Dites visca!
Dites visca! P
- pa
- acabar primer el pa que la gana
- be ambitious, insatiable, rapacious
- al pa, pa i al vi, vi
- call a spade a spade
- anar darrere d'algú amb un pa calent
- be hopeless; be too late to change anything; nothing is able to be done
- cara de pa de ral
- moon-faced
- com pa beneit
- widely and abundantly
- de pa i porta
- potluck
- de pa sucat amb oli
- mediocre, bogus, shabby, second-rate, two-bit
- de quin pa fas rosegons!
- count your blessings!, appreciate what you have!
- el nostre pa de cada dia
- our daily bread
- el pa de cada dia
- (a common / an everyday) occurrence, a common/frequent/familiar event
- fer un pa com unes hòsties
- screw up, foul up, blunder, make a mess/hash of something
- guanyar-se el pa
- make/earn a living
- haver-n'hi per a sucar-hi pa
- fascinating, compelling, engrossing, intriguing
- llarg com un dia sense pa
- never-ending, ceaseless, endless; [discurs] long-drawn-out, long-winded
- menjar el pa de l'ase
- live off of someone; to sponge/mooch/freeload
- més llarg que un dia sense pa
- never-ending, ceaseless, endless; [discurs] long-drawn-out, long-winded
- més val talent que pa de forment
- hunger is the best sauce
- negar el pa i la sal a algú
- have nothing to do with someone
- néixer amb un pa sota el braç
- be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- no menjar pa (quelcom)
- not be any trouble; be worth it
- no tenir un pa a la post
- be hard up, impoverished, needy, destitute
- pa de noces
- honeymoon; the first few weeks/months of a marriage
- pa de pessic
- sponge cake
- per pa i per sal
- galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
- per un tros de pa
- for two cents
- portar un pa sota l'aixella
- be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- posar-hi més pa que formatge
- make a mountain out of a molehill; blow out of proportion; magnify, overdo, overstate
- prendre el pa d'algú
- deprive someone of a living; take the bread out of someone's mouth
- saber el pa que s'hi dóna
- know what to expect, know what the situacion is
- saber quin pa hi donen
- know (the ropes / the score / what's what); know one's (way around / stuff)
- ser més beneit que el pa de munició
- dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
- ser pa i mel
- be marvelous/splendid/hunky-dory
- tenir pa a l'ull
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
- treure's el pa de la boca
- deprive someone of the means to live
- un pa com unes hòsties
- a disaster/failure/flop/fiasco
- un tros de pa
- [persona fiable] a brick, a good egg, a sweetheart
- vendre's com el pa
- sell like hotcakes
pàbul: donar pàbul a — encourage, stir up, lend oneself to, breathe life into; ~ murmuracions = give rise to rumors
pac: en pac de (en recompensa de) — in exchange for
- paciència
- amb paciència es guanya el cel
- all things come to those who wait
- amb paciència i una canya
- with great/extreme patience
- la paciència és la mare de la ciència
- if at first you don't succede, try try again
- prendre paciència
- be patient; be long-suffering, willing to endure
- tenir més paciència que Job
- have the patience of Job
pacotilla: de pacotilla — mediocre, bogus, shabby, second-rate, two-bit
- padrina
- no tenir padrina
- be full of oneself, be swell-headed
- veure la padrina
- be in great pain
- padrins
- qui té padrins el bategen
- it's good to have connections
- tenir bons padrins
- have connexions; have friends in high places
- paella
- agafar la paella pel mànec
- take charge/control; lay down the law
- tenir la paella pel mànec
- be in control, in charge, in the driver's seat, in the saddle
- paga
- amb la cara paga
- people's faces reveal truths about their character
- el joc no paga la candela
- the game is not worth the candle
- paga i senyal
- down payment
- qui la fa la paga
- you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
- qui paga mana
- who pays the piper calls the tune
- qui trenca, paga
- you break it, it's yours (you must pay for it)
pagador: mal pagador — deadbeat, debtor, parasite, sponge
pagant: pagant, sant Pere canta — money talks
- pagar
- fer pagar [fer rebre les conseqüències]
- lash out at, take it out on, abuse
- fer pagar (els plats trencats / la festa)
- 1 [imputar] shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on 2 [fer rebre les conseqüències] take it out on
- pagar a terminis
- pay on time, pay on the installment plan
- pagar al comptat
- pay all at once
- pagar algú amb la mateixa moneda
- give someone a taste of their own medicine, pay someone back in their own coin, give as good as one gets
- pagar el gust i les ganes
- pay out, fork over, shell out
- pagar els plats trencats
- be left holding the bag
- pagar justos per pecadors
- the innocent pay for the sins of the guilty
- pagar l'aprenentatge
- learn the hard way
- pagar la despesa
- pay/foot the bill, bear the expense, pick up the tab
- pagar la festa
- take the rap, pay the piper
- pagar la patenta
- fail or be embarrassed because of lack of experience; be taken for a ride
- pagar la pena
- be worth it, be worthwhile
- ser cornut i pagar el beure
- to have insult added to injury
pagaràs: me la pagaràs! — you won't get away with this/it!, I'll get even with you!
- pagat
- pagat d'ell mateix (i variants)
- self-satisfied, full of oneself, puffed up; have a swelled head
- pagat de si mateix
- arrogant, cocksure, puffed up (ex.: Després de rebre el premi, estava ben pagada d'ella mateixa = After winning the prize she was all puffed up)
pagats: ports pagats fins a — carriage paid to
- pagès
- a pagès
- in the country (ex.: Vaig passar tres mesos vivint a pagès = I spent three months living in the country)
- fer el pagès
- play dumb, pretend not to understand
- l'altre dia de pagès
- the other day
pagues: a pagues — on the installment plan, on time
- pair
- dur de pair
- hard to accept
- no poder pair
- 1 [no poder suportar/sofrir] can't stand/bear 2 [no oblidar] can't overlook/excuse/forget
país: país de Cucanya/Xauxa — Cloud Cuckoo Land
pal: pal de paller — decisive factor, key element
paladar: tenir bon paladar — have good taste
palades: a palades — galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion; tons of, loads of
palanca: fer palanca — to use a lever, to prise
palesa: fer palesa alguna cosa — make something known, call attention to something
palinòdia: cantar la palinòdia — recant, take back; [a contracor] eat one's words
- palla
- amb temps i palla, maduren les nesples
- slowly but surely does it
- destriar/separar el gra de la palla
- separate the wheat from the chaff
- dormir a la palla
- not be prepared for unexpected setbacks
- fer-se una palla
- masturbate; beat the meat [vulg.], choke the chicken [vulg.]
- foc de palla
- flash in the pan, nine days' wonder; fleeting, short-lived, ephemeral
- home de palla
- front man
- no pesar una palla
- light as a feather
- qui té cua de palla s'encén
- if the shoe fits, wear it
- tenir cua de palla
- to feel oneself alluded to when hearing negative comments
- veure la palla a l'ull de l'altre
- see the beam in someone else's eye
pallasso: fer el pallasso — make a fool of oneself
- paller
- buscar/cercar una agulla en un paller
- look for a needle in a haystack
- pal de paller
- decisive factor, key element
palletes: fer-s'ho a palletes — draw straws
pallissa: donar/clavar una pallissa a algú — give someone a beating, thrashing, whipping
palma: emportar-se la palma — take the cake, triumph, prevail
Palou: fer tant de paper com en Palou a sa Pobla — be of no account/consequence
palpentes: a les palpentes — gropingly, feeling one's way
palpes: a palpons/palpes — gropingly, feeling one's way
palplantat: quedar palplantat — be struck all of a heap, be struck dumb
palpons: a palpons/palpes — gropingly, feeling one's way
- pam
- amb un pam d'orelles
- all ears
- amb un pam d'ulls
- all eyes
- amb un pam de boca
- astounded, dumbfounded, flabbergasted
- deixar algú amb un pam de boca
- surprise/astound/astonish someone, take someone aback
- deixar algú amb un pam de nas
- leave someone (in the lurch / high and dry / flat)
- fer pam i pipa
- thumb one's nose
- fer pam-pam
- [infantil] spank lightly
- no alçar un pam de terra
- be short/pint-sized/sawed-off
- no haver-n'hi un pam de net
- there be rampant corruption, strange/questionable goings-on
- no venir d'un pam
- not matter, not be important
- pam a pam
- 1 [progressivament] step by step 2 [lentament] slowly and arduously, overcoming resistance
- quedar amb un pam de nas
- be disappointed
- quedar-se amb un pam de nas
- be in for a surprise
- treure un pam de llengua
- huff and puff, be done in, be dead beat
- un pam de morros
- an angry look
- pams
- anar a pams
- proceed in an orderly, meticulous fashion
- anem a pams!
- first things first!, one thing at a time!, let's think about this a bit!, let's not rush into this!
Pandora: obrir/destapar la caixa de Pandora — open a Pandora's box
panell: panell publicitari — billboard
- paner
- qui fa un cove fa un paner
- he who steals a penny will steal a pound
- ser figues d'un altre paner
- be (a horse of a different color / a different kettle of fish)
panses: posar-se com un gall de panses — hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket, fly off the handle
- pantalons
- abaixar-se els pantalons
- give in, admit defeat, buckle under, cry uncle
- portar els pantalons
- [família] wear the pants
- panxa
- de panxa enlaire
- 1 [lit.] face up, facing upward 2 [fig.] be idle, be at leisure; not do a thing
- fer panxa
- [una paret, un mur, etc.] protrude, bulge, stick out
- gratar-se la panxa
- be idle, be at leisure; not do a thing
- omplir (la panxa / el pap)
- eat, chow down, have a meal
- posar panxa
- gain weight; [posar-se gras] get fat
- posar-se de panxa al sol
- procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing something
panxacontenta: panxacontenta — [adj.] blithe, carefree; [persona] someone oblivious to the problems of others
- panxó
- fer-se un panxó de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- un panxó de
- a bellyful of, more than enough of
pany: tancar amb pany i clau — lock
- panys
- anys i panys
- a long time, years on end, years and years
- fa anys i panys
- long, long ago
- pap
- buidar el pap
- reveal everything, say what's on one's mind, get something off one's chest
- ficar al pap
- eat, chow down, have a meal
- omplir el pap
- have a meal, chow down, fall to, fill one's belly
- omplir (la panxa / el pap)
- eat, chow down, have a meal
- quedar-se al pap
- keep quiet, keep one's mouth shut
- tenir el pap buit
- be hungry
- tenir el pap ple
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- treure del pap
- reveal, disclose, make known, bring to light; get (something) off one's chest
papa: més papista que el papa — more Catholic than the pope
papallona: fer la papallona — be fickle, capricious, inconsistent, erratic, unreliable
papar: no papar-ne ni una — have no idea what's going on
paparra: enganxar-se com una paparra — stick like glue, stick like a barnacle
- paper
- de paper d'estrassa
- bogus, ersatz, worthless, phony
- fer bon paper
- 1 [ser amable] be friendly, agreeable 2 [reeixir] be successful, effective
- fer el paper de
- play the role of
- fer mal paper
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- fer tant de paper com en Palou a sa Pobla
- be of no account/consequence
- fer/tenir un paper
- play a role
- fer un paper d'estrassa
- make a fool of oneself, make a gaffe
- paper d'estrassa
- kraft paper
- paper higiènic
- toilet paper
- paper mullat
- something worthless, useless, ineffective
paperàs: fer un paperàs — make a hit, be a huge success
paperot: fer el paperot — dissemble, feign, put on a false front, fake, put on an act
- papers
- dur els papers mullats
- be misinformed
- fer tots els papers de l'auca
- 1 [servir per a tot] wear more than one hat, be a jack of all trades 2 [cercar la conveniència pròpia] be a weathercock
- perdre els papers
- be furious, hopping mad, fit to be tied
- persona sense papers
- illegal alien
papista: més papista que el papa — more Catholic than the pope
- paquet
- fer el paquet
- [diners] make a bundle
- marcar paquet
- presumir
para: para el carro! — hold your horses!
paradeta: tancar la paradeta — go out of business; surrender, bow out, give up the ship
paraigua: fer ballar el paraigua (a algú) — to rattle/befuddle someone (ex.: Totes aquestes explicacions em fan ballar el paraigua = All these explanations rattle me)
parany: parar un parany — set a trap
- parar
- anar a parar
- 1 [acabar] end up, wind up 2 [al·ludir] to mean, to drive at (ex.: on vols anar a parar? = what are you driving at?)
- fer parar boig algú
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- jugar a tocar i parar
- play tag
- on vas a parar!
- you've gone too far!, you're going overboard!, that's over the top!
