Dites visca!
Dites visca! U
u: ser tot u — be one and the same
ufana: fer ufana — blow one's own horn; brag, boast
- ull
- a bell ull
- by sight, at first glance, at a rough guess
- a ull nu
- with the naked eye
- a ull
- roughly, give or take a little
- aclucar l'ull
- get to sleep; [neg.] not sleep a wink
- anar amb ull
- be careful, take care, watch out, beware
- cop d'ull
- glance, fleeting look
- costar un ull de la cara
- cost an arm and a leg
- donar un cop d'ull
- check out, take a look at
- dormir amb un ull obert
- sleep with one eye open
- entrar per l'ull dret
- be beautiful to look at, have an attractive appearance
- fer l'ull viu
- be on the lookout/alert
- la brossa a l'ull
- the mote in the eye
- mirar de cua d'ull
- 1 [mirar de costat] look out of the corner of one's eye at 2 [tenir prevenció] look askance at
- no aclucar l'ull
- not sleep a wink
- no perdre d'ull
- not lose sight of
- no treure l'ull
- 1 [espiar] spy on 2 [aguaitar] not lose sight of
- no veure de bon ull
- [no aprovar] disapprove, reject, condemn; not go along with
- no veure-hi de cap ull
- 1 be happy/satisfied; be bursting with pride; be walking on air, be on cloud nine 2 be very busy
- plorar d'un ull
- cry/shed crocodile tears
- posar/ficar el dit a l'ull
- scrutinize, probe; keep tabs on
- tant te vull, que et trac un ull
- to desire something so much that one harms it
- tenir a algú el dit a l'ull
- have it in for someone, feel hostility toward someone
- tenir bon ull
- make a good choice
- tenir cop d'ull
- be clear-sighted, insightful, perspicacious
- tenir mal ull
- bungle, foul up, goof up, mismanage
- tenir pa a l'ull
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
- tenir-li el dit ficat al ull
- feel ill-will toward someone
- trepitjar a algú l'ull de poll
- step on someone's toes
- treure la brossa de l'ull de l'altre
- pull out the mote in another's eye
- ull de poll
- [de peu] corn
- ull viu!
- watch out!, heads up!, be careful!
- un ull de vellut
- a black eye
- veure de bon ull
- approve, support, favor, accept
- veure de mal ull
- disapprove of, look askance at, take a dim view of
- veure la brossa/palla a l'ull de l'altre
- see the beam in someone else's eye
ullada: donar una ullada a — check out, take a glance at
ulleres: fer ulleres — have bags under one's eyes
ullet: fer/picar l'ullet — to wink
- ulls
- a quatre ulls
- two/both together; valen més quatre ulls que dos = two heads are better than one
- a ulls clucs
- 1 with one's eyes closed, blindfolded 2 trustingly, guilelessly
- a ulls veients
- before one's (very) eyes
- aclucar/cloure els ulls
- die; kick the bucket, go west, buy the farm
- alçar els ulls
- look up; raise one's eyes
- als ulls de
- in one's opinion/view
- amb cara i ulls
- well done; up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- amb els ulls com taronges
- with eyes as wide as saucers
- amb els ulls desorbitats
- wide-eyed, bug-eyed; dumbfounded, flabbergasted
- amb els ulls negats
- crying like a baby, weeping
- amb uns ulls com unes taronges
- shocked, astonished, wide-eyed, bowled over
- badar uns ulls com uns salers
- be all eyes
- caure la bena dels ulls
- see the light, wake up to the truth; have the scales fall from (one's) eyes
- clavar els ulls
- stare, ogle, gape
- cremar-se els ulls
- strain one's eyes
- davant dels ulls
- obvious, self-evident, under one's nose
- deixar els ulls en
- never tire of looking at
- del que els ulls no veuen, el cor no se'n dol
- out of sight, out of mind; ignorance is bliss
- dormir amb els ulls oberts
- sleep with one eye open
- en un batre/girar d'ulls
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; (in / like / quick as) a flash; in two shakes of a lamb's tail; before you can say Jack Robinson
- en un tancar i obrir d'ulls
- quickly, fast; in the blink of an eye; in two shakes of a lamb's tail, in a flash/jiffy
- enaiguar-se-li els ulls
- get misty, be moved/stirred
- entrar pels ulls
- be beautiful to look at, have an attractive appearance
- fer els ulls grossos
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fer entrar pels ulls
- make obvious, make clear; bring to light
- fer mal d'ulls
- to look bad/terrible/awful
- fer uns ulls com unes taronges
- be shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed, astounded
- fer-li canalera els ulls
- sob/cry one's eyes out
- girar els ulls en blanc
- roll one's eyes
- la nineta dels ulls
- the apple of someone's eye
- llevar/treure (a algú) la bena dels ulls
- wise someone up, make someone see the light
- menjar-se amb els ulls
- ogle, gape at, make eyes at; [impúdicament] leer at
- moll d'ulls
- crybaby
- no tenir cara ni ulls
- be senseless, nonsense, cockamamie, illogical, off-the wall, claptrap, balderdash
- obrir els ulls
- 1 [vigilar] be alert, be on the lookout 2 [desenganyar-se] see the light, see things as they really are
- obrir els ulls a algú
- wise someone up, warn someone
- obrir els ulls a la llum
- be born
- posar els ulls en algú/quelcom
- set one's heart on someone/something, have designs on someone/something
- quina ceba/pebre li fa coure els ulls?
