| Music at visca | The music of Lou Hevly | Lyrics Index
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De deixondir el meu amor, sí que en saps un niu. Em fas tastar el cel tocant el voraviu. | To kindle my love You really know your way around You make me taste the sky Going the limit. |
Falenes voletejant el llum en una nit d'estiu, es deleixen com jo per tocar el voraviu. | Moths circling a light On a summer's night Like me, they long To go the limit. |
Tanca els ulls, reposa ja ben endins el meu caliu, vull que vinguis amb mi tocant el voraviu. |
Close your eyes, rest Well within my warmth I want you to come with me Going the limit. | | Music at visca | The music of Lou Hevly | Lyrics Index