Dites visca!
Dites visca! V
- va
- com més va menys
- less and less
- com va (això)?
- how are you (doing / getting along / making out)?
- com va la cosa
- how things are
- en va
- in vain
- no m'hi va res
- it means nothing to me
- sense com va ni com ve/costa
- 1 [sobtadament] all of a sudden, without warning, out of the blue 2 [sense justificació] for no reason at all
- va com va
- it depends; it's inconsistent (ex.: Si m'agrada la feina? Va com va = Do I like my work? It depends)
- va de callada
- it goes without saying
- va!
- come on!
vacances: estar de vacances — be on vacation/holiday
vacant: omplir una vacant — fill a post
- vaga
- en vaga
- on strike
- fer vaga
- go on strike
vagi: qui no vulgui pols que no vagi a l'era — if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
vaitot: fer un vaitot — 1 [arriscar-se fins a l'extrem] go for broke, go all out, go the limit, shoot one's bolt, take the plunge, shoot the works 2 [excedir-se molt] go overboard, go to extremes
vaivens: els vaivens de la vida — life's ups and downs
- val
- més val enginy que força
- brains are better than brawn
- no s'hi val!
- 1 [injust] it's not fair! 2 [sense valor] it doesn't count!
- no s'ho val
- think nothing of it, not at all; no problem [Am.]
- no val a badar
- be on the alert, be on guard; be on the (lookout / qui vive)
- no val la pena [+ infinitiu]
- (it's no use / there's no point in) [+ gerundi]
- tant se val
- it's all the same, it doesn't matter
- un home advertit en val dos
- forewarned is forearmed
- val a dir
- it must/should be said
- val més això que res
- it's better than nothing
- val més boig conegut que savi per conèixer
- better the devil you know
- val més or que no pesa
- be worth one's/its weight in gold
- val més tard que mai
- better late than never
- val més un pardal a la mà que una perdiu a l'aire
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- val més un té que dos te'n daré
- a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- val un colló
- it costs an arm and a leg
València: estar a la lluna (de València) — be distracted/inattentive; be (spaced out / out to lunch); be daydreaming/woolgathering
- valent
- de valent
- hard, like mad, with all one's might
- fer el valent
- bluster, throw one's weight around, act tough
- valenta
- a la valenta
- [prendre's] take something (hard / to heart) 2 [amb gran voluntat] with a vengeance, like mad
- agafar una cosa a la valenta
- take something (hard / to heart)
- prendre-s'ho a la valenta
- 1 [esforçar-se] do something with all one's might 2 [ofendre's] take it to heart
- valer
- fer-se valer
- 1 [fer-se ben veure] (strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward 2 [exigir] demand, insist on, lay claim to
- no poder valer-se
- not be able to (fend for / take care of) oneself
- no valer un clau
- not worth a thing, not worth a damn [vulg.], not worth a (plugged nickle [Am.] brass farthing [Br.])
- valer la pena
- be worth it, be worthwhile
- valer més la salsa que els caragols
- something secondary is worth more than the main thing
- valer un credo
- be unbearable, awful, agonizing, intolerable
- valer un imperi
- be worth a fortune
- valga
- (valga'ns / valga'm) Déu!
- oh my God!, good God!, sakes alive!
- valga que
- luckily
vall: vall de llàgrimes — vale of tears
- valor
- armar-se de valor
- pluck/gather up one's courage
- donar valor a
- give/attach importance to
- posar en valor
- emphasize, stress, highlight, point up
- treure valor a
- minimize/diminish the importance of
vals: tant tens, tant vals — the more you're worth, the higher your standing
- vaques
- el temps de les vaques grasses
- good times
- el temps de les vaques magres
- hard times
- vara
- agafar la vara
- take control; [alcalde] take office
- de vara alta
- prestigious, eminent, distinguished, high-status
- tenir vara alta
- have the whip hand, have authority
variar: per variar — for a change
varietat: la varietat és la sal de la vida — variety is the spice of life
- vas
- la gota que fa vessar el vas
- the last straw (the straw that breaks the camel's back)
- on vas a parar!
