| Dites visca!

Dites visca! M

a mà
1 [a prop] at hand 2 [amb la mà] by hand
a mà alçada
1 [votar] by a show of hands 2 [dibuixar] freehand
a mà armada
armed (ex.: atracament a mà armada = armed robbery)
a mà de
through, by means of, at the hands of
allargar la mà
1 [estirar la mà] hold out one's hand 2 [ser caritatiu] be charitable/generous/magnanimous/open-handed
amb el cor a la mà
from the bottom of one's heart, in all sincerety, honestly; trustingly, naively
amb el lliri a la mà
like a babe in the woods, credulously, gullibly
amb els trumfos a la mà
holding all the cards
amb una mà a la galta
lazily, indolently; taking one's time, at one's leisure
amb una mà al davant i l'altra al darrere
with no money at all, flat broke, penniless
amb una mà sobre l'altra
idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
anar a fer la mà
go to hell [vulg.], go to the devil
anar de mà en mà
go from hand to hand
anar-se-li'n la mà
overdo it, go overboard, go too far
barret en mà
courteously, graciously
bossa de mà
handbag, purse
carregar la mà
overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
cop de mà
helping hand, hand
de llarga mà
long beforehand
de mà
1 [no automàtic] by hand 2 [portàtil] portable
de primera mà
de pròpia mà
personally, in person, face-to-face
de segona mà
used, secondhand
deixat de la mà de Déu
godforsaken, desolate, stark, austere
donar/fer un cop de mà
give a (helping) hand
donar la mà
1 shake hands 2 [ajudar] give (someone) a hand
donaria un dit de la mà
would give one's right arm
donar-se la mà
shake hands
escala de mà
fotre mà a algú [vulg.]
to grope/paw someone
gent de baixa estofa/mà
rabble, riff-raff; people of low birth
guanyar per mà
beat someone to (something / the punch); steal a march on someone
mà a mà
one-on-one, one-to-one (one on one, one to one)
mà d'obra
mà de metge
remedy, solution, assistance
mà dura
severity, harshness, ruthlessness, rigidity, rigor
mà sobre mà
idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
no moure una mà
not lift a finger, not move a muscle
no saber on té la mà dreta
be all thumbs; be clumsy/inept/ham-handed
obrir la mà
[moderar el rigor] ease off, give some slack, lighten up
parar la mà
beg; ask for alms; panhandle
passar la mà per la cara a algú
get the better of someone
per sota mà
deviously, underhandedly; fast and loose
posar la mà al foc
be willing to swear (to something); to guarantee; be absolutely positive (about something)
posar mà a
take up
posar mà
give a (helping) hand
posar-se la mà al pit
be honest/frank/sincere
saber on té la mà dreta
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
saber-ne de cada mà
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
ser la mà dreta d'algú
be someone's right-hand man
tenir a (la) mà
have at hand, have handy
tenir la mà foradada
be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
tenir la mà llarga
be quick to hit, quick with one's fists
tenir mà esquerra
be tactful, diplomatic; be skillful, adept
tenir per la mà
be good at, have a feel for, be a dab hand at
tenir(-hi) la mà trencada
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
tirar la pedra i amagar la mà
do damage and try to escape the consequences; hit and run
una mà de
[gran nombre] a lot of, tons of, loads of
voler tocar el cel amb la mà
ask for the moon

maces: totes les maces piquenall things in moderation

maco: fer el macohave a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself; be on one's high horse

madurat: de més verdes n'han maduratstranger things have happened

amb temps i palla, maduren les nesples
slowly but surely does it
de més verdes en maduren
anything is possible; you never know; stranger things have happened
a les verdes i a les madures
in good times and in bad
de verdes i madures
all kinds of, a wide variety/array of
que si són verdes, que si són madures
blah blah blah, yammer yammer yammer

Magdalena: plorar com una Magdalenasob/cry one's eyes out

magra: ballar-la/passar-la magrago through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent

magre: fer magreabstain from eating meat; to fast; go hungry

magres: passar-les magresgo through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent

ara si mai
now or never
les desgràcies mai no vénen soles
when it rains, it pours
mai de la vida
never, at no time; mai de la vida! = not on your life!
mai més
never again
mai tant!
[admiració] wow! [preocupació] oh dear!
més que mai
more than ever
ni mai que
[neg.] if only
ni mai!
no way!, don't even think about it!
no se sap mai
you never know
o ara o mai
now or never
val més tard que mai
better late than never