- parar de comptar
- that's it/all/enough
- parar els peus a algú
- stop someone in their tracks
- parar esment en
- call attention to
- parar esment
- pay attention
- parar (l')orella
- prick up one's ears
- parar la galta
- turn the other cheek
- parar la mà
- beg; ask for alms; panhandle
- parar taula
- set ([Br.] lay) the table
- parar teles
- set a trap
- parar un parany
- set a trap
- parat
- deixar algú parat
- surprise/astound/astonish someone, take someone aback
- mal parat
- in bad shape, in a bad way; inauspicious, ominous
- quedar parat
- 1 [sorprendre's] be surprised, astounded, astonished 2 [aturar-se] get bogged down, get stuck
- tenir mal parat
- be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
- paraula
- de paraula
- 1 [personalment] orally, personally, viva voce 2 [sense convicció] insincerely, without really meaning it 3 [complidor] serious, reliable, trustworthy
- deixar algú amb la paraula a la boca
- leave someone speechless/dumbstruck
- demanar la paraula
- ask to speak
- donar paraula
- give one's word, promise
- en una paraula
- simply put, in a nutshell, in short
- mantenir la paraula
- keep one's word
- prendre la paraula
- take the floor; to speak
- retirar la paraula
- 1 [desdir-se] go back on one's word 2 [excusar-se] apologize; take back what one has said
- tenir facilitat de paraula
- have a way with words
- tenir la paraula
- to have the floor
- tenir paraula
- keep one's word
- trencar la paraula
- break one's word
- paraules
- amb bones paraules
- [enganyar] cunningly, slyly, craftily, shrewdly
- deixar algú sense paraules
- leave someone speechless
- dir paraules gruixudes
- swear, curse, cuss; be foul-mouthed
- en poques paraules
- simply put, in short, to make a long story short
- pesar les paraules
- weigh one's words
- tenir quatre paraules
- argue, quarrel, cross swords
paraulotes: dir paraulotes — swear, curse, cuss; be foul-mouthed
parc: parc d'atraccions — amusement park
- pardal
- tenir un cervell de pardal
- be a lamebrain
- val més un pardal a la mà que una perdiu a l'aire
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- pardalets
- tenir pardalets al cap
- be dreamy, starry-eyed, in the clouds
- voler la mare i els pardalets
- want to have one's cake and eat it too
- pardals
- cap de pardals
- scatterbrain, birdbrain, ninny, nitwit
- matar dos pardals d'un tret
- kill two birds with one stone
- tenir el cap ple de pardals
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
pare: pare pedaç — peacemaker, conciliator
parell: sense parell/parió — peerless, beyond compare
parella: de parella — [a quatre ulls] alone together
parells: parells i senars — odds and evens (joc de mans)
parentesis: portar els collons entre parentesis [vulg.] — be bowlegged
- paret
- com si parlés a la paret
- like talking to a (brick) wall
- de cul a la paret
- stubborn, bullheaded, obstinate, pigheaded [despectiu]
- entre l'espasa i la paret
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- fer orelles de paret
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- fer paret
- [menjar] stick to one's ribs
- topar contra/amb una paret
- come/run up against a brick wall
- tota pedra fa paret
- every little bit helps
- parets
- enfilar-se per les parets
- fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket
- les parets tenen orelles
- the walls have ears
- parió
- sense parell/parió
- peerless, beyond compare
- sense parió
- unique, unparalleled, unmatched
- parir
- ni la mare que el va parir
- absolutely nobody
- posar a parir
- sharply/roundly/severely criticize; talk trash (about)
parla: qui parla! — look who's talking!
- parlant
- parlant d'això
- with regard to this
- parlant del rei de Roma
- speak of the devil
- parlant, la gent s'entén
- (reaching out / communicating), people get along/on
- parlar
- el parlar pla
- the common tongue
- fer parlar
- 1 [ser causa de comentaris] raise eyebrows 2 [fer crit] cause a stir/commotion
- ni parlar-ne!
- not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
- parlar amb les mans
- gesticulate
- parlar clar
- speak frankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush
- parlar com un llibre
- speak in (an erudite / a scholarly) manner
- parlar entre dents
- mumble, mutter
- parlar foradat
- blather, gabble, jabber, twaddle, prate
- parlar (pels descosits / per les butxaques)
- chatter/pratter/babble on
- parlar per boca d'algú
- speak for someone
- parlar sense embuts
- speak one's mind, speak right out, say what one means
- parlar sense miraments
- speak bluntly/carelessly; speak off the cuff
parlés: com si parlés a la paret — like talking to a (brick) wall
- parola
- tenir bona parola
- be articulate/eloquent/well-spoken
- tenir molta parola
- be talkative, chatty, long-winded
parra: estar a la parra [col·loq.] — be (in a fog / out to lunch); be spaced/zoned out
- part
- a part d'això
- besides this, apart from this
- a part de
- aside from
- a part
- separately
- això a part
- besides this, apart from this
- anar de part
- be in labor, give birth
- de part de
- on behalf of
- donar part a
- inform, give notice to, notify; ~ la nit = go to bed
- el part de la muntanya
- something insignificant that occurs when one was expecting something important
- en part
- in part, partly; to a certain degree/extent
- la part del lleó
- the lion's share
- no tenir ni art ni part en
- not be at all affected by, have nothing to do with, not be any of one's business (ex.: en aquest assumpte no hi tinc ni art ni part = I'm not at all affected by this affair, this affair has nothing to do with me, this affair is none of my business)
- per altra part
- besides; moreover, what's more
- per la meva part
- as far as I'm concerned
- posar-se de part d'algú
- take someone's side
- prendre part
- 1 [intervenir] become involved, take (part / a hand) 2 [escollir] choose, (make / come to) a decision
- punt i a part
- period ([Br.] full stop) and new paragraph/line
- partida
- jugar a algú una mala partida
- play a dirty trick on someone
- menjar-se la partida
- see through something/someone, have someone's number
- prendre partida
- take sides
- punt de partida
- starting line
partint: partint de — starting from
- partir
- a partir de
- starting on/in/from; a partir d'ara = from now on
- partir el cor
- break one's heart
- partir peres
- split up, go our/your/their separate ways
- partir-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- partit
- partit pres
- something already decided, decision made beforehand
- prendre partit
- become involved, take (part / a hand)
- treure partit
- 1 [treure benefici] to benefit/profit from 2 [aprofitar] make (good) use of
- un bon partit
- [cònjuge en potència] a good catch
- parts
- anar per parts
- organize, make plans, methodize, arrange, ascertain
- de totes parts
- everywhere
- pas
- a/amb aquest pas
- at this rate
- a bon pas
- apace
- a cada pas
- at every step
- a pas de tortuga/bou
- at a snail's pace
- allargar el pas
- step lively, pick up one's pace
- de pas
- 1 [sense parar] in passing 2 [inestable] fly-by-night, shifty, undependable
- deixar pas
- step aside, make way
- doblar el pas
- quicken one's pace
- donar pas a
- open the way for
- fer el primer pas
- take the first step
- fer pas
- clear the way
- fer un gran pas
- take a big step forward, make a big advance, make real/significant headway
- fer un pas en fals
- make a false move; foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- fer un pas endarrere
- lose ground, slip back
- fer un pas endavant i dos endarrere
- take one step forward and two steps back
- mal pas
- 1 [situació difícil] tight corner/spot, bind, jam, predicament 2 [mala acció] misdeed, slipup, misstep, blunder
- marcar el pas
- set the pace
- obrir pas
- make way, pave the way
- ocell de pas
- [persona] wanderer, rambler, roamer, rover; rolling stone
- pas a pas
- step by step, one step at a time
- pas de vianants
- pedestrian crossing; crosswalk [Am.], zebra crossing [Br.]
- perdre el pas
- lose one's way
- sortir al pas
- 1 (d'algú) seek someone out, head someone off 2 (d'un afer) to tackle, to put a stop to
- sortir del pas
- 1 [superar una dificultat] bring something off; overcome (problems, obstacles, etc.) 2 [actuar per compromís] make a good impression; fulfill an obligation
Pasqua: fer Pasqua abans de Rams — be expecting a child before getting married; do something ahead of time
- pasqües
- i santes pasqües!
- and that's it!, that's all she wrote!
- més content que unes pasqües
- happy as a clam/lark; tickled pink
- passa
- fer una passa en fals
- make a false move; foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- haver-hi una passa
- there be something going around
- i passa que t'he vist
- and that will do; and that's enough; and don't worry any more about it
- passa de
- more than
- què et passa?
- what's eating you?, what's with you?
- passada
- a pilota passada
- in hindsight
- de passada
- in passing
- jugar a algú una mala passada
- play a dirty trick on someone, pull a fast one
- mala passada
- dirty trick
passades: a/de totes passades — without fail, come what may, no matter what, come hell or high water [vulg.], one way or another
passaport: donar el passaport a algú — (fire / get rid of) someone
- passar
- fer passar amb raons/noves
- make excuses
- fer passar la porta a algú
- kick someone out
- fer passar per l'adreçador algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line); put someone through the wringer
- fer patir/passar gana a algú
- make someone go hungry
- passar a (espasa / tall d'espasa / fil d'espasa)
- slaughter, massacre; put to the sword
- passar a espasa
- execute summarily; put to death; slaughter, annihilate
- passar a la història
- go down in history
- passar a millor vida
- give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh, breathe one's last
- passar algú per l'aplanador
- intimidate someone, bring someone to heel
- passar avall
- disappear, die out
- passar Bòria avall
- go through hard times
- passar bou per bèstia grossa
- not be particular/finicky
- passar comptes
- 1 [diners] settle accounts, calculate what is owed 2 [vengança] get even, even the score, pay back
- passar de llarg/llis
- not stop, keep on going
- passar de mida
- overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
- passar de rosca
- go overboard, go to extremes
- passar de taca d'oli
- overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
- passar el ribot
- emend, touch up (ex.: Valdria la pena passar el ribot a aquest article = It would be worth touching up this article)
- passar el temps
- kill time, pass the time, while away the time
- passar els set calzes d'amargura
- endure hardship, suffer misfortune
- passar en net
- [un document] make a fair copy
- passar estretors
- go through hard times
- passar factura
- have a bad effect; take its toll (ex.: menjar massa pot passar factura = overeating can take its toll)
- passar fretura
- be lacking (ex.: Passàvem fretura de vi = We were lacking wine)
- passar (l'arada / el carro) davant els bous
- put the cart before the horse
- passar l'esponja
- [esborrar el passat] let bygones be bygones
- passar la mà per la cara a algú
- get the better of someone
- passar la maroma
- pull through hard times, weather the storm
- passar la nit del lloro
- make a night of it, go out on a binge
- passar la nit en blanc/vetlla
- not sleep a wink; have a sleepless night
- passar llista
- call the roll
- passar pel clatell
- ignore, be oblivious to, not pay attention to
- passar pel sedàs
- scrutinize, pore over; go over with a fine-tooth comb
- passar per alt
- overlook, omit
- passar per dures proves
- endure hardship, go through hell and high water [vulg.]