- you've gone too far!, you're going overboard!, that's over the top!
vatua: vatua (l'olla! / listo!) — what the heck!, what the hell! [vulg.]; darn it!, dammit! [vulg.]; fuck! [tabú]
- ve
- ara ve la bona
- here comes the good part
- mirar de quin costat ve el vent
- watch/check which way the wind blows
- no em ve de gust
- I don't feel like it
- sense com va ni com ve/costa
- 1 [sobtadament] all of a sudden, without warning, out of the blue 2 [sense justificació] for no reason at all
vega: anar de vega — go on a spree/binge, go carousing
- vegada
- a la vegada
- at the same time
- cada vegada més
- more and more; "«adj. comparatiu» and «adj. comparatiu»" (p.e., cada vegada més alt = taller and taller)
- d'una vegada
- at once, right away, instantly
- d'una vegada per sempre
- once and for all
- heus aquí que una vegada
- once upon a time
- hi havia una vegada
- once upon a time
- per enèsima vegada
- for the umpteenth time
- tota vegada que
- whenever
- una vegada a la vida
- once in a lifetime
- una vegada hi havia
- once upon a time
- una vegada i altra
- again and again, repeatedly
- una vegada que
- as soon as
- vegades
- a vegades
- sometimes, every so often, now and then, from time to time
- sense pensar-s'ho dues vegades
- without thinking twice (about it)
veients: a ulls veients — before one's (very) eyes
vejam: vejam — I wonder; let's see, let me see
- vel
- prendre el vel
- take the veil, become a nun
- tirar un vel al damunt
- conceal, keep secret, hush up
- vela
- a rem i vela
- as fast as possible, flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt
- a tota vela
- under full sail
- anar a la vela
- be three sheets to the wind
- prendre/fer vela
- set sail
- veles
- anar veles desplegades
- go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- plegar/abaixar veles
- calm down, simmer down; give way, yield a little
- vell
- cavall vell no aprèn trot nou
- you can't teach an old dog new tricks
- gat vell
- old/sly fox, sly dog, slyboots
- llibreter de vell
- secondhand bookseller
- més vell que cagar ajupit [vulg.]
- as old as the hills
- més vell que (l'anar a peu / Matusalem / Adam)
- as old as the hills
- més vell que la tinya
- ancient, as old as the hills
- vella
- caldera vella, bony o forat
- as you get old, things go wrong
- el conte de la vella
- the same old story
- fer el compte de la vella
- to count on one's fingers
- gallina vella fa bon brou
- older women (rock / are wonderful)
- la vella guàrdia
- the old guard
- vella glòria
- great figure from the past; [despectiu] has-been
vells: pels vells temps — for old times' sake
- vellut
- fer un ull de vellut a algú
- to give someone a black eye
- un ull de vellut
- a black eye
vena: estar de vena — be inspired, on the beam
vençut: donar-se per vençut — give up, admit defeat, surrender
- venda
- en venda
- for sale
- posar a la venda
- put on the market, put up for sale
- venda en descobert
- short-selling
- vendre
- haver-n'hi per a donar i per a vendre
- there be in abundance, in plenty, in profusion
- ja pots cridar ous a vendre
- you can save your breath
- per donar i per vendre
- galore; in abundance, aplenty, in profusion (ex.: De castellanismes en aquest diari n'hi ha per donar i per vendre = There are Spanish elements galore in this newspaper)
- tenir salut per vendre
- be in very good health
- vendre duros a quatre pessetes
- 1 [fer mal negoci] sell at a loss, go broke, go bankrupt 2 [enganyar] pull the wool over someone's eyes, offer something too good to be true
- vendre fum
- do busywork, occupy one's time uselessly
- vendre gat per llebre
- cheat, dupe, con, swindle, hoodwink, bamboozle, bilk; pull the wool over someone's eyes, take someone in
- vendre la casa i anar a lloguer
- give it up as a bad deal, bow out, give up the ship; go out of business
- vendre la pell de l'ós abans de caçar-lo
- count one's chickens before they hatch
- vendre's com el pa
- sell like hotcakes
- vendre's per un plat de llenties
- sell out, play false; put material gain before honor/duty
venedors: venedors de fum — charlatan, mountebank, imposter, swindler
venes: no tenir sang a les venes — be apathetic, indifferent, spiritless, impassive, mealy-mouthed
- venir
- fer venir a algú (aigua a la boca / salivera)
- make one's mouth water
- fer-s'ho venir bé
- find a way to get what one wants
- no venir (d'aquí / d'un pam)
- not matter, not be important
- sense venir a tomb
- senselessly, without rhyme or reason
- temps a venir
- in the future
- venir a la ment
- come to mind
- venir a la raó
- accede to, acknowledge, acquiesce; go along with
- venir a menys
- come down in the world
- venir a repèl
- be troublesome/bothersome/distasteful
- venir al cap
- come to mind
