Dites visca!
Dites visca! R
- rabent
- anar rabent
- to hurry, be in a rush
- sortir rabent
- get off to a flying start
- ràbia
- fer ràbia
- bother, annoy, infuriate, exasperate
- mort el gos, morta la ràbia
- dead dogs don't bite
ració: posar a ració — ration out
- racó
- deixar de racó
- leave out of account, ignore, cold-shoulder, overlook, scorn
- fer racó
- save up, put by
- racó de món
- corner of the world
- rai
- això rai!
- no problem!, no sweat!, don't worry!, that's not important!
- encara rai
- thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
- malament rai!
- worse luck!
- raig
- a bell raig
- galore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- a raig fet
- 1 abundantly, in a big way 2 incessantly 3 spontaneously, without forethought, off the top of one's head
- d'un raig
- without a break, uninterruptedly, without stopping
- un raig d'esperança
- a ray of hope
- un raig d'hòsties
- a thrashing, a shellacking, a battering
- un raig de
- a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
raïm: mitja figa, mig raïm — dubiously, ambiguously, indefinitely; neither fish nor fowl
raïms: quan no són figues són raïms — if it's not one thing, it's another
- raja
- d'on no n'hi ha no en raja
- one can't get blood from a stone/turnip
- tal com raja
- any old way; [abandonant la prudència] throwing caution to the wind
rajada: tenir el fetge de rajada — be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
rajaploma: a rajaploma — spontaneously, without forethought, off the top of one's head
- ral
- cara de pa de ral
- moon-faced
- un lladre de camí ral
- a common thief, punk, swindler
- ram
- plegar el ram
- give up (the ship), bail/bow/drop out
- ram d'aigua
- downpour, cloudburst, deluge
- ser del ram de l'aigua
- be gay/homosexual
ramat: un ramat de — a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
rambla: criar-se com els arbres de la rambla — grow up wild
rampells: a rampells — capriciously, whimsically; erratically, eccentrically
rancor: guardar rancor — hold/have/bear a grudge
randa: fil per randa/agulla — in detail, thoroughly, exhaustively
rang: d'alt rang — eminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable
- raó
- a raó de
- at a/the rate of
- amb raó
- rightly so, with good reason
- contra tota raó
- unreasonably, senselessly, inexcusably, indefensibly, unjustifiably
- donar la raó a
- agree with, go along with; accept/admit/acknowledge that someone is right
- donar raó de
- provide (information / an explanation) about
- entrar en raó
- see the light
- estar carregat de raó
- be absolutely in the right
- per raó de
- because of, owing to, due to
- perdre la raó
- 1 [enfollir] lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end 2 [descontrolar-se] lose control of oneself, lose one's grip, go out of control
- posar-se/venir a la raó
- accede to, acknowledge, acquiesce; go along with
- posat en raó
- reasonable, acceptable, fair, fitting, suitable
- raó de pes
- compelling reason
- raó de ser
- raison d'être
- raó petitòria
- cause of action
- sense raó
- for no good reason
- ser de raó
- be only right
- tenir més raó que un sant
- be absolutely right
- tenir raó
- to be right
- raons
- anar-se'n en raons
- beat around/about the bush
- avenir-se a raons
- listen to reason
- buscar/cercar raons
- infuriate, exasperate, aggravate, rile, anger
- busca-raons/cerca-raons
- contrarian, troublemaker, squabbler, quarreler
- estar a raons
- to chat, to talk
- fer passar (algú) amb raons
- give someone the runaround; make excuses
- moure raons
- cause problems, make trouble
- no entendre's de raons/romanços
- not listen to reason
- raons d'estat
- the national interest
- tenir raons
- argue, quarrel, bicker, squabble
rara: rara avis — maverick, oddball, odd bird; exception to the rule
raro: fer un raro — throw a tantrum
- ras
- (a camp / al) ras
- in the open
- clar i ras
- straight out, emphatically, with no ifs, ands or buts
- ras i curt
- short and to the point, short and sweet
- ras i llis
- 1 [fàcilment] easily 2 [a la clara] frankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush
- rastre
- ni el rastre
- neither hide nor hair
- perdre el rastre
- lose track
- rata
- rata de biblioteca
- bookworm
- rata de sagristia
- very devout person
- una rata sàvia
- a know-it-all
ratera: caure a la ratera — fall for something, be completely taken in, be had, fall like a ton of bricks
- rateta
- a gat vell, rateta tendra
- older men are attracted by younger women