- passar per l'adreçador
- bite the bullet, face the music, have no choice
- passar per les baquetes
- run the gauntlet
- passar per les forques caudines
- be forced to put up with humiliating conditions; bite the bullet
- passar per malla
- slip by unnoticed
- passar quimera
- have qualms, be worried/disturbed/troubled
- passar ratlla
- cross/scratch/strike out
- passar via
- go a mile a minute (ex.: No hi ha trànsit i se'n passa via = There's no traffic and you can drive a mile a minute)
- passar-la grassa
- live high off/on the hog; be well off, flush, loaded, rich
- passar-la magra/negra
- go through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent
- passar-les magres
- go through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent
- passar-les morades
- go through hard times; be down and out, dirt poor, needy, indigent
- passar-ne de tots colors
- go/be through the mill; go through hard times, experience sorrow and suffering
- passar-ne els taps
- finish off; kill, do away with
- passar-s'ho bé
- have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
- passar-s'ho bomba
- have a really good time
- passar-s'ho d'allò més bé
- have a really good time
- passar-s'ho teta
- have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
- passar(-se) de la ratlla
- overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
- passar-se la pilota
- pass the buck
- passar-se pel clatell
- ignore, neglect, pass over, be oblivious to
- passar-se pel forro
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- passat
- demà passat
- the day after tomorrow
- el passat, passat
- what's done is done
- l'endemà passat l'altre
- three days after
- l'endemà passat
- two days after
- passat de
- except for
- passat de moda
- old-fashioned, out of style
- passat per aigua
- [temps] rainy, drizzly, soggy
- passeig
- anar a passeig
- go for a walk
- engegar a passeig algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
passerell: fer el passerell — fall for a scam; be an easy mark, be easy pickings
- passes
- a passes comptades
- slowly and carefully; deliberately
- a quatre passes
- nearby, close-at-hand
passi: passi el que passi — whatever happens; come what may
passiu: actiu i passiu — assets and liabilities
passiva: per activa i passiva — in all possible ways
- passos
- a passos comptats
- slowly, measuredly, detachedly, carefully
- fer passos per
- take steps to
- seguir els passos de
- follow in the footsteps of
- tornar sobre els seus passos
- start all over again
- pasta
- amb les mans a la pasta
- red-handed, in fraganti
- de bona pasta
- friendly, good-natured, honest
- quedar de pasta de moniato
- be surprised, astounded, astonished
- pastar
- anar a pastar fang
- [generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
- enviar/engegar a pastar fang algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
pastetes: fer pastetes — make mudpies
pastilla: a tota pastilla — flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
pastís: descobrir el pastís — tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- patacada
- ball de patacada
- low-class shindig/shindy/blowout
- de patacada
- low quality, second-rate, shoddy
patates: menjar-s'ho amb patates — eat crow, bite the bullet, grin and bear it, bow to fate
pateix: saber de quin mal pateix algú — know someone well, know someone's weaknesses
patena: net com una patena — spic-and-span, clean as a (whistle / new pin)
patenta: pagar la patenta — fail or be embarrassed because of lack of experience; be taken for a ride
patir: fer patir/passar gana a algú — make someone go hungry
patolls: a patolls — in a crowd/jumble; higgledy-piggledy
patota: fer la patota — cheat, trick, double-deal
pàtria: tot li és pàtria — he feels at home anywhere
- patró
- del mateix patró
- cut from the same cloth
- prendre patró de
- take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
- prendre per patró
- take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
patxoca: fer patxoca — look good, look well, be attractive/good-looking
Pau: en Pau, en Pere i en Berenguera — every Tom, Dick and Harry
- pau
- en pau descansi
- may he/she rest in peace
- fer la pau
- 1 get even, get revenge, square accounts 2 recover a loss; break even
- paus
- estar/quedar en paus
- be even up, even-Steven
- fer les paus
- to make up, reconcile
pausa: fer una pausa — to take a break
- pebre
- més dolent que el pebre
- devilish, wicked, thoroughly bad; [nen] mischievous, naughty, a holy terror
- quina pebre li fa coure els ulls?
- what is he/she complaining about?
pebrot: vermell com un perdigot/pebrot — red as a beet/lobster
pebrots: tenir pebrots [vulg.] — have guts
- peça
- fer peça
- 1 to suit 2 [ser útil] fill the bill, make the grade 3 [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- peça de recanvi
- spare part
- quedar d'una peça
- be surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- tenir mala peça al teler
- be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
- tot d'una peça
- flawless, immaculate, immpeccable
- una bona peça
- a swindler, con artist, grifter
- una mala peça
- a wrongdoer, crook, malefactor, miscreant
pecadors: pagar justos per pecadors — the innocent pay for the sins of the guilty
- pecat
- el pecat fa forat
- the truth will out; crime doesn't pay
- l'esca del pecat
- instigator, rabble-rouser, troublemaker, firebrand
- lleig com un pecat
- ugly as sin
peces: per peces menudes — in great detail; thoroughly, meticulously, painstakingly
pecòra: mala pecòra — blackguard, villain, scoundrel
- pedaç
- llengua de pedaç
- incomprehensible speech; gibberish, gobbledygook
- pare pedaç
- peacemaker, conciliator
- posar un pedaç
- patch, jury-rig (jerry-rig); provide a makeshift/stopgap solution
pedacets: treure (a algú) els pedacets al sol — tattle/rat/tell on someone; air someone's dirty laundry; reveal secrets about someone
pedestal: posar (algú) sobre el pedestal — put (someone) on a pedestal
- pedra
- a tir de pedra
- nearby; a stone's throw away
- de pedra picada
- hard-core, dyed-in-the-wool, confirmed
- no deixar pedra sobre pedra
- raze to the ground, flatten, demolish
- no posar-se cap pedra al fetge
- not make a big deal of something, not worry about it
- passar per la pedra algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line); put someone through the wringer
- pedra a la sabata
- pain in the neck
- pedra angular
- cornerstone
- pedra de toc
- reference point; proof
- pedra que rodola no cria molsa
- a rolling stone gathers no moss
- picar pedra
- do a boring, tedious job
- quedar/restar de pedra
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- tirar la pedra i amagar la mà
- do damage and try to escape the consequences; hit and run
- tirar la primera pedra
- throw/cast the first stone
- tota pedra fa paret
- every little bit helps
- una pedra a la sabata
- a pain in the neck; an aggravation/irritation
pedregada: fer més por que una pedregada (seca) — be frightening
pedregar: anar el carro pel pedregar — go wrong, get worse, go downhill, go to the dogs
pedrer: os pedrer! — good gosh! goodness gracious!
- pedres
- fer plorar les pedres
- be heartrending, heartbreaking, moving, touching
- no posar-se pedres al fetge
- not make a big deal of something, not worry about it
- tirar-se pedres a la pròpia teulada
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
pedretes: arribar/estar a les tres pedretes — be in dire straits; be at death's door
- pega
- estar de pega
- have a run of bad luck
- fer pega
- look bad, make a bad impression
- quina pega!
- what bad luck!
- ser el pot de la pega
- be clumsy/ham-handed; be all thumbs
- pegar
- pegar llençolades
- commit adultery, cheat on someone, philander
- pegar un esclat
- receive a blow falling
pegat: pegat en un banc — useless solution, futile attempt, wasted effort
pegues: trobar pegues — find fault
- peix
- cara de peix bullit
- blank-faced
- esstar/anar peix
- be ignorant
- estar com un peix a l'aigua
- be in one's element/glory
- ni carn ni peix
- neither fish nor fowl
- peix al cove
- a sure thing, all sewn up
- peix gros
- big shot, big wheel
- peix que es porta l'oli
- quick-witted, clever, astute
- ser el peix que es mossega la cua
- be a vicious circle; be a Catch-22
- ser peix al cove
- be a sure thing, be all sewn up
- tenir sang de peix
- be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed
- peixet
- donar peixet
- 1 [ajudar] give a special advantage to, make things easy for 2 [enganyar] cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bilk, rip off
- tira peixet!
- what luck!, lucky you!
- pel
- agafar la paella pel mànec
- take charge/control; lay down the law
- passar pel clatell
- ignore, be oblivious to, not pay attention to
- passar pel sedàs
- scrutinize, pore over; go over with a fine-tooth comb
- passar-se pel clatell
- ignore, neglect, pass over, be oblivious to
- pel broc gros
- irresponsibly, carelessly, without caution or consideration; letting the chips fall where they may
- pel camí dret
- on the straight and narrow (path)
- pel cap alt
- at (the) most, at the outside
- pel cap baix
- at the least
- pel dret
- 1 [en línia recta] straight ahead, as the crow flies 2 [directament] straightforwardly, openly, point-blank
- pel fet que
- owing to the fact that
- pel mateix preu
- may/might as well; all things considered, all in all, everything being equal
- pel morro
- shamelessly, brazenly
- pel que fa a
- when it comes to, with regard to, as for
- trescar pel pla i la serra
- move around all over the place
- pèl
- (a algú) lluiria més el pèl
- one would be better off
- a pèl
- with the grain
- anar al pèl
- be a perfect fit, fill the bill, be just what the doctor ordered
- d'un pèl
- almost, nearly; anar ~ = have a close call, a near thing, a narrow escape
- de pèl a pèl
- stark-naked, in the buff, in one's birthday suit
- en pèl
- nude, stark-naked, in the buff, in one's birthday suit
- lluir el pèl
- look good, have a good appearance; look like a million dollars
- no tenir un pèl de [+ adj.]
- be not at all [+ adj.]
- prendre el pèl a algú
- pull someone's leg, fool/kid someone, put someone on
- presa de pèl
- fraud, scam, cheat, hoax; crooked/shady deal
- venir al pèl
- be just the thing, just what the doctor ordered
- venir/escapar-se per un pèl
- be/have a close call/shave
- pela
- fer un fred que pela
- be freezing cold; be colder than a witch's tit [vulg.]
- pela aquest ou que l'altre ja es cou
- it's no big deal; don't make a federal case of it
- pelar
- pelar-se els dits
- work one's fingers to the bone
- pelar-se-la [vulg.]
- masturbate; (jerk/beat/jack off; wank [Br.], choke the chicken [Am.]) [vulg.]
- pelat
- net i pelat
- point-blank, bluntly, frankly, no holds barred
- quedar pelat
- (be / end up) dead/flat broke
- tenir el cul pelat de
- be an old hand at
- pelats
- tenir els collons pelats de [vulg.]
- be an old hand at, be used to
- tenir els dits pelats
- to have done something repeatedly; to be an old hand
- pell
- a flor de pell
- skin deep; tenir els nervis ~ = be on edge; tenir/sentir les emocions ~ = be very sensitive, be thin-skinned
- anar-hi la pell
- risking one's life
- deixar-hi la pell
- 1 [perdre] lose everything, die 2 [esforçar-se] go all out
- dins/en la pell d'algú
- in someone's shoes
- entre carn i pell
- just under the skin
- fer la pell a algú
- kill someone, rub someone out
- fer-li la pell
- kill someone; rub someone out; off someone
- fer-se'n la pell
- pay with one's life
- girar la pell
- change completely, make oneself over, turn over a new leaf
- jugar-se la pell
- risk one's life
- mala pell
- blackguard, hooligan, scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor
- mudar la pell
- change completely, become transformed
- no cabre a la pell
- 1 [autosatisfacció] be full of oneself, self-satisfied, complacent, big-headed 2 [content] be delighted, on cloud nine, tickled pink
- no tenir més que (ossos / la pell i l'os)
- be skin and bones
- no voler estar en la pell d'algú
- not want to be in someone's shoes
- pell de gallina
- goose bumps/flesh/pimples
- posar la pell de gallina
- make one's hair stand on end
- posar-se a la pell de l'altre
- empathize; put oneself in someone else's shoes
- salvar la pell
- save one's skin/hide
- ser de la pell de Barrabàs
- devilish, wicked, thoroughly bad; [nen] mischievous, naughty, a holy terror
- ser de la pell de dimoni
- be underhanded, swindling, deceiving
- ser un llop amb pell d'ovella
- be a wolf in sheep's clothing
- tenir la pell fina
- be thin-skinned, be touchy
- tenir la pell gruixuda/dura
- be shameless
- vendre la pell de l'ós abans de caçar-lo
- count one's chickens before they hatch
pelleringa: estar fet una pelleringa — be skinny/scrawny; be skin and bones
pellingot: anar fet un pellingot — be disheveled/unwashed/slovenly
- pels
- pels nassos
- point-blank, no holds barred
- pels segles dels segles
- for evermore, forever and ever
- pels volts de
- around, about
- pèls
- amb pèls i senyals
- thoroughly, from A to Z, from top to bottom, through and through
- buscar/trobar pèls als ous
- split hairs, nitpick, complicate things unnecessarily; quibble, be finicky and hard to please
- fer posar a algú els pèls de punta
- frighten, scare, shock someone; make someone's hair stand on end; put the wind up someone [Br.]
- no tenir pèls a la llengua
- not mince words, speak one's mind, lay it on the line
- trobar pèls
- find fault
- pena
- fer pena
- be pitiful, distressing, heartrending, painful, grievous
- no tenir pena ni glòria
- be lackluster, so-so, indifferent; be nothing to write home about
- no val la pena [+ infinitiu]
- (it's no use / there's no point in) [+ gerundi]
- pagar la pena
- be worth it, be worthwhile
- sense pena ni glòria
- dully, uneventfully, unmemorably, drearily
- treure el ventre de pena
- eat well after having fasted
- una ànima en pena
- a lost soul
- valer la pena
- be worth it, be worthwhile
penal: casar-se de penal — be expecting a child before getting married; do something ahead of time
- penes
- a males penes
- through hell and high water [vulg.], in hardship, with difficulty
- a penes
- barely, hardly, scarcely
- aclapar-se per les penes
- become weighed down with grief
- amb penes i treballs
- through hell and high water [vulg.], in hardship, with difficulty
pengim: pengim-penjam — carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
penja: can penja-i-despenja — a shambles, a madhouse (ex.: La teva habitació sembla can penja-i-despenja = Your room is a shambles)
penjam: pengim-penjam — carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
penjaments: dir penjaments de — backbite, badmouth, defame, villify; [falsament] slander
- penjar
- penjar les barres al sostre
- starve to death, die of hunger
- penjar les botes
- hang up one's (boots [Br.] / hat [Am.])
