| Dites visca!

Dites visca! S

sa i condret
sa i estalvi
safe and sound

saba: saba novanew blood

allargar/estirar més el peu que la sabata
bite off more than one can chew
amb una sabata i una espardenya
on a shoestring
dur merda a la sabata [vulg.]
have bad/rotten/hard/tough luck
no arribar a la sola de la sabata d'algú
be clearly inferior to someone, not be anywhere near as good as someone
nosa a la sabata
pain in the neck
pedra a la sabata
pain in the neck
pixar-se a la sabata
dodder, drivel
trobar sabata de son peu
get one's (comeuppance / just desserts)
una pedra a la sabata
a pain in the neck; an aggravation/irritation
a cal sabater, sabates de paper (cap sabater calça bé)
the cobbler's children walk barefoot
més malalt que un sabater
sick as a dog
a cal sabater, sabates de paper (cap sabater calça bé)
the cobbler's children walk barefoot
a soleta de mitja (amb mitges calçades i sense sabates)
in one's stocking feet
preu per preu, sabates grosses
one may/might as well take the greater of the two

sabatot: més ruc que un sabatotdumber than a (box of rocks / sack of hammers)

sabatots: ni amb fum de sabatotsby no means, no way (shape or form), nothing doing, not on your life

sabedor: fer sabedor a algúlet someone know, make someone aware, communicate to someone

fer saber a algú
let someone know, make someone aware, communicate to someone
no saber a quin sant encomanar-se
be up a stump
no saber avenir-se'n
be baffled/puzzled/dumbfounded; be up a stump; not to be able to get over something
no saber d'on surten les misses
not know where the money comes from
no saber de (què va / la missa la meitat)
not have a clue; be ignorant, ill-informed; not know all there is to know
no saber ni la a
not know a thing; not know one's ass from a hole in the ground [vulg.]
no saber on ficar-se
feel mortified, ashamed, red-faced
no saber on girar-se
not know which way to turn
no saber on pondre
in a muddle, at one's wits' end, up a stump, confused and irresolute
no saber on té la cara
not know a thing; not know one's ass from a hole in the ground [vulg.]
no saber on té la mà dreta
be all thumbs; be clumsy/inept/ham-handed
no saber-se acabar una cosa
not get something through one's head; not be able to come to terms with something
saber amb qui es juga
know what one is getting into
saber bo
appeal to (ex.: Què li darem que li sàpiga bo? = What can we give him that will appeal to him?)
saber com les gasta algú
know how someone will react
saber comptar
know how to look after oneself; not be anyone's fool
saber de ciència certa
know for sure
saber de lletra
know how to read, be literate
saber de quin (mal pateix / peu es dol) algú
know someone well, know someone's weaknesses
saber de quin mal (s')ha de morir
know the score, understand the situation, be in the know
saber (de) quin peu calça algú
be onto someone
saber del cert
know for sure
saber del llim de les olles
know the score/ropes, know one's (way around / stuff)
saber el pa que s'hi dóna
know what to expect, know what the situacion is
saber greu
be sorry, remorseful; to regret
saber la lliçó
know the score/ropes, know one's (way around / stuff)
saber la prima
know all the details
saber on jeu el dimoni
know what's what
saber on jeu la llebre
know (the ropes / the score / what's what)
saber on posar els peus
have one's head screwed on straight
saber on té la mà dreta
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
saber quin pa hi donen
know (the ropes / the score / what's what); know one's (way around / stuff)
saber una cosa de dalt a baix
know something inside out
saber-la llarga
be shrewd, crafty, cunning, savvy; be sharp as a tack
saber-ne de cada mà
be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
saber-ne un niu/fum
know one's way around, be an expert
saber-se-les totes
know the score/ropes, know all there is to know, know one's (way around / stuff)
sentir tocar campanes i no saber on
to have a vague idea of something
si ho arribo a saber
if I had known it
vés a saber
I wonder, I'm not so sure

saberut: ser un saberutbe a know-it-all

donar sabó
compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole, suck up to [vulg.]
tanta roba i tan poc sabó (i tan neta que la volen)
so much to do and so little to do it with
al cul del sac es troben les engrunes
you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around
buidar el sac
get something (off one's chest / out of one's system)
caure com un sac
fall in a heap
caure en sac foradat
fall on deaf ears, go unnoticed, be ignored
cul de sac
cul-de-sac, dead end, blind alley
donar pel sac
to abuse, mistreat, exploit, take advantage of
engegar a prendre pel sac algú [vulg.]
tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
haver-hi gat en sac
there be something fishy, one smells a rat
l'home del sac
the boogeyman
no caure en sac foradat
not be ignored/overlooked
no diguis blat que no sigui al sac i ben lligat
don't count your chickens before they hatch
sac de gemecs
crybaby; [lit.] a kind of bagpipe
sac dels cops
butt, object of ridicule
sac i peres
the works, the whole ball of wax
ser al sac
be in the bag, a sure thing, all sewn up
ser el sac dels cops
be the butt, the object of ridicule
ser un sac de mal profit
have a hollow leg; eat a lot but stay thin
treure el gat del sac
clarify, make (perfectly clear / plain); throw/shed light on something
un sac d'ossos
very thin, skin and bones
un sac de carn

safareig: fer safareiggossip

safrà: fer safràplay hooky ([Br.] play truant); cut/skip class [Am.]

