1) Tens fred? Com afecta el fred les plantes?
Are you cold? How does the cold affect plants?
2) Sempre tinc gana. El saber pot esperar, la gana no.
I'm always hungry. Knowledge can wait, but not hunger.
3) Teniu set, oi? Us podríeu haver mort de set.
You're thirsty, aren't you? You could have died of thirst.
4) Els nens tenen son. Va parlar sobre els trastorns de la son.
The children are sleepy. He spoke about sleep disorders.
5) Has tingut sort. Espero que et duri la bona sort.
You've been lucky. I hope your good luck lasts.
6) Té molt èxit. Un bon començament gairebé assegura l'èxit.
He's very successful. A good beginning almost assures success.
7) Qui té raó? Tinc les meves raons per a no fer-ho.
Who is right? I have my reasons for not doing it.
8) Hauries de tenir vergonya! Aquests abusos són la vergonya secreta del món.
You should be ashamed! These abuses are the world's secret shame.
9) El gos té por dels trons. No tenim res a témer sinó la mateixa por.
The dog is afraid of thunder. We have nothing to fear but fear itself (Churchill).
10) Tens pressa? L'informe va ser preparat amb pressa.
Are you in a hurry? The report was prepared in haste.
11) No té la voluntat d'ajudar-nos. Pateix d'una manca de voluntat.
He isn't willing to help us. He suffers from a lack of willpower.
12) Té bona salut? Està preocupat per la seva salut.
Is he healthy? He's worried about his health.
13) Tenen vint anys.
They are twenty years old (no: They are twenty years).
14) Tens pessigolles?
Are you ticklish?