- fer la rateta
- reflect sunlight off a mirror
- ratlla
- a la ratlla de
- about, around, approximately
- fer (creu i) ratlla a
- have nothing more to do with, have done with, give the boot to
- mantenir/posar a ratlla
- hold/keep (at bay / in check / in line)
- passar ratlla
- cross/scratch/strike out
- passar(-se) de la ratlla
- overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
- posar ratlla a
- limit, confine, restrict; do away with
- tenir (algú) a ratlla
- keep (someone) in line
- ratlles
- llegir entre ratlles
- read between the lines
- quatre ratlles
- a short note
ratolins: quan el gat no hi és, els ratolins ballen — when the cat's away the mice will play
ratxa: mala ratxa — losing streak
ratxes: a ratxes — by fits and starts, off and on
rau: rau-rau — 1 [panxa] growling 2 [consciència] pangs of conscience
raure: anar a raure a — head to; end up in/at
rauxes: a rauxes — erratically; on-again, off-again; by fits and starts
- rave
- agafar el rave per les fulles
- take something (the wrong way / personally)
- dret com un rave
- bolt upright, straight as a die
- importar un rave
- be irrelevant, insignificant, unimportant; to not care less (ex.: m'importa un rave = I couldn't care less)
- un rave fregit
- nothing at all; horsefeathers!, poppycock!, fiddledeedee!
realitat: en realitat — actually
rebat: per rebat — to wind/finish up; as a finishing touch
- rebentar
- petar-se/pixar-se/rebentar-se/trencar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- rebentar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
reblar: reblar el clau — clinch it, hammer it home, bring it to a conclusion
rebombori: armar un rebombori — raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
rebot: de rebot — on the rebound
- rebre
- qui dóna rebre espera
- those who give expect something in return
- tocar el rebre
- be in for it
rebut: qui gemega, ja ha rebut! — that's life!; that's the way the (ball bounces / cookie crumbles)!
- recanvi
- de recanvi
- spare (ex.: roda de recanvi = spare tire)
- peça de recanvi
- spare part
- roba de recanvi
- a change of clothes
- recapte
- dóna recapte a casa teva!
- mind your own business!
- donar recapte a
- take care of, deal with
- recer
- a recer de
- sheltered from
- a recer
- under cover, sheltered
recerca: a la recerca de — in search of
recollir: recollir el guant — accept the challenge
recony: recony! [vulg.] — son of a bitch!, damn!, holy shit! [tots vulg.]
recordar: no recordar-se de Santa Bàrbara fins que trona — be ungrateful, unappreciative
records: donar records a algú de part de — give one's regards to someone; say hello to someone for someone
recta: en línia recta — straight, in a line; orderly
- recules
- a/de recules
- backwards, backing up
- caminar de recules
- walk/go backwards
reculons: a/de reculons — backwards, backing up
recurs: com a últim recurs — as a last resort
redols: a redols — sporadically, by fits and starts
redós: a redós/redossa — under cover, sheltered
redossa: a redós/redossa — under cover, sheltered
reflux: flux i reflux — ebb and flow
refredar: deixar refredar una cosa — postpone, put something off; put something on hold
refredat: agafar un refredat — catch a cold
refresc: de refresc — in reserve
refrescar: refrescar la memòria d'algú — remind someone; refresh someone's memory
regadora: veu de regadora — a hoarse/raspy/gravelly voice
regalada: a la regalada — in comfort, in luxury, affluently, opulently
regalar: regalar les orelles — flatter, sweet-talk, play up to
- regirar
- regirar l'estómac
- make one sick (to one's stomach); make one nauseous
- regirar-ho tot
- make a big/major/dramatic change
- regirar-se un peu
- twist one's ankle
- regirar-se-li la bilis
- bother/annoy/irritate someone; rub someone the wrong way
- regla
- en regla
- in order
- l'excepció que confirma la regla
- the exception that proves the rule
- per regla general
- as a rule
regna: a regna solta — at will, at liberty, without restrictions
- regnes
- afluixar les regnes
- ease up/off, let up, slacken
- agafar les regnes
- take/gain/get control
- portar les regnes
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- rei
- a cos de rei
- with complete satisfaction of all desires
- parlant del rei de Roma
- speak of the devil
- peu de rei
- caliper
- quedar com un rei
- make a good impression
- tenir un rei al cos
- be arrogant, be high and mighty
- viure com un rei
- live the (life of Riley / good life)
reina: reina santíssima! — good heavens!, my goodness!