maig: com l'aigua de maiglike manna from heaven

cas de força major
act of God, unavoidable casuality, unexpected or uncontrollable event
major d'edat
of age
plana major
anar de/a mal borràs
go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
anar de mal en pitjor
go from bad to worse
anar mal dades
go through hard times, have hard times hit
anar pel mal camí
be on the wrong track
cridar el mal temps
make a dire prediction; to jinx someone/something
de mal + infinitiu
hard to + infinitiu
de mal acontentar
hard to please
de mal cor/grat
grudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly
de mal gust
in bad taste, coarse, out-of-line
de mal humor
in a bad (mood / frame of mind); out of sorts
de mal trobar
hard to find
dir mal de
backbite, badmouth, defame, villify; [falsament] slander
el meu mal no vol soroll
I prefer to suffer in silence
fer anar pel mal camí
to lead astray
fer de mal
be difficult (Fa de mal saber què fer = It's difficult to know what to do)
fer de mal veure
make a bad impression
fer mal (a)
to hurt, to harm
fer mal (d'ulls / efecte)
to look bad/terrible/awful
fer mal paper
blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
fer mala pinta (tenir mal aspecte)
look bad, terrible, awful, unhealthy
fer més mal que bé
do more harm than good
fer un mal gest
to pull/strain a muscle
fer-se mal veure
make a bad impression, leave a bad taste
mal averany
bad omen
mal bocí
difficult situation/predicament; nuisance, annoyance, bugbear, hassle, headache
mal cor
1 [de sentiments cruels] hard-hearted person 2 [qualitat] malevolence, malice, ill will
mal d'orella
mal de cap
mal de coll
sore throat
mal de mar
mal de molts, conhort de boigs
misery loves company
mal de queixal
mal dispost
under the weather
mal educat
offensive, rude, disrespectful
mal engiponat
[mal vestit] shabby, scruffy, frowzy, unkempt, dishevelled 2 [mal fet] carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
mal entranyat
callous, heartless, unfeeling, cold-hearted, pitiless
mal geni
bad temper
mal haja/hagen!
damn it! [vulg.], hell! [vulg.], confound it!
mal m'està de dir-ho
if I do say so myself
mal pagador
deadbeat, debtor, parasite, sponge
mal parat
in bad shape, in a bad way; inauspicious, ominous
mal pas
1 [situació difícil] tight corner/spot, bind, jam, predicament 2 [mala acció] misdeed, slipup, misstep, blunder
mal per mal
other/all things being equal
mal que bé
for better or worse
mal que em/ens dolgui
though it pains me/us
mal que mal
just the same, in any case
mal serà que
be bound to (ex.: Mal serà que no aprovem cap assignatura = We are bound to pass at least one subject)
mal si fas, mal si no fas
damned if you do, damned if you don't; in a no-win situation
mal tràngol
difficult situation/predicament, troublesome problem; entanglement, can of worms
ni per mal de morir
to save one's life; for anything in the world; for whatever reason at all (ex.: No es mou de casa ni per mal de morir = He won't leave home to save his life)
no fer mal a una mosca
not hurt a fly
no hi ha mal que cent anys duri
time heals all wounds
portar mal giny
bring bad luck
posar mal allà on no n'hi ha
be suspicious without cause, be distrustful
posar mal
cause trouble
prendre a mal una cosa
take something wrong, be offended
prendre mal
get hurt, hurt oneself
qui mal fa, mal pensa
he who does wrong will expect others to do so
qui mal no fa, mal no pensa
he who does no wrong expects the same of others
saber de quin mal pateix
know someone well, know someone's weaknesses
saber de quin mal (s')ha de morir
know the score, understand the situation, be in the know
ser un sac de mal profit
have a hollow leg; eat a lot but stay thin
tenir mal de cor
be hungry
tenir mal parat
be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
tenir mal ull
bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage
tocar la cama del mal
(expose / lay bare / reveal) someone's weakness/failings/shortcomings
treure el ventre de mal any
eat well after having fasted
camí de mala petja
rough irregular road, bumpy and uneven
com una mala cosa
(adjectival) as hell [bitter as hell]; (adverbial) like hell, like crazy [he ran like hell/crazy]
de mala gana
grudgingly, unwillingly, reluctantly
de mala llei
base, disreputable
de mala lluna/llet
in a bad mood; bad-tempered, churlish, grouchy, ornery, cross
de mala manera
1 [excessivament] a lot, too much 2 [maleducadament] rudely, discourteously, roughly
de mala mort
miserable, wretched, forlorn, woebegone
de mala vida
1 criminal, villainous, lawless 2 immoral, sinful
en mala hora
[moment inoportú] at a bad time, inopportunely 2 [el que es lamenta] what a shame (that)
fer mala cara a
to frown/scowl at
fer mala cara
look bad/ill/sick
fer mala espina
arouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension
fer mala pinta (tenir mal aspecte)
look bad, terrible, awful, unhealthy
fer-se mala sang
get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
jugar una mala passada/partida
play a dirty trick, pull a fast one
mala ànima
1 [criminal] delinquent, blackguard, bad actor, hoodlum, criminal, thug 2 [persona de mals sentiments] scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch 3 [qualitat] malevolence, malice, ill will
mala bava
rudeness, impudence, bad humor
mala bèstia/cuca/pècora/pua
scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch
mala fe
malevolence, malice, ill will
mala herba mai no mor
a bad penny always turns up
mala herba
mala jugada/passada
dirty trick
mala maror
bad feeling, bitterness, ill will, hard feelings
mala negada!
dammit! [vulg.], damnation! [vulg.], darn it!, dang!
mala pell
blackguard, hooligan, scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor
mala pua
scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch
mala ratxa
losing streak
mala veu
slander, calumny
tenir mala bava
be ill-tempered, quarrelsome, surly
tenir mala fama/premsa
be notorious, have a bad reputation
tenir mala peça al teler
be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
tenir mala sang
be malicious, hateful, nasty, wicked
terra de mala petja
broken country, badlands
una mala fi de
a lot of, tons of, loads of
una mala peça
a wrongdoer, crook, malefactor, miscreant
fer el malalt
fake an illness
més malalt que un sabater
sick as a dog
el remei és pitjor que la malaltia
the cure is worse than the disease
ser pitjor el remei que la malaltia
the cure is worse than the disease
caure malament
make a bad impression
estar malament del cap
have a screw loose, be not all there, be of unsound mind
malament rai!
worse luck!
prendre/agafar malament
take something wrong, become offended
quedar malament
1 [quedar en situació difícil] come to grief 2 [fracassar] turn out badly, fail, come to nothing

malavinguts: pocs i malavingutsin short supply and quarrelsome

malbé: fer malbéto spoil, mess up, screw up [vulg.]; [menjar] go bad/off

maleïda: maleïda la gràciahow one deplores

maleir: maleir els ossos (d'algú)curse/revile (algú); damn (algú) [vulg.] (ex.: Els veïns ens devien maleir els ossos per la festa d'anit = The neighbors must have cursed us for last night's party)

maleït: maleït sigui/sia/siga! [vulg.]damn it! [vulg.], hell's bells! [vulg.], confound it!

a les bones i a les males
in good times and in bad
a les males
by force, forcibly, against someone's will
a males
grudgingly, unwillingly
a males penes
through hell and high water [vulg.], in hardship, with difficulty
males arts
trickery, guile
males llengües
mudslingers, character assassins, defamers, backbiters
tenir males entranyes
have a mean streak; be cruel, hard-hearted

malgrat: malgrat totin spite of everything

malícia: fer malíciabother, annoy, infuriate, exasperate

clavar-ne una al mall i (dues / l'altra) a l'enclusa
foul up, blunder, screw up [vulg.]; make a mess/hash of something
costar més el mall que l'enclusa
something secondary is worth more than the main thing
ni una malla
not a penny
no tenir ni una malla
be flat/stone broke, penniless
passar per malla
slip by unnoticed
als grans mals, grans remeis
desperate times call for desperate measures
cambra dels mals endreços
spare room
corren mals aires
there's trouble brewing
de dos mals, el menor
the lesser of two evils
mals endreços
odds and ends, clutter, junk
tenir mals arrambatges
have a bad temper

malves: fer/criar malvespush up daisies

malveure: fer-se malveuremake a bad impression

malviatge: malviatge!dammit! [vulg.], damnation! [vulg.], darn it!, dang!

