Dites visca!
Dites visca! T
t: treu-t'ho del cap! — not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
taba: donar taba — monopolize the conversation
tabal: posar a algú un cap com un tabal — talk someone's ear off; annoy/upset someone by talking too much
tabals: a so de tabals — with big/great hoopla
tabarra: donar la tabarra — to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
tabola: fer tabola — go on a spree/binge, make a racket
- taca
- estendre's/escampar-se com una taca d'oli
- spread like wildfire
- passar de taca d'oli
- overdo it, go overboard, go too far; run something into the ground
- tal
- a tal fi
- for this purpose, to this end
- caure l'any tal dia
- fall due
- de tal buc, tal eixam
- like father, like son
- de tal manera que
- in such a way that, to such a degree that
- en tal i en tal altre
- Tom, Dick and Harry
- per tal de
- in order to
- per tal que
- so that
- tal com cal
- as someone/something should be; proper, correct; conventional
- tal com cau
- 1 [sense retocar] as (it) is 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, thoughtlessly
- tal com raja
- any old way; [abandonant la prudència] throwing caution to the wind
- tal com surt
- 1 [de manera natural] straightforwardly, plainly, clearly 2 [sense miraments] carelessly, thoughtlessly
- tal dia com avui
- on this date (ex.: Tal dia com avui de 1926 va morir Antoni Gaudí = On this date in 1926, Antoni Gaudí died)
- tal dia farà un any
- it's nothing to get excited about, it leaves me cold, I couldn't care less
- tal dit tal fet
- no sooner said than done; as could have been foreseen
- tal faràs, tal trobaràs
- you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
- tal i tal
- such and such
- tal qual
- as is
- tal volta
- maybe, perhaps
talaia: fer talaia — keep a lookout
talent: més val talent que pa de forment — hunger is the best sauce
- tall
- a tall de
- as, by way of
- anar al tall
- get to work
- passar a tall d'espasa
- slaughter, massacre; put to the sword
- qui no té tall rosega els ossos
- any port in a storm
- venir a tall
- be timely, suitable, auspicious, relevant; be to the point/purpose
- talla
- donar la talla
- come through, measure up; be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- fer un fred que talla
- be freezing/bitter cold; be colder than a witch's tit [vulg.]
tallant: anar tallant del tros — going through (consuming) one's wealth; living off one's capital
- tallar
- tallar al/pel dret
- 1 [tirar endavant] get (down) to it 2 [amb bon resultat] act decisively 3 [amb mal resultat] go off half-cocked
- tallar claus
- get angry, get hot under the collar; get pissed off [vulg.]
- tallar cupons
- live off interest payments
- tallar (curt / en sec)
- 1 [acabar] put an end to 2 [curtejar] not have enough, run out
- tallar de soca-rel
- uproot, cut off, interrupt
- tallar el bacallà
- rule the roost, be in control, have the last word, have the final say
- tallar el cap a algú
- harass/plague/torment/persecute someone; give someone a bad/hard time
- tallar el rotllo
- put an end to the fun; be a (party pooper / killjoy / wet blanket)
- tallar les cames a algú
- clip someone's wings
tallat: tallat a pic — straight up-and-down
talls: espasa/eina de dos talls — double-edged/two-edged sword
taló: a taló — on foot
talons: trepitjar els talons — be on the heels
talp: cec com un talp — blind as a bat
tal·là: tal·là-tal·lera — more or less, so-so
tal·lera: tal·là-tal·lera — more or less, so-so
- tan
- no tan sols
- not only
- quedar-se tan tranquil
- act nonchalant, be oblivious, act as if nothing has happened
- tan bon punt
- just as soon as
- tanta roba i tan poc sabó (i tan neta que la volen)
- so much to do and so little to do it with
tancada: amb la boca tancada — furtively, underhandedly, stealthily; on the QT, on the sly
- tancar
- en un tancar i obrir d'ulls
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; in two shakes of a lamb's tail, in a flash/jiffy
- tancar amb brillantor
- end on a high note, end with a flourish
- tancar amb pany i clau
- lock
- tancar els ulls a la llum
- to die, pass away, breathe one's last, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, buy the farm, cash in one's chips
- tancar la marxa
- bring up the rear
- tancar la paradeta
- go out of business; surrender, bow out, give up the ship
- tancar la porta pels nassos
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- tancar les portes
- go out of business
- tancar sota clau
- lock
- tancar-se en banda
- adopt an obstinate, uncompromising position
- tancat
- com un llibre tancat
- like a closed book, difficult to get to know
- tancat i barrat
- locked up, closed down, sealed, padlocked
- tanda
- demanar tanda
- ask who is last in line
- no donar tanda
- monopolize the conversation
- prendre/agafar tanda
- wait and take one's turn
- tocar la tanda a algú
- be one's turn
tangent: sortir/anar-se'n/fugir per la tangent — go off on a tangent, change the subject
Tano: la mare del Tano! — holy Moses/Toledo/cow/smoke/cats!
- tant
- de tant en tant
- from time to time, (every) now and then, occasionally
- entre tant
- meanwhile, in the meantime, for the moment
- i tant!
- yes indeed!, you bet!, undoubtedly!, I'll say!
- mai tant!
- [admiració] wow! [preocupació] oh dear!
- no n'hi ha per tant
- it's not that big a deal; no need to make a federal case of it
- no serà tant!
- it's not that big a deal!, no need to make a federal case of it!
- per tant
- so, therefore, thus
- tant de bo!
- [la possibilitat existeix] I wish!, I hope so!; [la possibilitat no existeix] if only it were so!; no such luck!
- tant (és / fer naps com cols)
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- tant és
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- tant me/em fa
- I couldn't care less
- tant me/em fot [vulg.]
- I don't give a damn [vulg.]
- tant més que
- moreover; even more so because
- tant per tant
- all things considered, all in all, everything being equal; may/might as well
- tant se fa/val
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- tant se li'n dóna naps com cols
- be six of one and half-a-dozen of the other; it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- tant se (me'n / te'n / li'n / ens en / us en / els en) dóna
- I/you/he/she/we/they couldn't care less
- tant se val
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- tant sí com no
- at all costs; by any means
- tant si plou com si (no plou / fa sol)
- come what may, no matter what
- tant si vols com si no vols
- whether you like it or not
- tant te vull, que et trac un ull
- to desire something so much that one harms it
- tant tens, tant vals
- the more you're worth, the higher your standing
tanta: tanta roba i tan poc sabó (i tan neta que la volen) — so much to do and so little to do it with
tantes: a les tantes — very late, in the small/wee hours
tantost: tantost com — just as soon as; no sooner [+ past perf.] (ex.: tantost com començara... = no sooner had he begun...)
- tants
- tants a tants
- other/all things being equal; as many of one as of the other; estar ~ = be even
- tants caps tants barrets
- to each his own; everyone has a different opinion
- tap
- ser tap i carabassa
- be inseparable, thick as thieves
- tap de bassa/barral
- half-pint, shorty, shrimp, runt
- tap i carbassa
- inseparable, thick as thieves
tapa: bona nit i tapa't! — that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!
- tapar
- tapar forats
- meet expenses, pay debts, pay bills
- tapar un forat
- put/set right, amend
tàpia: sord com una tàpia — deaf as a post
- taps
- passar-ne els taps
- finish off; kill, do away with
- posar taps
- hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- trobar taps
- quibble, nitpick, split hairs
- tard
- al més tard
- at the latest
- cap al tard
- at dusk/twilight/nightfall
- de tard en tard
- seldom, rarely, infrequently, once in a blue moon
- és tard i vol ploure
- hurry up, get a move on, get cracking
- fer tard
- be/arrive late, be delayed; [anar tard] run late
- més tard o més d'hora
- sooner or later
- val més tard que mai
- better late than never
tarda: al caient de la tarda — at dusk/twilight/nightfall
tardar: a tot tardar — at the latest
- taronges
- amb els ulls com taronges
- with eyes as wide as saucers
- amb/fer uns ulls com unes taronges
- be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
- pensar en l'amor de les tres taronges
- build castles in (the air / Spain)
taronja: mitja taronja — one's better half, soulmate, significant other, dream lover
tastaolletes: tastaolletes — person who begins many projects but finishes none
tastet: fer el tastet — taste, try, sample
tat: fer tat — play peek-a-boo
tatx: a tatx — (fruita) giving a sample slice
- taula
- beneir la taula
- say grace
- desparar taula
- clear the table
- joc de taula
- table setting
- llevar la taula
- clear the table
- parar taula
- set ([Br.] lay) the table
- posar damunt la taula
- bring up, introduce
- posar els collons sobre la taula [vulg.]
- have the balls (to tell it like it is / to lay it on the line / not to beat around the bush) [vulg.]