- penjar/posar la llufa a algú
- take advantage of someone
- penjat
- deixar penjat/plantat algú
- 1 [decebre] frustrate, thwart, disappoint someone 2 [no acudir-hi] stand someone up
- deixar penjat/plantat alguna cosa
- give something up, quit something, opt out of something
- penques
- quines penques!
- what nerve/gall/cheek!
- ser un penques
- be shameless/brazen/cheeky
- tenir bones penques
- be meaty/fleshy
- tenir (unes) penques
- be cheeky, have a nerve, have gall (ex.: quines penques! = what nerve/gall/cheek!)
- pensa
- de cor a pensa
- off-handedly, on the spur of the moment
- de pura pensa
- intuitively, instinctively
- pensament
- canviar de pensament
- change one's mind
- en un pensament
- quickly, fast; in a flash, in the blink of an eye
- fer un pensament
- make/reach a decision, make up one's mind
- ni per pensament
- not even for a moment
- un pensament de
- a tiny amount, a smidgen, a wee bit, a scintilla
pensaments: el curs dels pensaments — train of thought
- pensar
- fer pensar a algú
- give one pause, make one stop and think, arouse one's interest
- n'hi ha per pensar-hi
- there's food for thought
- ni pensar-hi!
- not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
- ni pensar-ho
- not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
- pensar amb els peus
- talk through one's hat
- pensar en l'amor de les tres taronges
- build castles in (the air / Spain)
- pensar-se-les totes
- be lively, keen, sharp, quick-witted
- sense pensar-s'ho dues vegades
- without thinking twice (about it)
pensió: pensió completa — full room and board
penyora: donar penyora — leave something in pawn
- per
- per a acabar-ho d'adobar
- to top it off; to make matters worse; what's more; and as if that weren't enough
- per a servir-lo/vos/te
- at your service
- per a tu faràs!
- it's your funeral!, go right ahead!
- per activa i passiva
- in all possible ways
- per això
- that's why (ex.: I és per això que vaig marxar corrents = And that's why I rushed off)
- per altra part
- besides; moreover, what's more
- per atzar
- by chance
- per barba/cap
- a head, per person
- per bé que
- even though, in spite of the fact that
- per carambola
- 1 [casualment] by chance 2 [indirectament] in a roundabout way, obliquely, indirectly
- per casualitat
- by chance
- per cert
- by the way, by the by (ex.: By the way, have you decided on a day for the premier? = Per cert, heu decidit el dia de l'estrena?)
- per complet
- completely, absolutely
- per compliment
- for form's sake
- per compromís
- out of duty, (from / out of) a sense of obligation
- per contrapartida
- in return
- per culpa de
- because of
- per damunt
- briefly, superficially, without going into details
- per damunt de
- more than, apart from
- per damunt de tot
- above all, most importantly
- per descomptat
- it goes without saying, needless to say
- per ell farà!
- it's his funeral!, that's his business!, that's up to him!
- per endavant
- in advance
- per enèsima vegada
- for the umpteenth time
- per escrit
- in writing
- per esguard de
- in consideration of
- per fas o per nefas
- for better or worse; for one reason or another, for whatever reason
- per fi!
- at last!
- per força
- 1 [forcejant] by force, forcibily 2 [obligadament] whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
- per fortuna
- luckily, fortunately
- per la cara
- shamelessly, brazenly
- per la feixa de baix!
- don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
- per la meva part
- as far as I'm concerned
- per la tremenda
- by force, forcibly, against someone's will
- per molts anys!
- happy birthday!; many happy returns!
- per moments
- quickly and without interruption
- per mor de
- because of
- per no esmentar
- to say nothing of, not to mention
- per oblit
- by/through an oversight, inadvertently
- per pa i per sal
- galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
- per peces menudes
- in great detail; thoroughly, meticulously, painstakingly
- per postres
- to top it off; to make matters worse; what's more/worse; and as if that weren't enough
- per quins set sous?
- why the heck?, why the hell? [vulg.]
- per raó de
- because of, owing to, due to
- per rebat
- to wind/finish up; as a finishing touch
- per regla general
- as a rule
- per si de cas
- (just) in case, in the event that
- per sort
- luckily, fortunately
- per sota mà
- deviously, underhandedly; fast and loose
- per tal com
- because, on account of
- per tal que
- so that
- per tant
- so, therefore, thus
- per tots costats
- on all sides; [a tort i a dret] carelessly, haphazardly
- per un tros de pa
- for two cents
- per un voler de Déu
- by the will of God, by a miracle
- per vici
- out of habit
- pera
- ser la pera
- be awesome, something else, extraordinary, outstanding
- tocar la pera
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
percaça: a la percaça de — on the hunt for, on the lookout for
perd: l'esperança és l'últim que es perd — where there's life, there's hope
perdent: sortir perdent — be worse off, end up losing
perdigó: tenir un perdigó a l'ala — have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
perdigot: vermell com un perdigot/pebrot — red as a beet/lobster
- perdiu
- donar garsa per perdiu
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- marejar la perdiu
- confuse the issue
- remenar la perdiu
- waste time over an affair; procrastinate, delay
- val més un pardal a la mà que una perdiu a l'aire
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
perdó: no tenir perdó — be unforgivable, abominable, shocking, detestable
perdona: l'edat no perdona — time takes its toll
- perdre
- llançar a perdre
- to spoil, mess up, screw up [vulg.]; [menjar] go bad/off (ex.: La gelada ha llançat a perdre la collita de taronges = The frost has spoiled the orange crop)
- no perdre (d'ull / de [la] vista)
- not lose sight of
- on sant Pere va perdre l'espardenya
- in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
- perdre bous i esquelles
- lose one's shirt
- perdre de vista
- lose sight of
- perdre (el cap / la raó / l'enteniment)
- 1 [enfollir] lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end 2 [descontrolar-se] lose control of oneself, lose one's grip, go out of control
- perdre el color
- turn pale, to blanch
- perdre el compte
- lose count
- perdre el coneixement
- lose consciousness, faint, black out; [ebri] pass out
- perdre el fil
- lose the thread
- perdre el món de vista
- to faint, pass out; lose track of time; get carried away
- perdre (el nord / la carta de navegar)
- lose one's bearings
- perdre el nord
- lose one's bearings
- perdre el pas
- lose one's way
- perdre el rastre
- lose track
- perdre el rumb
- go astray, go adrift; lose one's way
- perdre el senderi/seny/timó
- lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end
- perdre el son
- stay awake
- perdre (el temps / l'estona)
- waste time, dawdle; dilly-dally, shilly-shally
- perdre el tren
- miss the boat/bus
- perdre els esperits
- to faint/swoon; pass out
- perdre els estreps/nervis
- lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling
- perdre els papers
- be furious, hopping mad, fit to be tied
- perdre els sentits
- lose consciousness, faint, black out; [ebri] pass out
- perdre embranzida
- lose momentum
- perdre l'alè
- lose one's breath
- perdre l'esma
- get disoriented, lose one's sense of direction, go adrift
- perdre l'oremus
- lose control of oneself; get disoriented, confused
- perdre la camisa
- lose one's shirt
- perdre la lliçó
- lose track, get lost
- perdre la pista
- lose track
- perdre la vida
- lose one's life
- perdre la xaveta
- go crazy
- perdre les carns
- lose weight, slim down
- perdre les formes
- lose control
- perdre peu
- 1 [trepitjar] lose one's footing 2 [fracassar] fail, come to nothing
- perdre terreny
- lose ground
- tenir les de perdre
- have probabilities of (losing out / being worsted / coming up short / suffering defeat)
perduda: bala perduda — 1 stray shot 2 [persona] good-for-nothing
- perdut
- perdut per perdut
- as a last resort
- ser un camp perdut
- be a lost cause
- Pere
- en Pau, en Pere i en Berenguera
- every Tom, Dick and Harry
- on sant Pere va perdre l'espardenya
- in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
- pagant, sant Pere canta
- money talks
perepunyetes: perepunyetes — fussbudget
- peres
- demanar peres a l'om
- ask for the impossible
- partir peres
- split up, go our/your/their separate ways
- sac i peres
- the works, the whole ball of wax
perfecció: a la perfecció — perfectly, flawlessly; to perfection
perjudici: sense perjudici de — without prejudice to
perles: donar/llençar perles als porcs — cast pearls before swine
perol: tocat del perol — weak in the head, weak-minded
perola: sord com una perola — deaf as a post
perpètua: cadena/condemna perpètua — life without parole ([Br.] life imprisonment)
perpetuïtat: a perpetuïtat — in perpetuity, forever
- persona
- en persona
- in person
- persona sense papers
- illegal alien
- pertot
- (pertot / per tot) arreu
- everywhere, everyplace
- pertot es fan bolets, quan plou
- there've always been problems in the world
- pes
- a pes d'or
- at a high price
- a pes de braços
- by hand
- acabar de fer el pes
- 1 to top it off 2 [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- caure pel seu propi pes
- go without saying, be obvious, be crystal clear, be plain as the nose on one's face
- de pes
- important, convincing
- en pes
- whole, entire
- fer bon pes
- give a little more than the fair weight
- fer el pes
- stand to reason, be convincing, seem likely; [neg.] remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- no fer el pes
- remain unconvincing, fail to satisfy
- pes capital
- decisive role
- raó de pes
- compelling reason
- treure's un pes de sobre
- take a load off one's mind, feel relief
pesa: val més or que no pesa — be worth one's/its weight in gold
- pesar
- a pesar de
- in spite of
- a pesar que
- in spite of the fact that
- no pesar una palla
- light as a feather
- pesar figues
- nod (sleepily)
- pesar les paraules
- weigh one's words
- pesat
- fer-se pesat
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- pesat com un/el plom
- dull as dishwater; annoying as hell [vulg.]
