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Anglès fàcil — Suplement de la unitat 20
La construcció «ser + adjectiu + que + subjuntiu»

Els adjectius catalans sovint encapçalen construccions subordinades impersonals que exigeixen l'ús del subjuntiu. En són exemples És bo que sigui aquí i Era sorprenent que la casa estigués buida. En la majoria dels casos aquestes expressions es poden traduir pels temps de present simple i past simple: It's good that he is here i It was surprising that the house was empty. Representem aquest cas amb les inicials PS/PS.

En el cas de certs adjectius, quan el subjuntiu del present expressa accions o estats futurs se sol traduir en anglès per la forma «will+infinitiu» i, semblantment, quan el subjuntiu del passat expressa accions o estats futurs en el passat, l'anglès vol la forma «would+infinitiu»; (ex.: És/Era inevitable que hi hagi/hagués molts problemes = It is/was inevitable that there will/would be many problems). Representem aquest cas amb les inicials W/W.

Hi ha un grup d'adjectius anglesos que tradueixen el subjuntiu amb l'infinitiu simple (ex.: És important que siguin puntuals = It's important that they be on time). Representem aquest cas amb les inicials I/Si.

Alguns adjectius anglesos tradueixen el subjuntiu català amb el gir «should + infinitiu simple»; (És estrany que la teva cama estigui tan inflada = It's strange that your leg should be so swollen). Representem aquest grup amb les inicials S/I.

Observem també que el gir català «ser + adjectiu + que + nom +subjuntiu» es tradueix per la construcció «be + adj. + for + compl. + infinitiu to»; (ex.: És difícil que els conductors trobin aparcament = It's difficult for the drivers to find parking). Representem aquest grup amb les inicials F/I.

A més podem dir que independentment de quin grup d'adjectius es tracti, el subjuntiu perfet (e.g., hagi fet) i el subjuntiu imperfet (e.g., hagués fet) es tradueixen gairebé sempre pels temps anglesos present perfect (have done) i past perfect (had done), respectivament. Representem aquest cas amb les inicials H/P.

Finalment, en els casos en què un adjectiu anglès accepta més d'una construcció, ordenarem els exemples segons la freqüència d'ús.


1) És apropiat que en Joan faci ell paper del diable.
[PS/PS] It's fitting that Joan plays the role of the Devil.

2) És apropriat que sigui la persona seleccionada per a fer l'entrevista.
[S/I] It's fitting that he should be the person chosen to do the interview.


1) És bo que ara ell se'n pugui riure.
[PS/PS] It's good that he can laugh about it now.

2) És bo que els nens consumeixin làctics?
[PS/PS] Is it good that children consume lactics?
[F/I] Is it good for children to consume lactics?

3) És bo que rebi el reconeixement que necessita.
[PS/PS] It's good that he receives the recognition he needs.
[F/I] It's good for him to receive the recognition he needs.

bonicnice [en aquest context]

1) És bonic que els seus fills em diguin "oncle".
[PS/PS] It's nice that their children call me "uncle".
[F/I] It's nice for their children to call me "uncle".

2) És bonic que conegui algú que comparteix els meus valors.
[PS/PS] It's nice that I know somebody who shares my values.
[F/I] It's nice for me to know somebody who shares my values.

crucialcrucial, imperative, essential

És crucial que s'implementi un pla a llarg termini.
[PS/PS] It's crucial that a long-term plan is implemented.
[I/Si] It's crucial that a long-term plan be implemented.


1) És curiós que algunes frases fetes en català tinguin els elements en ordre invers al castellà.
[PS/PS] It is curious that the elements in some Catalan idioms are in reverse order from the Spanish.

2) És curiós que els dos autors triessin el mateix tema.
[S/I] It's curious that both authors should choose the same topic.

difícilhard, difficult

És difícil que s'escapin d'aquesta presó.
[F/I] It will be hard/difficult for them to escape from this prison.

dubtós —unlikely, doubtful

1) És dubtós que estudiïn gaire.
[PS/PS] It's unlikely that they study much.

2) És dubtós que els guanys compensin l'esforç [futur].
[W/W] It's unlikely that the earnings will compensate for the effort.

3) Era dubtós que volgués acceptar l'encàrrec [futur en el passat].
[W/W] It was doubtful that he would accept the job.

estranyfunny, strange, odd; [neg.] surprising

1) És estrany que un noi tan discret fes aquesta caparrada.
[W/W] It's funny/strange/odd that such a sensible boy would do something so impulsive.

2) No és estrany que hi hagi tant atur en aquest país.
[PS/PS] It's not surprising that there is so much unemployment in this country.

3) És estrany que sempre es posi malalt als dies dels exàmens.
[PS/PS] It's funny/strange/odd that he always gets ill on exam days.

4) És estrany que no t'ho hagin dit.
[H/P] It's funny/strange/odd that they haven't told you.