- taules
- joc de poques taules
- child's play, a cinch/snap, smooth sailing
- tenir taules
- have experience
tauleta: tauleta de nit — bedside table, nightstand
- té
- qui no té tall rosega els ossos
- any port in a storm
- val més un té que dos te'n daré
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
teatre: obra de teatre — play
tec: fer tec — have a hit, make a big splash, be successful
tecla: endevinar la tecla — hit the nail on the head
- tecles
- tocar moltes tecles
- have many irons in the fire
- tocar totes les tecles
- 1 do everything possible, exhaust all possibilities 2 be involved in many varied activities; wear many hats
- tela
- tela marinera!
- said of something or a situation that is complex/difficult/arduous
- tenir tela
- 1 [llarg de resoldre] there be plenty (to do / to discuss) 2 be significant; be impressive
teler: tenir mala peça al teler — be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
teles: parar teles — set a trap
temes: temes d'actualitat — current affairs
temperatura: temperatura de sensació — chill factor
tempesta: tempesta de llàgrimes — storm of tears
tempestes: qui sembra vents cull tempestes — you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
temple: com un temple — huge, enormous, gigantic, humongous
témpores: confondre el cul amb les témpores — confuse the issue
- temps
- a temps complet
- full time, full-time (ex.: Els treballadors a temps parcial tenen els mateixos drets que els treballadors a temps complet = Part-time workers have the same rights as those who work full time)
- a temps
- in time
- al mal temps bona cara
- smile through one's tears
- al mateix temps
- at the same time
- al seu temps
- in due course
- als temps que les bèsties parlaven
- long ago, in days of yore, in olden times/days
- amb el temps i una canya (tot s'apanya)
- slowly but surely, easy does it
- amb temps i palla, maduren les nesples
- slowly but surely does it
- amb temps
- in time
- cada cosa al seu temps (i els naps a l'Advent)
- we'll cross that bridge when we come to it
- cridar el mal temps
- make a dire prediction; to jinx someone/something
- d'aquí a poc temps
- in a little while
- d'un temps ençà
- for some time
- donar temps
- provide/give time
- el temps cicatritza les ferides
- time heals all wounds
- el temps corre
- time flies
- el temps de les vaques grasses
- good times
- el temps de les vaques magres
- hard times
- el temps dirà
- time will tell
- el temps és or
- time is money
- el temps passa i la Joana balla
- time and tide wait for no man
- el temps tot ho cura
- time heals all wounds
- en altre temps
- in the past, once, at one time; in times past
- en aquell temps
- in those days/times; at that time; back then
- fer temps
- kill time, pass the time, while away the time
- fruita del temps
- (a common / an everyday) occurrence, a common/frequent/familiar event
- guanyar temps
- to gain time, have more time
- haver-n'hi per temps
- be a long time, be a while
- l'home del temps
- the weatherman
- matar el temps
- kill time
- passar el temps
- kill time, pass the time, while away the time
- pels vells temps
- for old times' sake
- perdre el temps
- waste time, dawdle; dilly-dally, shilly-shally
- temps a venir
- in the future
- temps de llops
- foul weather
- temps enrere
- in the past, once, at one time; in times past
- temps era temps
- long ago, in times past
- tenir de coll (un cert temps)
- have (an amount of time) left
- un quant temps
- a certain time
- voler temps
- take time
- temptar
- temptar al diable
- tempt fate, push one's luck
- temptar Déu
- tempt (the gods / fate); push one's luck
tenen: les parets tenen orelles — the walls have ears
tenim: com ho tenim? — how's it going?
- tenint
- tenint en compte
- taking into account, considering; in view of
- tenint esguard que
- considering that, taking into account that
- tenir
- no es pot tenir tot
- you can't have everything
- (no tenir / sense) entranyes
- be heartless, callous, unfeeling, cold-hearted
- no tenir adob
- 1 [coses] be beyond repair 2 [malalties] be incurable
- no tenir atorador
- go non-stop
- no tenir àvia/padrina
- be full of oneself, be swell-headed
- no tenir cap gràcia
- be gross/vulgar/crass
- no tenir cap os sencer
- be exhausted, done in, all in, dead tired
- no tenir cara ni ulls
- be senseless, nonsense, cockamamie, illogical, off-the wall, claptrap, balderdash
- no tenir cor
- be hard-hearted
- no tenir cor de
- not have the heart to
- no tenir dos dits de front/seny
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- no tenir esmena/remei
- there's no help for it
- no tenir espera
- 1 [sense paciència] be/get impacient 2 [urgent] be pressing, urgent, top priority, imperative
- no tenir fi
- be endless, never-ending, interminable
- no tenir inconvenient
- have no objection
- no tenir més que (ossos / la pell i l'os)
- be skin and bones
- no tenir més remei que
- can't help [+gerundi]
- no tenir mida
- be immoderate, overindulgent, profligate
- no tenir ni art ni part en
- not be at all affected by, have nothing to do with, not be any of one's business (ex.: en aquest assumpte no hi tinc ni art ni part = I'm not at all affected by this affair, this affair has nothing to do with me, this affair is none of my business)
- no tenir ni (cap ni peus / molla ni crostó)
- make no sense at all
- no tenir (ni cinc / un clau)
- be dead/flat broke
- no tenir ni un xavo
- be (dead/flat) broke, penniless, without a dime
- no tenir ni una malla
- be flat/stone broke, penniless
- no tenir nom
- 1 [inàudit] be unprecedented, extraordinary 2 [reprovable] be abominable, shocking, detestable
- no tenir on caure mort
- be dirt poor, bad off, impoverished
- no tenir padrina
- be full of oneself, be swell-headed
- no tenir pèls a la llengua
- not mince words, speak one's mind, lay it on the line
- no tenir pena ni glòria
- be lackluster, so-so, indifferent; be nothing to write home about
- no tenir perdó
- be unforgivable, abominable, shocking, detestable
- no tenir preu
- be priceless, be worth its weight in gold
- no tenir prou boca
- not be able to say enough
- no tenir prou mans
- not be able to cope
- no tenir res a veure amb
- have nothing to do with
- no tenir retop
- there be no two ways about it
- no tenir sal ni oli
- be dim-witted; be slow on the uptake
- no tenir sang a les venes
- be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed
- no tenir solta ni volta
- not have rhyme or reason
- no tenir tornes
- to have no other choice (ex.: No tinc altres tornes que rendir-me = I have no other choice but/than to yield)
- no tenir trellat (ni forellat)
- be senseless/meaningless/nonsensical; be without rhyme or reason
- no tenir un pa a la post
- be hard up, impoverished, needy, destitute
- no tenir un pèl de [+ adj.]
- be not at all [+ adj.]
- no tenir veu ni vot
- play no role (in a business, an affair, etc.); to have no say
- no tenir-les totes
- feel uneasy, be afraid
- (ser de / tenir) bona jeia
- be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
- (ser de / tenir) mala jeia
- 1 [ser rancorós] be ill-tempered, quarrelsome, surly 2 [ser bellugadís] be a restless sleeper
- tenir a algú el dit a l'ull
- have it in for someone, feel hostility toward someone
- tenir a bé de
- see fit to, consent to
- tenir a dir
- take exception, disagree, object
- tenir a distància
- keep one's distance
- tenir a (la) mà
- have at hand, have handy
- tenir a tret
- have within reach
- tenir a veure amb
- have to do with
- tenir (algú) a ratlla
- keep (someone) in line
- tenir algú al puny
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir algú ficat a la butxaca
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir (alguna cosa) a la butxaca
- have something put away for safekeeping
- tenir (alguna cosa) a la punta de la llengua
- have something on the tip of one's tongue
- tenir anhels de
- to long for
- tenir apamat
- be completely familiar with
- tenir barra/galtes
- have nerve, audacity, cheek
- tenir barra
- have nerve, audacity, cheek
- tenir basques
- feel nauseated, sick to one's stomach
- tenir bigotis
- have guts, balls
- tenir bola a algú
- to dislike someone; to hate/loathe/detest someone
- tenir bon nas
- have a good sense of smell
- tenir bon paladar
- have good taste
- tenir bon ull
- make a good choice
- tenir bona anomenada
- have a good reputation
- tenir bona barra
- 1 be gullible, a sucker, an easy mark; be likely to fall for anything 2 be a hearty eater
- tenir bona cama
- be a good walker
- tenir bona estrella
- be lucky; have the luck of the Irish
- tenir bona parola
- be articulate/eloquent/well-spoken
- tenir bones mans
- be dextrous, skillful, deft
- tenir bones penques
- be meaty/fleshy
- tenir bons padrins/agafadors/costats
- have friends in high places
- tenir cangueli
- be afraid, be anxious
- tenir cap i peus
- be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- tenir cara d'ovella i urpes de llop
- be a wolf in sheep's clothing
- tenir cara de bon any
- look pleased, delighted, contented
- tenir cara de pomes agres
- look hostile/unfriendly/angry
- tenir cara
- have the nerve, audacity, cheek
- tenir cara i ulls
- be well done; be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- tenir (coll avall / a mig coll)
- have (something) in the bag, be able to count (on something) (ex.: Sembla que la independència la tenim coll avall = It seems that we have independence in the bag)
- tenir coneixença amb
- have relations with
- tenir cop d'ull
- be clear-sighted, insightful, perspicacious
- tenir cops amagats
- have hidden talents, hidden qualities
- tenir corda
- last, keep on, be long-lived
- tenir cori-mori
- be hungry
- tenir corretja
- be forbearing, long-suffering
- tenir cua de palla
- to feel oneself alluded to when hearing negative comments
- tenir cura de
- take care of
- tenir de coll (un cert temps)
- have (an amount of time) left
- tenir dies
- be temperamental/moody/touchy; be fickle/mercurial
- tenir dits
- be dextrous, skillful, deft
- tenir (dos) collons [vulg.]