anar a la saga de
go in pursuit of
no restar a la saga
not be left behind

sagí: fer suar el sagí a algútire someone out, run someone ragged

sagins: posar bons saginsget fat, put on weight

sagnar: sagnar el corcut to the quick; pain the spirit, hurt the heart

sagramental: muntar/moure/armar/fer un sagramentalraise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar

sagristia: rata de sagristiavery devout person

la varietat és la sal de la vida
variety is the spice of life
negar el pa i la sal a algú
have nothing to do with someone
no tenir sal ni oli
be dim-witted; be slow on the uptake
per pa i per sal
galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion

sala: sala de curestreatment room

salat: fer salatbe late

salers: badar uns ulls com uns salersbe all eyes

curar-se amb saliva dejuna
be easily cured/remedied
empassar-se la saliva
contain oneself, bottle up one's anger
enganxar amb saliva dejuna
ineffectively (hooked / coupled / stuck together)
gastar saliva (en va)
waste one's breath
agafar salivera
be mouth-watering
fer venir a algú salivera
make one's mouth water
treure salivera
foam at the mouth

salsa: valer més la salsa que els caragolssomething secondary is worth more than the main thing

el cor d'algú fa un salt
one's heart skips/misses a beat
en un salt
in a flash
fer el salt
1 [no comparèixer] to stand someone up 2 [ser infidel] be unfaithful, philander, cheat on someone, sleep around
fer un salt el cor
have one's heart skip a beat; be startled, shocked, surprised

salta: estar a la que saltabe on the alert, on one's toes, on the lookout

saltador: estar al saltadorbe on the threshold

fer saltar la banca
break the bank
saltar a corda
skip rope
saltar a la vista
be obvious, self-evident
saltar als ulls
stick out a mile
saltar la llebre
reveal a secret, spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
beure a la salut d'algú
drink to someone's health, to toast someone
curar-se en salut
take precautions
salut de ferro
good health
salut i ben lluny!
good riddance!
tenir salut per vendre
be in very good health
tenir una mala salut de ferro
to be strong in spite of problematical health; to be impervious to untoward circumstances
salvar el cul
save one's ass [vulg.]
salvar els mobles
save the day
salvar la pell
save one's skin/hide
salvar les aparences
save face, keep up appearances
salvar-se de la crema
avoid what others are suffering; escape the negative effects that others have been subject to

salves: a mans salvessafely, without danger

a sang calenta
impulsively, impetuously, rashly, hotheadedly, recklessly
a sang freda
in cold blood
a sang i a foc
by fire and sword
allà on no hi ha sang, botifarres no s'hi fan
blood is thicker than water
àvid de sang
de sang blava
blue-blooded, belonging to the aristocracy
de sang i fetge
blood and guts
encendre la sang
1 stir one's blood 2 annoy/bother/irritate; get on one's nerves
fer bullir a algú la sang
make one's blood boil
fer mala sang
annoy/bother/irritate; get on one's nerves
fer-se mala sang
get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
la primavera la sang altera
springtime awakens the soul
la sang mai es torna aigua
blood is thicker than water
la sang no arribarà al riu
it's not that big a deal
la sang tira molt
blood is thicker than water
més corre una gota de sang que un riu d'aigua
blood is thicker than water
no tenir sang a les venes
be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed
portar (alguna cosa) a la sang
be in one's blood
pujar la sang al cap
lose one's temper, fly off the handle, hit the ceiling/roof
suar (sang i aigua / fel)
sweat blood
tenir mala sang
be malicious, hateful, nasty, wicked
tenir sang d'orxata
be sluggish, lethargic, listless
tenir sang de peix
be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed

sanglot: fer un sanglotto hiccough (hiccup)