5) És estrany que de cop tingui tants diners.
[S/I] It's funny/strange/odd that he should suddenly have so much money.

6) És estrany que arribi tard.
[PS/PS] It's funny/strange/odd that he is late.

7) Era estrany/curiós que l'acompanyés a l'església.
[PS/PS] It was strange that he went to church with her.

NOTA: La locució anglesa it's funny you should say that es tradueix en català per és curiós que diguis això.


És fàcil que es puguin confondre els símptomes de la grip i els del refredat comú.
[F/I] It's easy for the symptoms of the flu and the common cold to be confused.

importantimportant (també és possible el gir «be + adj. + for + compl. + infinitiu to»)

1) És important que vegi el nostre punt de vista.
[I/Si] It's important that he see our point of view.
[PS/PS] It's important that he sees our point of view.
[F/I] It's important for him to see our point of view.

2) Era important que el programa fos fàcil d'utilitzar.
[I/Si] It was important that the program be easy to use.
[F/I] It was important for the program to be easy to use.

3) És important que tothom sàpiga la veritat.
[I/Si] It's important that everyone know the truth.
[PS/PS] It's important that everyone knows the truth.
[F/I] It's important for everyone to know the truth.

impossible impossible

1) És impossible que Déu ens vulgui confondre.
[PS/PS] It's impossible that God wants to confuse us.

2) És impossible que un cotxe corri a la velocitat de la llum.
[F/I] It's impossible for a car to go at the speed of light.


1) És inevitable que encara hi hagi problemes.
[PS/PS] It's inevitable that there are still problems.

2) És inevitable que alguns països hagin de sortir de l'euro [futur].
[W/W] It's inevitable that some countries will have to give up the euro.

3) Era inevitable que el cas atragués atenció nacional [futur en el passat].
[W/W] It was inevitable that the case would attract national attention.


1) És injust que els països pobres siguin els que més pateixen el canvi climàtic.
[PS/PS] It's unfair that poor countries are the ones who suffer most from climate change.

2) És injust que es doni tota la culpa a la policia.
[PS/PS] It's unfair that the police are getting all the blame.

3) És injust que els clubs espanyols competeixin contra clubs subvencionats per l'estat.
[F/I] It's unfair for Spanish clubs to compete against state-backed clubs.


1) És insòlit que l'ajuntament planti cara als bancs.
[PS/PS] It's unusual that the city government is standing up to the banks.

2) És insòlit que nevi pel maig.
[F/I] It's unusual for it to snow in May.

interessant interesting [should s'usa sobretot amb ask, say, mention, talk.]

1) És interessant que no li agradin esports d'equip.
[PS/PS] It's interesting that he doesn't like team sports.

2) És interessant que em facis aquesta pregunta.
[S/I] It's interesting that you should ask me this question.


1) És just que el teu germà rebi una part dels diners.
It's only fair that your brother receive part of the money.
[PS/PS] It's only fair that your brother receives part of the money.

2) Pensava que no era just que el president tingués tant poder.
[PS/PS] He thought it wasn't fair that the president had so much power.
[F/I] He thought it wasn't fair for the president to have so much power.
[S/I] He thought it wasn't fair that the president should have so much power.

meravellósgreat, wonderful, fantastic

No és meravellós que l'aigua s'expandeixi quan es congela?
[PS/PS] Isn't it great that water expands when it freezes?

millor, preferiblebetter, preferable

1) Quan neix un nen és millor/preferible que primer surti el cap.
[PS/PS] When a baby is born, it is better/preferable that it comes out head first.
[I/Si] When a baby is born, it is better/preferable that it come out head first.
[F/I] When a baby is born, it is better/preferable for it to come out head first.

2) Era millor/preferible que sabéssim la veritat.
[S/I] It was better/preferable that we should know the truth.
[F/I] It was better/preferable for us to know the truth.

normal normal

1) En un estat modern és normal que els impostos siguin progressius.
[PS/PS] In a modern state it's normal that taxes are progressive.

2) És normal que tinguin moltes preguntes [futur].
[W/W] It's normal that they will have a lot of questions.

notablenotable, remarkable

1) És notable que a vegades els forasters ens facin adonar d'errors que hem sentit i acceptat tota la vida.
[PS/PS] It's notable that foreigners sometimes make us aware of mistakes that we've heard and accepted all our lives.

obvi obvious, clear (El gir «ser obvi que» només vol el mode subjuntiu en negacions.)

1) No és obvi que el sistema nord-americà sigui millor que l'europeu.
[PS/PS] It isn't obvious that the American system is any better than the European.

2) No és obvi que t'ajudin [futur].
[W/W] It isn't obvious that they will help you.