- have guts, balls
- tenir eco
- arouse interest
- tenir el bot ple
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- tenir el camp lliure
- have a free hand
- tenir el cap a carrerons
- be dim-witted, dull-witted, soft in the head, weak-minded
- tenir el cap a tres quarts de quinze
- have one's head in the clouds; be scatterbrained, woolgathering, out to lunch
- tenir el cap ben moblat
- have one's head screwed on straight, have common sense
- tenir el cap buit
- not play with a full deck
- tenir el cap clar
- be clearheaded
- tenir el cap com un timbal
- be all hot and bothered, all shook up, in a dither/flap/flutter
- tenir el cap dur
- be hard-headed
- tenir el cap espès
- be muddled, hazy
- tenir el cap ple de (fum/grills/pardals/vent)
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir el cap (ple de pardals / als peus)
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir el coll moll
- be softhearted, tender-hearted
- tenir el cor com una llentilla
- be scared (stiff / to death)
- tenir el cor en un puny
- be intimidated/scared/discouraged
- tenir el cor net
- have a clear conscience
- tenir el cor robat
- to have had one's heart stolen (ex.: Ella em té el cor robat = She has stolen my heart)
- tenir el cul llogat
- work for someone else, be dependent on another
- tenir el cul pelat de
- be an old hand at
- tenir el diable al cos
- be full of the devil
- tenir el fetge (gros / de rajada)
- be carefree, unconcerned, blithe, happy-go-lucky
- tenir el pap/bot ple
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- tenir el pap buit
- be hungry
- tenir el peu al coll a algú
- have someone under one's thumb
- tenir el ronyó cobert
- be a man of means; be rich, wealthy, well-off, well-to-do, loaded
- tenir el/un peu a l'estrep
- be ready/about to leave
- tenir els collons ben posats [vulg.]
- be gutsy, stouthearted, strong-willed
- tenir els collons pelats de [vulg.]
- be an old hand at, be used to
- tenir els collons quadrats [vulg.]
- be stubborn, bullheaded, obstinate
- tenir els cordons de la bossa
- hold the purse strings
- tenir els dies comptats
- someone's/something's days are numbered
- tenir els dits pelats
- to have done something repeatedly; to be an old hand
- tenir els nassos plens
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- tenir els ulls al clatell
- not see what is obvious
- tenir en compte
- bear/keep in mind, take into account
- tenir en condret
- put in order, organize, pull together, straighten up
- tenir en vista
- have planned
- tenir entre cella i cella
- have in mind, have in view, come to mind; get something into one's head, get/have a bee in one's bonnet
- tenir entre mans
- have in the works
- tenir esment de
- be aware of
- tenir espera
- 1 [tenir la paciència] have patience, show restraint 2 [no ser urgent] be uncritical; can wait (ex.: Això té espera = This can wait)
- tenir esperit de contradicció
- be contentious/testy/factious
- tenir estómac/fetge
- have the stomach
- tenir facilitat de paraula
- have a way with words
- tenir faltes (una dona)
- miss a period
- tenir festa
- have a day off
- tenir fogots
- have hot flashes
- tenir fred de/als peus
- be jealous, green with envy, envious
- tenir fretura
- be lacking (ex.: Passàvem fretura de vi = We were lacking wine)
- tenir fums
- 1 [tenir pretensions] be self-important, conceited, big-headed, cocky, puffed up, swell-headed 2 [tenir indicis] to suspect, have a hunch
- tenir fusta de
- be good at
- tenir gana
- be hungry
- tenir ganes de
- feel like [+ gerundi] (ex.: tinc ganes de ballar = I feel like dancing)
- tenir gràcia
- be appealing/attractive/delightful
- tenir ínfules
- be pretentious, put on airs
- tenir l'armilla malalta
- be low on funds, feel the pinch
- tenir l'os bertran
- be lazy, bone idle, slothful
- tenir la bona
- 1 [de bon humor] be in a good mood, cheerful, in high spirits, bright, cheery, chipper 2 [de sort] be lucky, have a run of good luck
- tenir la butxaca buida
- be (dead/flat) broke, penniless, without a dime
- tenir la cara gruixuda
- be shameless
- tenir la consciència tranquil·la
- have a clear conscience
- tenir la culpa de
- to be to blame for
- tenir la gana feta
- be hungry/ravenous/starved
- tenir la llengua llarga
- be a gossip, telltale, blabbermouth, bigmouth
- tenir la mà/butxaca foradada
- be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
- tenir la mà llarga
- be quick to hit, quick with one's fists
- tenir la mosca
- be in a bad mood
- tenir la paella pel mànec
- be in control, in charge, in the driver's seat, in the saddle
- tenir la paraula
- to have the floor
- tenir la pell fina
- be thin-skinned, be touchy
- tenir la pell gruixuda/dura
- be shameless
- tenir la sort de cara
- be very lucky
- tenir la vida a l'encant
- be in dire straits, in a desperate situation
- tenir la vista als dits
- inclined/prone to touch everything
- tenir les de guanyar
- to be on velvet; to have a good chance
- tenir les de perdre
- have probabilities of (losing out / being worsted / coming up short / suffering defeat)
- tenir les dents esmolades
- 1 [amb gana] be ravenous/starved 2 [disposat a discutir] be ready to (argue / enter the fray /do battle)
- tenir les mans foradades
- be a spendthrift, spend like crazy, squander
- tenir les mans lligades
- have one's hands tied
- tenir les mans netes
- to have acted lawfully
- tenir les orelles a cal ferrer
- be deaf/oblivious, pay no attention/mind, disregard; [fingint] ignore, turn a deaf ear
- tenir llana al clatell
- be gullible, a sucker, an easy mark
- tenir llengua d'escorpí/d'escurçó
- have a sharp tongue; be a backbiter, detractor, slanderer, vilifier
- tenir llengua de destral
- calumniar
- tenir lloc/efecte
- take place
- tenir llunes
- blow hot and cold; be variable, unpredictable, fickle, changeable, inconstant
- tenir mà esquerra
- be tactful, diplomatic; be skillful, adept
- tenir mal de cor
- be hungry
- tenir mal parat
- be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
- tenir mal ull
- bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage
- tenir mala bava
- be ill-tempered, quarrelsome, surly
- tenir mala estrella
- be unlucky/ill-starred; be down on one's luck
- tenir mala fama/premsa
- be notorious, have a bad reputation
- tenir mala ganya
- look awful/hideous, be unsightly
- tenir (mala llengua / la llengua verinosa)
- be a backbiter, detractor, slanderer, vilifier
- tenir mala peça al teler
- be in a pickle, in a jam, in a tight corner/spot
- tenir mala pinta
- look bad, terrible, awful, unhealthy
- tenir mala sang
- be malicious, hateful, nasty, wicked
- tenir males entranyes
- have a mean streak; be cruel, hard-hearted
- tenir males puces
- be bad-tempered, irritable
- tenir mals arrambatges
- have a bad temper
- tenir (manetes / mans de plata)
- be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
- tenir mania a
- have a dislike for
- tenir manies
- have some hang-ups
- tenir (melics / molts caps) per lligar
- have a lot on one's plate, have a lot to do
- tenir més paciència que Job
- have the patience of Job
- tenir més raó que un sant
- be absolutely right
- tenir molt vent a la flauta
- be a chatterbox, long-winded, very talkative, gabby
- tenir molta llengua
- have a swelled head; be a blowhard/braggart/windbag
- tenir molta parola
- be talkative, chatty, long-winded
- tenir molta terra a l'Havana
- build castles in (the air / Spain)
- tenir molta vista
- be far-sighted
- tenir món
- behave well; be courteous, tactful, diplomatic
- tenir nas
- be clear-sighted, perceptive
- tenir nervis
- be nervous/anxious/tense/uneasy
- tenir ous [vulg.]