- venir (al cas / a tall / a tomb)
- be timely, suitable, auspicious, relevant; be to the point/purpose
- venir al món
- be born, come into the world
- venir al pèl
- be just the thing, just what the doctor ordered
- venir ample a algú
- [feina] be beyond someone, be too much for someone
- venir com l'anell al dit
- be just the thing, just what the doctor ordered
- venir coster
- be difficult, be an uphill battle
- venir d'un pèl
- be/have a close call/shave
- venir de família/mena
- run in the family
- venir de gust
- 1 to appeal to (ex.: això em ve de gust = this appeals to me) 2 feel like [+ gerundi] (ex.: em ve de gust cantar = I feel like singing)
- venir de l'hort
- be in the dark, be out of touch
- venir de nou
- be surprising/unexpected; come as a surprise
- veure a venir
- foresee, anticipate
- veure's venir
- be obvious, self-evident; to tell at a glance
- veure venir algú
- see through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something
- veure-les venir
- see which way the cat jumps
venjança: prendre venjança — get revenge, get even, pay back
- vent
- anar cadascú pel seu vent
- go one's separate ways, go off in different directions
- anar (vent) en popa
- go (smoothly, like clockwork, without a hitch, swimmingly)
- bon vent i barca nova!
- good riddance!
- bon vent i bona barca!
- good luck!
- cel rogent, pluja o vent
- red sky in the morning, sailor take warning
- contra vent i marea
- come hell or high water [vulg.], against all odds
- cop de vent
- gust of wind
- engegar a tomar vent algú
- tell someone to get lost, to go away, to take a hike, to beat it, to hit the road; send someone packing
- mirar de quin costat ve el vent
- watch/check which way the wind blows
- tenir el cap ple de vent
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- tenir molt vent a la flauta
- be a chatterbox, long-winded, very talkative, gabby
- tenir vent al cap
- be out to lunch, have one's head in the clouds
- un cop de vent
- a gust of wind
ventar: ventar les campanes — peal the bells, beat the drum; celebrate, make merry, revel
ventilador: engegar el ventilador — tell all; spill the beans, let the cat out of the bag
- ventre
- amb els pixats al ventre
- by surprise, off guard, unawares
- anar de ventre
- have a bowel movement, defecate
- fluix de ventre
- diarrhea; loose bowels, the runs, the trots
- treure el ventre de (mal any / pena)
- eat well after having fasted
- vents
- cridar als quatre vents
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- girar-se a tots els vents
- be changeable/inconstant
- qui sembra vents cull tempestes
- you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around; you'll get your comeuppance
- ventura
- anar a la ventura
- go haphazardly, willy-nilly
- per ventura
- 1 by chance; as luck would have it 2 fortunately, luckily; by happy chance
- provar ventura
- try one's luck
- venut
- anar venut
- [falta d'experiència] be green, inexperienced, inexpert
- trobar-se venut
- feel helpless, foresaken; be up a creek without a paddle
- ver
- a dir ver/veritat
- to tell the truth, if the truth be told
- ben ver
- especially/particularly true
verbes: anar de verbes — to kid (ex.: no fa mal, anar de verbes de tant en tant = there's nothing wrong with kidding from time to time)
- verd
- cap verd
- light-headed, foolish
- deixar/posar verd algú
- insult/disparage someone; put/run someone down
- no deixar res per verd
- 1 [exhaustiu] leave nothing undone 2 [acaparar] to hoard
verda: a cent anys, coteta verda — there's no fool like an old fool
- verdes
- a les verdes i a les madures
- in good times and in bad
- de més verdes en maduren
- anything is possible; you never know; stranger things have happened
- de verdes i madures
- all kinds of, a wide variety/array of
- que si són verdes, que si són madures
- blah blah blah, yammer yammer yammer
- veres
- de bon de veres
- really, for real, in earnest
- de veres
- really, truthfully, sincerely
- vergonya
- caure la cara de vergonya
- feel deeply ashamed
- vergonya pels altres
- embarrassment
vergonyes: les vergonyes — one's private parts
verí: morta la cuca/bèstia, mort el verí — remove the cause, remove the problem; dead dogs don't bite
verinosa: tenir la llengua verinosa — be a backbiter, detractor, slanderer, vilifier
- veritat
- a dir ver/veritat
- to tell the truth, if the truth be told
- a l'hora de la veritat
- at the moment of truth, when the chips are down, when the heat is on
- acarar-se amb la veritat
- face up to the truth
- de veritat
- 1 real, authentic (ex.: una pistola de veritat = a real gun) 2 truthfully, honestly, straightforwardly
- en honor a la veritat
- in all honesty
- en veritat
- truthfully, honestly, straightforwardly
- és veritat que...
