| Dites visca!

Dites visca! J

ja en parlarem
1 [qui sap] we'll just have to wait and see 2 [difícilment] I'm not so sure (about that)
ja era hora!
it's about time! (exs.: Ja era hora que arribéssiu! = It's about time you got here!; Ja era hora que algú digués la veritat! = It's about time someone told the truth!)
ja està!
1 [acabament] all done! 2 [ja hi som!] here we go again!
ja et cremes!
you're getting warmer/hot!
ja hi estem anant
we'd better hurry
ja hi firmaria
it would be fine with me
ja hi som
1 [arribar] we're there 2 [ja està!] here we go again!
ja ho veus
1 [sorpresa] really? no kidding? 2 [reafirmació] it's plain to see
ja n'hi ha prou (d'aquest color)!
all right already!, enough already!, that's enough!
ja pots xiular, si l'ase no vol beure
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
ja que
since, seeing as
ja s'ho faran!
it's their funeral!, that's their business!, that's up to them!
ja s'ho trobarà
someone will get their (comeuppance / just desserts)
ja se sap
of course, as expected, just what I thought
ja som al cap del carrer!
that's it!, nothing else need be said!
ja t'ho faràs!
it's up to you!

jan: ser bon janbe a good guy/egg

jaqueta: canviar de jaquetabe a turncoat, change sides, cross over

(ser de / tenir) bona jeia
be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
(ser de / tenir) mala jeia
1 [ser rancorós] be ill-tempered, quarrelsome, surly 2 [ser bellugadís] be a restless sleeper

Jesús: en un dir Jesúsquickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson

saber on jeu el dimoni
know what's what
saber on jeu la llebre
know (the ropes / the score / what's what)
i jo, què?
what about me?
que jo sàpiga
as far as I know
què sé jo?
how should I know?, search me!

Joana: el temps passa i la Joana ballatime and tide wait for no man

a joc vist
in hindsight
casa de joc
gambling casino/hall
donar joc a
open the way for
el joc no paga la candela
the game is not worth the candle
en joc
at stake
entrar en joc
come into play, take effect, come up
estar en joc
be at stake
fer el doble joc
double-deal, double-cross, act with duplicity
fer el joc a algú
to help or favor someone on the sly
fer joc
match, go together, harmonize
fora de joc
joc brut
foul play
joc d'atzar
game of chance
joc de bitlles
joc de mans
sleight of hand
joc de poques taules
child's play, a cinch/snap, smooth sailing
joc de taula
table setting
joc net
fair play
posar/portar en joc
put/bring into play; use, make the most of
seguir el joc
play along
un joc d'hòsties
a thrashing, a shellacking, a battering

jocs: no estar per jocs — 1 [de mal humor] not be in the mood for games 2 [no voler complicacions] have enough problemes/trouble (without that)

jorn: de jornearly in the morning, with the dawn

jornada: mitja jornadahalf-day, part time

posar el jou a algú
enslave someone, keep someone under one's thumb
treure's el jou
throw off the yoke

Judes: cara de Judestwo-faced, hypocritical

juga: saber amb qui es jugaknow what one is getting into

jugada: mala jugadadirty trick

jugar a cartes vistes
lay one's cards on the table
jugar a l'acuit
play hide and seek
jugar a la gallina cega
play blind man's bluff
jugar a tocar i parar
play tag
jugar amb foc
play with fire
jugar brut
cheat, play dirty/dishonestly
jugar net
play fair, play by the rules
jugar sobre segur
not take any chances; play it safe; be overly cautious
jugar una mala passada/partida
play a dirty trick, pull a fast one
jugar-s'ho tot
go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
jugar-se el cap
risk life and limb
jugar-se (el coll / qualsevol cosa)
swear (up and down), give one's word, avow, guarantee
jugar-se (el tot pel tot / la camisa)
go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
jugar-se l'última carta
make a last ditch effort
jugar-se la pell/vida
risk one's life
jugar-se la vida
risk one's life
take a big risk, risk/stake one's all

jugaria: m'hi jugaria el collI'd bet my life

juli: clavar un julistrike, hit, deal a blow

juliana: a la julianajulienne

junt: tot juntin all, altogether

juntes: a mans juntesimploringly, beseechingly, entreatingly

junts: a peus juntsblindly, submissively, without thinking, uncritically

jurada: tenir-la juradahold a grudge

jurament: prestar juramenttake the/an oath

jurar: jurar en falscommit perjury

anar just (de)
be lacking, be short on
tot just
only; barely

justa: justa la fusta!it fills the bill!, it's made to order!

fer justícia
do justice
fer justícia pel seu compte
take the law into one's hands

justos: pagar justos per pecadorsthe innocent pay for the sins of the guilty

jutge: jutge d'instruccióexamining magistrate

jutipiris: fer jutipirisdo/work wonders, work miracles

jutjar: a jutjar perjudging by | Dites visca!