mama: qui no plora, no mamathe squeaky wheel gets the grease

mamar-se el dit
be gullible, be a sucker, likely to fall for anything
mamar-se-les dolces
have an easy time of it

mamat: haver mamat llet de cabrabe unruly, rebellious, headstrong

mamella: ser mamella de monjabe delectable/choice; be fit for a king

com Déu mana
befittingly, correctly
què mana?
what can I do for you?
qui paga mana
who pays the piper calls the tune

manar: al manar deunder the orders of

manat: un manat de nervisa bundle of nerves

manats: a manatsgalore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion

mancar: mancar a[fer actes contraris a un principi] be false to, go back on 2 [ofendre algú] offend, displease, insult

mandra: fer (el mandra / la manta)laze around/about, loaf, twiddle one's thumbs

agafar la paella pel mànec
take charge/control; lay down the law
ara li fan el mànec
don't hold your breath
tenir la paella pel mànec
be in control, in charge, in the driver's seat, in the saddle

Manela: alça, Manela!nonsense!, poppycock! rubbish!, you're pulling my leg!

d'altra manera
d'aquella manera
1 after a fashion 2 [salut] as well as can be expected
d'aquesta manera
this way
d'una certa manera
after a fashion, up to a point
de cap manera!
not a chance!, no way!, by no means!, on no account!
de mala manera
1 [excessivament] a lot, too much 2 [maleducadament] rudely, discourteously, roughly
de manera que
so, as a result, therefore
de tal manera que
in such a way that, to such a degree that
de tota manera
at any rate, anyway, in any case, at all events, anyhow
en gran manera
considerably, on a large scale, in a big way
fer per manera de
make an effort, strive
fer per manera que
see to it that, arrange it so that
no haver-hi manera de
there be no way to
sobre manera
excessively, overmuch, unduly, out of all proportion
de totes maneres
at any rate, anyway, in any case, at all events, anyhow
haver-hi moltes maneres de matar puces
there be more than one way to skin a cat

maneta: donar una maneta a algúscold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap (someone's) knuckles

fer manetes
hold hands
tenir manetes
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
agafar mania a
take a dislike to
tenir mania a
have a dislike for

manies: tenir manieshave some hang-ups

manifest: posar de manifestmake clear, state clearly/unequivocally/explicitly

as a la màniga
ace in the hole
de (la) màniga ampla
de (la) màniga estreta
strict, stern; hard-nosed, tight-lipped
estirar més el braç que la màniga
bite off more than one can chew
més curt que una màniga (d'armilla / de guardapits)
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
no mocar-se amb mitja màniga
be extravangant, lavish, immoderate
donar llargues mànigues
give a free hand, give free rein, give a blank check
en mànigues de camisa
in shirtsleeves
fer mans i mànigues
move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost

Manresa: entre Tots Sants i Manresabetween these two places occur whatever one considers to be highly improbable; "you're pulling my leg"

a mans besades
willingly, with good grace, with pleasure
a mans juntes
imploringly, beseechingly, entreatingly
a mans plenes
lavishly, profusely
a mans salves
safely, without danger
alçar les mans al cel
raise one's hands to the sky; implore the heavens
amb les mans a la pasta
red-handed, in fraganti
amb les mans buides
amb les mans netes
honorably, lawfully, righteously
amb les mans (plegades / a les butxaques)
idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
anar-se'n amb les mans plenes
go off with a lot
arribar a les mans
come to blows
caure a les mans
1 [rebre] come to hand 2 [ser agafat] fall into (someone's) hands
embrutar-se les mans
dirty one's hands
en bones mans
in good hands
escapar-se de les mans
to miss out, to miss an opportunity
estar lligat de peus i mans
have one's hands tied
fer a mans
hand in/over personally
fer les mans
give (someone) a manicure
fer mans i mànigues
move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
fregar-se les mans
rub one's hands; display pleased anticipation, self-satisfaction, glee; feel satisfied, be pleased as punch
imposició de les mans
laying on of hands
joc de mans
sleight of hand
lligar de mans (i peus)
put out of action, hamstring, hogtie, incapacitate
no tenir prou mans
not be able to cope
parlar amb les mans
picar de mans
applaud, clap, give someone a hand
portar entre mans
have a matter in hand
posar en mans de
entrust to, turn/hand/give over to
posar les mans al foc
be willing to swear (to something); to guarantee; be absolutely positive (about something)
posar mans a l'obra
to get started on something, to get working at something
posar-se les mans al cap
throw one's hands up; get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
rentar-se les mans de
wash one's hands of [cf. Mateu 27:24]
(sortir / anar-se'n / tornar-se'n) amb les mans al cap
have things (go wrong / turn out badly)
tenir bones mans
be dextrous, skillful, deft
tenir entre mans
have in the works
tenir les mans foradades
be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
tenir les mans lligades
have one's hands tied
tenir les mans netes
to have acted lawfully
tenir mans de plata
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
tornar-se'n/anar-se'n amb les mans buides
come away empty-handed
untar les mans a algú
bribe someone, grease someone's palm
untar-se les mans
embezzle, peculate, defalcate

mansalva: a mansalvawithout risk

a manta
galore, in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
estirar la manta
tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
fer (el mandra / la manta)
laze around/about, loaf, twiddle one's thumbs
fer la manta
laze around/about, loaf, twiddle one's thumbs
tirar-se la manta al coll
ignore, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
mantenir a ratlla
hold/keep (at bay / in check / in line)
mantenir algú a distància
keep someone at (arm's length / a distance), give a wide berth to someone
mantenir la paraula
keep one's word
mantenir-se ferm
stand (one's ground / firm / strong); not yield, not give in

manxar: no es pot manxar i tocar l'orgueyou can't have your cake and eat it too

manya: donar-se manyacontrive

manyes: traces i manyescunning, guile, wiles

a mitja màquina
at half speed/throttle
a tota màquina
flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
ser una màquina
be tireless/hard-working
córrer (la mar / les mars)
go to sea; navigate, to sail
(fer-se a / prendre) la mar
go to sea
fotre a mar [vulg.]
throw away, get rid of
home de mar
la mar de
very, really
mal de mar
mar de llàgrimes
flood of tears
no trobar aigua a/al mar
be unable to do the simplest task
portar/tirar aigua al mar
carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
tirar aigua al mar
carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
una mar de
a wealth/profusion of, an abundance of

marbre: fred com el marbrecold as ice, cold as hell [vulg.], cold as a witch's tit [vulg.]