- what is he/she complaining about?
- saltar als ulls
- stick out a mile
- sense cara ni ulls
- slovenly, incoherent, muddled, disorganized
- ser tot ulls
- be all eyes
- tancar els ulls a la llum
- to die, pass away, breathe one's last, give up the ghost, kick the bucket, buy the farm, cash in one's chips
- tenir cara i ulls
- be well done; be up to (snuff [Am.] / scratch [Br.])
- tenir els ulls al clatell
- not see what is obvious
- tenir ulls a la cara
- see things clearly
- tenir una bena als ulls
- not see (what is obvious / beyond one's nose)
- tirar-se terra als ulls
- dig one's own grave, foul one's (own) nest, harm one's own cause
- treure's els ulls
- feud, bicker, brawl; be at daggers drawn
- veure amb bons ulls
- be well-disposed toward
- últim
- a l'últim
- finally, in conclusion
- com a últim recurs
- as a last resort
- fer l'últim badall/sospir
- die; breathe one's last, give up the ghost
- l'esperança és l'últim que es perd
- where there's life, there's hope
- l'últim crit
- the latest thing, all the rage
- per últim
- in conclusion, finally
- ser l'últim mico
- be the low man on the totem pole
- última
- a l'última hora
- at the last moment
- d'última hora
- 1 [recentíssim] latest 2 [darrer] last minute
- en última/darrera instància
- ultimately, in the end, when all is said and done
- jugar-se l'última carta
- make a last ditch effort
- l'última carta
- the last resort
- última crida
- final call
últims: a últims de — at the end of
ultra: ultra mesura — excessively, unreasonably
ultrança: a ultrança — to the hilt, one hundred percent, all the way
- un
- d'un a un
- one by one, in single file
- d'un en un
- one at a time
- un per un
- one at a time, one by one
- un si és no és
- more or less; slightly
- una
- anar a l'una
- band/join/link together, join forces, become one
- anar tots a una
- band together, close ranks, join forces, pull together
- més sol que la una
- all by one's lonesome
- no papar-ne ni una
- have no idea what's going on
- tot d'una
- suddenly, all of a sudden
- tots a l'una
- altogether, unanimously
- una i oli!
- never more!
- una vegada i altra
- again and again, repeatedly
- ungla
- clavar l'ungla
- cheat, fleece, swindle, take for a ride, take to the cleaners'
- com carn i ungla
- inseparable, thick as thieves
- fer córrer l'ungla
- steal, pilfer, shoplift, spirit away, swipe; make away with
- ungles
- amb dents i ungles
- heart and soul
- caure de vint ungles
- fall flat, fall headlong, bite the dust
- costar el bec i les ungles
- cost an arm and a leg
- ensenyar/treure les ungles
- snarl, threaten, show one's claws
- gat de vint ungles
- thief
- llarg d'ungles
- light-fingered
únic: fill únic — only child
unió: la unió fa la força — unity/union is strength
- uns
- badar uns ulls com uns salers
- be all eyes
- uns amb altres
- on average
- untar
- untar les mans/corrioles a algú
- bribe someone, grease someone's palm
- untar-se (els dits / les mans)
- embezzle, peculate, defalcate
- upa
- d'upa
- posh, classy, upper-class, high-class, swank
- fer upa
- raise a child saying "upsy-daisy!"
- urpes
- caure a les urpes d'algú
- fall into someone's clutches
- tenir cara d'ovella i urpes de llop
- be a wolf in sheep's clothing
- ús
- fora d'ús
- out of service
- posar en ús
- introduce, bring out, come out with, set forth
- ús i gaudi
- use and enjoyment
us: que (el, et, us, etc.) bombin! — he/you/they can lump it!
uterí: germà uterí — uterine sibling
uts: amb tots els ets i uts — thoroughly, from A to Z, from top to bottom, through and through |
Dites visca!