Divendres Sant
Good Friday
durar de Nadal a Sant Esteve
short-lived, ephemeral, fast fading
estiuet de Sant Martí
Indian summer
treure el Sant Cristo gros
make every effort, go all out, pull out all the stops
alt com un sant Pau
tall as a tree
anar en el cavall de sant Francesc
go on foot
arc de sant Martí
caure del cavall, com sant Pau
see the error of one's ways
com sant Roc i el gos
inseparable, thick as thieves, hand in glove
despullar un sant per a vestir-ne un altre
rob Peter to pay Paul
durar com la bóta de sant Ferriol
last forever
en un sant-i-amén
quickly, fast; in no time
fet un sant llàtzer
bedraggled, battered, beat up
no saber a quin sant encomanar-se
be up a stump
no ser sant de la devoció d'algú
not be someone's cup of tea
on sant Pere va perdre l'espardenya
in the middle of nowhere, in the boondocks, in/at the back of beyond
pagant, sant Pere canta
money talks
riure's del sant i de la festa
make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
sant i senya!
give the password!
(sant) tornem-hi!
1 [reprendre una activitat] back to work! 2 [repetició inoportuna] here we go again!
tenir més raó que un sant
be absolutely right
tot el sant dia
constantly, neverendingly, forever

Santa: no recordar-se de Santa Bàrbara fins que tronabe ungrateful, unappreciative

santes: i santes pasqües!and that's it!, that's all she wrote!

santíssima: reina santíssima!good heavens!, my goodness!

sants: quedar(-se) per a vestir santsbecome a spinster

Sants: entre Tots Sants i Manresabetween these two places occur whatever one considers to be highly improbable; "you're pulling my leg"

saó: en saóin season

ja se sap
of course, as expected, just what I thought
no se sap mai
you never know
què sap el gat de fer culleres?
what does he/she know about it?
qui-sap-lo (i variants)
1 in great quantity 2 to a great degree
se les sap totes
know all there is to know

sàpiga: que jo sàpigaas far as I know

armar sarau
raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
muntar un sarau
raise a ruckus, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar

sardines: com en una llauna de sardinespacked/crammed like sardines

sastre: calaix de sastreodds and ends, hodgepodge [Am.] (hotchpotch [Br.])

quan s'ha vist, tothom és savi
everyone is wise after the fact
val més boig conegut que savi per conèixer
better the devil you know

sàvia: una rata sàviaa know-it-all

no sé com
indisposed, not inn the mood
què sé jo?
how should I know?, search me!
un no sé què de
a bit/hint/touch/trace of
curar-se amb saliva dejuna
be easily cured/remedied
curar-se en salut
take precautions
de porc i de senyor, se n'ha de venir de mena
from those born or raised in vulgar circumstances, acts of generosity are rare; it's easy to see the true piggish character behind someone pretending to be open and generous
empassar-se la saliva
contain oneself, bottle up one's anger
fer-se mala sang
get upset, rattled, irritated; become distressed
ja se sap
of course, as expected, just what I thought
no recordar-se de Santa Bàrbara fins que trona
be ungrateful, unappreciative
no saber a quin sant encomanar-se
be up a stump
no saber avenir-se'n
be baffled/puzzled/dumbfounded; be up a stump; not to be able to get over something
no saber on ficar-se
feel mortified, ashamed, red-faced
no saber on girar-se
not know which way to turn
no saber-se acabar una cosa
not get something through one's head; not be able to come to terms with something
no se sap mai
you never know
no sentir-se ni un piu
not hear a pin drop
no sentir-se ni una mosca
not hear a pin drop
pixar-se a la sabata
dodder, drivel
posar-se de panxa al sol
procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing something
quedar(-se) per a vestir sants
become a spinster
saber-se-les totes
know the score/ropes, know all there is to know, know one's (way around / stuff)
salvar-se de la crema
avoid what others are suffering; escape the negative effects that others have been subject to
se les sap totes
know all there is to know
sortir-se amb la seva
gain one's ends
land on one's feet, come out all right
acabar en sec
stop suddenly, come to a standstill
en sec
[sobtadament] suddenly, abruptly
sec com un gaig
thin as a rail
tallar en sec
1 [acabar] put an end to 2 [curtejar] not have enough, run out

secà: conreu de secàdry farming

Seca: anar de la Seca a la Mecarun around all over the place

a garrotada seca
violently, coming to blows
córrer la seca i la meca
to have been everywhere, to have seen the world
secret a veus
open secret
secret de l'ametller
open secret

secundari: efecte secundariside effect

secundaris: efectes secundarisside effects

seda: anar com una sedago (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)