- have guts
- tenir pa a l'ull
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
- tenir paraula
- keep one's word
- tenir pardalets al cap
- be dreamy, starry-eyed, in the clouds
- tenir pebrots [vulg.]
- have guts
- tenir pel cap dels dits
- be knowledgeable, proficient, expert
- tenir per bé
- approve, accept, go along with
- tenir per la mà
- be good at, have a feel for, be a dab hand at
- tenir pessigolles
- be ticklish
- tenir presa la mida (a algú)
- know where (one) is at [col·loq.]; to know and understand someone's proclivities
- tenir present
- remember, keep in mind
- tenir pressa
- be in a rush/hurry
- tenir quatre paraules
- argue, quarrel, cross swords
- tenir raó
- to be right
- tenir raons
- argue, quarrel, bicker, squabble
- tenir salut per vendre
- be in very good health
- tenir sang d'orxata
- be sluggish, lethargic, listless
- tenir sang de peix
- be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed
- tenir sort
- be lucky
- tenir sortida
- sell like hotcakes
- tenir taules
- have experience
- tenir tela
- 1 [llarg de resoldre] there be plenty (to do / to discuss) 2 be significant; be impressive
- tenir terra a l'Havana
- boast of nonexistent wealth, pretend to be be rich or well-off
- tenir tirada
- have a tendency (to), have a penchant (for)
- tenir tírria a algú
- to dislike someone; to hate/loathe/detest someone
- tenir totes les de guanyar
- hold all the cards
- tenir tots els trumfos
- hold all the high cards
- tenir ulls a la cara
- see things clearly
- tenir un bon davallant
- be a hearty eater
- tenir un budell buit
- have a hollow leg, be very hungry, be famished
- tenir un cargol fluix
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- tenir un cervell de pardal
- be a lamebrain
- tenir un compte pendent
- have a bone to pick
- tenir un espant
- have/get/receive a shock
- tenir un geni de fotims
- be cantankerous/irascible/testy/quarrelsome
- tenir (un) goig sense alegria
- have one's hopes dashed; be disappointed, frustrated
- tenir un nus a l'estómac
- have butterflies in one's stomach
- tenir un os a l'esquena
- be lazy, bone idle, slothful
- tenir un paper
- play a role
- tenir un perdigó a l'ala
- have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- tenir un peu (a la fossa/tomba / al cementiri)
- have one foot in the grave
- tenir un peu al cementiri
- have one foot in the grave
- tenir un punt de
- have a touch of
- tenir un rei al cos
- be arrogant, be high and mighty
- tenir una bena als ulls
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
- tenir una cama al calaix
- have one foot in the grave
- tenir una esponja al clatell
- be a crybaby
- tenir una flaca per
- have a (soft spot / weakness) for
- tenir una gana que alça
- be starving
- tenir una mala salut de ferro
- to be strong in spite of problematical health; to be impervious to untoward circumstances
- tenir una memòria de mosquit
- be forgetful
- tenir una per dir
- be a jokester
- tenir (unes) penques
- be cheeky, have a nerve, have gall (ex.: quines penques! = what nerve/gall/cheek!)
- tenir uns collons que se'ls trepitja [vulg.]
- have a lot of nerve/gall
- tenir vara alta
- have the whip hand, have authority
- tenir vent al cap
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir veu i vot
- have a/one's say
- tenir vigència
- be in effect
- tenir(-hi) la mà trencada
- be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
- tenir-ho a la punta de la llengua
- have it on the tip of one's tongue
- tenir-la jurada
- hold a grudge
- tenir-li el dit ficat al ull
- feel ill-will toward someone
- tenir-los ben posats [vulg.]
- be gutsy, stouthearted, strong-willed
- tenir-ne els collons plens [vulg.]
- be fed up, be up to here, have had it
- tenir-se per advertit
- be on one's guard
- tenir-se-les
- have words; argue, quarrel, bicker, squabble
tens: tant tens, tant vals — the more you're worth, the higher your standing
tentines: fer tentines — 1 [vacil·lar] hesitate 2 [caminar sense estabilitat] stagger, walk unsteadily
tentipotenti: a tentipotenti — to the max, to the hilt, to an extreme, as much as possible
tèrbola: pescar en aigua tèrbola — turn the misfortunes of others into a financial gain
tercera: tercera edat — old age
- terme
- dur a terme
- carry out
- en darrer terme
- when all is said and done
termes: a termes — on time, on the installment plan
- termini
- a curt termini
- in the short run/term
- a llarg termini
- in the long run/term
- terminis
- a terminis
- on time, on the installment plan
- pagar a terminis
- pay on time, pay on the installment plan
- terra
- anar de cul per terra
- come down in the world
- anar de morros per terra
- fall headfirst, fall on one's face
- anar per terra
- fail, miscarry, go belly-up, fall flat, come to nothing
- anar-se'n a terra
- 1 go downhill, go to the dogs 2 be fruitless, be in vain
- cada terra fa sa guerra
- different strokes for different folks, every country has its own customs
- de la terra
- native, indigenous, autochthonous
- en els confins de la terra
- at the end/ends of the earth
- fer els ous en terra
- screw up, foul up, blunder, make a mess/hash of something
- no caure a terra
- not go unnoticed, have an impact
- no tocar de peus a terra
- not have both feet on the ground
- prendre terra
- to land, to dock
- remoure cel i terra
- move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned, do one's utmost
- restar/quedar clavat en terra
- be stunned, confounded, shocked
- tenir molta terra a l'Havana
- build castles in (the air / Spain)
- tenir terra a l'Havana
- boast of nonexistent wealth, pretend to be be rich or well-off
- terra a terra
- at ground level
- terra de mala petja
- broken country, badlands
- terra endins
- inland
- terra ferma
- dry land
- tirar a terra
- tear down, demolish, raze
- tirar per terra
- put an end to, wipe out; reject, dismiss, renounce, shoot down
- tirar terra al damunt
- conceal, keep secret, hush up
- tirar-se terra (als ulls / al damunt)
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- tocar de peus a terra
- have one's two feet on the ground
- tornar la carn a la terra
- die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
- terreny
- guanyar terreny
- gain ground, make progress, make headway; to advance
- perdre terreny
- lose ground
- preparar el terreny
- lay the groundwork, pave the way
- sondar el terreny
- put out feelers
- terreny adobat/ferm
- fertile ground
tesa: a (tota) tesa — without limit, unrestrictedly
test: pixar fora de test — 1 beat around the bush, not come to the point 2 put one's foot in one's mouth
- testimoni
- testimoni de càrrecs
- witness for the prosecution
- testimoni de descàrrec
- witness for the defense
testos: els testos s'assemblen a les olles — like father, like son
- teta
- passar-s'ho teta
- have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
- ser teta de monja
- be delicious, delectable, mouthwatering
- teulada
- començar la casa per la teulada
- put the cart before the horse
- tirar-se pedres a la pròpia teulada
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- teulades
- de teulades en amunt
- from a spiritual point of view
- de teulades en avall
- from a mundane/earthly point of view
teulat: sota teulat — in/under shelter, under cover
tibar: tibar la corda — 1 [arriscar-se] run a risk 2 [passar de ratlla] get out of line
tifa: fer el tifa — be presumptuous, show off, flaunt, grandstand
timbal: tenir el cap com un timbal — be all hot and bothered, all shook up, in a dither/flap/flutter
- timbals
- a so de timbals no s'agafen llebres
- some things are best done discreetly
- tocar timbals
- talk nonsense, gibberish; blather, gabble, babble
- timó
- perdre el timó
- lose one's mind, go crazy, take leave of one's senses, go off the deep end
- portar el timó
- to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- sense timó
- adrift, directionless, aimless
- tinta
- de bona tinta
- from the horse's mouth; from good/reliable sources
- suar tinta
- sweat blood
tinter: deixar al tinter — omit, leave without saying, pass over
tintes: anar amb mitges tintes — beat around/about the bush, hedge, not get to the point
- tinya
- com la tinya
- bright, on the ball, on one's toes
- més vell que la tinya
- ancient, as old as the hills
- més viu/llest que la tinya
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted
- tip
- estar tip de
- be fed up with, be up to here with, have had it with, be sick and tired of
- fer-se un tip
- 1 [menjar] eat one's fill 2 [excedir-se] have one's fill
- un tip de
- a bellyful of, more than enough of
tir: a tir de pedra — nearby; a stone's throw away
- tira
- la sang tira molt
- blood is thicker than water
- tira peixet!
- what luck!, lucky you!
