1) —Per què no fas els deures? —Ja els he fet. "Why aren't you doing your homework?" "I've already done it." 2) (conversa telefònica) —Quan arribi l'Elisabet, diga-li que... —Ja és aquí! "When Elisabet gets there, tell her..." "She's already here!" 3) Després de comprar el llibre he tornat a casa i he descobert que ja el tenia. After buying the book I came home and found I already had it. 4) Encara no he començat a cuinar i ja vols menjar! I haven't even started cooking yet and you already want to eat! |
Pregunta (yet = ja) | Pregunta negativa (yet = encara) |
Is he here yet? = Ja és aquí? Have you finished yet? = Ja has acabat? |
Isn't he here yet? = Encara no és aquí? Haven't you finished yet? = Encara no has acabat? |
1) Ja ha vingut el carter? Has the mailman come yet? 2) Ja li n'has dit res? Have you told him anything about it yet? |
3) Ja ets aquí? Are you already here? o Are you here already? 4) (mirant el rellotge) Ja són les nou? Is it already nine o'clock? o Is it nine o'clock already? 5) Ja li ho has dit? (per saber-ho) Have you told him yet? (amb to de veu de sorpresa) Have you already told him? o Have you told him already? 6) Ja està eixut, el meu abric? (per saber-ho) Is my coat dry yet? (amb to de veu de sorpresa) Is my coat already dry? o Is my coat dry already? |
1) Ja no viuen aquí. They no longer live here o They don't live here any more/longer. 2) Ja no surten junts. They no longer go out together o They don't go our together any more/longer. 3) Ja no són criatures. They're no longer children o They aren't children any more/longer. 4) Ja no bec aquesta cervesa que a tu t'agrada tant. I no longer drink that beer that you like so much. |
1) Ja no reps el diari? Don't you still receive the newspaper. Don't you receive the newspaper any more/longer? 2) Ja no estudies arquitectura? Aren't you still studying architecture? Don't you study architecture any more/longer? 3a) Ja no vols que vinguin amb nosaltres? Don't you still want them to come with us? b) No vols que vinguin més amb nosaltres? Don't you want them to come with us any more/longer? 4a) Ja no estudien? (ara, en aquests moments). Aren't they still studying? b) Ja no estudien? o No estudien més? o Han deixat d'estudiar? Don't they study any more/longer? 5) —On és el Bup? —Renoi, ja no és aquí? "Where's Bup?" "Uh-oh, isn't he still here?" |
1) Encara hi queda una mica de vi. There's still a little wine left. 2) Encara dorm, en Joan. Joan's still sleeping. 3) Encara penso que allà darrere hauríem d'haver girat a la dreta. I still think we should have turned left back there. 4) Encara volen que jo treballi dissabte? Do they still want me to work Saturday? 5) Encara fas fúting cada matí? Do you still jog every morning? |
1) Encara no sabem qui ha guanyat. a) We don't know who won yet. b) (Continuem sense saber...) We still don't know who won. 2) Encara no està satisfet. a) He isn't satisfied yet. b) (Continua sense estar...) He still isn't satisfied. 3) Encara no me n'han dit res. a) They haven't told me anything about it yet. b) (Continuen sense haver...) They still haven't told me anything about it. 4) Encara no entenc per què hi havia tants problemes. I still don't understand why there were so many problems. |
1) Per què encara no m'has contestat? a) Why haven't you answered me yet? b) (Per què continues sense contestar...) Why have you still not answered me? 2) Encara no li han donat les gràcies? a) Haven't they thanked her yet? b) (Continuen sense donar...) Have they still not thanked her? 3) Per què encara no ha fet el viatje? a) Why hasn't he made the trip yet? b) (Per què continua sense fer...) Why has he still not made the trip? |