sedàs: passar pel sedàsscrutinize, pore over; go over with a fine-tooth comb

seents: béns seentsreal estate

segament: segament de camesknocking of the knees

qui no pot segar, espigola
if you can't get what you want, you'll have to make do
segar a algú l'herba sota els peus
cut the ground from under someone's feet
la consumació dels segles
the end of the world
pels segles dels segles
for evermore, forever and ever
amb segona intenció
with a hidden meaning
de segona mà
used, secondhand
amb segones
with a double meaning, double entendre, innuendo
segones intencions
ulterior motive (ex.: Us ofereixo el meu ajut, sense segones intencions = I offer you my help without any ulterior motive)
ballar segons el so
adapt to the circumstances, roll with the punches
segons com
probably; if need be, in/at a pinch
segons el cas
as the case may be
segons que
1 [en consonància amb] depending on whether 2 [tal com] as
de seguida que
just as soon as
de seguida
right away, immediately
seguir el corrent
go with the flow
seguir el fil
follow the thread
seguir el joc
play along
seguir els passos de
follow in the footsteps of
seguir la veta a algú
go along with what someone does or says
seguir les petjades d'algú
follow someone's example
tot seguit que
just as soon as
tot seguit
right away, immediately
un seguit de
a great number of; lots of, tons of, loads of
a cop segur
carefully, warily, prudently; without taking any risks
anar/jugar sobre segur
not take any chances; play it safe; be overly cautious
ben segur
as likely as not, most likely, dollars to donuts
de segur
for sure
donar per segur
be sure/confident; take for granted

segura: anar a la seguracarefully, warily, prudently; without taking any risks

cinturó de seguretat
seatbelt, safety belt
de seguretat
safety (ex.: vàlvula de seguretat = safety valve)

seient: ser un cul de mal seientbe fidgety, antsy, restless; have ants in one's pants

seixanta: ser/semblar can seixanta(be /seem like) a madhouse

semalades: ploure a semaladesrain cats and dogs

semblant: fer semblantpretend

de semblar i no ser
fake, bogus, spurious; put on
semblar el carrer de mitja galta
look/seem half-baked, half-assed [vulg.]
semblar un gat escorxat
look thin as a rail, be all skin and bones
ser/semblar can seixanta
(be /seem like) a madhouse

sembra: qui sembra vents cull tempestesyou reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance

sembrar: deixar de sembrar per por dels ocellshesitate, look before one leaps, not take chances

ara i sempre
now and forever/always
d'una vegada per sempre
once and for all
de sempre
usual; same old (ex.: És la cançó de sempre = It's the same old song)
sempre han tingut bec les oques
there's always been evil in the world
sempre hi ha un sis o un as
it's/there's always something
sempre i quan
as/so long as
sempre que
1 [temporal] whenever 2 [condicional] as/so long as

senalles: a senallesgalore; in abundance, in plenty, in profusion

senars: parells i senarsodds and evens (joc de mans)

senderi: perdre el senderilose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end

senes: fer senesmake/earn (a lot of) money

sens dubte
of course, no doubt, beyond question, for sure
sens falta
without fail
sens nombre
countless, innumerable
causar/fer sensació
make a splash, create a sensation
causar sensació
make a splash, create a sensation
fer sensació
make a splash, create a sensation
temperatura de sensació
chill factor
a soleta de mitja (amb mitges calçades i sense sabates)
in one's stocking feet
deixar algú sense paraules
leave someone speechless
parlar/dir sense embuts
speak one's mind, speak right out, say what one means
persona sense papers
illegal alien
sense ambages
frankly, forthrightly, without beating around the bush
sense anar més lluny
for example/instance
sense cap ni peus/centener
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
sense cara ni ulls
slovenly, incoherent, muddled, disorganized
sense caure els anells
without making a big deal about it
sense com va ni com ve/costa
1 [sobtadament] all of a sudden, without warning, out of the blue 2 [sense justificació] for no reason at all
sense compliments
wholeheartedly, unequivocally
sense contemplacions
relentlessly, ruthlessly, remorselessly, implacably
sense dir ni ase ni bèstia
without so much as a word
sense engaltar
carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
sense esma
aimless, listless, desultory
sense esmentar (alguna cosa / algú)
let alone (someone/something)
sense estrèpit
without any fuss
sense feina
out of work, unemployed
sense fi ni compte
without number
sense més cerimònia
without further ado, without fuss
sense més ni més
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
sense mesura
extravagantly, immoderately, lavishly
sense ofici ni benefici
worthless, good-for-nothing
sense ordre ni concert
haphazardly, willy-nilly, chaotically
sense parell/parió
peerless, beyond compare
sense parió
unique, unparalleled, unmatched
sense pena ni glòria
dully, uneventfully, unmemorably, drearily
sense pensar-s'ho dues vegades
without thinking twice (about it)
sense raó
for no good reason
sense rumb
sense solta ni volta
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
sense substància
insubstantial, illusory, tenuous
sense suc ni bruc
half-baked, shallow, superficial
sense timó
adrift, directionless, aimless
sense to ni so
senselessly, heedlessly; without rhyme or reason
sense tocar vores
without impediments or obstructions
sense ton ni son
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
sense venir a tomb
senselessly, without rhyme or reason

sensible: tocar el punt sensibletouch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve

sentiment: l'acompanyo en el sentimentI'm sorry for your loss; please accept my (deepest sympathy / condolences)

no sentir-se ni un piu
not hear a pin drop
no sentir-se ni una mosca
not hear a pin drop
sentir interès per
be interested in
sentir ploure
ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
sentir tocar campanes i no saber on
to have a vague idea of something
amb (els cinc / tots els / tots els cinc) sentits
thoroughly, conscientiously, painstakingly
perdre els sentits
lose consciousness, faint, black out; [ebri] pass out
posar els cinc sentits
pay close attention
amb seny de bèstia vella
warily, alertly, guardedly, walking on eggshells/eggs
beure's el seny
go crazy, go out of one's mind; go bananas/haywire/nuts; lose it; crack up
estar/anar fora de seny
be (beside oneself / agitated / raving)
no tenir dos dits de seny
be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
perdre el seny
lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end
queixal de seny
wisdom tooth

senya: sant i senya!give the password!