- tirada
- d'una tirada
- without a break, uninterruptedly, without stopping
- la sort ja ha estat tirada
- the die is cast
- tenir tirada
- have a tendency (to), have a penchant (for)
tirades: a males tirades — with difficulty
- tirant
- anar tirant de la rifeta
- live the life of Riley
- anar tirant
- get by/along/on, make ends meet, muddle through
- tirant curt
- at least
- tirant llarg
- at (the) most, at the outside
- tirar
- bo per a tirar al carrer
- useless, good-for-nothing
- llançar/tirar la tovallola
- throw in the towel
- no poder tirar pilota a l'olla
- not be able to (make ends meet / get|scrape by)
- no poder-ne tirar cap tros a l'olla
- not be able to (make ends meet / get|scrape by)
- tirar a algú llamps i pestes
- chew someone out, give someone hell [vulg.], read someone the riot act, rake someone over the coals
- tirar a
- have a touch of
- tirar a terra
- tear down, demolish, raze
- tirar aigua al foc
- discourage, dishearten, throw cold water on
- tirar aigua al mar
- carry coals to Newcastle; spin one's wheels, try in vain
- tirar al/pel dret
- 1 [tirar endavant] get (down) to it 2 [amb bon resultat] act decisively 3 [amb mal resultat] go off half-cocked
- tirar barres avall
- tell it like it is, let someone have it, jump down (someone's) throat
- tirar cadascú pel seu cantó
- split up, go our/your/their separate ways
- tirar capellans
- spray saliva when one speaks
- tirar coll avall
- gulp down
- tirar curt
- come up short
- tirar de veta
- squander (money, resources, etc.); fritter away (ex.: No ens podem permetre continuar tirant de veta = We cannot afford to continue squandering)
- tirar el barret al foc
- give it up, throw in the towel
- tirar el dau
- roll the die
- tirar (en / per la) cara
- blame, criticize, censure, rebuke; take someone to task, tell someone off
- tirar endarrere
- 1 [recular] move back, back up 2 [desdir-se] back down, go back on one's word
- tirar endavant
- go/forge ahead, proceed; keep on keeping on
- tirar floretes
- compliment, flatter, coax, play up to, soft-soap, sweet-talk, inveigle, cajole; suck up to[vulg.]
- tirar l'ham
- lure, entice, offer an inducement; [fer entendre a algú l'interès de tenir-hi una relació amorosa] (come on to / hit on) someone
- tirar la capa al toro
- go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
- tirar la casa per la finestra
- go all out, shoot the works, spare no expense, pull out all the stops
- tirar la pedra i amagar la mà
- do damage and try to escape the consequences; hit and run
- tirar la primera pedra
- throw/cast the first stone
- tirar les cartes
- tell fortunes
- tirar llarg
- overestimate
- tirar llenya al foc
- add fuel to the fire, make matters worse
- tirar milles
- forge ahead, get on with it, go to town
- tirar pel camí del mig
- act willfully, inconsiderately, heedlessly
- tirar per terra
- put an end to, wipe out; reject, dismiss, renounce, shoot down
- tirar pilotes fora
- change the subject, go off on a tangent
- tirar (terra / un vel) al damunt
- conceal, keep secret, hush up
- tirar trona avall
- call the banns
- tirar una galleda d'aigua freda
- throw/pour cold water (on); be a (killjoy / spoilsport / wet blanket)
- tirar-s'hi de cap
- dive right in, go right ahead
- tirar-s'ho pel cap
- devaluate merchandise
- tirar-s'ho (tot) a l'esquena
- be unconcerned, carefree, blithe, heedless
- tirar-se a sobre
- attack, light into, jump down (someone's) throat
- tirar-se al carrer
- take to the streets; protest, cause an uproar
- tirar-se al coll
- throw oneself into (someone's) arms
- tirar-se de cap
- take the plunge
- tirar-se els plats/trastos pel cap
- quarrel, wrangle, squabble
- tirar-se els trastos pel cap
- lock horns, cross swords, have words
- tirar-se la manta al coll
- ignore, look the other way, pay no attention, take no notice
- tirar-se pedres a la pròpia teulada
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- tirar-se terra (als ulls / al damunt)
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- tirar-s’ho tot a l’esquena
- make light of something, to laugh something off
tirats: els daus ja han estat tirats — the die is cast
tírria: tenir tírria a algú — to dislike someone; to hate/loathe/detest someone
tisora: escala de tisora — step-ladder
titella: fer el titella — make a fool of oneself
tites: mestre tites (mestretites) — know-it-all, officious person
to: baixar de to — lose intensity, become less arrogant/hostile
- toc
- a toc de campana
- rigorously on time, punctually, on the dot
- pedra de toc
- reference point; proof
- toc de queda
- curfew
toca: toca-la! — shake!
tocacampanes: ser tocacampanes — be a blabbermouth
tocant: tocant a — 1 [relativament a] with respect/regard to 2 [prop de] near, close to
- tocar
- a tocar
- close by, next to, beside
- jugar a tocar i parar
- play tag
- no es pot manxar i tocar l'orgue
- you can't have your cake and eat it too
- no tocar de peus a terra
- not have both feet on the ground
- no tocar pilota
- not get it right, fail to understand, not get the point, get off on the wrong track
- no tocar quarts ni hores
- be out to lunch, not in touch with the real world; crazy
- no tocar vores
- have a screw loose, be not all there, not play with a full deck
- no tocar-hi
- not get/see the point; not catch on
- sense tocar vores
- without impediments or obstructions
- sentir tocar campanes i no saber on
- to have a vague idea of something
- tocar a foc
- sound/ring the fire alarm
- tocar a morts
- toll the church bells; speak unpropitiously of things past and forgotten; waste time
- tocar a sometent
- sound the alarm
- tocar campanes
- talk nonsense/claptrap/balderdash, run off at the mouth, babble/rattle on
- tocar coure
- be well-to-do/well-off/well-heeled
- tocar de peus a terra
- have one's two feet on the ground
- tocar diana
- to sound/blow reveille
- tocar diners
- get paid; make money
- tocar el botet a algú
- 1 [fer parlar] make someone talk 2 [molestar] give someone a pain, get under someone's skin
- tocar el cor
- tug at the heart/heartstrings, afectar les emocions; touch
- tocar el crostó
- beat up, thrash, batter, knock around
- tocar el dos/pirandó
- leave, beat it, make tracks
- tocar el punt sensible
- touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve
- tocar el rebre
- be in for it
- tocar el viu (a algú)
- to cut (someone) to the quick; to hit where one lives
- tocar (el voraviu / l'amor propi)
- touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve
- tocar els collons a algú/ous [vulg.]
- hassle, bother, harass, plague someone; fuck with someone [tabú]
- tocar els nassos
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- tocar ferro
- knock on wood, touch wood
- tocar hores
- toll the hour
- tocar l'arpa
- steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
- tocar la cama del mal
- (expose / lay bare / reveal) someone's weakness/failings/shortcomings
- tocar la corda sensible a algú
- find someone's soft/weak spot
- tocar la grossa
- win the lottery
- tocar (la pera / les pilotes)
- to bother, annoy, irritate, pester, plague
- tocar la tanda a algú
- be one's turn
- tocar mare
- return home
- tocar moltes tecles
- have many irons in the fire
- tocar timbals
- talk nonsense, gibberish; blather, gabble, babble
- tocar totes les tecles
- 1 do everything possible, exhaust all possibilities 2 be involved in many varied activities; wear many hats
- tocar-hi
- be sharp, perceptive; (words) be apt, well-chosen
- tocar-hi de mig a mig
- hit the nail on the head
- voler tocar el cel amb la mà
- ask for the moon
- tocat
- endevina qui t'ha tocat
- there's nothing you can do about it
- tocat de l'ala
- weak in the head
- tocat del bolet
- nutty as a fruitcake, demented, deranged
- tocat del perol
- weak in the head, weak-minded
- tocat i posat
- thorough, fastidious, painstaking
toia: fer la toia — be inept, be all thumbs; have two left feet
toixó: gras com un toixó — fat as a hog/pig/tick
tolerància: casa de tolerància — brothel, cathouse, whorehouse
tol·le: armar un tol·le-tol·le — raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
tomar: engegar a tomar vent algú — tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- tomb
- estar a un tomb de dau
- be about to, be that close to, be a hairsbreadth from
- fer un tomb
- take a walk, go for a walk
- sense venir a tomb
- senselessly, without rhyme or reason
- venir a tomb
- be timely, suitable, auspicious, relevant; be to the point/purpose
- tomba
- que tomba que gira
- and on and on; this that and the other
- tenir un peu (a la fossa/tomba / al cementiri)
- have one foot in the grave
- tenir un peu a la tomba
- have one foot in the grave
tomballons: a tomballons — head over heels
tombat: haver tombat la cinquantena — to have reached the age of fifty
tombs: donar tombs — ponder, mull over
ton: sense ton ni son — meaningless, without rhyme or reason
topar: topar contra/amb una paret — come/run up against a brick wall
toquem: toquem i toquem — in cash
- toquen
- ballar-ne més que no en toquen
- go overboard, overdo
- els extrems es toquen
- extreme positions often have things in common; [lit.] extremes meet
- tòrcer
- donar el braç a tòrcer
- ease up, give way, lose spirit, flag
- tòrcer el coll
- 1 [escanyar] strangle, choke 2 [morir] die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
tòria: ser de la tòria — be a drinker; [despectiu] be a lush/sot/souse/wino/barfly
torna: per torna — in addition, for good measure
- tornada
- bitllet d'anada i tornada
- round-trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
- estar de tornada
- to have seen it all
tornajornals: a tornajornals — reciprocally, by turns
- tornar
- anar per llana i tornar esquilat/tos
- become the victim of one's own scam
- bitllet d'anar i tornar
- round trip ticket [Am.]; return ticket [Br.]