reixes: entre reixes — behind bars
relació: en relació amb/a — when it comes to, with regard to, as for
relegar: relegar a l'oblit — relegate to obscurity
- relleu
- de gran relleu
- of great importance
- posar en/de relleu
- emphasize, stress, highlight, point up
rellisca: can pixa (i rellisca) — a madhouse
- rellotge
- com un rellotge
- right on time
- contra rellotge
- [esport] against the clock
- treballar contra rellotge
- work against the clock
- rem
- a rem i vela
- as fast as possible, flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt
- a tot rem
- as fast as possible, flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt
- ficar el rem
- blunder, make a fool of oneself, put one's foot in one's mouth; put one's foot in it [Br.]
- portar el rem
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
remà: a remà — inconvenient, troublesome, out of one's way
- remei
- el remei és pitjor que la malaltia
- the cure is worse than the disease
- ni per remei
- not even a little/bit
- no haver-hi altre remei
- there be no other choice; be inevitable, unavoidable
- no tenir més remei que
- can't help [+gerundi]
- no tenir remei
- there's no help for it
- posar remei
- resolve, clear up, figure out
- quin remei!
- there's no help for it!
- ser pitjor el remei que la malaltia
- the cure is worse than the disease
remeis: als grans mals, grans remeis — desperate times call for desperate measures
- remenar
- per triar i remenar
- in abundance, galore
- remenar la cua
- make one's presence felt/known
- remenar la perdiu
- waste time over an affair; procrastinate, delay
- remenar les cireres
- call the shots, be in control, have the last word, have the final say
remitjó: i remitjó — and then some
remolí: no fer ni pols ni remolí — be innocuous, unoffending; be bland, insipid
remoure: remoure cel i terra — move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
remull: posar en remull — put on guard, alert, warn, tip off
remullar: posar la barba a remullar — prepare oneself, make/get ready
renda: viure de renda — live on interest income
rendir: rendir culte a — worship, honor, glorify, exalt, put on a pedestal
renecs: dir renecs — swear, curse, cuss; be foul-mouthed
- renegar
- renegar com un carreter
- swear like a (sailor [Am.] / trooper [Br.])
- renegar com un oriol
- swear like a sailor
renoi: renoi! — holy Moses/Toledo/cow/smoke/cats!, good heavens!
- rentar
- rentar la cara a
- to suck up to [vulg.], to brown-nose [vulg.], fawn on
- rentar la cara amb un drap brut
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- rentar-se les mans de
- wash one's hands of [cf. Mateu 27:24]
rentatge: rentatge de cervell — brainwashing
renyines: moure renyines — cause problems, make trouble
renyit: estar renyit amb algú — (be at odds / have had a falling out) with someone
- repartir
- repartir hòsties
- hit out, lash out, attack
- repartir llenya
- attack, assault, light into
- repèl
- a repèl
- against the grain, counter to, at odds with
- venir a repèl
- be troublesome/bothersome/distasteful
repetir: repetir com un lloro — to parrot
repicar: no es pot repicar i anar a la processó — you can't have your cake and eat it too; you can't have it both ways
repicó: i repicó — and then some
reprendre: reprendre el fil — take up where one has left off
- res
- abans que res
- first of all, before anything else
- com aquell que (no fa) res
- playing dumb, pretending not to understand
- com aquell qui res
- playing dumb, pretending not to understand
- com qui no diu res
- as if it were nothing, as if it had no importance
- com si res
- 1 [sense tenir en compte el que ha passat] unconcernedly, offhandedly 2 [sense tenir en compte el que hom ha dit] heedlessly
- de res!