senyal: paga i senyaldown payment

amb pèls i senyals
thoroughly, from A to Z, from top to bottom, through and through
donar senyals de vida
give signs of life
anar a veure el senyor Roca
go to the bathroom/restroom; see a man about a dog
de porc i de senyor, se n'ha de venir de mena
from those born or raised in vulgar circumstances, acts of generosity are rare; it's easy to see the true piggish character behind someone pretending to be open and generous
fer el senyor
act pretentiously, ostentatiously; put on airs

senyors: fer senyorsbe a prostitute

separar: separar el gra de la pallaseparate the wheat from the chaff

a seques
tersely, gruffly
alto les seques!
hold on there! not so fast!
a no ser per
if not for, but for
a no ser que
de semblar i no ser
fake, bogus, spurious; put on
no ser ni carn ni peix
be neither fish nor fowl
no ser sant de la devoció d'algú
not be someone's cup of tea
no ser-hi tot
not playing with a full deck; have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
raó de ser
raison d'être
ser al sac
be in the bag, a sure thing, all sewn up
ser aranya de forat
withdrawn, antisocial, unsociable
ser clavat a
be the spitting image of
ser cornut i pagar el beure
to have insult added to injury
ser cul i merda [vulg.]
inseparable, thick as thieves
ser d'allò que no hi ha
be unbelievable/unheard-of/extraordinary
ser de l'any vuit
be old-fashioned
ser de la ceba
be a Catalan nationalist (aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination)
ser de la flamarada
be emotional, hot-headed, mercurial
ser de la pell de Barrabàs
devilish, wicked, thoroughly bad; [nen] mischievous, naughty, a holy terror
ser de mala llet
be bad-tempered, churlish, grouchy, ornery, cross
ser de raó
be only right
ser de vida
be a glutton
ser el cul d'en Jaumet
be fidgety, antsy, restless; have ants in one's pants
ser el sac dels cops
be the butt, the object of ridicule
ser el seu fort
be good at
ser el súmmum
be beyond belief; ~ de = be the height of
ser fàcil a dir
be easier said than done
ser faves comptades
be a sure thing
ser l'home a l'aigua
be lost/ruined; be in the soup
ser l'obra de la seu
be long drawn-out, interminable, never-ending
ser la pera
be awesome, something else, extraordinary, outstanding
ser llaminer
have a sweet tooth
ser llarg de dits
steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe
ser pa i mel
be marvelous/splendid/hunky-dory
ser peix al cove
be a sure thing, be all sewn up
ser/semblar can seixanta
(be /seem like) a madhouse
ser tot cor
be all heart, big-hearted, open-handed
ser un cul de mal seient
be fidgety, antsy, restless; have ants in one's pants
ser un escarràs de feina
be a (go-getter / ball of fire / mover and shaker); be hardworking, industrious, sedulous
ser un galtes
be cheeky, have a nerve, have gall
ser un llop amb pell d'ovella
be a wolf in sheep's clothing
ser un poca-solta
be foolish, thoughtless, scatter-brained
ser un saberut
be a know-it-all
ser un sac de mal profit
have a hollow leg; eat a lot but stay thin
ser un setciències
be a know-it-all, windbag, smart-ass [vulg.]
ser un somiatruites
be a daydreamer, fantasizer, stargazer
ser un sòmines
be a fool, blockhead, bonehead, dolt
si hem de ser francs
to tell the truth

serà: no serà tant!it's not that big a deal!, no need to make a federal case of it!

serem: com més serem, més riuremthe more the merrier

a la serena
in the open air
a sol i serena
in the open air
de sèrie
fabricació en sèrie
mass production
fora de sèrie
unique, one-of-a-kind

sermó: deixar anar un sermó a algúgive someone a lecture

serra: trescar pel pla i la serramove around all over the place

serrar: serrar les dentsgrind/grit one's teeth

serrell: no arribar ni al serrell de la faixabe incapable; not be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])

servei: no fer serveibe no good

per a servir-lo
at your service
per a servir-te
at your service
per a servir-vos
at your service

servits: si sou servitsif you please

sessió: aixecar la sessióadjourn the meeting

guardar una poma per a la set
set something aside, save something for a rainy day
per quins set sous?
why the heck?, why the hell? [vulg.]