- no tornar mot
- not respond; say nothing in return
- tornar a la boca
- blame, criticize, censure, rebuke; take someone to task, tell someone off
- tornar a la càrrega
- try again
- tornar a la mateixa
- to harp on a subject
- tornar a néixer
- have a brush with death
- tornar a solc
- get back on the right track
- tornar de mort a vida
- come back to life
- tornar el canvi/cop
- get even, get back at, even/settle the score
- tornar els ossos al lloc
- get back on one's feet, be up and about
- tornar en si
- come around, regain consciousness
- tornar la carn a la terra
- die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
- tornar la pilota
- talk back, give as good as one gets
- tornar la visita
- make a return visit
- tornar les aigües a mare
- get (things) back to normal
- tornar respostes
- talk back
- tornar sobre els seus passos
- start all over again
- tornar-s'hi
- retaliate; give tit for tat; get (back at / even with) someone
- tornar-se aiguapoll
- come to nothing; be (fruitless / in vain / to no avail)
- tornar-se cega
- go blind
- tornar-se de tots colors
- blush, turn red/crimson
- tornar-se endarrere
- go back on one's word
- tornar-se'n al llit, que això és la lluna
- that's it, that's all she wrote, end of story
- tornar-se'n amb les mans al cap
- have things (go wrong / turn out badly)
- tornar-se'n amb les mans buides
- come away empty-handed
- tornar-se vermell
- blush; turn red/scarlet
- tornem
- (sant) tornem-hi!
- 1 [reprendre una activitat] back to work! 2 [repetició inoportuna] here we go again!
- tornem-hi, que no ha estat res!
- let's not give up!, on with it!
- tornes
- anar a tornes
- retaliate; get (back at / even with) someone
- no tenir tornes
- to have no other choice (ex.: No tinc altres tornes que rendir-me = I have no other choice but/than to yield)
- toro
- entre les banyes d'un toro
- with one's back to the wall, between a rock and a hard place, in deep water, between the devil and the deep blue sea
- tirar la capa al toro
- go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
torradora: agafar una torradora — get drunk; tie one on
torrat: estar torrat — be drunk, loaded, tight, bombed, pissed [Br.]
Torrent: acabar com el ball de Torrent — end violently, riotously; to turn ugly
torró: calent com un torró — snug as a bug in a rug, warm as toast
- tort
- a tort i a dret
- carelessly, haphazardly, willy-nilly, helter-skelter, pell-mell, any old way
- a tort
- unjustly, unfairly, wrongfully
- anar de tort
- stagger, weave, wobble, totter
- anar tort
- to limp
- fer un tort a algú
- offend someone, put someone down
tortuga: a pas de tortuga — at a snail's pace
- tos
- anar per llana i tornar tos
- become the victim of one's own scam
- caure de tos
- fall, hitting the back of one's head
- fer caure de tos
- [impressionar] knock out, knock dead
tossut: tossut que tossut — obstinately, doggedly, tenaciously
- tot
- a tot dir
- to the utmost
- a tot drap/gas
- flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
- a tot estar
- with room and board
- a tot estirar
- at (the) most, at the outside
- a tot estrop
- non-stop, continually, all day long, every hour in the day
- a tot plaer
- to one's heart's content, to one's complete satisfaction
- a tot preu
- without fail, come what may, no matter what, come hell or high water [vulg.], one way or another
- a tot tardar
- at the latest
- abans de tot
- first of all, before anything else
- així i tot
- even so, however, nonetheless
- amb el temps i una canya (tot s'apanya)
- slowly but surely, easy does it
- amb tot
- all the same, nevertheless
- amb tot (i això)
- even so, all the same
- de tot arreu
- everywhere, far and wide, near and far, all over the place
- de tot cor
- wholeheartedly, enthusiastically
- de tot en tot
- absolutely, completely, entirely
- de tot portar
- casual wear; everyday
- del tot
- completely, entirely, fully, through and through, from top to bottom
- després de tot
- after all
- dir de tot a algú
- vilify, haul/rake someone over the coals, give someone a dressing down
- el temps tot ho cura
- time heals all wounds
- empassar-s'ho tot
- to believe/swallow anything
- en tot cas
- in any case
- en tot i per tot
- totally, inconditionally
- en tot lloc
- everywhere
- engegar-ho/enviar-ho/llançar-ho tot a rodar
- give up, throw in the towel, wash one's hands of it; say to hell with it [vulg.]
- estar a tot i a totes
- willing to do anything; be ready for anything
- i tot
- even; and everything (ex.: (Li vaig comprar l'anell i tot! = I even bought her the ring! I bought her the ring and everything!)
- jugar-s'ho tot
- go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
- jugar-se el tot pel tot
- go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
- l'amo nou tot ho remou
- a new broom sweeps clean (ex.: El nou president diu que ja no serà "el mateix de sempre": l'amo nou tot ho remou! = The new president says it will no longer be "business as usual": this new broom is going to sweep clean!)
- malgrat tot
- in spite of everything
- no del tot
- not completely, in some measure, to a degree
- no és d'or tot el que lluu
- all that glitters is not gold
- no es pot tenir tot
- you can't have everything
- no poder matar tot el que és gras
- one can't always get all one wants; it's best not to (be too demanding / go to extremes)
- no ser-hi tot
- not playing with a full deck; have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
- per damunt de tot
- above all, most importantly
- primer de tot
- first of all, first off
- quedar tot (en fum de botges / en aigua de borratges)
- come to nothing, go to waste
- qui tot ho vol, tot ho perd
- grasp all, lose all
- ser el tot
- be everything; be the most important thing
- ser tot cor
- be all heart, big-hearted, open-handed
- tirar-s'ho (tot) a l'esquena
- be unconcerned, carefree, blithe, heedless
- tirar-s’ho tot a l’esquena
- make light of something, to laugh something off
- tot a l'una
- as one, as a body/group; with one accord
- tot açò i més
- all this and more
- tot al més
- at (the) most, at the outside
- tot amb tot
- even so, however, nonetheless
- tot bon cavall ensopega
- anyone can make a mistake
- tot d'un plegat
- suddenly, all of a sudden
- tot d'una peça
- flawless, immaculate, immpeccable
- tot d'una
- suddenly, all of a sudden
- tot déu
- everyone; every Tom, Dick and Harry
- tot dret
- straight, right, directly
- tot el contrari
- the complete opposite, not at all
- tot el món
- everyone
- tot el sant dia
- constantly, neverendingly, forever
- tot gat i fura
- everyone; all and sundry
- tot ho farem!
- keep calm!, don't get excited!