3) No era obvi que l'experiment tingués èxit [futur en el passat].
[W/W] It wasn't obvious that the experiment would be a success.

poc probableunlikely

1) És poc probable que visquin allà tot l'any.
[PS/PS] It's unlikely that they live there all year.

2) És poc probable que demà vinguin [futur].
[W/W] It's unlikely that they will come tomorrow.

3) Era poc probable que els lladres volguessin parar [passat].
[PS/PS] It was unlikely that the thieves wanted to stop.

4) Era poc probable que els lladres avisessin la policia [futur en el passat].
[W/W] It was unlikely that the thieves would warn the police.


1) És probable que ja tinguin altres plans.
[PS/PS] It's likely that they already have other plans.

2) És probable que continuï plovent [futur].
[W/W] It's likely that it will continue raining.

3) Era probable que se n'hagués oblidat del tot.
[H/P] It was likely he had completely forgotten about it.

4) Era probable que heretés la casa [futur en el passat].
[W/W] It was likely he would inherit the house.


És rellevant que ella no tingui experiència en aquests assumptes.
[PS/PS] It's relevant that she has no experience in these matters.


1) És ridícul que em senti tan feliç?
[F/I] Is it ridiculous for me to feel so happy?
[PS/PS] Is it ridiculous that I feel so happy?

2) És ridícul que hàgim de discutir d'això.
[PS/PS] It's ridiculous that we have to argue about this.
[F/I] It's ridiculous for us to argue about this.


1) És significatiu que vulguin pagar a terminis la finca.
[PS/PS] It is significant that they want to pay for the property on time.

2) És significatiu que el somni d'Elizabeth es repeteixi des de fa anys.
[H/P] It's significant that Elizabeth's dream has been recurring for years.


1) És sorprenent que no vulgui fer res per a perdre pes.
[PS/PS] It's surprising that he doesn't want to do anything to lose weight.

2) No és sorprenent que la taxa de natalitat s'hagi desplomat.
[H/P] It is not surprising that the birth rate has plummeted.

terrible terrible, horrible, appalling

1) És terrible que vengués aquells bons de porqueria a velles senyores.
[PS/PS] It's terrible that he sold those junk bonds to little old ladies.

2) És terrible que vegi patir els seus fills.
[F/I] It's terrible for him to see his children suffer.

trist sad, unfortunate

1) És trist que de dones en posicions de poder n'hi hagi poques.
[PS/PS] It's sad/unfortunate that there are so few women in positions of power.

2) És trist que no puguin venir a la festa [futur].
[W/W] It's sad that they won't be able to come to the party.

urgentvital, critical

1) És urgent que sàpiga la veritat.
[I/Si] It is vital/critical that he know the truth.
[F/I] It is vital/critical for him to know the truth.

2) És urgent que el fotin fora.
[I/Si] It's vital/critical that they kick him out.
[F/I] It's vital/critical for them to kick him out.


És apropiat que en Joan faci ell paper del diable.
It's fitting that Joan plays the role of the Devil.

És bo que ara ell se'n pugui riure.
It's good that he can laugh about it now.

És bo que els nens consumeixin làctics?
Is it good that children consume lactics?

És bo que rebi el reconeixement que necessita.
It's good that he receives the recognition he needs.

És bonic que conegui algú que comparteix els meus valors.
It's nice that I know somebody who shares my values.

És bonic que els seus fills em diguin "oncle".
It's nice that their children call me "uncle".

És curiós que algunes frases fetes en català tinguin els elements en ordre invers al castellà.
It's curious that the elements in some Catalan idioms are in reverse order from Spanish.

És dubtós que estudiïn gaire.
It's unlikely that they study much.

És estrany que arribi tard.
It's funny/strange/odd that he is late.

Era estrany/curiós que l'acompanyés a l'església.
It was strange that he went to church with her.

No és estrany que hi hagi tant atur en aquest país.
It's not surprising that there is so much unemployment in this country.

És estrany que sempre es posi malalt als dies dels exàmens.
It's funny/strange/odd that he always gets ill on exam days.

És impossible que Déu ens vulgui confondre.
It's impossible that God wants to confuse us.

És inevitable que encara hi hagi problemes.
It's inevitable that there are still problems.

És injust que els països pobres siguin els que més pateixen el canvi climàtic.
It's unfair that poor countries are the ones who suffer most from climate change.

És injust que es doni tota la culpa a la policia.
It's unfair that the police are getting all the blame.

És insòlit que l'ajuntament planti cara als bancs.
It's unusual that the city government is standing up to the banks.

És interessant que no li agradin esports d'equip.
It's interesting that he doesn't like team sports.

És just que el teu germà rebi una part dels diners.
It's only fair that your brother receives part of the money.

Pensava que no era just que el president tingués tant poder.
He thought it wasn't fair that the president had so much power.

No és meravellós que l'aigua s'expandeixi quan es congela?
Isn't it great that water expands when it freezes?