setciències: ser un setciènciesbe a know-it-all, windbag, smart-ass [vulg.]

setè: setè celseventh heaven

cap de setmana
la setmana dels tres dijous
when pigs have wings; when/until/till hell freezes over [vulg.]
setmana cossera
a six-day workweek

setze: fer setzeblow one's nose using only one's fingers

ser el seu fort
be good at
ser l'obra de la seu
be long drawn-out, interminable, never-ending
anar a la seva
do whatever one feels like, do one's own thing; watch out for number one
fer la seva
act up; look out for number one
sortir amb la seva
get one's own way
sortir-se amb la seva
gain one's ends

seves: anar per les sevesgo one's own way, without regard to others

sexual: assetjament sexualsexual harassment

fora de si
beside oneself, furious
per si de cas
(just) in case, in the event that
si altra cosa no
at least, if nothing else
si bé
even though
si Déu vol
God willing
si doncs no
si escau
if appropriate/applicable
si fa no fa
more or less
si fos el cas
if this/that was/were the case; if it just so happened
si hem de ser francs
to tell the truth
si ho arribo a saber
if I had known it
si l'encerto, l'endevino
trusting to luck; I'll be lucky if what I'm doing turns out well
si m'embrutes, t'emmascaro
just the same
si més no
at least
si molt convé
probably; if need be, in/at a pinch
si no és que
si per cas
just in case
si sou servits
if you please
si us plau per força
whether one likes it or not, willingly or unwillingly
tant si plou com si fa sol
come what may, no matter what
tornar en si
come around, regain consciousness
un si és no és
more or less; slightly
maleït sigui/sia/siga! [vulg.]
damn it! [vulg.], hell's bells! [vulg.], confound it!
o sia
that is, in other words

sidral: armar/muntar un sidralraise (cain / a ruckus / hell [vulg.])

siga: maleït sigui/sia/siga! [vulg.]damn it! [vulg.], hell's bells! [vulg.], confound it!

maleït sigui/sia/siga! [vulg.]
damn it! [vulg.], hell's bells! [vulg.], confound it!
que no sigui dit
for form's sake, to maintain appearances
sigui com sigui/vulgui
whatever (the case may be); at all costs
sigui per a o per b
for whatever reason

siguis: no siguis una criatura!act your age! ([Br.] be your age!)

silenci: guardar silencikeep quiet/silent, not say a word, clam up, keep one's trap shut

a simple vista
to/with the naked eye; at first blush/glance
bitllet simple
one-way ticket [Am.]; single ticket [Br.]

sincronitzada: natació sincronitzadasynchronized swimming

síndrome: síndrome d'EstocolmStockholm syndrome

sine: sine die (llatinisme)sine die

sinistra: a destra i sinistra — 1 [a un costat a l'altra] left and right 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way

sinó: sinó quebut rather

sirena: cant de sirenasiren song

sirgar: fer sirgar algúmake someone (work / get to work)

sis: sempre hi ha un sis o un asit's/there's always something

sisos: fonda de sisosgreasy spoon, second-rate inn/tavern/restaurant

a so de bombo i platerets
with exaggerated fanfare, with ballyhoo
a so de tabals
with big/great hoopla
a so de timbals no s'agafen llebres
some things are best done discreetly
ballar segons el so
adapt to the circumstances, roll with the punches
en so de
with the idea/intention of
sense to ni so
senselessly, heedlessly; without rhyme or reason

sobines: de sobineslying on one's back

anar/jugar sobre segur
not take any chances; play it safe; be overly cautious
anar sobre rodes
go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
ploure sobre mullat
it never rains but it pours
sobre la base de
on the basis of, based on; in accordance with
sobre la marxa
on the fly, improvising; spontaneously
sobre manera
excessively, overmuch, unduly, out of all proportion

sobres: de sobresplenty, more than enough, in abundance, and then some

sobtada: de sobtadacarelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way

sobtat: amor sobtatlove at first sight

sobte: de sobtesuddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly

soc: dormir com un socsleep like a log

canviar de soca-rel
make a major/drastic/radical change
de soca-rel
completely; to the core, through and through, dyed-in-the-wool, deep-rooted (ex.: En Joan és un barceloní de soca-rel = Joan is a Barcelonian to the core)
tallar de soca-rel
uproot, cut off, interrupt

socarrim: fer olor/pudor de socarrimarouse suspicion, raise doubt, cause apprehension

no poder sofrir
can't stand/bear
sofrir mil morts
die a thousand deaths; suffer pain