marca: de (bona) marcafirst-rate, A-1, top of the line, high-class, high-quality, glamorous, stylish, swank

marcar el pas
set the pace
marcar els cinc dits a algú
slap someone in the face
marcar paquet
eixir/sortir de mare
1 [un riu] overflow its banks 2 [persona] get (overly excited / worked up)
fill de sa mare
son of a bitch [vulg.], bastard [vulg.]; ass, schmuck, jerk
l'ociositat és la mare de tots els vicis
the devil finds work for idle hands
la mare del Tano!
holy Moses/Toledo/cow/smoke/cats!
la mare dels ous
origin, root, lineage
la paciència és la mare de la ciència
if at first you don't succede, try try again
ni la mare que el va parir
absolutely nobody
tocar mare
return home
tornar les aigües a mare
get (things) back to normal
treure (algú) de mare
get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way
treure algú de mare
get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
voler la mare i els pardalets
want to have one's cake and eat it too

marea: contra vent i mareacome hell or high water [vulg.], against all odds

marejar: marejar la perdiuconfuse the issue

marge: al margeon the sidelines/fringe(s)

marí: cavall maríseahorse

maria: bany mariawater bath

Àngela! (o Àngela Maria!)
that's right!, right on!
l'any de Maria Castanya
long ago, in times past, never

marinera: tela marinera!said of something or a situation that is complex/difficult/arduous

marit: prendre marittake a husband

marmota: dormir com una marmotasleep like a log

maroma: passar la maromapull through hard times, weather the storm

maror: mala marorbad feeling, bitterness, ill will, hard feelings

marrada: fer marradatake/make a detour

conèixer el marro
know (the ropes / the score / what's what); know one's (way around / stuff)
descobrir el marro
see through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something
haver-hi marro
1 [gat amagat] there be something fishy, one smells a rat 2 [embolic] there be disorder, confusion, turmoil
quin marro!
what a mess!

mars: córrer (la mar / les mars)go to sea; navigate, to sail

martell: entre l'enclusa i el martellwith one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea

arc de sant Martí
estiuet de Sant Martí
Indian summer
a tota marxa
flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
en marxa
fer marxa enrere
withdraw, back/pull out, do an about-turn
obrir la marxa
lead the way, head the procession
posar en marxa
put into service/use, set in motion; initiate, start up
sobre la marxa
on the fly, improvising; spontaneously
tancar la marxa
bring up the rear

marxant: fer orelles de marxantignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice

marxar: marxar del capslip one's mind (ex.: Pensava trucar-te però m'ha marxat del cap = I meant to call you but it slipped my mind)

marxes: a marxes forçadesfull tilt, flat out, in double time; something fierce, with a vengeance

anar massa lluny
get out of hand
de massa
superfluous, de trop
en massa
1 [una multitud] en masse; in a body 2 [gran quantitat] galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
entre poc i massa
between two extremes
entre poc i massa!
let's not go overboard! don't overdo it!
fer-ne un gra massa
go too far, go overboard, go/be over the top
massa poc!
(someone) had it coming!, (someone) was asking for it!
no cridar massa
knock on wood, touch wood
tots els massa són dolents
moderation in all things (all things in moderation)

mastegat: donar-l'hi mastegatmake something simple/easy for someone; give something to someone on a silver platter

mastegot: donar un mastegothit, cuff, spank, smack, thump

mat: escac i mat!checkmate!

a mata-degolla
violently, furiously, savagely
estar a mata-degolla
at daggers drawn
(tot) el que no mata engreixa
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
haver-hi moltes maneres de matar puces
there be more than one way to skin a cat
matar dos pardals d'un tret
kill two birds with one stone
matar el cuc
take the edge off one's appetite
matar el temps
kill time
matar l'aranya
kill time
no es pot pas matar tot el que és gras
it's better to let some things slide, to overlook some things
no matar (llops)
not be special, not be anything (out of this world / to write home about)
no poder matar tot el que és gras
one can't always get all one wants; it's best not to (be too demanding / go to extremes)
així mateix
likewise, furthermore; in the same way
això mateix!
exactly! yes indeed!, right on!
al mateix temps
at the same time
ara mateix
right now
bastar-se a si mateix
be self-sufficient
calçar el mateix peu
be alike in character
del mateix patró
cut from the same cloth
pagat d'ell mateix (i variants)
self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up; have a swelled head
pel mateix preu
may/might as well; all things considered, all in all, everything being equal
tu mateix!
do what you will!, it's your funeral!
dos dits de la mateixa
more or less the same (ex.: Tardaràs mitja hora a anar-hi amb cotxe i amb tren, dos dits de la mateixa = It will take you half an hour to go there by car and by train, more or less the same)
pagar algú amb la mateixa moneda
give someone a taste of their own medicine, pay someone back in their own coin, give as good as one gets
tornar a la mateixa
to harp on a subject
en matèria de
on the subject of; concerning; in/with regard to
entrar en matèria
get down to (it / business / brass tacks / the nitty-gritty)
matèria primera
raw material

matèries: primeres matèriesraw materials

matern: claustre maternuterus, womb

matí: de matíearly in the morning

matin: ni que em/el matinnot for (anything / love or money / all the world)

matina: qui matina fa farinathe early bird gets/catches the worm

de la matinada
in the morning (ex.: les dues de la matinada = two in the morning)
de matinada
at dawn, with the dawn, before dawn
fer matinada
sleep in

matinades: fer matinadesget up early, rise with the sun/dawn/birds

matines: fer matinesget up early, rise with the sun/dawn/birds

matís: matísshade of meaning

matrícula: matrícula d'honorhonors degree

matrimoni: llit de matrimonidouble bed

maturrangues: casa de maturranguesbrothel, cathouse, whorehouse; house of ill fame

Matusalem: més vell que Matusalemas old as the hills

mau: anar maube drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]

maula: gata maula/moixahypocrite; wolf in sheep's clothing

màxim: com a màximat most

me: me caso en déna! [vulg.]rats!, for crying out loud!, pooh!, phooey!