- it's nothing!, not at all!, no problem!
- en un no res
- right away, immediately
- en un tres i no res
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
- no comptar per a res
- be good-for-nothing, useless, worthless
- no deixar res per verd
- 1 [exhaustiu] leave nothing undone 2 [acaparar] to hoard
- no dir res a algú
- [no produir cap impressió] leave someone cold
- no estar-se de res
- not deny oneself anything
- no hi fa res
- it doesn't matter, it isn't important; never mind
- no m'hi va res
- it means nothing to me
- no n'has de fer res!
- none of your business!
- no pintar-hi res
- play no role (in a business, an affair, etc.); to have no say
- no tenir res a veure amb
- have nothing to do with
- no treu cap a res
- not amount to anything; be useless, irrelevant
- no treure cap a res
- be beside the point, be neither here nor there
- res de l'altre món
- nothing special
- val més això que res
- it's better than nothing
respectar: fer-se respectar — cause others to respect one
respecte: al respecte — on this point
respirar: respirar a plens pulmons — breathe a sigh of relief
respostes: tornar respostes — talk back
ressò: fer-se ressò de — tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
ressopó: fer ressopó — have a midnight snack
resta: la resta són trons — the rest is secondary; nothing else matters/counts
- restar
- no restar a la saga
- not be left behind
- restar com qui veu visions
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- restar de pedra
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- restar en
- agree (on)
- restar en peu (un problema / una oferta)
- be pending/unsettled
- restar glaçat
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
restret: anar restret — be constipated
resultes: de resultes de — as a consequence of
resum: en resum — summing up, to sum up
retard: de retard — delayed
retenir: retenir la llengua — hold one's tongue
retirada: batre's en retirada — retreat, fall back, give ground; turn tail
- retirar
- retirar de la circulació
- 1 [diners] withdraw from circulation 2 [arraconar] set aside, get rid of
- retirar la paraula
- 1 [desdir-se] go back on one's word 2 [excusar-se] apologize; take back what one has said
- retop
- de retop
- on the rebound, indirectly
- no tenir retop
- there be no two ways about it
- retre
- retre compte
- give an account of; justify, provide (information / an explanation) about, substantiate
- retre culte a
- worship, honor, glorify, exalt, put on a pedestal
- retre l'ànima a Déu
- give up the ghost, meet one's Maker
retrets: fer retrets a algú — take someone to task; to reproach, admonish, rebuke someone
retruc: de retruc — on the rebound, indirectly
retxa: posar a retxa/rotlle algú — make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
retxes: fer retxes dins l'aigua — make an effort (in vain / fruitlessly); to spin one's wheels
- reüll
- de reüll
- out of the corner of one's eye
- mirar de reüll
- look askance (at)
reverència: fer una reverència — to bow
- revés
- al revés
- backwards, upside down, inside out, back to front
- al revés de
- the opposite of
reveure: a reveure! — so long!, see you later!, goodbye!