soga: amb la soga al collin dire straits, in a jam

sogre: com a cal sogrelaid back, completely comfortable, with all the amenities

a la caiguda del sol
at dusk/nightfall, in the twilight
a sol alt
at midday/noon; at high noon
a sol eixit
at daybreak, at first light, at cockcrow
a sol i serena
in the open air
brindis al sol
empty gesture, show for the gallery; fer un ~ = play to the gallery
de sol a sol
all day, from sun to sun (ex.: l'home treballa de sol a sol, però la feina de la dona no s'acaba mai = a man may work from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done)
en un sol cop
without stopping, without a break, at once
fer un sol que estavella (les pedres)
be blazing hot
més sol que la una
all by one's lonesome
més val sol que mal acompanyat
better alone than in bad company
posar-se de panxa al sol
procrastinate, delay, shilly-shally; put off doing something
prendre el sol
sunbathe, lie in the sun
sol com un mussol
all by one's lonesome
sol i vern
alone and foresaken
sortir el sol a mitjanit
have a stroke of luck
tant si plou com si fa sol
come what may, no matter what
tot sol
by oneself
treure (a algú) els drapets/pedacets al sol
tattle/rat/tell on someone; air someone's dirty laundry; reveal secrets about someone
un cop de sol

sola: no arribar a la sola de la sabata d'algúbe clearly inferior to someone, not be anywhere near as good as someone

solament: solament de bocaall talk and no action

solc: tornar a solcget back on the right track

soles: les desgràcies mai no vénen soleswhen it rains, it pours

soleta: a soleta de mitja (amb mitges calçades i sense sabates)in one's stocking feet

a punt de solfa
all set, ready to go, prepared
posar en solfa
develop, work out, particularize, set down

sols: no tan solsnot only

a regna solta
at will, at liberty, without restrictions
no tenir solta ni volta
not have rhyme or reason
sense solta ni volta
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
ser un poca-solta
be foolish, thoughtless, scatter-brained

solució: solució de continuïtatinterruption

ja som al cap del carrer!
that's it!, nothing else need be said!
come on!, let's go!, let's get on with it!

sometent: tocar a sometentsound the alarm

ni somiar-ho!
not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
somiar amb els angelets
have sweet dreams
somiar despert
somiar truites
fantasize, daydream; be/live in never-never land

somiatruites: ser un somiatruitesbe a daydreamer, fantasizer, stargazer

sòmines: ser un sòminesbe a fool, blockhead, bonehead, dolt

somni: somni dauratlifelong dream

somriure: somriure mordaçmocking smile

agafar el son
start to fall asleep, start to get to sleep
cedir a la son
yield to sleep
el darrer son
death, the last breath
encetar el son
start to get to sleep
fer un son
take a nap/catnap/siesta, grab some z's, have a snooze
perdre el son
stay awake
robar hores al son
burn the midnight oil, work day and night
sense ton ni son
meaningless, without rhyme or reason
trencar el son
1 [fer una becaina] take a catnap 2 [agafar el son] start to fall asleep, start to get to sleep
treure's la son de les orelles
get on the ball, get with it
trobar sabata de son peu
get one's (comeuppance / just desserts)

sonda: globus sondatrial balloon

sondar: sondar el terrenyput out feelers

sonora: banda sonorasound track

sonso: fer el sonsoignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice

com una sopa
with a bad cold
descobrir la sopa d'all
catch onto what has always been obvious
haver inventat/descobert la sopa d'all
to state as a novelty what is already known to everyone; to be presumptious
sopa de lletres
word search
viure a la sopa «bova»
mooch, live at the expense of others

sopar: sopar de durocock-and-bull story, fish story, tall tale

sopars: explicar sopars de durotell cock-and-bull stories, fish stories, tall tales

sopols: en sopolsin the air, in suspense

fer el sord
ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
sord com una campana/tàpia/perola
deaf as a post
a la sorda
on the quiet, on the QT
fer l'orella sorda
ignore, turn a deaf ear, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
guerra sorda
feud, simmering hostility; [entre països] cold war