- it's true that...
- és veritat!
- that's right!
- fer honor a la veritat
- to be fair/truthful, to give credit where credit is due
verivou: vou-verivou — lullaby
- vermell
- tornar-se vermell
- blush; turn red/scarlet
- vermell com un perdigot/pebrot
- red as a beet/lobster
vermut: fer el vermut — have an appetizer
vern: sol i vern — alone and foresaken
- ves
- ves per on!
- what do you know!, can you believe it?
- ves si no!
- but of course!
- vés
- vés a la merda! [tabú]
- go to hell! [vulg.], fuck off! [tabú]
- vés a saber
- I wonder, I'm not so sure
- vés-te'n al diable!
- go to the devil!
vesper: ficar-se en un vesper — get involved in a difficult/awkward/messy situation
vespre: fer-se vespre — get dark
- vessar
- la gota que fa vessar el vas
- the last straw (the straw that breaks the camel's back)
- ple a vessar
- jam-packed, very crowded, chock-a-block
- vessar la mesura
- be the last straw
- vessar-la
- foul up, make a mistake, go wrong; screw up [vulg.]
vestidures: esquinçar-se/estripar-se les vestidures — pretend to be shocked/aghast/scandalized
- vestir
- despullar un sant per a vestir-ne un altre
- rob Peter to pay Paul
- quedar(-se) per a vestir sants
- become a spinster
- vestir hàbit
- take orders, be ordained, enter the Christian ministry
vestit: amb el vestit d'Adam — stark naked
- vet
- vet aquí
- [és aquest, això, etc.] here's, there's
- vet aquí que
- [esdevenir-se] it happened that
- veta
- seguir la veta a algú
- go along with what someone does or says
- tirar de veta
- squander (money, resources, etc.); fritter away (ex.: No ens podem permetre continuar tirant de veta = We cannot afford to continue squandering)
- vetlla
- fer la vetlla
- not sleep a wink; have a sleepless night
- fotre's/riure's del mort i del qui el vetlla
- make a joke out of everything, make fun of everyone
- passar la nit en vetlla
- not sleep a wink; have a sleepless night
vetllar: vetllar les armes — stick to one's guns
- veu
- a mitja veu
- in a low voice
- a plena veu
- aloud, out loud
- a sota veu
- in an undertone
- a tota veu
- at the top of one's voice
- a una veu
- unanimously, with one accord
- aclarir-se la veu
- clear one's throat
- amb un fil de veu
- in a thin/weak voice
- córrer la veu
- there is a rumor going around
- de viva veu
- orally, personally, viva voce
- en veu alta
- aloud, out loud
- en veu baixa
- in an undertone
- estar en veu
- be in good voice
- estrafer la veu
- disguise one's voice
- fer com qui no ho veu
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fer córrer (la veu) [propalar]
- spread, make known, disseminate, promulgate
- mala veu
- slander, calumny
- no ho veu clar
- be uncertain, doubtful, dubious; remain unconvinced, skeptical
- no tenir veu ni vot
- play no role (in a business, an affair, etc.); to have no say
- portar la veu cantant
- to be influential; to head, be in charge, lead, supervise
- restar/deixar com qui veu visions
- be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- tenir veu i vot
- have a/one's say
- veu (d'aiguardent / de regadora)
- a hoarse/raspy/gravelly voice
- veu de tro
- loud/thundering voice
- veu pública
- public opinion
- veure
- a veure
- I wonder; let's see, let me see
- anar a veure el senyor Roca
- go to the bathroom/restroom; see a man about a dog
- de bon veure
- good-looking, attractive
- deixar-se veure
- be seen
- fer de mal veure
- make a bad impression
- fer veure
- 1 show, demonstrate 2 pretend, make believe
- fer-s'hi veure
- show off, flaunt, brag, swagger
- fer-se ben veure
- (strive/try to) make a good impression, put one's best foot forward
- fer-se mal veure
- make a bad impression, leave a bad taste
- fer-se veure