revisió: en revisió — under review
reviure: fer reviure — revive, breathe new life into, revitalize
revolada: d'una revolada — impulsively, impetuously, rashly, hotheadedly, recklessly
rialles: barret de rialles — barrel of laughs; buffoon, joker, wag
ribot: passar el ribot — emend, touch up (ex.: Valdria la pena passar el ribot a aquest article = It would be worth touching up this article)
- ric
- fastigosament ric
- filthy rich
- fer-se ric
- get rich, become wealthy
- més ric que un grill
- richer than Croesus
- ridícul
- fer el ridícul
- make a fool of oneself
- posar en ridícul algú
- make a fool of someone
- rient
- prendre-s'ho rient
- laugh something off; not make a big deal of something, not worry about it; be indifferent
- rient rient
- before one knew it; what with one thing and another
- (tot) rient, rient
- before you know it
rifeta: anar tirant de la rifeta — live the life of Riley
- rigor
- amb tot rigor
- meticulously, scrupulously
- de rigor
- de rigeur, conventional, necessary, fitting
- en rigor
- strictly speaking, actually
ris: fer un ris — loop the loop
- risc
- a risc de
- at the risk of
- córrer el risc
- take a chance, take a gamble
- riu
- fer un riu
- take a piss/leak, go to the bathroom/toilet, to pee
- la sang no arribarà al riu
- it's not that big a deal
- més corre una gota de sang que un riu d'aigua
- blood is thicker than water
- riure
- compixar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- de per riure
- facetiously, jokingly, offhandedly, in jest
- escapar-se el riure
- laugh involuntarily
- esclafir el riure
- burst out laughing
- fer riure
- to be absurd
- fer-se un panxó de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- no ser cosa de riure
- be no laughing matter
- partir-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- petar-se/pixar-se/rebentar-se/trencar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- riure de les dents enfora
- force a laugh
- riure (per les butxaques / pels colzes)
- laugh heartily, uproariously
- riure per sota el nas
- laugh up one's sleeve
- riure's del món
- be carefree and untroubled
- riure's del mort i del qui el vetlla
- make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
- riure's del sant i de la festa
- make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
- roba
- a frec de roba
- point blank
- haver-hi roba estesa
- there are children present; little pitchers have big ears
- nedar i guardar la roba
- play both ends against the middle; profit from a situation without risking oneself or making a commitment
- roba de recanvi
- a change of clothes
- tanta roba i tan poc sabó (i tan neta que la volen)
- so much to do and so little to do it with
robar: robar hores al son — burn the midnight oil, work day and night
robat: tenir el cor robat — to have had one's heart stolen (ex.: Ella em té el cor robat = She has stolen my heart)
Robert: fer el negoci d'en Robert de les cabres — get swindled, get conned, make a bad deal
roc: guardar-se un roc a la faixa — have an ace in the hole, have something put aside/away
Roc: com sant Roc i el gos — inseparable, thick as thieves, hand in glove
Roca: anar a veure el senyor Roca — go to the bathroom/restroom; see a man about a dog
roca: fort com una roca — solid as a rock
roda: fer la roda — [ocell] spread its tail
rodament: rodament de cap — vertigo, dizziness, giddiness, lightheadedness
- rodar
- engegar a rodar algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- engegar a rodar alguna cosa
- ruin, destroy, wreck something
- engegar-ho/enviar-ho/llançar-ho tot a rodar
- give up, throw in the towel, wash one's hands of it; say to hell with it [vulg.]
- fer rodar el cap a algú
- make someone's head swim
- rodar el cap a algú
- have one's head swim, feel dizzy (ex.: em roda el cap = my head is swimming)
- rodar món
- see the world
rodatge: en rodatge — in a trial period
- rodes
- anar sobre rodes
- go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- combregar amb rodes de molí
- to believe/swallow anything
- fer combregar amb rodes de molí
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- no poder anar ni amb rodes
- be useless/good-for-nothing/worthless
- no pot anar ni amb rodes
- there's no way that will work
- perquè el carro marxi, cal untar les rodes
- to obtain something, one must often pay or offer something in exchange
- posar bastons a les rodes
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- rodó
- caure rodó
- fall flat
- compte rodó
- round figures
- en rodó
- categorically, decidedly, absolutely
- fer rodó
- to top it off
- girar en rodó
- turn around
- no girar rodó
- be off one's head/rocker
- sortir rodó
- be successful, bear fruit, turn out well
- rodolons
- a empentes i rodolons
- arduously, laboriously
- a rodolons
- 1 [rodolant] rolling down 2 [de mala manera] badly, wrong
rogent: cel rogent, pluja o vent — red sky in the morning, sailor take warning
- Roma
- haver-hi molts camins per anar a Roma
- there be more than one way to skin a cat
- parlant del rei de Roma
- speak of the devil
- romanços
- deixar-se de romanços
- come/get to the point, get down to business, get down to brass tacks
- no em vinguis amb romanços (i acaba de sopar)!