sordina: amb sordinadiscreetly, prudently, judiciously, sotto voce, mutedly

sorn: fer el sorndawdle, dilly-dally; goof off

soroll: el meu mal no vol sorollI prefer to suffer in silence

aportar el (meu, teu, etc.) gra de sorra
do one's little bit
fer una muntanya d'un gra de sorra
make a mountain out of a molehill
a la sort
drawing lots; flipping (tossing [Br.]) a coin (heads or tails)
encara sort
thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
la sort ja ha estat tirada
the die is cast
per sort
luckily, fortunately
portar mala sort
be a jinx
provar sort
try one's luck
sort n'hi ha
thank goodness, fortunately, luckily
tenir la sort de cara
be very lucky
tenir sort
be lucky
sortida airosa
graceful exit
tenir sortida
sell like hotcakes
entrar per una orella i sortir per l'altra
go in one ear and out the other
fer sortir algú de polleguera
get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
fer sortir cabells blancs
give someone gray hair
fer sortir els colors a la cara a algú
to shame someone, make someone feel embarrassed/ashamed, make someone blush
no sortir els comptes
[no quadrar] not add up, not make sense
sortir a compte
be worth it, be worthwhile
sortir a la llum
come to light
sortir airós de
come through with flying colors
sortir al pas
1 (d'algú) seek someone out, head someone off 2 (d'un afer) to tackle, to put a stop to
sortir amb bon nom
come out smelling like a rose
sortir amb la seva
get one's own way
sortir amb les mans al cap
have things (go wrong / turn out badly)
sortir amb un ciri trencat
make an impertinent/rude remark/comment
sortir brodat
be successful, turn out admirably
sortir carbassa/xarbot
turn out badly
sortir com bolets
(come up / grow) like mushrooms
sortir de collons [vulg.]
come out very well, be very successful
sortir de comptes
be overdue to give birth
sortir de dubtes
be/make sure, know for sure
sortir de fogó/polleguera
lose one's temper, fly off the handle, see red; lose it
sortir de l'armari
come out of the closet
sortir de la closca
be inexperienced; be wet behind the ears
sortir de mare
1 [un riu] overflow its banks 2 [persona] get (overly excited / worked up)
sortir de to
play or sing offkey
sortir del foc i/per caure a les brases
fall out of the frying pan into the fire
sortir (del niu / de l'ou)
be wet behind the ears, callow
sortir del pas
1 [superar una dificultat] bring something off; overcome (problems, obstacles, etc.) 2 [actuar per compromís] make a good impression; fulfill an obligation
sortir disparat
rush out
sortir el sol a mitjanit
have a stroke of luck
sortir el tret per la culata
sortir fum del cap
be confused, bewildered, dazed, baffled
sortir per la tangent
go off on a tangent, change the subject
sortir perdent
be worse off, end up losing
sortir rabent
get off to a flying start
sortir rodó
be successful, bear fruit, turn out well
sortir-se amb la seva
gain one's ends
land on one's feet, come out all right

sortiran: d'on sortiran les misseswhere the money will come from

sortit: sortit de l'oua babe in the woods, a greenhorn

a sorts
drawing lots; flipping (tossing [Br.]) a coin (heads or tails)
fer a sorts
draw straws
el darrer sospir
death, the last breath
fer l'últim sospir
die; breathe one's last, give up the ghost
fer un sospir
to sigh

sospirar: sospirar perlong/hunger/yearn for

baix de sostre
dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
penjar les barres al sostre
starve to death, die of hunger
a sota veu
in an undertone
per sota mà
deviously, underhandedly; fast and loose
sota capa de
under the guise/pretext of
sota la fèrula de
under the tyranny of
tancar sota clau

sotamà: de sotamàon the sly, secretly, stealthily

de sotsobre
facedown (face-down)
fer sotsobre
anar a sou
to be hired
si sou servits
if you please

sous: per quins set sous?why the heck?, why the hell? [vulg.]

sovint: tot sovintvery often

fer suar a algú
make someone beg/plead
fer suar el sagí a algú
tire someone out, run someone ragged
fer suar la cansalada a algú
run someone ragged, give someone a run for their money
suar com un carreter
sweat like a pig
suar la cansalada/carcanada
work up a sweat; do one's utmost, go all out, knock oneself out
suar (la gota negra / tinta)
sweat blood
suar la polla a algú [vulg.]
bore one to tears; produce apathy or disdain
suar (sang i aigua / fel)
sweat blood

suara: ara o suaraat one time or another

en substància
essentially, fundamentally; in essence
sense substància
insubstantial, illusory, tenuous
costar més el suc que els moixons
something secondary is worth more than the main thing
sense suc ni bruc
half-baked, shallow, superficial
treure el suc
capitalize on, cash in on, put to use

sucar: haver-n'hi per a sucar-hi pafascinating, compelling, engrossing, intriguing

suma: en sumain short, in a nutshell; to sum things up

súmmum: ser el súmmumbe beyond belief; ~ de = be the height of

suport: donar suportsupport, back up, encourage, help out

suportar: no poder suportarcan't stand/bear

suposició: de suposicióposh, swank, deluxe

suprem: el moment supremdeath

suprema: a l'hora suprema[mort] at death's door

suro: cap de surofool, blockhead, bonehead, dolt

surt: tal com surt — 1 [de manera natural] straightforwardly, plainly, clearly 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, thoughtlessly

surten: no saber d'on surten les missesnot know where the money comes from

surto: no hi entro ni en surtoit has nothing to do with me, it's none of my business

sus: donar el susring the opening bell

suspens: en suspensup in the air

suspès: estar suspès dels llavis d'algúhang on someone's every word

sutge: negre com el sutgeblack as night/coal/pitch | Dites visca!