mea: entonar el mea culpahave regrets, feel remorse, have a guilty conscience

mec: fer el mecmake oneself noticed

meca: córrer la seca i la mecato have been everywhere, to have seen the world

Meca: anar de la Seca a la Mecarun around all over the place

medecina: ni per medecinaby no means, nothing doing, not on your life

a meitat de preu
half price
no saber de la missa la meitat
not have a clue; be ignorant, ill-informed; not know all there is to know
deixar (algú) amb la mel a la boca
frustrate/thwart/stymy someone; dash someone's hopes
lluna de mel
no hi ha mel sense fel
nothing is ever perfect; there's always a catch
posar la mel a la boca (d'algú)
get (someone's) hopes up
quedar-se amb la mel a la boca
be (left) frustrated, thwarted, stymied
ser pa i mel
be marvelous/splendid/hunky-dory
arronsar-se el melic
be afraid/frightened/scared, to fear; chicken out, turn yellow
mirar-se el melic
navel gazing, contemplating one's navel

melics: tenir melics per lligarhave a lot on one's plate, have a lot to do

meló: obrir el melódeal with a troublesome problem; open a can of worms

caure de memòria
fall over backwards, hitting one's head
de memòria
by heart
dormir de memòria
sleep face up
fer memòria de
remember, recall, call to mind
fer memòria
try to remember; remind
qui no té memòria ha de tenir cames
one would forget one's head if it weren't screwed on
refrescar la memòria d'algú
remind someone; refresh someone's memory
tenir una memòria de mosquit
be forgetful
bo de mena
de bona mena
de mena
by nature
venir de mena
run in the family
fer menester
need, require, lack
haver de menester
be in need of
haver-s'ho de ben menester
be a little weak-minded

menjaciris: menjacirisbible thumper

menjar (a dos queixos / com una llima / per quatre)
eat like a horse; [despectivament] pig out
menjar com un ogre
eat like a horse
menjar el pa de l'ase
live off of someone; to sponge/mooch/freeload
menjar en el mateix plat
be (good friends / chummy / buddy-buddy)
menjar-s'ho amb patates
eat crow, bite the bullet, grin and bear it, bow to fate
menjar-se amb els ulls
ogle, gape at, make eyes at; [impúdicament] leer at
menjar-se el món
take on the world, take the world by storm
menjar-se la partida
see through something/someone, have someone's number
no menjar pa (quelcom)
not be any trouble; be worth it
no menjar per no cagar
be stingy, miserly, tight-fisted
haver menjat llengua
babble incessantly, run off at the mouth, yakkety-yak
no haver menjat calent
to have gone hungry
de dos mals, el menor
the lesser of two evils
en to menor
1 [música] in a minor key 2 [fluix] weak, mediocre, lax, second-rate
menor d'edat
underage (under age)

ment: venir a la mentcome to mind

de mentida
fictional, false
mentida pietosa
white lie (ex.: Tothom diu que a vegades està bé de dir una mentida pietosa, però ningú vol que li'n diguin cap = Everyone says it's okay to tell a white lie sometimes, but nobody wants to get told one)

mentider: ser més mentider que en Calça/Calcesbe a bigger liar than (Tom Pepper / His Satanic Majesty)

mentides: dir més mentides que (el diari / una llebre no fa salts)lie shamelessly; lie like a rug

mentir: mentir (per la gola / pel coll / per la barba)lie shamelessly; lie like a rug

mentre la vida m'acompanyi
as long as I live
mentre que
whereas, when in fact
a la menuda
1 retail 2 bit by bit
com pluja menuda
galore, in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

menudes: per peces menudesin great detail; thoroughly, meticulously, painstakingly

diner menut
per/a menut
scrupuously, painstakingly
com més va menys
less and less
mica més, mica menys
more or less
ni menys
not even
ni més ni menys
exactly, in every respect, precisely
poc més poc menys
approximately, roughly
venir/anar a menys
come down in the world

meravella: de/a meravellawonderfully, brilliantly, magnificently

a bon mercat
at a low price
semblar el mercat de Calaf
there be (pandemonium / a hue and cry / a brouhaha)

mercè: a mercè deat the mercy of

anar-se'n a la merda [vulg.]
go to the dogs; go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]; go to rack and ruin; decay
dur merda a (l'espardenya / la sabata) [vulg.]
have bad/rotten/hard/tough luck
dur merda a l'espardenya [vulg.]
have bad/rotten/hard/tough luck
engegar a la merda algú [tabú]
tell someone to piss off [vulg.], to fuck off [tabú]
fet una merda [vulg.]
[persona] wasted, wiped out, done in; [cosa] ruined, demolished, wrecked
haver trepitjat merda [vulg.]
have had bad luck
molta merda! [vulg.]
break a leg!
quina merda! [tabú]
shit! [tabú], what (a bunch of) crap! [vulg.]
ser cul i merda [vulg.]
inseparable, thick as thieves
vés a la merda! [tabú]
go to hell! [vulg.], fuck off! [tabú]

mereixen: no es mereixenthink nothing of it, not at all; no problem [Am.]

merèixer: per merèixersingle, unmarried, eligible

mèrits: fer mèrits(strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward; be deserving

mes: arribar a final de mesmake ends meet (ex.: És difícil que arribin al final de mes = It's hard for them to make ends meet)

a més
in addition, besides, moreover, what's more
a més no poder
to the max, to the hilt, to an extreme, as much as possible
anar a més
make headway, advance, gain ground
cada vegada més
more and more; "«adj. comparatiu» and «adj. comparatiu»" (p.e., cada vegada més alt = taller and taller)
com més aviat millor
the sooner the better
com més de pressa, més a poc a poc
haste makes waste
com més serem, més riurem
the more the merrier
com més va menys
less and less
com més va més
more and more (ex.: Tenim a sobre la força del castellà i també com més va més de l'anglès = We're subjected to the pressure of Spanish and also more and more, to that of English)
com més va pitjor
go from bad to worse
costar més el (mall que l'enclusa / suc que els moixons)
something secondary is worth more than the main thing
d'allò més bé
really well
d'allò més bo
[menjar] delicious, tasty, yummy, mouthwatering
de més (i més)
extra, in addition, besides, moreover, what's more
de més verdes en maduren
anything is possible; you never know; stranger things have happened
de més verdes n'han madurat
stranger things have happened
dir més mentides que (el diari / una llebre no fa salts)
lie shamelessly; lie like a rug
el més enllà
the other side, what lies beyond the grave
el més-dient
the highest bidder
encara més
even more so
estirar més el braç que la màniga
bite off more than one can chew
fer més mal que bé
do more harm than good
fins a més veure
until we meet again
mai més
never again
més aviat
1 [probablement] more likely 2 [més exactament] more exactly
més ben dit
rather, instead
més curt que una màniga (d'armilla / de guardapits)
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
més (de quatre / d'un)
quite a few, many
més del compte
excessively, overmuch, unduly, out of all proportion
més dient/donant
[subhasta] highest bidder
més enllà de
greater than
més malalt que un sabater
sick as a dog
més mort que viu
more dead than alive
més que mai
more than ever
més que més
més vell que Matusalem
as old as the hills
mica més, mica menys
more or less
ni més ni menys
exactly, in every respect, precisely
no poder fer-hi més
there be nothing one can do about it
poc més poc menys
approximately, roughly
sense més ni més
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
ser més beneit que el pa de munició
dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
ser més mentider que en Calça/Calces
be a bigger liar than (Tom Pepper / His Satanic Majesty)
si més no
at least
tant més que
moreover; even more so because
val més tard que mai
better late than never