- tot i així/això
- even so, however, nonetheless
- tot i que
- even though
- tot junt
- in all, altogether
- tot just
- only; barely
- tot li és pàtria
- he feels at home anywhere
- tot plegat
- [en resum] all in all, at the end of the day
- tot quant [arcaisme]
- everything
- tot rient, rient
- before you know it
- tot rutlla
- everything goes (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- tot seguit que
- just as soon as
- tot seguit
- right away, immediately
- tot sigui dit
- if all be told
- tot sol
- by oneself
- tot sovint
- very often
- tot va bé si acaba bé
- all's well that ends well
- veure-ho tot de color de rosa
- see the world through (rose-colored|rose-tinted) glasses
- tota
- a tota brida/marxa/pastilla/virolla/màquina
- flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
- a tota hora
- at all hours
- a tota prova
- foolproof, guaranteed, sure-fire
- a (tota) tesa
- without limit, unrestrictedly
- a tota vela
- under full sail
- a tota veu
- at the top of one's voice
- amb tota l'ànima
- body and soul
- de tota manera
- at any rate, anyway, in any case, at all events, anyhow
- i tota la pesca
- and so on/forth
- posar tota la carn a la graella
- go all out (all-out), go whole hog ([Br.] go the whole hog)
- tota pedra fa paret
- every little bit helps
- tota vegada que
- whenever
- totes
- a/de totes passades
- without fail, come what may, no matter what, come hell or high water [vulg.], one way or another
- a totes bandes
- all around, far and wide, near and far
- anar a totes
- go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works
- de totes maneres
- at any rate, anyway, in any case, at all events, anyhow
- de totes parts
- everywhere
- de totes totes
- completely, from beginning to end; for sure/certain
- estar a tot i a totes
- willing to do anything; be ready for anything
- fer-ne de totes
- create/cause problems, make trouble; create/cause one problem after another
- n'hi ha que totes li ponen
- some people have all the luck
- no tenir-les totes
- feel uneasy, be afraid
- pondre-li totes
- have an easy time of it; everything comes up roses
- saber-se-les totes
- know the score/ropes, know all there is to know, know one's (way around / stuff)
- se les sap totes
- know all there is to know
- tenir totes les de guanyar
- hold all the cards
- tocar totes les tecles
- 1 do everything possible, exhaust all possibilities 2 be involved in many varied activities; wear many hats
- totes les maces piquen
- all things in moderation
- totes li ponen
- be in luck, on a roll; everything coming up roses
tothom: quan s'ha vist, tothom és savi — everyone is wise after the fact
- tots
- amb tots els ets i uts
- thoroughly, from A to Z, from top to bottom, through and through
- anar tots a una
- band together, close ranks, join forces, pull together
- de tots colors
- all kinds of, a wide variety/array of
- en tots els conceptes
- from all points of view
- fer tots els papers de l'auca
- 1 [servir per a tot] wear more than one hat, be a jack of all trades 2 [cercar la conveniència pròpia] be a weathercock
- per tots costats
- on all sides; [a tort i a dret] carelessly, haphazardly
- tenir tots els trumfos
- hold all the high cards
- tornar-se de tots colors
- blush, turn red/crimson
- tots a l'una
- altogether, unanimously
- tots els massa són dolents
- moderation in all things (all things in moderation)
- tots i cadascun
- every single one, all and sundry
- tots plegats
- all together
- veure'n/passar-ne de tots colors
- go/be through the mill; go through hard times, experience sorrow and suffering
Tots: entre Tots Sants i Manresa — between these two places occur whatever one considers to be highly improbable; "you're pulling my leg"
- tou
- anar tou
- feel/be under the weather
- posar-se tou
- burst with pride
- tou com una figa
- soft as silk
tovallola: llançar/tirar la tovallola — throw in the towel
trabuc: agafar el trabuc — head for the hills
trabuquet: anar com un trabuquet — run like a (top / Swiss watch)
trac: tant te vull, que et trac un ull — to desire something so much that one harms it
traces: traces i manyes — cunning, guile, wiles
tractar: tractar a baqueta — treat severely/harshly
tracte: fer un tracte — make a deal
tractes: tractes són tractes — (pay / settle the account) (at once / straight away)
tràmit: en tràmit — pending, in process, in the works
- trampa
- caure a la trampa
- fall for something, be completely taken in, be had, fall like a ton of bricks
- fer trampa
- to cheat
- feta la llei feta la trampa
- every law has a loophole
- parar una trampa
- set a trap
tramuntana: córrer com la tramuntana — run like the wind
tràngol: mal tràngol — difficult situation/predicament, troublesome problem; entanglement, can of worms
- tranquil
- posa't tranquil i fes-te retratar!
- don't hold your breath!
- quedar-se tan tranquil
- act nonchalant, be oblivious, act as if nothing has happened
tranquil·la: tenir la consciència tranquil·la — have a clear conscience
tranquil·litat: tranquil·litat i bons aliments — peace and quiet
trànsit: de trànsit — in transit; passing through
trascantó: de trascantó — unexpectedly, out of the blue, out of nowhere, without warning
traspàs: any de traspàs — leap year
trast: de trast en trast — at intervals; every so often
trastets: agafar els trastets — pack up and leave/go, beat it, clear out
trastorn: trastorn d'horari — jet lag
- trastos
- tirar-se els plats/trastos pel cap
- quarrel, wrangle, squabble
- tirar-se els trastos pel cap
- lock horns, cross swords, have words
traves: posar traves — hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
- través
- a través de
- 1 across, over, through 2 by means of
- camps a través
- cross-country
- de través
- crossways, crosswise, aslant
- través de dit
- finger's width
traveta: fer la traveta — 1 [fer caure] trip 2 [obstaculitzar] hinder, impede, thwart, hamper, obstruct
treball: treball de llima — polishing, fixing up, retouching
- treballar
- treballar a escar/escara/escarada
- do piecework
- treballar com un escarràs
- work hard, toil; buckle/knuckle down
- treballar contra rellotge
- work against the clock
treballs: amb penes i treballs — through hell and high water [vulg.], in hardship, with difficulty
trellat: no tenir trellat (ni forellat) — be senseless/meaningless/nonsensical; be without rhyme or reason
tremenda: per la tremenda — by force, forcibly, against someone's will
tremolar: tremolar com una fulla — shake like a leaf
- trempat
- més trempat que un gínjol
- smart as a whip
- trempat com un pèsol/gínjol
- delighted, joyful; tickled pink, walking on air
- tren
- perdre el tren
- miss the boat/bus
- tren de vida
- lifestyle, way of life
trenc: a trenc d'alba — at the break of day
trenca: qui trenca, paga — you break it, it's yours (you must pay for it)
trencada: tenir(-hi) la mà trencada — be a dab hand, have a knack; be good at, have a feel for
- trencar
- no trencar-s'hi cap os
- act/work sluggishly, slothfully, lethargically
- trencar el color
- (fruita) begin to ripen; change color
- trencar el glaç
- break the ice
- trencar el plat bonic
- throw cold water on (something), be a (killjoy / spoilsport / wet blanket)
- trencar el son
- 1 [fer una becaina] take a catnap 2 [agafar el son] start to fall asleep, start to get to sleep
- trencar la cara/crisma
- beat up, thrash, batter, knock around
- trencar la closca
- rack one's brains
- trencar la girada a algú
- cause someone to deviate, change someone's mind
- trencar la paraula
- break one's word
- trencar les ales a algú
- clip someone's wings
- trencar les oracions a algú
- interrupt someone, make them lose their train of thought
- trencar-se de riure
- laugh one's head off, crack up, be in stitches, split one's sides
- trencar-se el cap
- rack one's brains (ex.: M'he trencat el cap cercant-hi una solució, però de moment no me n'he sortit = I've racked my brains to come up with a solution, but so far haven't come up with one)
- trencar-se el coll
- break one's neck
- trencar-se les banyes
- make an effort, strain; knock oneself out
trencat: no haver trencat cap plat ni cap olla — butter wouldn't melt in (one's) mouth (ex.: va sortir del jutjat amb posat de no haver trencat mai cap plat ni cap olla = he came out of court looking like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth)
- trencats
- fer pagar els plats trencats
- 1 [imputar] shift the blame/cost onto, put the burden on 2 [fer rebre les conseqüències] take it out on
- pagar els plats trencats
- be left holding the bag
trepitja: tenir uns collons que se'ls trepitja [vulg.] — have a lot of nerve/gall
- trepitjar
- trepitjar a algú l'ull de poll
- step on someone's toes
- trepitjar els talons
- be on the heels
trepitjat: haver trepitjat merda [vulg.] — have had bad luck
- tres
- a tres quarts de quinze
- at the wrong time, at a bad moment; tenir el cap a ~ = be in a muddle
- anar de tres qui n'agafa quatre
- go bad, become depraved, go astray
- arribar/estar a les tres pedretes
- be in dire straits; be at death's door
- cada dos per tres
- time and again, more often than not
- cara de tres déus
- grim-faced, stone-faced
- cercar/buscar tres peus al gat
- split hairs, complicate things unnecessarily
- en un tres i no res
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
- fer cara de tres déus
- be grim-faced, stone-faced
- la setmana dels tres dijous
- when pigs have wings; when/until/till hell freezes over [vulg.]
- no m'importa tres collons [vulg.]
- I couldn't care less
- no veure un bou a tres passes
- be blind as a bat
- pensar en l'amor de les tres taronges
- build castles in (the air / Spain)
- per un (tres i) no res
- at the drop of a hat
- tenir el cap a tres quarts de quinze
- have one's head in the clouds; be scatterbrained, woolgathering, out to lunch
- tres són curtes i quatre són llargues
- damned if you do, damned if you don't
trescar: trescar pel pla i la serra — move around all over the place
- tret
- a llarg tret
- in the long run/term
- afinar el tret
- act diligently, take great pains
- assegurar el tret
- be sure of obtaining one's objective
- errar el tret
- foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
- sortir el tret per la culata
- backfire
- tenir a tret
- have within reach
- tret que
- unless
trets: a grans trets — roughly speaking, in short, simply put, in a nutshell, the long and short of it
- tretze
- no fer cap any de tretze mesos
- be fickle, unreliable, inconstant, capricious
- tretze són tretze
- obstinately, doggedly, tenaciously
- treu
- de posa i treu
- removable, demountable
- no treu cap a res
- not amount to anything; be useless, irrelevant
- treu-t'ho del cap!
