Les regles gramaticals anglesos diuen que l'adjectiu any s'utilitza normalment amb noms plurals i no comptables en preguntes, frases negatives i condicionals: en són exemples, Do you have any milk?, We didn't find any mushrooms i If you have any trouble, call me. En el primer d'aquests casos, el català no sol traduir any: Teniu llet? o, si de cas, Teniu una mica de llet?, mentre que, en el segon i tercer exemples, es pot traduir any per cap: No hem trobat cap bolet i Si tens cap problema, truca'm. Cal dir, però, que aquí també és possible d'ometre el mot: No hem trobat bolets i Si teniu problemes, truca'm. Encara que l'ús de any és opcional, s'empra moltíssim, i necessàriament forma part de qualsevol ideolecte anglès.
Pel que fa a les normes, els mestres sempre diem que any no se sol utilitzar davant de noms singulars comptables, però, malauradament, això és no sempre veritat. De fet, any es fa servir més davant de noms comptables singulars que no pas davant de noms plurals ni noms no comptables! A les pàgines web de COCA, vam cercar el gir «infinitiu + any + nom singular» i després, vam destriar els comptables dels no comptables. Llavors, vam cercar el gir «infinitiu + any + nom plural». Els resultats es troben aquí sota.
Ara bé, ens sembla que podem salvar la nostra regla si diem: «any no se sol utilitzar davant de noms singulars comptables materials», ja que gairebé tots els noms comptables singulars en la nostra taula són abstractes: idea, sense, difference, problem, reason, etc.
Construccions «infinitiu del verb + any + noms» => freqüència d'ús | ||
verb + any + nom comptable singular | verb + any + nom plural | verb+any+nom nocomptable |
have any idea => 4461 make any sense => 3223 make any difference 1393 have any problem => 563 see any reason => 525 have any kind => 393 have any choice => 386 have any effect => 383 have any reason => 374 want any part => 305 have any sense => 302 block any user => 294 have any chance => 283 take any action => 280 see any way => 251 have any interest => 226 have any family => 210 have any experience => 203 delete any comment => 195 get any kind => 183 have any way => 177 make any kind => 174 have any sort => 168 be any kind => 164 have any hope => 163 have any contact => 158 have any doubt => 149 have any power => 117 make any noise => 116 see any difference => 115 feel any pain => 113 have any place => 110 see any problem => 109 have any clue => 108 see any sign => 107 be any number => 104 answer any question => 102 have any comment => 98 pay any price => 97 have any connection => 96 have any desire => 94 be any problem => 93 be any doubt => 91 have any indication => 91 have any meaning => 87 see any point => 82 make any effort => 77 have any business => 77 play any role => 76 have any part => 76 have any intention => 72 get any sense => 72 be any reason => 71 have any faith => 70 do any kind => 69 be any way => 69 |
have any friends => 556 answer any questions => 526 have any problems => 450 take any chances => 364 have any children => 344 have any questions => 309 have any plans => 286 ask any questions => 267 have any kids => 232 have any ideas => 208 have any regrets => 205 make any changes => 187 have any suggestions => 163 get any ideas => 149 have any answers => 148 have any thoughts => 135 draw any conclusions => 120 make any mistakes => 120 make any promises => 119 pay any taxes => 114 have any enemies => 112 make any decisions => 110 have any doubts => 106 see any signs => 101 have any feelings => 99 have any rights => 95 have any concerns => 91 have any issues => 90 have any pictures => 88 have any tips => 88 have any clothes => 86 pull any punches => 86 have any secrets => 85 show any signs => 82 have any brothers => 75 have any weapons => 69 take any risks => 68 have any leads => 67 cause any problems => 62 follow any responses => 62 be any problems => 60 have any complaints => 58 make any friends => 58 get any answers => 55 have any memories => 55 have any pets => 54 have any illusions => 52 break any laws => 51 take any steps => 51 have any words => 50 have any qualms => 49 make any statements => 49 take any questions => 49 make any assumptions => 48 have any relatives => 47 have any suspects => 47 |
have any money => 1286 pay any attention => 519 need any help => 452 make any money => 426 have any trouble => 400 have any evidence => 391 want any trouble => 342 disclose any information => 325 have any information => 318 remove any information => 297 have any impact => 277 see any evidence => 235 have any proof => 230 find any evidence => 189 have any advice => 174 do any harm => 171 get any sleep => 166 have any fun => 156 do any work => 148 be any trouble => 137 mean any harm => 127 have any food => 120 get any money => 115 have any cash => 111 cause any trouble => 109 make any progress => 106 have any knowledge => 104 lose any sleep => 100 get any help => 98 have any respect => 97 speak any English => 95 spend any money => 93 have any influence => 89 get any information => 85 have any luck => 82 be any fun => 80 have any bearing => 79 take any money => 78 feel any pressure => 75 have any confidence => 73 provide any evidence => 73 do any damage => 72 put any pressure => 68 do any research => 68 get any credit => 68 have any water => 66 provide any information => 65 mean any disrespect => 64 have any health => 60 have any insurance => 60 have any sympathy => 55 have any memory => 55 have any credibility => 55 take any notice => 54 take any responsibility => 54 release any information => 53 |