- 1 [presumir] show off, put on airs, blow one's own horn 2 [llevar-se la careta] show one's true colors
- fins a més veure
- until we meet again
- no poder veure
- can't stand; feel animosity toward; be (at odds / at loggerheads / in conflict) with
- no tenir res a veure amb
- have nothing to do with
- no veure (clar / de bon ull)
- [no aprovar] disapprove, reject, condemn; not go along with
- no veure el moment de
- can't wait to (ex.: No veu el moment de debutar amb el Chelsea = He can't wait to make his debut with Chelsea)
- no veure'n tres dalt d'un burro
- be unseeing; be blind as a bat
- no veure un bou a tres passes
- be blind as a bat
- no veure-hi de cap ull
- 1 be happy/satisfied; be bursting with pride; be walking on air, be on cloud nine 2 be very busy
- no veure-hi més enllà del nas
- be weak-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted
- no veure-hi tres dalt d'un ruc
- be blind as a bat
- ser car de veure
- be rarely/seldom seen
- tenir a veure amb
- have to do with
- veure a venir
- foresee, anticipate
- veure amb bons ulls
- be well-disposed toward
- veure (de / d'una hora) lluny
- be clear-sighted, perceptive
- veure de bon ull
- approve, support, favor, accept
- veure de lluny
- be easily foreseen
- veure de mal ull
- disapprove of, look askance at, take a dim view of
- veure el cel obert
- see one's way out of a difficulty; come out smelling like a rose
- veure la brossa/palla a l'ull de l'altre
- see the beam in someone else's eye
- veure la llum
- be born
- veure (la padrina / les estrelles)
- be in great pain
- veure les orelles del llop
- be in danger, at risk
- veure món
- see (life / the world)
- veure'n de tots colors
- go/be through the mill; go through hard times, experience sorrow and suffering
- veure's amb cor de
- feel able/competent to, feel capable of
- veure's d'una hora lluny
- be obvious, self-evident; to tell at a glance
- veure's el llautó
- see through something/someone, have someone's number
- veure's les cares
- come face to face, meet eyeball-to-eyeball
- veure's les orelles
- get back on one's feet, be up and about; take heart, pluck/gather up one's courage
- veure's negre
- be in a pickle, in a jam; to find oneself in difficulties
- veure's venir
- be obvious, self-evident; to tell at a glance
- veure venir algú
- see through someone, be wise to someone, not fall for something
- veure-hi clar
- understand, fathom, see clearly
- veure-ho tot de color de rosa
- see the world through (rose-colored|rose-tinted) glasses
- veure-ho (tot) negre
- be doubtful/pessimistic/gloomy; be in a tight spot, in hot water, out on a limb
- veure-les venir
- see which way the cat jumps
- veure-se'n de tots colors
- go/be through the mill; go through hard times, experience sorrow and suffering
- veure-se'n un bull
- feel helpless, foresaken; be up a creek without a paddle; be in a pickle/jam
- viure per veure
- now I've seen everything
veurem: ja ho veurem — we'll see; time will tell
- veus
- a veus
- polyphonically
- donar veus
- tell the world, spread the news/word, make something known
- ja ho veus
- 1 [sorpresa] really? no kidding? 2 [reafirmació] it's plain to see
- secret a veus
- open secret
vi: al pa, pa i al vi, vi — call a spade a spade
- via
- de via estreta
- mediocre, bogus, shabby, second-rate, two-bit
- en via de
- in the process of
- en via morta
- sidetracked, on the rocks
- fer-ne via!
- to hurry up!, to get a move on!
- obrir-se una via d'aigua
- spring a leak
- passar via
- go a mile a minute (ex.: No hi ha trànsit i se'n passa via = There's no traffic and you can drive a mile a minute)
- via d'aigua
- leak
- via de circumvalació
- bypass
- via fora!
