| Dites visca!

Dites visca! Q

quadrat: cap quadrat[persona massa convencional] square

qual: tal qualas is

qualitat: en qualitat deas; in the role/capacity of

qualsevol: en qualsevol casin any case/event, at any rate

qualssevol: i qualssevoland everything else, and all the rest

quan les cabres tindran llana
when pigs have wings; when hell freezes over [vulg.]
quan no són figues són raïms
if it's not one thing, it's another
quan s'ha vist, tothom és savi
everyone is wise after the fact
qui no fa quan pot, no fa quan vol
opportunity doesn't knock twice
sempre i quan
as/so long as
en quant a
to the degree/extent that
quant a
when it comes to, with regard to, as for

quantitat: en quantitatin abundance/plenty

a les quaranta
at an inconvenient time, at a bad moment
cantar les quaranta a algú
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals

quarantena: posar en quarantenaquarantine, isolate

quart: quart i ajudahelp, rescue, deliverance

quarter: no donar quartergive no quarter

a tres quarts de quinze
at the wrong time, at a bad moment; tenir el cap a ~ = be in a muddle
no tocar quarts ni hores
be out to lunch, not in touch with the real world; crazy
a quatre passes
nearby, close-at-hand
a quatre ulls
two/both together; valen més quatre ulls que dos = two heads are better than one
amb quatre esgarrapades
carelessly, haphazardly, negligently, offhandedly
amb quatre grapades
in haste, haphazardly, willy-nilly
caure-hi de quatre potes
fall for something hook line and sinker; be completely taken in, be had
com dos i dos fan quatre
for sure/certain, no two ways about it
cridar als quatre vents
tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
de fa quatre dies
recently, a short time ago
de quatre grapes
on all fours
dir a algú quatre coses ben dites
chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
dir quatre fàstics a algú
tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
dir-ne a algú quatre de fresques
tell someone off, come down on someone, yell at someone
en quatre mots
simply put, in short, to make a long story short
menjar per quatre
eat like a horse; [despectivament] pig out
més de quatre
quite a few, many
quatre arreplegats
a bunch of goofballs
quatre (gats / i el cabo)
very few people
quatre ratlles
a short note
tenir quatre paraules
argue, quarrel, cross swords
tres són curtes i quatre són llargues
damned if you do, damned if you don't
el com i el què
the how and why, all the details
i algú, què?
what about someone?
no saber de què va
not have a clue; be ignorant, ill-informed; not know all there is to know
què carai? [vulg.]
what the hell? [vulg.], what the fuck? [tabú]
què dius?
come again?
què et passa?
what's eating you?, what's with you?
què hi fa!
it's all one!, it's all the same!
què hi farem?
there's nothing to be done; what can we do?
què hi ha de nou?
what's new?
què mana?
what can I do for you?
què s'empatolla?
what nonsense!
què sap el gat de fer culleres?
what does he/she know about it?
què sé jo?
how should I know?, search me!
ser un gran què
be very important
un no sé què de
a bit/hint/touch/trace of
donar més quefer que un porc solt
be irksome/troublesome/bothersome (ex.: Organitzar aquesta festa m'ha donat més quefer que un porc solt = Organizing this party was really irksome)
el que
1 [allò que] what 2 [aquell que] the one (that)
que Déu t'escolti
let's hope so! may it be so!
que el diable se m'emporti si...
may the devil take me if...
que (el, et, us, etc.) bombin!
he/you/they can lump it!
que és cas!
by no means!, absolutely not!, no way!
que es posin fulles!
they can lump it!
que jo sàpiga
as far as I know
que no sigui dit
for form's sake, to maintain appearances
que s'apanyi!
that's his lookout!
que s'arregli!
let him shift for himself!
que si naps, que si cols
blah blah blah, yammer yammer yammer

queda: toc de quedacurfew

quedar a la lluna de València
be disappointed/frustrated; be left in the dark; have one's hopes dashed
quedar amb les ganes
be frustrated/thwarted/disappointed
quedar amb un pam de nas
be disappointed
quedar com un drap brut
be put to shame; be disgraced
quedar com un rei
make a good impression
quedar corda
have enough energy left
quedar d'una peça
be surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
quedar de pasta de moniato
be surprised, astounded, astonished
quedar de pedra
be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
quedar en blanc
not understand a thing
quedar en deure
(be / end up) owing
quedar en paus
be even up, even-Steven
quedar enrere
be left behind
quedar escaldat
get one's fingers burned; to have learned one's lesson
quedar escurat/pelat/plomat
(be / end up) dead/flat broke
quedar lluït
look foolish
quedar malament
1 [quedar en situació difícil] come to grief 2 [fracassar] turn out badly, fail, come to nothing
quedar palplantat
be struck all of a heap, be struck dumb
quedar parat
1 [sorprendre's] be surprised, astounded, astonished 2 [aturar-se] get bogged down, get stuck
quedar tot (en fum de botges / en aigua de borratges)
come to nothing, go to waste
quedar-se a l'escapça
be frustrated, stymied, thwarted, foiled
quedar-se al pap
keep quiet, keep one's mouth shut
quedar-se amb la boca oberta
be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
quedar-se amb la mel a la boca
be (left) frustrated, thwarted, stymied
quedar-se amb un pam de nas
be in for a surprise
quedar-se curt
not say all one could
quedar-se en blanc
be at a loss, without a clue; have one's mind go blank
quedar-se fotut [vulg.]
be/get screwed [vulg.]
quedar(-se) per a vestir sants
become a spinster
quedar-se tan ample/tranquil
act nonchalant, be oblivious, act as if nothing has happened