- don't put me on!, don’t give me that jazz!, don't waste my time!
- no entendre's de raons/romanços
- not listen to reason
- no estar per romanços
- not have time to fool around
- romanços!
- horsefeathers!, poppycock!, fiddledeedee!
romeguera: trobar una romeguera — get held up, be delayed
rompent: al rompent de l’alba — at the break of day
- rompre
- rompre el dia
- break of day
- rompre el glaç
- break the ice
- rompre's el cap
- rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
- rompre's el coll
- break one's neck
- rompre's (la cara / l'esquena)
- make an effort, put oneself out, take pains, go out of one's way
ronda: anar de ronda — take a walk/stroll
ronsa: fer el/la ronsa — procrastinate, put off, shilly-shally
ronya: buscar ronya al cove — split hairs, nitpick, complicate things unnecessarily; quibble, be finicky and hard to please
- ronyó
- costar un ronyó
- cost an arm and a leg
- fer-se un ronyó d'or
- make a lot of money, make money hand over fist, do a land-office business
- tenir el ronyó cobert
- be a man of means; be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
- rosa
- fresc com una rosa
- fresh as a daisy
- novel·la rosa
- romance novel (ex.: Les novel·les roses tenen com a centre d'interès les relacions amoroses = The main focus of romance novels is on romantic love)
- veure-ho tot de color de rosa
- see the world through (rose-colored|rose-tinted) glasses
- rosari
- acabar com el rosari de l'aurora
- come to a bad end, come to grief, go up in smoke
- un rosari de
- a series/string of (ex.: Els periodistes li van fer un rosari de preguntes = The reporters asked him a series of questions)
- rosca
- canviar de rosca
- change the subject, go on to something else
- fer la rosca
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to[vulg.]
- passar de rosca
- go overboard, go to extremes
rosega: qui no té tall rosega els ossos — any port in a storm
- rosegar
- rosegar els ossos
- bear the brunt
- rosegar-se els punys
- tear one's hair
rosegons: fer rosegons (de) — disdain, scorn, disparage, hold in contempt
- roses
- camí/llit de roses
- bed of roses
- no hi ha roses sense espines
- there is no joy without pain
ròssec: a ròssec — dragging; crawling, on all fours
rossegons: a rossegons — dragging; crawling, on all fours
rostoll: com un barb en un rostoll — like a fish out of water, like a square peg in a round hole,
rota: no em rota — I don't feel like it
- rotlle
- fer fer rotlle
- have people widen the circle
- fer rotlle a algú
- pay attention to someone
- posar a retxa/rotlle algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
- posar a rotlle algú
- make someone (come to heel / toe the line)
- treure a rotlle
- trot out, bring up, come out with; [presumidament] flaunt, show off
- rotllo
- fer rotllo
- 1 [reunir-se entorn] surround, gather round 2 [formar rotllana] make a circle 3 [fer-se remarcar] make a strong impression, be influential
- tallar el rotllo
- put an end to the fun; be a (party pooper / killjoy / wet blanket)
- roure
- donar (un aglà / una gla) per fer cagar un roure
- give a little in order to get a lot back
- fort com un roure
- strong as an ox
- una gla fa un roure
- great/mighty oaks from little acorns grow
- rovell
- al rovell de l'ou
- right in the center
- el rovell de l'ou
- coses o persones preeminents
rua: a rua feta — in a line/group
- ruc
- alaba't ruc! (alaba't ruc que a fira et duc!)
- braggart!
- caure del ruc
- catch on, get the picture/idea, get it through one's head
- home casat, ruc espatllat
- a married man is even more useless than a bachelor
- més ruc que un sabatot
- dumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)
- no veure-hi tres dalt d'un ruc
- be blind as a bat
- rumb
- fer rumb a
- to head for
- perdre el rumb
- go astray, go adrift; lose one's way
- sense rumb
- aimlessly
ruta: full de ruta — roadmap
rutlla: tot rutlla — everything goes (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly) |
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