir indicis] to suspect, have a hunch
- funció
- en funció de
- depending on
- funció benèfica
- charity performance
funcionament: posar en funcionament — put into service/use, set in motion; initiate, start up
funcionari: funcionari — public-sector worker
- funcions
- en funcions
- acting (ex.: director en funcions = acting director)
- entrar en funcions
- asume office
fúnebres: honres fúnebres — last rites, last honors
funerari: cotxe (funerari, dels morts) — hearse
funerària: corona funerària — funeral wreath
fur: fur intern — conscience
fura: tot gat i fura — everyone; all and sundry
- fúria
- fet una fúria
- furious, hopping mad, beside oneself, fit to be tied
- posar-se fet una fúria
- hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket, fly off the handle
furt: a furt — furtively, on the QT, stealthily
- fusta
- de bona fusta
- 1 healthy, robust 2 upright, of good character
- justa la fusta!
- it fills the bill!, it's made to order!
- tenir fusta de
- be good at
futil·la: no entendre-hi futil·la — not understand a thing; be completely ignorant of
futris: de futris — in a bad mood; bad-tempered, churlish, grouchy, ornery, cross |
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