- warning! sound the alarm!
vianants: pas de vianants — pedestrian crossing; crosswalk [Am.], zebra crossing [Br.]
- viatge
- bon viatge!
- bon voyage!, have a good trip!
- de viatge
- on a trip, out of town
- el darrer viatge
- death, the last breath
- viatge de nuvis
- honeymoon
vibrar: fer vibrar el cor — to thrill, to delight
vici: per vici — out of habit
viciós: cercle viciós — vicious circle
vicis: l'ociositat és la mare de tots els vicis — the devil finds work for idle hands
victòria: cantar victòria — exult, celebrate
- vida
- anar-hi la vida
- be in mortal danger, risk one's life
- any nou, vida nova
- the New Year brings a fresh start
- complicar-se la vida
- make life difficult
- de mala vida
- 1 criminal, villainous, lawless 2 immoral, sinful
- de per vida
- lifelong, permanent, long-term
- deure la vida a algú
- owe one's life to someone
- dona de la vida
- woman of easy virtue
- donar senyals de vida
- give signs of life
- donar-se a la mala vida
- give oneself over to decadence and immorality
- els vaivens de la vida
- life's ups and downs
- en la flor de la vida
- in the prime of life
- en vida
- alive
- entre la vida i la mort
- in critical condition, in danger of dying
- fer la vida impossible a algú
- torment/harass/plague/persecute someone; give someone a hard time
- guanyar bé la vida
- make a good living
- guanyar-se la vida
- make/earn a living
- jugar-se la vida
- risk one's life
- l'ocàs de la vida
- the declining years, senescence
- la bossa o la vida!
- your money or your life!
- la varietat és la sal de la vida
- variety is the spice of life
- la vida i miracles
- one's life and times
- mai de la vida
- never, at no time; mai de la vida! = not on your life!
- mentre la vida m'acompanyi
- as long as I live
- passar a millor vida
- give up the ghost, go the way of all flesh, breathe one's last
- perdre la vida
- lose one's life
- ser de poca vida
- be skinny/weak/feeble; be a light eater
- ser de vida
- be a glutton
- ser mitja vida
- be hale and hearty; be favorable, worthwhile, for the best
- tenir la vida a l'encant
- be in dire straits, in a desperate situation
- tornar de mort a vida
- come back to life
- tren de vida
- lifestyle, way of life
- una vegada a la vida
- once in a lifetime
- vida i miracles
- life and times
vidassa: donar-se una vidassa — live the good life
vides: els gats tenen set vides — cats have nine lives
vidre: vidre de color — stained glass
vies: en vies de — in the process of
- vigència
- entrar en vigència
- go into effect
- tenir vigència
- be in effect
vigor: en vigor — in effect, in force
- vila
- casa de la vila
- town hall
- fora vila
- out of town
vinents: anants i vinents — passers-by
vinga: vinga! — come on!
vingui: vingui el que vingui — whatever happens; come what may
vinguis: no em vinguis amb romanços (i acaba de sopar)! — don't put me on!, don’t give me that jazz!, don't waste my time!
- vint
- caure de vint ungles
- fall flat, fall headlong, bite the dust
- de fil de vint
- exquisitely, flawlessly, impeccably, sublimely; [mudat] to the nines
- de vint-i-un botó/botons
- (dressed) to the nines
- vinya
- la por guarda la vinya
- it's best to take precautions; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
- trobar una vinya
- find oneself on easy street
violar: violar la llei — break the law
violència: fer-se violència — move heaven and earth, do one's utmost
violes: flors i violes — beer and skittles, fun and games, plain sailing
violeta: bona nit violeta! — that's it!, that's all she wrote!, end of story!
virolla: a tota virolla — flat out, at full/top speed, full tilt; (hell / hellbent / hell-bent) for leather
- virtut
- en virtut de
- by virtue of, by reason of, because of
- fer de la necessitat virtut
- make a virtue of necessity
visca: visca! — 1 [aclamació] long live algú/quelcom! 2 [alegria entusiasta] great! all right! hooray/hurrah/yippie!