Quan neix un nen és millor/preferible que primer surti el cap.
When a baby is born, it is better/preferable that it comes out head first.

En un estat modern és normal que els impostos siguin progressius.
In a modern state it's normal that taxes are progressive.

És notable que a vegades els forasters ens facin adonar d'errors que hem sentit i acceptat tota la vida.
It's notable that foreigners sometimes make us aware of mistakes that we've heard and accepted all our lives.

No és obvi que el sistema nord-americà sigui millor que l'europeu.
It isn't obvious that the American system is any better than the European.

És poc probable que visquin allà tot l'any.
It's unlikely that they live there all year.

Era poc probable que els lladres volguessin parar [passat].
It was unlikely that the thieves wanted to stop.

És probable que ja tinguin altres plans.
It's likely that they already have other plans.

És rellevant que ella no tingui experiència en aquests assumptes.
It's relevant that she has no experience in these matters.

És ridícul que hàgim de discutir d'això.
It's ridiculous that we have to argue about this.

És significatiu que vulguin pagar a terminis la finca.
It is significant that they want to pay for the property on time.

És sorprenent que no vulgui fer res per a perdre pes.
It's surprising that he doesn't want to do anything to lose weight.

És terrible que vengués aquells bons de porqueria a velles senyores.
It's terrible that he sold those junk bonds to little old ladies.

És trist que de dones en posicions de poder n'hi hagi poques.
It's sad/unfortunate that there are so few women in positions of power.


És difícil que s'escapin d'aquesta presó.
It will be hard/difficult for them to escape from this prison.

És fàcil que es puguin confondre els símptomes de la grip amb els del refredat comú.
It's easy for the symptoms of the flu and the common cold to be confused.

És impossible que un cotxe corri a la velocitat de la llum.
It's impossible for a car to go at the speed of light.

És injust que els clubs espanyols competeixin contra clubs subvencionats per l'estat.
It's unfair for Spanish clubs to compete against state-backed clubs.

És insòlit que nevi pel maig.
It's unusual for it to snow in May.

És ridícul que em senti tan feliç?
Is it ridiculous for me to feel so happy?

És terrible que vegi patir els seus fills.
It's terrible for him to see his children suffer.


Era probable que se n'hagués oblidat del tot.
It was likely he had completely forgotten about it.

No és sorprenent que la taxa de natalitat s'hagi desplomat.
It is not surprising that the birth rate has plummeted.

És estrany que no t'ho hagin dit.
It's funny/strange/odd that they haven't told you.

És significatiu que el somni d'Elizabeth es repeteixi des de fa anys.
It's significant that Elizabeth's dream has been recurring for years.


Era important que el program fos fàcil d'utilitzar.
It was important that the program be easy to use.

És important que tothom sàpiga la veritat.
It's important that everyone know the truth.

És important que vegi el nostre punt de vista.
It's important that he see our point of view.

És urgent que el fotin fora.
It's vital/critical that they kick him out.

És urgent que sàpiga la veritat.
It is vital/critical that he know the truth.


Era millor/preferible que sabéssim la veritat.
It was better/preferable that we should know the truth.

És apropriat que sigui la persona seleccionada per a fer l'entrevista.
It's fitting that he should be the person chosen to do the interview.

És curiós que els dos autors triessin el mateix tema.
It's curious that both authors should choose the same topic.

És estrany que de cop tingui tants diners.
It's funny/strange/odd that he should suddenly have so much money.

És interessant que em facis aquesta pregunta.
It's interesting that you should ask me this question.


És dubtós que els guanys compensin l'esforç [futur].
It's unlikely that the earnings will compensate for the effort.

Era dubtós que volgués acceptar l'encàrrec [futur en el passat].
It was doubtful that he would accept the job.

És estrany que un noi tan discret fes aquesta caparrada.
It's funny/strange/odd that such a sensible boy would do something so impulsive.

És inevitable que alguns països hagin de sortir de l'euro [futur].
It's inevitable that some countries will have to give up the euro.

Era inevitable que el cas atragués atenció nacional [futur en el passat].
It was inevitable that the case would attract national attention.

És normal que tinguin moltes preguntes [futur].
It's normal that they will have a lot of questions.

És poc probable que demà vinguin [futur].
It's unlikely that they will come tomorrow.

Era poc probable que els lladres avisessin la policia [futur en el passat].
It was unlikely that the thieves would warn the police.

És probable que continuï plovent [futur].
It's likely that it will continue raining.

Era probable que heretés la casa [futur en el passat].
It was likely he would inherit the house.

No és obvi que t'ajudin [futur].
It isn't obvious that they will help you.

No era obvi que l'experiment tingués èxit [futur en el passat].
It wasn't obvious that the experiment would be a success.

És trist que no puguin venir a la festa [futur].
It's sad that they won't be able to come to the party.

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