mesos: no fer cap any de tretze mesosbe fickle, unreliable, inconstant, capricious

mestre: mestre tites (mestretites)know-it-all, officious person

mestressa: mestressa de casahousewife

mestretites: mestre tites (mestretites)know-it-all, officious person

a mesura/mida que
as (ex.: a mesura que et fas gran = as you get older)
en la mesura que
to the degree/extent that
fer/donar bona mesura
give a little more than the exact measure
omplir la mesura
be the last straw, to top it off; go to extremes
sense mesura
extravagantly, immoderately, lavishly
ultra mesura
excessively, unreasonably
vessar la mesura
be the last straw

mesures: prendre mesurestake steps/action

Met: anar fent, com en Met de Ribesthings could be better

metàlic: en metàlicin cash

metàl·lic: en metàl·licin cash

metes: fer metesnurse, breast-feed, suckle

fer visita de metge
drop in briefly, pay a brief/short visit
mà de metge
remedy, solution, assistance
metge de capçalera
family doctor, general practioner
al meu entendre
in my opinion, the way I see it is
el meu mal no vol soroll
I prefer to suffer in silence

mi: pobre de mi!woe is me!

de mica en mica (s'omple la pica)
slowly but surely (does the trick); every little bit helps
(gens) ni mica
not even a little/bit; not at all
mica més, mica menys
more or less
fer el mico
make a fool of oneself
ser l'últim mico
be the low man on the totem pole
a mesura/mida que
as (ex.: a mesura que et fas gran = as you get older)
fet a mida
made to measure
fora (de) mida
beyond measure, limitless, myriad, boundless, numberless, no end of
fora mida
[adj.] out of all proportion, limitless [adv.] immoderately, unrestrainedly, overmuch
no tenir mida
be immoderate, overindulgent, profligate
passar de mida
overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
tenir presa la mida (a algú)
know where (one) is at [col·loq.]; to know and understand someone's proclivities
a mig camí
a mig fer
half done
a mig gas
at half speed/throttle
al bell mig de
right in the middle of
al mig de [una cosa començada]
in the middle of
de mig a mig
altogether, completely, absolutely
en mig de
in the middle of
mig mig
so-so; [salut] fair to middling
mitja figa, mig raïm
dubiously, ambiguously, indefinitely; neither fish nor fowl
posar-se al mig, com el dijous
get in the way
tenir a mig coll
have (something) in the bag, be able to count (on something) (ex.: Sembla que la independència la tenim a mig coll = It seems that we have independence in the bag)
tirar pel camí del mig
act willfully, inconsiderately, heedlessly
tocar-hi de mig a mig
hit the nail on the head
treure del mig
dispose of, do away with

migdiada: fer (la) migdiadatake a nap

donar mil voltes a
run rings around
sofrir mil morts
die a thousand deaths; suffer pain

milers: a cents i a milersin bulk, wholesale

braggart, showoff, loudmouth, windbag
ser un milhomes
be a know-it-all; be uppity, self-important, pretentious; be a smarty-pants

milles: tirar millesforge ahead, get on with it, go to town

a la millor
probably; if need be, in/at a pinch
anar de bo en millor
get better and better
com més aviat millor
the sooner the better
com pitjor, millor
the worse, the better
el bo i millor
the cream of the crop
el millor de cada casa
riffraff, the dregs of society, the scum of the earth
passar a millor vida
give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh, breathe one's last

milloris: que milloris!get well soon!

mils: ni als milsnever, not in a million years

mínim: com a mínimat least

miquel: donar un miquel a algútell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone

miques: fer miquespulverize, shatter, smash to smithereens

de mira'm i no em toquis
feeble, rickety, jerrybuilt
línia de mira
line of sight
punt de mira
1 [arma de foc] sights 2 [objectiu] target, objective

miracles: la vida i miraclesone's life and times

miraments: parlar sense miramentsspeak bluntly/carelessly; speak off the cuff

fer-se mirar
look good, be attractive/good-looking
mirar algú de dalt a baix
look someone up and down
mirar contra el govern
be cross-eyed, strabismic
mirar de quin costat ve el vent
watch/check which way the wind blows
mirar de reüll
look askance (at)
mirar per sobre l'espatlla
look down on, cold-shoulder
mirar prim
be scrupulous, principled, ethical, aboveboard, straightforward
1 [a fer quelcom] to deliberate/ruminate; to mull over 2 [en fer quelcom] be meticulous/painstaking/rigorous
mirar-se com els fesols
have an aversion to
mirar-se el melic
navel gazing, contemplating one's navel
no mirar cap ni cara
be rude, inconsiderate
no mirar prim
be unscrupulous, unethical, self-seeking, shifty

mirat: ben miraton second thought, then again

mires: estretor de miresnarrow-mindedness

miroies: fer miroies a algúcause craving, make someone envious or desirous

misèries: dotze oficis, tretze misèriesjack of all trades, master of none

no es pot estar a missa i repicant
you can't have your cake and eat it too
no saber de la missa la meitat
not have a clue; be ignorant, ill-informed; not know all there is to know
arribar a misses dites
be late
no saber d'on surten les misses
not know where the money comes from
a mitges
1 [divisió] fifty-fifty 2 [no del tot] partly/partially, not completely, somewhat
a soleta de mitja (amb mitges calçades i sense sabates)
in one's stocking feet
anar amb mitges tintes
beat around/about the bush, hedge, not get to the point
a mitja màquina
at half speed/throttle
a mitja veu
in a low voice
a soleta de mitja (amb mitges calçades i sense sabates)
in one's stocking feet
dir amb mitja boca
mutter, mumble
donar mitja volta
do an about-face
fer mitja
to knit
girar/canviar com una mitja
have a complete change of mind
girar-se com una mitja
to change with the winds, to blow hot and cold, to be erratic/fickle/inconstant
mitja figa, mig raïm
dubiously, ambiguously, indefinitely; neither fish nor fowl
mitja jornada
half-day, part time
mitja taronja
one's better half, soulmate, significant other, dream lover
no mocar-se amb mitja màniga
be extravangant, lavish, immoderate
semblar el carrer de mitja galta
look/seem half-baked, half-assed [vulg.]
ser mitja vida
be hale and hearty; be favorable, worthwhile, for the best