visions: restar/deixar com qui veu visions — be flabbergasted, surprised, astounded, astonished; be struck all of a heap
- visita
- fer visita de metge
- drop in briefly, pay a brief/short visit
- tornar la visita
- make a return visit
- vist
- a joc vist
- in hindsight
- haver vist prou (una cosa)
- one can say goodbye to (something)
- i passa que t'he vist
- and that will do; and that's enough; and don't worry any more about it
- vist que
- since, as, seeing as
- vist-i-plau
- approval, agreement
- vista
- a la vista
- in view; before one's (very) eyes
- a primera vista
- at first glance, at first blush
- a simple vista
- to/with the naked eye; at first blush/glance
- a vista d'ocell
- bird's-eye view
- amb vista a
- with a view to
- amor a primera vista
- love at first sight
- clavar la vista a
- to stare at
- conèixer de vista
- to know by sight
- curt de vista
- shortsighted
- en vista de
- considering, taking into account
- estendre la vista
- expand one's outlook; see further; look off into the distance
- fer la vista grossa
- overlook, turn a blind eye, look the other way
- fins on la vista arriba
- as far as the eye can see
- no perdre de (la) vista
- not lose sight of
- perdre de vista
- lose sight of
- perdre el món de vista
- to faint, pass out; lose track of time; get carried away
- saltar a la vista
- be obvious, self-evident
- tenir en vista
- have planned
- tenir la vista als dits
- inclined/prone to touch everything
- tenir molta vista
- be far-sighted
- vistes
- en vistes de
- with an eye on, within sight of
- prendre vistes
- check out, investigate; give something the once-over
- viu
- a l'estiu, tota cuca viu
- in summertime the living is easy
- argent viu
- live wire, go-getter
- de viu en viu
- alive
- fer el cap viu
- be on the alert
- fer l'ull viu
- be on the lookout/alert
- fer la viu-viu
- just get by, live from hand to mouth
- fer (massa) el viu
- try to get away with something
- més mort que viu
- more dead than alive
- més viu el qui piula que el qui xiula
- the ill die harder than the healthy
- més viu que (l'arna / la tinya)
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted
- més viu que una centella
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, keen, quick-witted
- tocar el viu (a algú)
- to cut (someone) to the quick; to hit where one lives
- ull viu!
- watch out!, heads up!, be careful!
- viu com (la pólvora / una centella)
- smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, on the ball
- viure
- deixar de viure
- die, give up the ghost
- no deixar viure
- bully, bother, harass, badger, annoy; be on (someone's) case
- viure a (l'esquena / les costelles) d'algú
- live off someone
- viure a la sopa «bova»
- mooch, live at the expense of others
- viure al dia
- live hand to mouth
- viure als núvols
- be (impractical / in the clouds)
- viure (amb l'esquena dreta / a l'aire)
- be shiftless, idle, laggard, slothful
- viure com un rei/príncep
- live the (life of Riley / good life)
- viure d'il·lusions
- be unrealistic, have one's head in the clouds, live in an ivory tower
- viure de l'aire del cel
- 1 [menjar poc] eat little; eat like a bird 2 [tenir pocs recursos] live on nothing
- viure de renda
- live on interest income
- viure per veure
- now I've seen everything
vius: éssers vius — human beings
- viva
- a viva força
- forcibly, under duress, violently, brutally
- cendra viva
- embers; sentiments or passions that only seem to be extinguished
- de viva veu
- orally, personally, viva voce
- plorar a llàgrima viva
- sob/cry one's eyes out
voga: estar en voga — be in vogue
- vol
- al vol
- 1 [caçar] on the wing/fly; in flight 2 [assabentar-se] in passing
- alçar/aixecar al vol
- 1 take flight 2 sneak out/away
- alçar/aixecar el vol
- take wing, take to the air, soar
- com qui no vol la cosa
- pretending a lack of interest
- el meu mal no vol soroll
- I prefer to suffer in silence
- fa més qui vol que qui pot
- where there's a will there's a way
- llançar les campanes al vol
- peal the bells, beat the drum; celebrate, make merry, revel
- prendre vol
- take flight; [avió] take off
- qui tot ho vol, tot ho perd
- grasp all, lose all
- si Déu vol
- God willing
- voler i doler/doldre (vol i dol)
- to be of two minds; to want something but also to fear it
- vola
- qui no corre, vola!
- get with it or you'll lose out!