- not on your life!, no way!, don't even think about it!
- un clau en treu un altre
- new worries (or a new love) will help you forget the old
- una cosa no treu l'altra
- one thing doesn't rule out the other
- treure
- de posar i treure
- removable, detachable
- no treure cap (a res / enlloc / a carrer)
- be senseless, without rhyme or reason
- no treure cap a res
- be beside the point, be neither here nor there
- no treure l'ull
- 1 [espiar] spy on 2 [aguaitar] not lose sight of
- per treure's el barret
- to be admired, highly regarded, respected, venerated
- treure a algú alguna cosa de la boca
- take the words right out of someone's mouth
- treure (a algú) els drapets/pedacets al sol
- tattle/rat/tell on someone; air someone's dirty laundry; reveal secrets about someone
- treure (a algú) la bena dels ulls
- wise someone up, make someone see the light
- treure a algú la llana del clatell
- wise someone up, put someone in the know
- treure a empentes
- kick out, give the boot
- treure a la llum
- bring to light, bring into the open, lay bare, disclose
- treure a rotlle
- trot out, bring up, come out with; [presumidament] flaunt, show off
- treure (algú) de mare
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way
- treure algú/quelcom de polleguera
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- treure busques
- draw straws
- treure cap
- be relevant, to the purpose
- treure de dubtes
- explain, resolve, elucidate
- treure de fogó algú
- get on someone's nerves, rub someone the wrong way, get under someone's skin, drive someone up the wall
- treure de l'oblit
- rescue from oblivion, bring to light
- treure del cap
- talk out of, discourage, dissuade
- treure del mig
- dispose of, do away with
- treure del món
- rub out
- treure del pap
- reveal, disclose, make known, bring to light; get (something) off one's chest
- treure el cap de l'aigua
- overcome obstacles/adversity
- treure el cap/nas
- drop in, show up
- treure (el fetge / la freixura) per la boca
- work like a dog; be dead tired, done in, all in
- treure el gat del sac
- clarify, make (perfectly clear / plain); throw/shed light on something
- treure el geni
- get upset/angry, become inflamed, blow up
- treure el Sant Cristo gros
- make every effort, go all out, pull out all the stops
- treure el suc
- capitalize on, cash in on, put to use
- treure el ventre de (mal any / pena)
- eat well after having fasted
- treure els biaixos
- economize, skimp; cut down/corners, pinch pennies
- treure estelles de
- gain a benefit from; capitalize on, profit from; take advantage of
- treure faves d'olla
- recover, recuperate, show improvement; [salut] get better/well, convalesce
- treure ferro
- play down, minimize, represent as less important; make little of
- treure foc pels queixals
- be furious, hopping mad, fit to be tied
- treure forces de flaquesa
- muster the courage; make an effort, knock oneself out
- treure importància d'una cosa
- downplay something
- treure la brossa de l'ull de l'altre
- pull out the mote in another's eye
- treure la cara
- stand up for oneself, make a commitment, face a challenge
- treure la careta
- bring out into the open, bring to light, make known/public
- treure les castanyes del foc a algú
- pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
- treure les tripes (per la boca)
- throw up, puke
- treure les ungles
- snarl, threaten, show one's claws
- treure'n en net
- make sense of
- treure'n estella
- make good use of
- treure'n l'aigua clara
- see things clearly
- treure'n l'entrellat
- see things clearly, shed light on, get to the bottom of something
- treure partit
- 1 [treure benefici] to benefit/profit from 2 [aprofitar] make (good) use of
- treure's del barret
- pull out of one's hat (produce by surprise)
- treure's (del cap / de la barretina) una cosa
- dream/think/cook up something
- treure's del cap alguna cosa
- get something out of one's mind
- treure's del damunt
- get rid of, do away with, shake off
- treure's del davant
- brush off, cold-shoulder, send packing, dismiss
- treure's el jou
- throw off the yoke
- treure's el pa de la boca
- deprive someone of the means to live
- treure's els ulls
- feud, bicker, brawl; be at daggers drawn
- treure's la son de les orelles
- get on the ball, get with it
- treure's un pes de sobre
- take a load off one's mind, feel relief
- treure salivera
- foam at the mouth
- treure un pam de llengua
- huff and puff, be done in, be dead beat
- treure valor a
- minimize/diminish the importance of
- treure-li el caramel de la boca
- dash someone's hopes, let someone down
- triar
- a triar
- by choice, if one had one's choice
- per triar i remenar
- in abundance, galore
tribunal: comparèixer davant un tribunal — appear in court
- trinca
- nou de trinca
- brand-new
- trinca que trinca
- down the hatch
trinco: trinco-trinco — in cash
trinquis: fer trinquis — shatter
tripes: treure les tripes (per la boca) — throw up, puke
trist: més trist que l'hivern — in deplorable condition
- tro
- fer tro
- cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
- veu de tro
- loud/thundering voice
trobadís: fer-se trobadís — to contrive an apparently chance meeting
- trobar
- de mal trobar
- hard to find
- no trobar aigua a/al mar
- be unable to do the simplest task
- trobar a faltar
- to miss
- trobar barra de cap
- run into trouble/opposition/resistance
- trobar pegues/pèls
- find fault
- trobar pèls als ous
- split hairs, nitpick, complicate things unnecessarily; quibble, be finicky and hard to please
- trobar sabata de son peu
- get one's (comeuppance / just desserts)
- trobar taps
- quibble, nitpick, split hairs
- trobar una romeguera
- get held up, be delayed
- trobar una vinya
- find oneself on easy street
- trobar-se venut
- feel helpless, foresaken; be up a creek without a paddle
trobarà: ja s'ho trobarà — someone will get their (comeuppance / just desserts)
trobaràs: tal faràs, tal trobaràs — you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
trobarem: ja ho trobarem! — we'll settle later!; don't worry about it now!
trobes: de trobes — [gratificació per haver trobat un objecte perdut] reward
troca: embolicar la troca — mess/foul up, complicate things; make a muddle of things
tromba: en tromba — fiercely, ferociously, in a frenzy
trompis: anar de trompis — fall on one's face, fall flat
trompons: a trompons — galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion
- trona
- caure de la trona
- lose influence
- no recordar-se de Santa Bàrbara fins que trona
- be ungrateful, unappreciative
- tirar trona avall
- call the banns
tronar: fer tronar i ploure — cause a stir/commotion; raise a ruckus
tronc: dormir com un tronc — sleep like a log
tronera: fer el tronera — go out on the town and get up late
- trons
- boca de trons
- loudmouth, shouter
- cap de trons
- dimwit, doofus, airhead, dingbat, dope, sap
- destapar la caixa dels trons
- raise a ruckus, kick up a fuss, raise Cain, cause a disturbance, cause an uproar
- la resta són trons
- the rest is secondary; nothing else matters/counts
- moltes bufes i pocs trons
- much ado about nothing; lots of noise but little work; more words than deeds
tropa: fer tropa — look good, look well, be attractive/good-looking
tropell: en tropell — in a throng
- tros
- anar tallant del tros
- going through (consuming) one's wealth; living off one's capital
- de bon tros
- by far, by a wide margin, by a mile
- ni de bon tros
- not at all, not by any means, no way; not by a long (shot [Am.] / chalk [Br.])
- no poder-ne tirar cap tros a l'olla
- not be able to (make ends meet / get|scrape by)
- per un tros de pa
- for two cents
- ser un tros de carn batejada
- be a dullard/dolt/dork/lunkhead/meathead; be vapid, colorless, dull as dishwater
- tros d'home
- hunk; big man, he-man
- tros de quòniam
- blockhead, bonehead, dolt, numskull, twit
- un tros d'ase
- a blockhead/bonehead/dolt/nitwit/numbskull/simpleton
- un tros de pa
- [persona fiable] a brick, a good egg, a sweetheart
trossos: a trossos — apart; to bits/shreds, in pieces
trot: cavall vell no aprèn trot nou — you can't teach an old dog new tricks
truc: fer un truc — [telèfon] to call/phone
- truita
- girar-se la truita
- there be a sea change, a marked transformation, an upheaval
- s'ha girat la truita
- the shoe/boot is on the other foot
truites: somiar truites — fantasize, daydream; be/live in never-never land
- trumfos
- amb els trumfos a la mà
- holding all the cards
- tenir tots els trumfos
- hold all the high cards
- tu
- de tu a tu
- tete a tete, face-to-face, one-on-one
- tu diràs!
- of course!
- tu mateix!
- do what you will!, it's your funeral!
tupí: no anar/estar bé del tupí — have a screw loose, be not all there, be unhinged
turc: cap de turc — scapegoat, fall guy |
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