mitjà: per mitjà deby (means of)

mitjan: a mitjanin mid (exs.: a mitjan setembre = in mid-September; a mitjan setmana = mid-week, in the middle of the week)

mitjana: l'edat mitjanathe Middle Ages

mitjançant: mitjançant queprovided that, on (the) condition that

al caient de la mitjanit
at the stroke of midnight
sortir el sol a mitjanit
have a stroke of luck

mitjó: girar com un mitjódo a complete turnaround

moblat: tenir el cap ben moblathave one's head screwed on straight, have common sense

mobles: salvar els moblessave the day

moc: clavar/donar un moc a algútell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone

mocador: el món és un mocadorit's a small world

mocar: no mocar-se amb mitja mànigabe extravangant, lavish, immoderate

a la moda
in style, à la mode
de moda
stylish, modern, chic, fashionable, in, cool
passat de moda
old-fashioned, out of style
prendre model de
take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
prendre per model
take as a model/example; emulate, imitate

moderna: a la modernain a modern way

modèstia: modèstia a partif I do say so myself

mofa: fer mofamock, taunt, jeer at, make fun of

moixa: gata maula/moixahypocrite; wolf in sheep's clothing

moixaines: fer moixainesto sweet talk, cajole, butter up

moixina: a gat vell, no li diguis moixinait's not easy to attract the attention of someone old who has seen it all

fer moixoni
keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]
fer (mutis / moixoni / mutis i a la gàbia)
keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]

moixons: costar més el suc que els moixonssomething secondary is worth more than the main thing

moldre: arribar i moldreget something done quickly; no fuss, no muss; in and out in no time

molèstia: prendre's la molèstiago out of one's way; bend over backward; go the extra mile

molèsties: estalviar-se molèstiessave oneself the trouble

combregar amb rodes de molí
to believe/swallow anything
fer combregar amb rodes de molí
cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
(portar / fer anar) l'aigua al seu molí
be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
de cor moll
fins al moll (d'os / de l'os / dels ossos)
to the core, to the marrow
moll d'ulls
moll de boca
gossipy, loose-lipped, gabby, prattling
tenir el coll moll
be softhearted, tender-hearted
ni molla ni crosta
neither fish nor fowl
no tenir ni molla ni crostó
make no sense at all
afluixar-se de molles
fart [vulg.], pass gas/wind; cut the cheese
fluix de molles
flatulent; long-winded

molsa: pedra que rodola no cria molsaa rolling stone gathers no moss

amb molt de gust!
with pleasure!
de molt
by far
ni de molt
not at all, not by any means, no way; not by a long (shot [Am.] / chalk [Br.])
poc o molt
more or less
qui molt abraça, poc estreny
jack of all trades, master of none
molta fressa i poca endreça
much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
molta merda! [vulg.]
break a leg!
tenir molta vista
be far-sighted
haver-hi moltes maneres de matar puces
there be more than one way to skin a cat
moltes bufes i pocs trons
much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds

molts: mal de molts, conhort de boigsmisery loves company

a cada moment
very often, again and again
al moment
at once, right away, instantly
al moment oportú
at the right time
d'un moment a l'altre
any moment/minute now, very soon, in short order
de moment
at the moment
de primer moment
at first, initially
el moment suprem
en aquest moment
at the moment, right now
en el seu moment
in good time, when the time comes
en un moment
quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash
no veure el moment de
can't wait to (ex.: No veu el moment de debutar amb el Chelsea = He can't wait to make his debut with Chelsea)
un moment!
just a moment!, just a sec!

moments: per momentsquickly and without interruption

cada casa és un món
all families are unique; all places have their own distinctive features
caure el món a sobre
be devastated/stunned/staggered
com hi ha món!
for sure!, I swear!, sure as I'm standing/sitting here!
des que el món és món
since (time / the world) began; from time immemorial
el món és un mocador
it's a small world
el món no va ser fet en un dia
Rome wasn't built in a day
menjar-se el món
take on the world, take the world by storm
moure el món
do great things, change the world
no cabre al món
1 [autosatisfacció] be full of oneself, self-satisfied, complacent, big-headed 2 [content] be delighted, on cloud nine, tickled pink
no haver vist el món (sinó) per un forat
not have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot
no per res del món
not for all (the world / the tea in China)
no per tot l'or del món
not for all (the world / the tea in China)
no ser d'aquest món
be out to lunch; be in a fog; be spaced/zoned out
perdre el món de vista
to faint, pass out; lose track of time; get carried away
posar-se el món per barret
forget one's worries/cares; be inconsiderate, neglectful, heedless
prometre el món i la bolla
promise the moon
quin món de mones!
what a crazy world!
racó de món
corner of the world
res de l'altre món
nothing special
riure's del món
be carefree and untroubled
rodar món
see the world
tenir món
behave well; be courteous, tactful, diplomatic
tot el món
treure del món
rub out
un món de
a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
venir al món
be born, come into the world
veure món
see (life / the world)
agafar la mona
get drunk, high, stoned, tight, loaded, plastered
dormir la mona
sleep off a hangover

moneda: pagar algú amb la mateixa monedagive someone a taste of their own medicine, pay someone back in their own coin, give as good as one gets

mones: quin món de mones!what a crazy world!

mongetes: guanyar-se les mongetesmake/earn a living

moniato: quedar de pasta de moniatobe surprised, astounded, astonished

ser mamella de monja
be delectable/choice; be fit for a king
ser teta de monja
be delicious, delectable, mouthwatering

mons: per aquests mons de Déuaround the world

mala herba mai no mor
a bad penny always turns up
per mor de
because of

morades: passar-les moradesgo through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent

mordaç: somriure mordaçmocking smile

morir al peu del canó
die in harness
morir com mosques
drop like flies
morir com un gos
die like a dog
ni per mal de morir
to save one's life; for anything in the world; for whatever reason at all (ex.: No es mou de casa ni per mal de morir = He won't leave home to save his life)
saber de quin mal (s')ha de morir
know the score, understand the situation, be in the know

moro: afarta'm i digue'm morocall me what you will so long as I get mine; laugh all the way to the bank