- vola que volaràs
- going/continuing along
- volada
- (de gran / d'alta) volada
- eminent, celebrated, famous, renowned, illustrious, notable
- de la primera volada
- callow, spring chicken, wet behind the ears, fledgling
- prendre/agafar volada
- take on an ambitious project
- volar
- fer volar coloms
- have one's head in the clouds; speculate, make assumptions
- fer volar el cap a algú
- kill someone; rub someone out; off someone
- no haver vist cap ase volar
- not have experience; be a novice/greenhorn/tenderfoot
- volar alt
- have ambition, have a lot of get up and go
- volar les campanes
- peal the bells, beat the drum; celebrate, make merry, revel
- volar-se el cap
- blow one's brains out, commit suicide
volaràs: vola que volaràs — going/continuing along
voldria: no voldria pas ser d'ell — I wouldn't want to be in his shoes
volent: Déu volent! — God willing!
- voler
- no voler estar en la pell d'algú
- not want to be in someone's shoes
- per un voler de Déu
- by the will of God, by a miracle
- sense voler
- accidently, involuntarily; not on purpose
- voler agafar (la lluna / el cel) amb les dents
- want something impossible, set one's sights too high
- voler bé a algú
- to wish someone well
- voler és poder
- where there's a will there's a way
- voler fondre's
- suffer embarassment; want to sink through the floor
- voler i doler/doldre (vol i dol)
- to be of two minds; to want something but also to fear it
- voler la mare i els pardalets
- want to have one's cake and eat it too
- voler temps
- take time
- voler tocar el cel amb la mà
- ask for the moon
- vols
- a cor/boca què vols
- to one's heart's content, without denying oneself anything, with complete satisfaction of all desires
- tant si vols com si no vols
- whether you like it or not
- vols dir?
- really?
volt: fer un volt — take a walk, go for a walk
- volta
- de cop i volta
- out of the blue
- de cop (i volta)
- suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly
- donar mitja volta
- do an about-face
- donar volta
- turn over/around
- fer la volta de campana
- do/turn a somersault
- fer (molta) volta
- go out of one's way; go the long way around
- fer una/la volta
- take a walk, go for a walk
- la clau de volta
- the keystone
- no hi ha volta de full [castellà]
- there's no two ways about it; there is no other choice/possibility
- no hi ha volta enrere
- there's no turning back
- no tenir solta ni volta
- not have rhyme or reason
- sense solta ni volta
- meaningless, without rhyme or reason
- tal volta
- maybe, perhaps
- voltant
- al voltant de
- around, about, near; close at hand
- per aquí al voltant
- around here, nearby, close-at-hand
voltar: fer voltar algú com una baldufa — dominate someone; make someone run (around / all over the place)
- voltes
- donar cent/mil voltes a
- run rings around
- donar voltes
- ponder, mull over
- donar(-hi) voltes
- dwell on (something), ponder, mull over
volts: pels volts de — around, about
- voluntat
- a voluntat
- at will
- guanyar-se la voluntat (d'algú)
- win over, captivate someone
- vora
- a la vora
- nearby, close-by
- per aquí a la vora
- around here, nearby, close-at-hand
voraviu: tocar el voraviu — touch a sore spot, hit a raw nerve; cut (someone) to the quick
- vores
- fer vores
- cold-shoulder, shun, spurn
- no tocar vores
- have a screw loose, be not all there, not play with a full deck
- sense tocar vores
- without impediments or obstructions
vos: Déu vos guard! — greetings!
- vot
- no tenir veu ni vot
- play no role (in a business, an affair, etc.); to have no say
- tenir veu i vot
- have a/one's say
vou: vou-verivou — lullaby
- vuit
- cada vuit dies
- weekly, once a week
- d'avui en vuit
- a week from now
- de l'any vuit
- from long ago
- ser de l'any vuit
- be old-fashioned
- vuits
- vuits i nous
- fiddle-faddle, minutia, trivia, small potatoes
- vuits i nous i cartes que no lliguen
- useless, of no account
vulgues: vulgues no vulgues — whether one likes it or not
- vulgui
- Déu ho vulgui
- let's hope so! may it be so!
- qui no vulgui pols que no vagi a l'era
- if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
- vulguis
- digues-li com vulguis
- call it what you will
- vulguis o no vulguis
- whether you like it or not
- vull
- de vull i no puc
- fake, bogus, spurious; put on
- tant te vull, que et trac un ull
- to desire something so much that one harms it |
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