pesca: i tota la pesca — and so on/forth
pescar: pescar en aigua tèrbola — turn the misfortunes of others into a financial gain
pèsol: trempat com un pèsol — delighted, joyful; tickled pink, walking on air
pèsols: pèsols ofegats — stewed peas
pesseta: fer la primera pesseta — make a (lot of money / fortune / bundle)
pessetes: donar/vendre duros a quatre pessetes — 1 [fer mal negoci] sell at a loss, go broke, go bankrupt 2 [enganyar] pull the wool over someone's eyes, offer something too good to be true
pessic: pa de pessic — sponge cake
- pessigolles
- buscar les pessigolles
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- fer pessigolles (a)
- to tickle
- tenir pessigolles
- be ticklish
pestanyes: cremar-se les pestanyes — burn the midnight oil
- pestes
- dir pestes de
- backbite, badmouth, defame, villify; [falsament] slander
- tirar a algú llamps i pestes
- chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
- pet
- anar de pet a
- make a beeline for
- de pet
- directly, by the shortest route
- estar/anar pet
- be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
- fer un pet com (un aglà / una gla)
- burst, explode, go bust, crash
- un pet bufat
- a blowhard, braggart, bigmouth, gasbag, windbag, know-it-all
peta: estar (algú) que peta — be overweight
petaner: gos petaner — small mutt, lapdog
- petar
- fer petar els dits
- snap one's fingers
- fer petar la xerrada/claca
- have a chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze
- fer-la petar
- have a chat, chew the fat, shoot the breeze
- petar de dents
- one's teeth be chattering
- petar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
petarrell: fer el petarrell — look as if one is about to cry; pout
peti: peti qui peti — whether someone likes it or not; whatever happens
petició: a petició — by request
- petit
- al pot petit hi ha la bona confitura
- good things come in small packages
- petit com un cop de puny
- tiny
- petites
- a les petites
- in the wee hours
- hores petites
- early morning
petitòria: raó petitòria — cause of action
- petja
- camí de mala petja
- rough irregular road, bumpy and uneven
- no deixar de petja
- not lose sight of, give no peace to, be at (one) constantly
- terra de mala petja
- broken country, badlands
petjades: seguir les petjades d'algú — follow someone's example
pets: no aguantar-se els pets — dodder, be senile, be in one's dotage
- peu
- a peu coix
- hop on one foot
- a peu dret
- standing
- a peu (ferm / i a cavall)
- relentlessly, firmly, steadfastly, doggedly, tenaciously
- a peu
- on foot
- a peu pla
- on one level; without the need to climb stairs
- a puntades de peu
- ruthlessly, high-handedly, rudely
- al peu de la lletra
- literally, word for word
- al peu del canó
- in readiness; ready, willing and able
- allargar/estirar més el peu que la sabata
- bite off more than one can chew
- amb un peu dins i un altre fora
- betwixt and between, in a midway position
- ballar amb un peu
- jump for joy, be delighted
- ballar per un peu
- be elated/delighted/thrilled; be tickled pink
- calçar el mateix peu
- be alike in character
- començar amb mal peu
- get off on the wrong foot
- començar/encetar/engegar/entrar amb bon peu
- (get/be off) to a good start
- de peu de banc
- baseless, groundless, unfounded
- donar peu
- cause, bring about, give rise to
- en peu de guerra
- on a war footing, ready to fight, prepared for war
- entrar amb el peu dret
- (get/be off) to a good start
- llevar-se amb el peu esquerre
- get up on the wrong side of (the) bed
- més vell que l'anar a peu
- as old as the hills
- morir al peu del canó
- die in harness
- no moure un peu
- not lift a finger, not move a muscle
- perdre peu
- 1 [trepitjar] lose one's footing 2 [fracassar] fail, come to nothing
- peu de cabra
- crowbar
- peu de rei
- caliper
- prendre peu
- 1 [basar-se] use as a pretext, ground on 2 [començar] start
- regirar-se un peu
- twist one's ankle
- restar en peu (un problema / una oferta)
- be pending/unsettled
- saber (de) quin peu calça algú
- be onto someone
- tenir el peu al coll a algú
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir el/un peu a l'estrep
- be ready/about to leave
- tenir un peu a la fossa/tomba
- have one foot in the grave
- tenir un peu al cementiri
- have one foot in the grave
- trobar sabata de son peu
- get one's (comeuppance / just desserts)
- una puntada de peu
- a kick, a boot
- peus
- a peus junts
- blindly, submissively, without thinking, uncritically
- amb els peus per davant
- go out feet first
- amb peus de plom
- warily, alertly, guardedly, walking on eggshells
- arrossegar-se als peus d'algú
- to humble oneself before someone
- besar els peus
- put on a pedestal, venerate, exalt
- buscar/cercar tres/cinc peus al gat
- split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
- caure l'ànima als peus
- feel/become disappointed, disillusioned, discouraged; (someone's) heart fell
- de cap a peus
- from beginning to end, completely, from top to bottom, from head to toe
- en peus
- standing
- en porta més al cap que als peus
- be three sheets to the wind
- estar lligat de peus i mans
- have one's hands tied
- ficar-se de peus a la galleda
- blunder, make a fool of oneself; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- lligar de mans i peus
- put out of action, hamstring, hogtie, incapacitate
- no tenir (ni) cap ni peus
- make no sense at all
- no tocar de peus a terra
- not have both feet on the ground
- parar els peus a algú
- stop someone in their tracks
- pensar amb els peus
- talk through one's hat
- picar de peus
- to stamp/stomp
- podeu/pots pujar-hi de peus
- you can be sure
- posar els peus plans
- be careful, take care, watch out, beware
- posar els peus
- set foot
- saber on posar els peus
- have one's head screwed on straight
- segar a algú l'herba sota els peus
- cut the ground from under someone's feet
- sense cap ni peus
- meaningless, without rhyme or reason
- tenir cap i peus
- be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- tenir el cap als peus
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir fred de/als peus
- be jealous, green with envy, envious
- tocar de peus a terra
- have one's two feet on the ground
pi: poder embolicar-se/confitar-se amb una fulla de pi quelcom — (can/could) put/stick something where the sun don't shine [vulg.]
- piano
- piano d'un quart de cua
- baby grand
- piano de cua
- grand piano
- pic
- anar al pic
- sink; go under/down, go to the bottom
- tallat a pic
- straight up-and-down
pica: de mica en mica (s'omple la pica) — slowly but surely (does the trick); every little bit helps
picada: de pedra picada — hard-core, dyed-in-the-wool, confirmed
- picar
- picar alt
- aim high, shoot for the moon
- picar de mans
- applaud, clap, give someone a hand
- picar de peus
- to stamp/stomp
- picar el crostó
- to anger, upset, bother
- picar (els dits / la cresta) a algú
- scold someone, give someone a slap on the wrist, rap someone's knuckles
- picar ferro fred
- flog a dead horse
- picar fort
- 1 [tenir mà dura] be severe, harshe, ruthlesse, rigorous 2 [ser car] be expensive, cost an arm and a leg
- picar l'ham
- swallow the bait, fall into the trap
- picar l'ullet
- to wink
- picar pedra
- do a boring, tedious job
- picar-se els dits
- lose money in a deal
picarol: alegre com un picarol — happy as a clam/lark
picat: quina mosca (t'ha, l'ha, etc.) picat? — what's eating (you/him/her, etc.)?
picor: l'any de la picor — long ago, in times past, never
picota: posar a la picota algú — show someone up, make a fool of someone; cut someone down to size
pietosa: mentida pietosa — white lie (ex.: Tothom diu que a vegades està bé de dir una mentida pietosa, però ningú vol que li'n diguin cap = Everyone says it's okay to tell a white lie sometimes, but nobody wants to get told one)
pífia: anar-se'n a la pífia — go up in smoke, come to nothing, fail
pigall: gos pigall — seeing-eye dog
- pila
- nom de pila
- first name, forename
- una pila de
- a lot of, tons of, loads of
Pilat: anar d'Herodes a Pilat — get the runaround
piles: posar-se les piles — pull up one's socks, get one's act together, roll up one's sleeves
- pilota
- a pilota passada
- in hindsight
- fer anar algú com una pilota
- give someone the runaround
- no poder tirar pilota a l'olla
- not be able to (make ends meet / get|scrape by)
- no tocar pilota
- not get it right, fail to understand, not get the point, get off on the wrong track
- passar-se la pilota
- pass the buck
- tornar la pilota
- talk back, give as good as one gets
- pilotes
- agafar en pilotes
- take by surprise, catch off guard, catch unawares
- en pilotes
- nude, stark-naked, in the buff, in one's birthday suit
- tirar pilotes fora
- change the subject, go off on a tangent
- tocar les pilotes
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
pinces: no poder-se agafar (una cosa) ni amb pinces — be repugnant/revolting/disgusting
píndola: daurar la píndola — sweeten the pill; sugarcoat something (the truth, reality, etc.); (mitigate / alleviate / take the edge off) something unpleasant
pinta: fer mala pinta (tenir mal aspecte) — look bad, terrible, awful, unhealthy
- pintar
- no pintar-hi res
- play no role (in a business, an affair, etc.); to have no say
- pintar bastos
- go wrong, be in a bad way; go through hard times
- pintar la cigonya
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
pintat: anar que ni pintat — to fit (perfectly / like a glove)
pintura: ni en pintura! — at all! (ex.: No els vull veure, ni en pintura! = I want nothing at all to do with them!)
pinxo: fer el pinxo — boast, brag, blow one's own horn
pinya: fer (la) pinya — join forces, cooperate, pull together, unite and work together; form/present a common front
pinyac: clavar un pinyac — strike, hit, deal a blow
pinyó: boca de pinyó — small-mouthed
pinyol: encertar el pinyol — get it absolutely right
pioc: estar pioc — be under the weather
- pipa
- fer la pipa
- suck one's thumb
- fer pam i pipa
- thumb one's nose
pipí: fer pipí — take a leak, take a piss [vulg.]
pirandó: tocar (el) pirandó — leave, beat it, make tracks
pisca: qui no s'arrisca, no pisca — nothing ventured, nothing gained
pista: perdre la pista — lose track
Pistraus: anar-se'n a can Pistraus — go to rack/wrack and ruin, go to hell in a handbasket [vulg.]
- pit
- a pit descobert
- open, straightforward, aboveboard, forthright
- agafar pit
- make an effort
- de pit i cuixa
- titillating, salacious, steamy
- donar el pit
- nurse, breast-feed, suckle
- estar barres a pit
- be downhearted, crestfallen; down in the dumps
- pit i fora!
- take courage!, chin up!, take heart!, buck up!
- posar-se la mà al pit
- be honest/frank/sincere
- prendre's a pit una cosa
- take something wrong, take (something) to heart, be offended
- pitjor
- anar de mal en pitjor
- go from bad to worse
- com més va pitjor
- go from bad to worse
- com pitjor, millor
- the worse, the better
- pitjor per a algú!
- that's someone's tough luck!
pitof: anar pitof — be tipsy
- piu
- estar cloc-piu
- be under the weather
- no dir ni piu/pruna
- not say a word
- no sentir-se ni un piu
- not hear a pin drop
pixa: can pixa (i rellisca) — a madhouse
pixanera: boira pixanera — drizzle
- pixar
- pixar aigua beneita
- be very devote
- pixar alt
- be self-important, conceited, big-headed, cocky, puffed up, swell-headed
- pixar fora de test
- 1 beat around the bush, not come to the point 2 put one's foot in one's mouth
- pixar-se a la sabata
- dodder, drivel
- pixar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
pixats: amb els pixats al ventre — by surprise, off guard, unawares
- pla
- a peu pla
- on one level; without the need to climb stairs
- això pla!
- not on your life!, no way!
- ara pla!
- that's too bad!, dear me!, that will never do!
- caure tot pla
- fall flat
- de pla en pla
- altogether, completely, absolutely
- de pla
- expeditiously; quickly and efficiently
- dormir pla
- sleep like a baby
- el parlar pla
- the common tongue
- trescar pel pla i la serra
- move around all over the place
plaça: anar a plaça — go grocery shopping
- plaer
- a plaer
- at ease, comfortable; at home
- a tot plaer
- to one's heart's content, to one's complete satisfaction
plagui: plagui a Déu — may it please God
plana: plana major — staff
plans: posar els peus plans — be careful, take care, watch out, beware
- planta
- de nova planta
- new construction
- posar en planta
- establish, authorize, constitute, enact
- plantar
- plantar cara a
- take a stand against, stand up to, take issue with; confront, oppose
- plantar la bandera
- take over, seize, take control (of), comandeer, usurp
- plantar la bleda al clatell
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- plantat
- deixar penjat/plantat algú
- 1 [decebre] frustrate, thwart, disappoint someone 2 [no acudir-hi] stand someone up
- deixar penjat/plantat alguna cosa
- give something up, quit something, opt out of something
- planxa
- fer una planxa
- make a fool of oneself
- quina planxa!
- how embarrassing!; what a gaffe/boner/blunder!; I really put my foot in my mouth!
- plat
- menjar en el mateix plat
- be (good friends / chummy / buddy-buddy)
- no haver trencat cap plat ni cap olla
- butter wouldn't melt in (one's) mouth (ex.: va sortir del jutjat amb posat de no haver trencat mai cap plat ni cap olla = he came out of court looking like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth)
- trencar el plat bonic
- throw cold water on (something), be a (killjoy / spoilsport / wet blanket)
- vendre's per un plat de llenties
- sell out, play false; put material gain before honor/duty
- plata
- noces de plata
- silver wedding anniversary
- tenir mans de plata
- be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
platerets: a so de bombo i platerets — with exaggerated fanfare, with ballyhoo
- plats
- fer pagar els plats trencats
- 1 [imputar] shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on 2 [fer rebre les conseqüències] take it out on
- pagar els plats trencats
- be left holding the bag
- tirar-se els plats pel cap
- quarrel, wrangle, squabble
- plau
- si us plau per força
- whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
- vist-i-plau
- approval, agreement
- ple
- al ple aire
- outdoors, in the open air
- ase magre, ple de puces
- bad luck plagues the unfortunate
- cridar a ple pulmó
- shout/yell at the top of one's lungs
- de ple (a ple)
- altogether, completely, absolutely
- ple a vessar
- jam-packed, very crowded, chock-a-block
- ple (com un ou / de gom a gom)
- full to bursting, jam-packed, very crowded, chock-a-block
- tenir el cap ple de pardals
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir el pap ple
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- plegar
- plegar (el ram / banderes)
- give up (the ship), bail/bow/drop out
- plegar veles
- 1 leave, go away 2 surrender, bow out, give up the ship; [empresa] go out of business, go belly up
- plegat
- d'un plegat
- suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly
- tot d'un plegat
- suddenly, all of a sudden
- tot plegat
- [en resum] all in all, at the end of the day
- plegats
- de braços plegats
- idle, loafing, goofing off, twiddling one's thumbs
- tots plegats
- all together
- plena
- a boca plena
- ravenously, hungrily
- a plena llum
- in plain sight, openly
- a plena veu
- aloud, out loud
- plenes
- a mans plenes
- lavishly, profusely
- anar-se'n amb les mans plenes
- go off with a lot
- butxaques plenes
- deep pockets
- plens
- cridar a plens pulmons
- shout/yell at the top of one's lungs
- respirar a plens pulmons
- breathe a sigh of relief
pler: a pler — willingly, gladly
pleret: a pleret — slowly, little by little
plogui: esperar que plogui — delay, procrastinate
- plom
- amb peus de plom
- warily, alertly, guardedly, walking on eggshells
- caure a plom
- fall straight down; plummet, plunge, nose-dive
- pesat com un/el plom
- dull as dishwater; annoying as hell [vulg.]