quefer: donar més quefer que un porc soltbe irksome/troublesome/bothersome (ex.: Organitzar aquesta festa m'ha donat més quefer que un porc solt = Organizing this party was really irksome)

mal de queixal
queixal de seny
wisdom tooth

queixalada: fer una queixaladahave a snack

queixals: treure foc pels queixalsbe furious, hopping mad, fit to be tied

queixos: menjar a dos queixoseat like a horse; [despectivament] pig out

el quid de la qüestió
the crux of the matter
la clau de la qüestió
the crux of the matter
posar en qüestió
call into question; put in doubt, cast doubt on; not believe/trust
ser qüestió de
be a matter of
a qui pot més
as hard/fast as one can
com qui diu
as they say
com qui no diu res
as if it were nothing, as if it had no importance
com qui no vol la cosa
pretending a lack of interest
fer com qui sent ploure
act heedlessly, unconcernedly, offhandedly
qui demana?
who's there?, who is it?
qui dia passa, any empeny
1 by resolving small everyday problems, longterm problems can be resolved 2 in the long run we'll have to deal with problems we try to ignore in the present
qui dóna rebre espera
those who give expect something in return
qui és fill del gat, li retira de la cua o del cap
like father, like son
qui estigui lliure de culpa, que tiri la primera pedra
he that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone
qui fa un cove fa un paner/cistell
he who steals a penny will steal a pound
qui ho diria!
who would have thought (it)!
qui ho havia de dir!
who would have thought (it)!
qui la fa la paga
you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
qui mal fa, mal pensa
he who does wrong will expect others to do so
qui mal no fa, mal no pensa
he who does no wrong expects the same of others
qui matina fa farina
the early bird gets/catches the worm
qui més qui menys
qui més t'estima et farà plorar
you always hurt the one you love
qui molt abraça, poc estreny
jack of all trades, master of none
qui no corre, vola!
get with it or you'll lose out!
qui no fa quan pot, no fa quan vol
opportunity doesn't knock twice
qui no plora, no mama
the squeaky wheel gets the grease
qui no s'arrisca, no pisca
nothing ventured, nothing gained
qui no té feina, el gat pentina
people with idle time will do most anything to fill it
qui no té memòria ha de tenir cames
one would forget one's head if it weren't screwed on
qui no té un all, té una ceba (al qui no li passa una cosa li'n passa una altra)
if it's not one thing, it's another
qui no vulgui pols que no vagi a l'era
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
qui oli mesura/remena, els dits se n'unta
he who deals with money is often tempted to keep some for himself
qui paga mana
who pays the piper calls the tune
qui parla!
look who's talking!
qui posarà el cascavell al gat?
who will bell the cat?, who will perform this daring act?
qui t'empeny que tant rodoles?
who rattled your cage?
qui té cua de palla s'encén
if the shoe fits, wear it
qui tot ho vol, tot ho perd
grasp all, lose all
qui-sap-lo (i variants)
1 in great quantity 2 to a great degree

Quica: ca la Quicaa madhouse; bedlam

quid: el quid de la qüestióthe crux of the matter

quieta: a la quietaon the quiet, furtively, hush-hush, behind closed doors

quimbambes: a les quimbambesfar away

quimera: passar quimerahave qualms, be worried/disturbed/troubled

de quin pa fas rosegons!
count your blessings!, appreciate what you have!
quin fàstic!
how awful! how disgusting!
quin horror!
how horrible/terrible/dreadful/ghastly!
quin marro!
what a mess!
quin món de mones!
what a crazy world!
quin remei!
there's no help for it!
quina ceba/pebre li fa coure els ulls?
what is he/she complaining about?
quina emoció!
what a thrill!, how exciting!
quina gràcia!
how funny!, how amusing!
quina il·lusió!
how thrilling!, how exciting!
quina llauna!
what a drag!
quina llet!
what luck!
quina merda! [tabú]
shit! [tabú], what (a bunch of) crap! [vulg.]
quina mosca (t'ha, l'ha, etc.) picat?
what's eating (you/him/her, etc.)?
quina pega!
what bad luck!
quina planxa!
how embarrassing!; what a gaffe/boner/blunder!; I really put my foot in my mouth!

quins: quins collons! [vulg.] — 1 [admiratiu] what balls!, what guts! 2 [descarament] what nerve/gall!

quinta: a la quinta forca/punyetain the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond

Quinze: l'any d'en Quinzelong ago, in times past, never

a tres quarts de quinze
at the wrong time, at a bad moment; tenir el cap a ~ = be in a muddle
d'avui en quinze
in two weeks, two weeks from now; in a fortnight

quitrà: negre com el quitràblack as night/coal/pitch

quòniam: tros de quòniamblockhead, bonehead, dolt, numskull, twit | Dites visca!