haver-hi moros a la costa
someone is eavesdropping
o tots moros o tots cristians
all are equal before the law
pel morro
shamelessly, brazenly
ser de morro fort
be bad-tempered
ser del morro fort
1 [tossut] be bull-headed, headstrong, strong-willed 2 [de mal geni] bad-tempered
anar de morros per terra
fall headfirst, fall on one's face
caure de morros
fall on one's face, fall flat
de morros
1 (caure) fall flat on one's face 2 (topar) be confronted with, come up against
fer morros
pout, glower, look sullen, sulk
inflar els morros a algú
give someone a beating, thrashing, whipping
per llepar-se'n els morros
finger-licking good; to find something particularly tasty
un pam de morros
an angry look
a les portes de la mort
at death's door
acompanyar un mort
attend a funeral
amb la mort a la gola
in dire straits
callar com un mort
be/keep still/quiet/silent, fall silent
carregar el mort a algú
1 [culpar] put/place/lay the blame on someone 2 [obligar] make someone do an objectionable task
de mala mort
miserable, wretched, forlorn, woebegone
de mort
[funest] fatal, disastrous
donar mort
donar per mort (algú/quelcom)
assume someone/something is dead
el gos mort no mossega
dead dogs don't bite
en l'angoixa de la mort
in the throes of death
en la basca de la mort
in the throes of death
entre la vida i la mort
in critical condition, in danger of dying
estar mort
be exhausted, done in, all in, dead tired
fer el mort
pretend to be dead, play possum
ferit de mort
fatally wounded/injured
fins a la mort
to the bitter end; to the core, through and through
fotre's/riure's del mort i del qui el vetlla
make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
més mort que viu
more dead than alive
mort de fam
someone lacking life's basic needs
mort el gos, morta la ràbia
dead dogs don't bite
morta la cuca/bèstia, mort el verí
remove the cause, remove the problem; dead dogs don't bite
no tenir on caure mort
be dirt poor, bad off, impoverished
plorar la mort d'algú
to mourn for someone
quan fou mort el/lo combregaren
lock the barn/stable door after the horse (is gone / has bolted)
quedar mort
be shocked, taken aback, stunned
tornar de mort a vida
come back to life
en via morta
sidetracked, on the rocks
mort el gos, morta la ràbia
dead dogs don't bite
morta la cuca/bèstia, mort el verí
remove the cause, remove the problem; dead dogs don't bite
mosca morta/balba
hypocrite, wolf in sheep's clothing
natura morta
still life

mortes: dur les ombres morteslook (discouraged / crestfallen / dispirited / in the dumps)

cotxe dels morts
sofrir mil morts
die a thousand deaths; suffer pain
tocar a morts
toll the church bells; speak unpropitiously of things past and forgotten; waste time
amb el mos a la boca
having barely finished eating
fer un mos
have a snack/bite
afluixar la mosca
pay out, fork over, shell out
color d'ala de mosca
indeterminate color, pale gray
mosca balba
hypocrite, wolf in sheep's clothing
mosca hi ha en l'arròs
there's something fishy going on
mosca morta/balba
hypocrite, wolf in sheep's clothing
no fer mal a una mosca
not hurt a fly
no sentir-se ni una mosca
not hear a pin drop
pujar-li (a algú) la mosca al nas
take offense, get one's nose out of joint
quina mosca t'ha picat?
what's eating you?
tenir la mosca
be in a bad mood
caçar mosques
waste time, dawdle; dilly-dally, shilly-shally
caure/morir com mosques
drop like flies
espolsar-se les mosques/puces
shake/shrug off problems/difficulties

mosquit: tenir una memòria de mosquitbe forgetful

el gos mort no mossega
dead dogs don't bite
gos que lladra no mossega
one's bark is worse than one's bite
ser el peix que es mossega la cua
be a vicious circle; be a Catch-22
mossegar-se (la llengua / els llavis)
bite one's tongue, refrain from speaking
mossegar-se'n els dits
be on (tenterhooks / pins and needles), be ill at ease; have the jitters

mosso: mosso de cordaporter

mostela: com una mostelacanny, savvy, sharp as a tack, nobody's fool

agafar algú pel mot
take someone's word for something, take someone at their word
el darrer mot del credo
the least important thing/person
mot a mot
word for word, literally
mot d'ordre
1 [lema] watchword, rallying cry 2 [contrasenya] password
no dir mot
not say a word
no tornar mot
not respond; say nothing in return
amb motiu de
because of, owing to; on the occasion of
sense motiu
for no (good) reason

motius: per motius deon the grounds of, for reasons of

moto: posar-se com una moto — 1 [excitar-se] get excited, get turned on 2 [embogir] go crazy

mots: en quatre motssimply put, in short, to make a long story short

motu: motu proprioon one's own initiative

moure borina
have a wild time
moure brega/guerra/raons/enrenou
cause problems, make trouble
moure el món
do great things, change the world
moure els fils
pull strings
moure fitxa
make a move
moure fressa
make noise; be loud/noisy/boisterous/raucous
moure renyines
cause problems, make trouble
moure un sagramental
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
moure xerra
to chat, to chew the rag/fat, to shoot the breeze
no moure (un dit / una mà / un peu)
not lift a finger, not move a muscle

moviment: posar en movimentdeploy, put/bring forth, bring into play; get started/going, set in motion

mudar: mudar la pellchange completely, become transformed

mullader: fer mulladercreate/cause a scandal, tell tales, spread rumors

mullar-se el cul
take a chance, run a risk
take on responsibility, make a commitment
paper mullat
something worthless, useless, ineffective
ploure sobre mullat
it never rains but it pours

mullats: dur els papers mullatsbe misinformed

muller: prendre mullertake a wife

munició: ser més beneit que el pa de municiódumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)

munt: un munt dea great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of

munta: de poca muntalow quality, second-rate, shoddy

el part de la muntanya
something insignificant that occurs when one was expecting something important
fer una muntanya d'un gra de sorra
make a mountain out of a molehill
muntar un ciri
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
muntar un sagramental
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
muntar un sarau
raise a ruckus, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
muntar un sidral
raise (cain / a ruckus / hell [vulg.])

muntatge: cadena de muntatgeassembly line

muntó: a muntógalore, in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

munts: a muntsgalore, in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

murga: fer la murga ato bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague

mussol: sol com un mussolall by one's lonesome

mutis: fer (mutis / moixoni / mutis i a la gàbia)keep quiet, clam/button up; shut up [vulg.], put a sock in it [vulg.]

muts: muts i a la gàbia!quiet!, hush!, clam up!; shut up! [vulg.] | Dites visca!