- ploma
- d'un cop de ploma
- at a single stroke, with the stroke of a pen
- deixar córrer la ploma
- write fluently and spontaneously
- lleuger com una ploma
- light as a feather
- plomat
- caure plomat
- fall in a heap
- quedar plomat
- (be / end up) dead/flat broke
plora: qui no plora, no mama — the squeaky wheel gets the grease
ploramiques: ploramiques — crybaby
- plorar
- fer plorar
- be worthless, a waste of time, deplorable
- fer plorar les pedres
- be heartrending, heartbreaking, moving, touching
- plorar a llàgrima viva
- sob/cry one's eyes out
- plorar com una Magdalena
- sob/cry one's eyes out
- plorar d'un ull
- cry/shed crocodile tears
- plorar la mort d'algú
- to mourn for someone
ploricó: fer el ploricó — whimper, fuss, snivel; be a crybaby
- plou
- pertot es fan bolets, quan plou
- there've always been problems in the world
- tant si plou com si (no plou / fa sol)
- come what may, no matter what
- plouen
- com ara plouen figues!
- when pigs fly!; not at all!, not by any means!, no way!; not by a long (shot! [Am.] / chalk! [Br.])
- com ara plouen naps!
- horsefeathers!, poppycock!, fiddledeedee!; pull the other one (it's got bells on it)!
- ploure
- és tard i vol ploure
- hurry up, get a move on, get cracking
- fer com qui sent ploure
- act heedlessly, unconcernedly, offhandedly
- fer ploure
- look bad, make a bad impression
- fer tronar i ploure
- cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
- ploure a (bots i barrals / semalades)
- rain cats and dogs
- ploure sobre mullat
- it never rains but it pours
- sentir ploure
- ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- pluja
- cel rogent, pluja o vent
- red sky in the morning, sailor take warning
- com pluja menuda
- galore, in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- pluja batent
- a hard rain, rainstorm, tempest
- pluja d'idees
- brainstorming
poal: on va la corda va el poal — inseparable, thick as thieves
Pobla: fer tant de paper com en Palou a sa Pobla — be of no account/consequence
- pobre
- demanar no fa pobre
- there's no harm in asking
- pobre de mi!
- woe is me!
- pobre de tu!
- you'll be sorry!
pobret: pobret i alegret — without ambition
- poc
- a poc a poc i bona lletra
- slowly and carefully; slow but/and sure
- a poc a poc
- slowly, little by little
- a poc d'espai
- a short time/while later
- al cap de poc
- before long
- anar de poc
- have a close call/shave, a near thing, a narrow escape
- arribar poc enllà
- be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
- d'aquí a poc temps
- in a little while
- de poc
- almost, nearly
- després de poc
- before long
- entre poc i massa
- between two extremes
- entre poc i massa!
- let's not go overboard! don't overdo it!
- massa poc!
- (someone) had it coming!, (someone) was asking for it!
- ni poc ni gaire/gens
- not at all, not in the least
- no poc ni gaire
- a great deal, a lot (ex.: Vam beure no poc ni gaire = We drank a lot)
- poc més poc menys
- approximately, roughly
- poc o molt
- more or less
- qui molt abraça, poc estreny
- jack of all trades, master of none
- poca
- de poca munta
- low quality, second-rate, shoddy
- edat de la poca-solta
- adolescence
- molts boixets i poca punta
- much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
- ser un poca-solta
- be foolish, thoughtless, scatter-brained
pocapena: pocapena — shameless/brazen person
pocs: pocs i malavinguts — in short supply and quarrelsome
- poder
- a més no poder
- to the max, to the hilt, to an extreme, as much as possible
- no poder deixar de
- can't help [+gerundi]
- no poder dir ni fava
- be exhausted, done in, all in, dead tired
- no poder fer-hi més
- there be nothing one can do about it
- no poder matar tot el que és gras
- one can't always get all one wants; it's best not to (be too demanding / go to extremes)
- no poder pair
- 1 [no poder suportar/sofrir] can't stand/bear 2 [no oblidar] can't overlook/excuse/forget
- no poder suportar/sofrir
- can't stand/bear
- no poder tirar pilota a l'olla
- not be able to (make ends meet / get|scrape by)
- no poder valer-se
- not be able to (fend for / take care of) oneself
- no poder veure
- can't stand; feel animosity toward; be (at odds / at loggerheads / in conflict) with
- no poder-se acabar una cosa
- not get something through one's head; not be able to come to terms with something
- no poder-se agafar (una cosa) ni amb pinces
- be repugnant/revolting/disgusting
- poder comptar
- 1 [ser probable] (can/could) (count on / be assured) 2 [pensar] (can|could) imagine
- poder dormir tranquil
- not have to worry
- poder embolicar-se/confitar-se amb una fulla de pi quelcom
- (can/could) put/stick something where the sun don't shine [vulg.]
poders: per poders — by proxy
podeu: podeu pujar-hi de peus — you can be sure
- poll
- trepitjar a algú l'ull de poll
- step on someone's toes
- ull de poll
- [de peu] corn
- polla
- fill de la polla rossa
- favorite son
- suar la polla a algú [vulg.]
- bore one to tears; produce apathy or disdain
pollastre: anar (per a tu) el pollastre — it's your funeral; this is your affair
- polleguera
- (fer sortir / treure) algú de polleguera
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- sortir de polleguera
- lose one's temper, fly off the handle, see red; lose it
- pols
- fer pols
- destroy, demolish, do away with
- guanyar-se/obtenir a pols
- achieve through personal effort
- no fer ni pols ni remolí
- be innocuous, unoffending; be bland, insipid
- prendre el pols
- [fer un tempteig] test the waters
- un pols de
- a tiny amount, a smidgen, a wee bit, a scintilla
- pólvora
- córrer com la pólvora
- spread like wildfire
- gastar la pólvora en salves
- waste time and energy
- no haver inventat la pólvora
- not very intelligent; to be no rocket scientist; dumber than (a box of rocks / a sack of hammers)
- viu com la pólvora
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, on the ball
pom: calb com un pom d'escala — bald as (a billiard ball / an egg)
- poma
- guardar una poma per a la set
- set something aside, save something for a rainy day
- poma de la discòrdia
- bone of contention
pomes: tenir/fer cara de pomes agres — look hostile/unfriendly/angry
- pondre
- no saber on pondre
- in a muddle, at one's wits' end, up a stump, confused and irresolute
- pondre-li totes
- have an easy time of it; everything comes up roses
ponen: totes li ponen — be in luck, on a roll; everything coming up roses
ponent: de llevant fins a ponent — everywhere, far and wide, near and far, the world over
- pont
- cap de pont
- foothold, bridgehead (també beachhead)
- fer pont
- take Monday or Friday off when Tuesday or Thursday is a holiday
- popa
- anar (vent) en popa
- go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- de popa a proa
- fore and aft, from stem to stern
- de proa a popa
- fore and aft, from stem to stern
poques: en poques paraules — simply put, in short, to make a long story short
poqueta: a poqueta nit — at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- por
- agafar por
- be afraid/frightened/scared, to fear; chicken out, turn yellow
- cagar-se de por [vulg.]
- be (terrified / scared to death)
- de/per por que
- for fear that
- fer més por que una pedregada (seca)
- be frightening
- fer por
- to frighten, scare
- la por guarda la vinya
- it's best to take precautions; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- por cerval
- greatest fear
- posar la por al cos
- intimidate, frighten, bully, daunt
- porc
- de porc i de senyor, se n'ha de venir de mena
- from those born or raised in vulgar circumstances, acts of generosity are rare; it's easy to see the true piggish character behind someone pretending to be open and generous
- dir (a algú) el nom del porc
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, tell someone what's what, bawl someone out; give someone (what for / a dressing down / a piece of one's mind)
- donar més quefer que un porc solt
- be irksome/troublesome/bothersome (ex.: Organitzar aquesta festa m'ha donat més quefer que un porc solt = Organizing this party was really irksome)
- porcs
- cort de porcs
- pig sty
- donar/llençar perles als porcs
- cast pearls before swine
porgar: enviar/engegar a porgar fum algú — tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
porquer: l'estel porquer — Venus
- porra
- enviar/engegar a la porra algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- fer porra
- return from the hunt empty-handed
port: arribar a bon port — be successful, bear fruit, turn out well
- porta
- a porta oberta
- open-door (ex.: una reunió a porta oberta = an open-door meeting)
- agafar el camí de la porta
- leave, hit the road, make tracks, take off
- de pa i porta
- potluck
- en porta més al cap que als peus
- be three sheets to the wind
- entrar per la porta falsa
- get in through the backdoor
- entrar per la porta gran
- get the red carpet treatment; accede to office with all honors
- fer passar la porta a algú
- kick someone out
- peix que es porta l'oli
- quick-witted, clever, astute
- porta amb porta
- next door
- tancar la porta pels nassos
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
portant: agafar el portant — leave, beat it, make tracks
- portar
- ajudar algú a portar la creu
- help someone through trials and tribulations
- de tot portar
- casual wear; everyday
- portar a cap
- carry out
- portar a col·lació
- bring up, to broach; speak of/about, mention, refer to, call attention to
- portar a col·lació una cosa
- bring something up, introduce a topic
- portar a dida
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- portar (a dins / a la sang)
- be in one's blood
- portar a l'extrem
- take to extremes; go beyond reason
- portar aigua al mar
- carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
- portar algú a la barra
- take someone to court
- portar algú amb candeletes
- wait on someone hand and foot
- portar banyes
- have been (cuckolded / cheated on / betrayed)
- portar bé els anys
- not show one's age; appear younger than one is
- portar cua
- have consequences
- portar de cap
- have in mind
- portar dol
- be in mourning
- portar el rem/timó
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- portar els collons entre parentesis [vulg.]
- be bowlegged
- portar els comptes
- keep the books, do the bookkeeping
- portar els pantalons
- [família] wear the pants
- portar en joc
- put/bring into play; use, make the most of
- portar entre mans
- have a matter in hand
- portar l'aigua al seu molí
- be on the make, look out for one's own good, act in one's own self-interest
- portar la (bandera / batuta / veu cantant)
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- portar la casa a sobre
- be hard up, impoverished, needy, destitute
- portar la contra
- oppose, dispute; be disagreeable/cantankerous/contentious
- portar la veu cantant
- to be influential; to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- portar les calces
- [família] wear the pants
- portar les regnes
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- portar mal giny
- bring bad luck
- portar mala sort
- be a jinx
- portar un pa sota l'aixella
- be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- portar-se bé
- get along well, be compatible, hit it off
- portes
- a les portes de la mort
- at death's door
- a les portes de
- on the verge/brink of
- a portes tancades
- behind closed doors
- anar per portes
- go to pot, go to rack/wrack and ruin
- de portes enfora
- from the outside, on the surface, on the face of it, superficially
- estar a les portes de
- be on the verge of
- tancar les portes
- go out of business
ports: ports pagats fins a — carriage paid to
- posa
- de posa i treu
- removable, demountable
- posa't tranquil i fes-te retratar!
- don't hold your breath!
posant: posant per cas que — supposing that
- posar
- de posar i treure
- removable, detachable
- fer posar a algú els pèls/cabells de punta
- frighten, scare, shock someone; make someone's hair stand on end; put the wind up someone [Br.]
- no posar-se (cap pedra / pedres) al fetge
- not make a big deal of something, not worry about it
- penjar/posar la llufa a algú
- take advantage of someone
- posar a algú un cap com un tabal
- talk someone's ear off; annoy/upset someone by talking too much
- posar a caldo
- censure, chastise, blast, condemn
- posar a cobert
- 1 [abrigar] seek shelter, find safety 2 [de tiroteig] take cover
- posar a la picota algú
- show someone up, make a fool of someone; cut someone down to size
- posar a la venda
- put on the market, put up for sale
- posar a parir
- sharply/roundly/severely criticize; talk trash (about)
- posar a prova
- put to the test
- posar a punt
- get ready; lay the groundwork
- posar a ració
- ration out
- posar a ratlla
- hold/keep (at bay / in check / in line)
- posar a retxa/rotlle algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
- posar a to
- fine-tune, put in working order, tune up
- posar al corrent
- 1 [assabentar algú] inform someone, bring someone up to date/speed 2 [actualitzar quelcom] to update; bring something up to date
- posar al descobert
- give the lie to
- posar al dia
- to update; bring something up to date
- posar algú en un compromís
- embarrass someone, put someone on the spot
- posar (algú) sobre el pedestal
- put (someone) on a pedestal
- posar alt el llistó
- set the bar high
- posar anys
- get old/older
- posar arrels
- take root; settle down
- posar atenció a
- pay attention to, take notice of, heed
- posar banyes
- cuckold (una dona a l'home); commit adultery
- posar bastons a les rodes
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- posar bé
- [endreçar] put in order, tidy (up)
- posar bons sagins
- get fat, put on weight
- posar botiga
- start/open a business/shop
- posar call
- be a dab hand, have a knack
- posar carn
- gain weight; [posar-se gras] get fat
- posar casa
- take up residence, settle down
- posar cura
- take great care
- posar d'acord
- come to an agreement
- posar damunt la taula
- bring up, introduce
- posar de cara a
- to face
- posar de manifest
- make clear, state clearly/unequivocally/explicitly
- posar draps calents
- gloss over, whitewash, dissemble
- posar el carro davant els bous
- put the cart before the horse
- posar el cascavell al gat
- bell the cat; take a risk, perform a daring act
- posar el crit al cel
- complain loudly and bitterly, raise the roof, make a stink
- posar el dit a l'ull
- scrutinize, probe; keep tabs on
- posar el dit (a la llaga / al forat)
- hit the nail on the head, hit the bull's-eye/mark
- posar el (dogal al coll / jou) a algú
- enslave someone, keep someone under one's thumb
- posar els cinc sentits
- pay close attention
- posar els collons sobre la taula [vulg.]
- have the balls (to tell it like it is / to lay it on the line / not to beat around the bush) [vulg.]
- posar els peus plans
- be careful, take care, watch out, beware
- posar els peus
- set foot
- posar els punts sobre les is
- dot one's i's and cross one's t's; be precise, clearly specify
- posar els ulls en algú/quelcom
- set one's heart on someone/something, have designs on someone/something
- posar en acció/dansa/moviment
- deploy, put/bring forth, bring into play; get started/going, set in motion
- posar en circulació/ús
- introduce, bring out, come out with, set forth
- posar en clar
- clarify, make (perfectly clear / plain); throw light on
- posar en/de relleu
- emphasize, stress, highlight, point up
- posar en (dificultats / un compromís)
- discredit, jeopardize, endanger; get (someone) into trouble
- posar en dubte/entredit
- call into question; put in doubt, cast doubt on; not believe/trust
- posar en evidència
- 1 [demostrar] expose, lay bare, reveal 2 [a algú] make a fool of someone, show someone up
- posar en funcionament/marxa
- put into service/use, set in motion; initiate, start up
- posar en guàrdia/remull
- put on guard, alert, warn, tip off
- posar en joc
- put/bring into play; use, make the most of
- posar en mans de
- entrust to, turn/hand/give over to
- posar en obra
- carry out, achieve, perform
- posar en planta
- establish, authorize, constitute, enact
- posar en quarantena
- quarantine, isolate
- posar en qüestió
- call into question; put in doubt, cast doubt on; not believe/trust
- posar en ridícul algú
- make a fool of someone
- posar en solfa
- develop, work out, particularize, set down
- posar en ús
- introduce, bring out, come out with, set forth
- posar en valor
- emphasize, stress, highlight, point up
- posar enteniment
- gain maturity, become mature
- posar entre cella i cella
- have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
- posar entrebancs
- create obstacles
- posar esment a
- pay particular attention to
- posar fi a
- put an end to, stop, conclude
- posar fil a l'agulla
- to get started (on something), to get working (at something)
- posar fora de combat
- knock out; put/knock out of action
- posar fre
- stop, put a stop (to), hold up; impede, hinder
- posar greix
- get fat, gain weight
- posar interès en
- take an interest in
- posar l'accent en
- emphasize, stress, highlight, point up
- posar l'espatlla
- make an effort, lend a hand
- posar la barba a remullar
- prepare oneself, make/get ready
- posar la directa
- get a move on, afanyar-se
- posar la mà al foc
- be willing to swear (to something); to guarantee; be absolutely positive (about something)
- posar la mel a la boca (d'algú)
- get (someone's) hopes up
- posar la pell de gallina
- make one's hair stand on end
- posar la por al cos
- intimidate, frighten, bully, daunt
- posar les coses al seu lloc
- clarify matters, make things perfectly clear
- posar les mans al foc
- be willing to swear (to something); to guarantee; be absolutely positive (about something)
- posar llenya al foc
- add fuel to the fire, make matters worse
- posar mà a
- take up
- posar mà
- give a (helping) hand
- posar mal allà on no n'hi ha
- be suspicious without cause, be distrustful
- posar mal
- cause trouble
- posar mans a l'obra
- to get started on something, to get working at something
- posar panxa
- gain weight; [posar-se gras] get fat
- posar punt final a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- posar punya
- make an effort, take pains
- posar ratlla a
- limit, confine, restrict; do away with
- posar remei
- resolve, clear up, figure out
- posar tota la carn a la graella
- go all out (all-out), go whole hog ([Br.] go the whole hog)
- posar traves/taps
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- posar un capçal/capell a algú
- [fabricar proves perquè un innocent sembli culpable] to frame someone
- posar un pedaç
- patch, jury-rig (jerry-rig); provide a makeshift/stopgap solution
- posar verd algú
- insult/disparage someone; put/run someone down
- posar-hi call
- get used to something that at first was difficult
- posar-hi el coll
- do something with all one's might, give a hundred ten percent
- posar-hi més pa que formatge
- make a mountain out of a molehill; blow out of proportion; magnify, overdo, overstate
- posar-ho tot sobre una carta
- stake everything on one card
- posar-s'hi bé
- get comfortable
- posar-s'hi fulles
- have to lump it (ex.: si no els agrada que s'hi posin fulles = if they don't like it they can lump it)
- posar-se a fer
- start doing
- posar-se a la feina
- get to work
- posar-se a la pell de l'altre
- empathize; put oneself in someone else's shoes
- posar-se a la raó
- accede to, acknowledge, acquiesce; go along with
- posar-se a punt
- get ready, be prepared
- posar-se a to
- 1 [avenir-se] be agreeable, amenable, willing, well-disposed 2 [millorar] get better 3 [posar-se en forma] get in shape
- posar-se al lloc de l'altre
- put oneself in someone else's shoes
- posar-se al mig, com el dijous
- get in the way
- posar-se amb algú
- harass/bother/bully/hassle/annoy/badger someone
- posar-se bé
- 1 [amb algú] get on someone's good side, get in (good) with someone 2 [salut] get well 3 [menjar] agree with 4 [amb Déu] to confess (one's sins), go to confession
- posar(-se) bo
- get well
- posar-se com un gall de panses
- hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket, fly off the handle
- posar-se com una moto
- 1 [excitar-se] get excited, get turned on 2 [embogir] go crazy
- posar-se de llarg
- [presentar en societat] have a coming out party
- posar-se de panxa al sol
- procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing something
- posar-se de part d'algú
- take someone's side
- posar-se de punta
- fall out with
- posar-se dret
- stand up
- posar-se el món per barret
- forget one's worries/cares; be inconsiderate, neglectful, heedless
- posar-se en camí
- leave, get going, hit the road/trail, make tracks
- posar-se en contacte amb
- get in touch with
- posar-se en contra
- be opposed to
- posar-se fet una fúria
- hit the ceiling/roof, blow a gasket, fly off the handle
- posar-se galons
- blow one's own horn; to brag, to boast
- posar-se la mà al pit
- be honest/frank/sincere
- posar-se les calces d'algú
- dominate someone, make them do what one wants; usurp their authority
- posar-se les mans al cap
- throw one's hands up; get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
- posar-se les piles
- pull up one's socks, get one's act together, roll up one's sleeves
- posar-se on no el demanen
- meddle in, horn/butt in on, kibitz, stick one's nose/oar in
- posar-se tou
- burst with pride
- saber on posar els peus
- have one's head screwed on straight
- posat
- posat (cas) que
- in case, in the event that
- posat en raó
- reasonable, acceptable, fair, fitting, suitable
- tocat i posat
- thorough, fastidious, painstaking
posats: tenir els collons ben posats [vulg.] — be gutsy, stouthearted, strong-willed
posem: posem per cas que — let us suppose that
posició: prendre una posició — take a stand
posin: que es posin fulles! — they can lump it!
post: no tenir un pa a la post — be hard up, impoverished, needy, destitute
posta: a posta — on purpose
postal: codi postal — zip code [Am.]; postcode [Br.]
postres: per postres — to top it off; to make matters worse; what's more/worse; and as if that weren't enough
- pot
- al pot petit hi ha la bona confitura
- good things come in small packages
- fa més qui vol que qui pot
- where there's a will there's a way
- no es pot repicar i anar a la processó
- you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
- ser el pot de la pega
- be clumsy/ham-handed; be all thumbs
- pota
- cap i pota
- giblets
- ensenyar la pota
- show one's true colors; involuntarily reveal one's hidden intentions/agenda
- estirar la pota
- kick the bucket
- ficar la pota
- say something wrong, put one's foot in one's mouth
potència: a l'enèsima potència — to the nth degree
- potes
- caure-hi de quatre potes
- fall for something hook line and sinker; be completely taken in, be had
- de potes enlaire
- topsy-turvy, pell-mell, helter-skelter
- entre les potes dels cavalls
- denigrated, impugned, vilified
poti: poti-poti — mix-up, confusion, muddle, foul-up, tangle, chaos
- pots
- ja ho pots ben dir
- you said it, you said a mouthful
- pots pujar-hi de peus
- you can be sure
potser: potser que afluixis! — you're exaggerating!; take it easy!
- pou
- fer un pou
- to talk a lot; to gab/jabber/prattle; be long-winded
- pou de ciència
- bookworm, egghead; bookish person
precipitis: no et precipitis! — don't rush!, take your time!, easy does it!
- precs
- a precs de
- at the request of
- precs i preguntes
- question time
- predicar
- predicar amb l'exemple
- practice what one preaches
- predicar el que no es creu
- say one thing and do another
- predicar en el desert
- preach in the wilderness; give advice that isn't heeded
pregar: fer-se pregar algú — make someone beg/plead; play hard to get
preguntes: precs i preguntes — question time
premsa: tenir mala premsa — be notorious, have a bad reputation
- prendre
- anar a prendre l'aire
- take a walk/stroll, go for a walk/stroll
- engegar a prendre pel cul algú [vulg.]
- tell someone to piss off [vulg.], to fuck off [tabú]
- engegar a prendre pel sac algú [vulg.]
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- prendre a mal una cosa
- take something wrong, be offended
- prendre alè
- catch one's breath
- prendre algú per un altre
- take someone for someone else
- prendre bé
- take something well
- prendre candela
- butt/horn in, meddle, interfere
- prendre cartes
- intervene, take a hand
- prendre comiat
- take one's leave, say goodbye (to someone)
- prendre cos
- gain momentum, snowball, intensify
- prendre cura de
- take care of, care for
- prendre de cap d'esquila
- take an unreasonable dislike to
- prendre dels dits
- take (something) right out of (someone's) hands
- prendre el corrent
- get used to it
- prendre el número a algú
- pull someone's leg, fool/kid someone, put someone on
- prendre el número/pèl a algú
- pull someone's leg, fool/kid someone, put someone on
- prendre el pa d'algú
- deprive someone of a living; take the bread out of someone's mouth
- prendre el pols
- [fer un tempteig] test the waters
- prendre el sol
- sunbathe, lie in the sun
- prendre el vel
- take the veil, become a nun
- prendre estat
- get married
- prendre forma
- take shape
- prendre hàbit
- take orders, be ordained, enter the Christian ministry
- prendre l'acord de
- agree to
- prendre l'ofensiva
- go on the offensive
- prendre la a per la be
- be confused, bewildered, dazed, baffled
- prendre la fresca
- get a breath of fresh air
- prendre la fugida
- take flight
- prendre la mar
- go to sea
- prendre (la paraula / les cartes)
- speak, especially in a meeting
- prendre les aigües
- take the waters
- prendre mal
- get hurt, hurt oneself
- prendre malament
- take something wrong, become offended
- prendre marit
- take a husband
- prendre mesures
- take steps/action
- prendre model/patró de
- take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
- prendre muller
- take a wife
- prendre nota
- take into account, bear in mind; take note of
- prendre paciència
- be patient; be long-suffering, willing to endure
- prendre part
- 1 [intervenir] become involved, take (part / a hand) 2 [escollir] choose, (make / come to) a decision
- prendre partida
- take sides
- prendre partit
- become involved, take (part / a hand)
- prendre per model/patró
- take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
- prendre per patró
- take as a model/example; emulate, imitate
- prendre peu
- 1 [basar-se] use as a pretext, ground on 2 [començar] start
- prendre's a pit una cosa
- take something wrong, take (something) to heart, be offended
- prendre's la llibertat de
- take the liberty of
- prendre's la molèstia
- go out of one's way; bend over backward; go the extra mile
- prendre tanda
- wait and take one's turn
- prendre terra
- to land, to dock
- prendre un alè
- take a breather
- prendre un camí per altre
- lose one's way, go astray
- prendre una decisió
- make a decision
- prendre una posició
- take a stand
- prendre vela
- set sail
- prendre venjança
- get revenge, get even, pay back
- prendre vistes
- check out, investigate; give something the once-over
- prendre vol
- take flight; [avió] take off
- prendre volada
- take on an ambitious project
- prendre-s'ho (a la fresca / rient)
- laugh something off; not make a big deal of something, not worry about it; be indifferent
- prendre-s'ho a la valenta
- 1 [esforçar-se] do something with all one's might 2 [ofendre's] take it to heart
- prendre-s'ho amb calma
- take one's time; not rush into something
- prendre-s'ho de broma
- take it as a joke
preparar: preparar el terreny — lay the groundwork, pave the way
pres: partit pres — something already decided, decision made beforehand
- presa
- fer presa en
- seize, take possession of
- presa de pèl
- fraud, scam, cheat, hoax; crooked/shady deal
- tenir presa la mida (a algú)
- know where (one) is at [col·loq.]; to know and understand someone's proclivities
- presència
- fer acte de presència
- appear, show up, make an appearance, put in an appearance
- presència d'esperit
- presence of mind
- present
- de cos present
- 1 [difunt] to lie in state 2 in person
- fer present
- 1 [fer recordar] remind 2 [presentar-se] make an appearance, crop up
- tenir present
- remember, keep in mind
presentar: presentar/declarar concurs de creditors — [Br.] summon/call a meeting of creditors; [Am.] file for chapter 11
- pressa
- córrer/tenir pressa
- be in a rush/hurry
- de pressa
- in a hurry, in a rush, hurriedly
préssec: fer el préssec — make a fool of oneself
- prestar
- prestar atenció a
- pay attention to, take notice of
- prestar jurament
- take the/an oath
- prestar orella
- listen; take notice; lend an ear
- preu
- a baix preu
- low cost
- a bon preu
- for a good price
- a cap preu
- 1 [de cap manera] not a chance, no way, by no means, on no account 2 [molt barat] cheap, low cost
- a meitat de preu
- half price
- a preu fet
- piecework
- a tot preu
- without fail, come what may, no matter what, come hell or high water [vulg.], one way or another
- anar a preu fet
- be/go in a hurry, in a rush
- bé de preu
- popularly priced, worth the money
- no importa el preu
- money is no object
- no tenir preu
- be priceless, be worth its weight in gold
- pel mateix preu
- may/might as well; all things considered, all in all, everything being equal
- preu per preu, sabates grosses
- one may/might as well take the greater of the two
previsió: en previsió de — as a precaution against; in anticipation of
- prim
- de prim
- almost, nearly
- filar prim
- quibble, nitpick, split hairs
- mirar prim
- be scrupulous, principled, ethical, aboveboard, straightforward
- no mirar prim
- be unscrupulous, unethical, self-seeking, shifty
- prim com una canya
- thin as a rake; scrawny; skin and bones
prima: saber la prima — know all the details
primavera: la primavera la sang altera — springtime awakens the soul
- primer
- acabar primer el pa que la gana
- be ambitious, insatiable, rapacious
- de primer antuvi
- first of all, to begin with, before anything else
- de primer
- first of all, to begin with
- de primer moment
- at first, initially
- fer el primer pas
- take the first step
- primer de tot
- first of all, first off
- primer galant
- leading man
- primera
- a primera hora
- early (ex.: a primera hora a la tarda = early in the afternoon)
- a primera vista
- at first glance, at first blush
- amor a primera vista
- love at first sight
- de la primera volada
- callow, spring chicken, wet behind the ears, fledgling
- de primera
- excellent, tremendous, brilliant, outstanding, superb
- de primera impressió
- at first glance, at first blush
- de primera intenció
- 1 [espontàniament] on the spur of the moment, off the cuff 2 [provisionalment] for the time being, for the moment
- de primera mà
- firsthand
- de primera necesitat
- absolutely essential
- de primera!
- great! wonderful! fantastic!; brilliant! [Br.]
- fer la primera pesseta
- make a (lot of money / fortune / bundle)
- matèria primera
- raw material
- tirar la primera pedra
- throw/cast the first stone
primeres: primeres matèries — raw materials
primeria: a la primeria — at the beginning
primes: cobrament de primes — premium income
príncep: viure com un príncep — live the (life of Riley / good life)
principi: en principi — in theory, theoretically
principis: a principis de — early (ex.: a principis de segle XX = early in the twentieth century)
pro: en pro — in favor
- proa
- de popa a proa
- fore and aft, from stem to stern
- de proa a popa
- fore and aft, from stem to stern
problema: restar en peu (un problema / una oferta) — be pending/unsettled
- processó
- anar la processó per dins
- suffer in silence
- la processó va per dins
- said of the person who suffers in silence
- no es pot repicar i anar a la processó
- you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
producció: cadena de producció — production line
- profit
- bon profit li faci!
- little good may it do him!
- bon profit!
- bon apetit!, enjoy your meal!
- en profit de
- for the benefit of
- fer profit
- 1 [menjar] agree with 2 [assumptes] make good use of
- ser un sac de mal profit
- have a hollow leg; eat a lot but stay thin
projecte: projecte de llei — bill
promet: qui promet s'obliga — a promise is a promise
- prometre
- prometre (el món i la bolla / la lluna)
- promise the moon
- prometre la lluna en un cove
- make empty promises
promoure: promoure una acció — bring a lawsuit
prop: fer prop — get close
- propi
- caure pel seu propi pes
- go without saying, be obvious, be crystal clear, be plain as the nose on one's face
- tocar l'amor propi
- touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve
- pròpia
- de collita pròpia
- original
- de pròpia mà
- personally, in person, face-to-face
- tirar-se pedres a la pròpia teulada
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- propòsit
- a propòsit de
- with respect/regard to
- a propòsit
- opportunely, just in time, in the nick of time
- de propòsit
- on purpose, willfully, intentionally
proprio: motu proprio — on one's own initiative
- prou
- amb prou feines
- hardly, barely, scarcely
- de boca i prou
- all talk and no action
- ja n'hi ha prou (d'aquest color)!
- all right already!, enough already!, that's enough!
- no tenir prou boca
- not be able to say enough
- no tenir prou mans
- not be able to cope
- prova
- a prova de bomba
- sturdy, rock-solid; built to last
- a tota prova
- foolproof, guaranteed, sure-fire
- posar a prova
- put to the test
- prova de foc
- acid test
- prova del cotó
- acid test
- provar
- provar sort
- try one's luck
- provar ventura
- try one's luck
- proves
- correcció de proves
- proofreading
- passar per dures proves
- endure hardship, go through hell and high water [vulg.]
pruna: no dir ni piu/pruna — not say a word
pua: mala pua — scoundrel, troublemaker, evildoer, malefactor; [dona] bitch
- públic
- de domini públic
- widely known
- ordre públic
- law and order
pública: veu pública — public opinion
publicitari: panell publicitari — billboard
puc: de vull i no puc — fake, bogus, spurious; put on
- puces
- ase magre, ple de puces
- bad luck plagues the unfortunate
- buscar les puces
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- espolsar-se les puces
- shake/shrug off problems/difficulties
- haver-hi moltes maneres de matar puces
- there be more than one way to skin a cat
- tenir males puces
- be bad-tempered, irritable
- pudor
- fer pudor de cremat/socarrim
- arouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension
- fer pudor de
- smell of, stink of
pugna: en pugna — in opposition, against, in the fight
puja: puja aquí dalt! — don't make me laugh! you've got to be kidding!
- pujar
- podeu/pots pujar-hi de peus
- you can be sure
- pujar abrivat
- become proud; act haughty, high-and-mighty
- pujar al cap
- 1 [marejar] make one's head swim, make one dizzy 2 [envanir-se] have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself
- pujar com una carbassera
- grow like a weed
- pujar de to
- 1 [fer més intens] intensify, heat up 2 [tenir fums] speak condescendingly
- pujar dret
- bring up strictly, making children toe the line
- pujar els colors
- blush, turn red/crimson
- pujar els fums al cap
- have a swelled head; be puffed up, self-satisfied, full of oneself
- pujar la sang al cap
- lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof
- pujar-li (a algú) la mosca al nas
- take offense, get one's nose out of joint
pulmó: cridar a ple pulmó — shout/yell at the top of one's lungs
- pulmons
- cridar a plens pulmons
- shout/yell at the top of one's lungs
- respirar a plens pulmons
- breathe a sigh of relief
- punt
- a cada punt
- very often, again and again
- a punt de
- on the point of; about to
- a punt de solfa
- all set, ready to go, prepared
- en punt
- on the dot
- fer punt
- end, come to an end, conclude
- fins a (un) cert punt
- to (some / a certain) extent
- gènere de punt
- knitwear
- haver-hi un punt negre
- there be a risk/uncertainty
- posar a punt
- get ready; lay the groundwork
- posar punt final a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- posar-se a punt
- get ready, be prepared
- punt àlgid
- high point
- punt d'inflexió
- turning point
- punt de desacord
- bone of contention
- punt de llibre
- bookmark
- punt de mira
- 1 [arma de foc] sights 2 [objectiu] target, objective
- punt de partida
- starting line
- punt fort
- strong suit
- punt i a part
- period ([Br.] full stop) and new paragraph/line
- tan bon punt
- just as soon as
- tenir un punt de
- have a touch of
- tocar el punt sensible
- touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve
- punta
- a punta (d'alba / de dia)
- at the crack of dawn
- a punta d'espasa
- rigorously, strictly, stringently
- acabar en punta
- end badly, come to a bad end
- agafar (alguna cosa) per la punta que crema
- bark up the wrong tree
- estar de punta
- be at odds, be hostile/antagonistic
- fer posar a algú els pèls de punta
- frighten, scare, shock someone; make someone's hair stand on end; put the wind up someone [Br.]
- la punta de llança
- the cutting edge, avant-guarde, state-of-the-art
- molts boixets i poca punta
- much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
- posar-se de punta
- fall out with
- punta de coixí
- bobbin lace
- tenir (alguna cosa) a la punta de la llengua
- have something on the tip of one's tongue
puntada: una puntada de peu — a kick, a boot
puntades: a puntades de peu — ruthlessly, high-handedly, rudely
punteria: fer punteria — to aim; to set one's sights on
- puntetes
- caminar/anar de puntetes
- to tiptoe
- de puntetes
- on tiptoe
- punts
- donar punts
- sew stitches
- fer/guanyar punts
- 1 [guanyar favor] earn praise/admiration/respect, gain credit; get/earn/win brownie points 2 [superar] gain an advantage over
- posar els punts sobre les is
- dot one's i's and cross one's t's; be precise, clearly specify
- puny
- a cops de puny
- in haste, haphazardly, willy-nilly
- amb el cor al puny
- in suspense, sweating bullets, on pins and needles
- com un puny
- 1 huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous 2 very small, tiny, puny
- cop de puny
- punch
- petit com un cop de puny
- tiny
- tenir algú al puny
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir el cor en un puny
- be intimidated/scared/discouraged
punya: posar punya — make an effort, take pains
punyalades: cosir a punyalades — stab to death
- punyeta
- a la quinta punyeta
- in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
- fer la punyeta (a)
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- punyetes
- a fer punyetes
- get lost, go away, beat it, scram
- anar a fer punyetes
- [generalment imperatiu] get lost, go away, beat it, scram, fuck off [tabú]
- fer punyetes
- twiddle one's thumbs
punys: rosegar-se els punys — tear one's hair
pura: de pura pensa — intuitively, instinctively
- puta
- fer la puta i la Ramoneta
- be duplicitous, dissemble, play a double game, engage in double-dealing
- fill de puta [tabú]
- asshole/dickhead/douchebag [tabú]
putada: fer una putada [vulg.] — play a dirty trick, pull a fast one
putxinel·li: fer anar/ballar/voltar algú com un putxinel·li — dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place) |
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