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Com traduim els verbs «quedar» i «quedar-se»?


1) restar en el sentit de subsistir després de la separació d'una o més partsremain, be left

Això queda per fer.
This remains to be done.

Queden tres pomes; ens queden tres pomes.
There are three apples left; we have three apples left.

Dels set fills que tenia, només li'n queden dos.
Of the seven chidren she had, (only three remain / she only has three left).

2) restar en el sentit de subsistir en el mateix estat d'abansremain, stay

Es van barallar, però van quedar amics.
They quarreled, but remained/stayed friends.

Malgrat una breu tempesta, la canalla va quedar alegre.
In spite of a brief storm, the children remained cheerful.

El president anà a l'exili i els ministres romangueren al país.
The president went into exile and the ministers remained in the country.

3) trobar-se, estar situat — be located

Montserrat queda a mà dreta del camí.
Montserrat is located on the right of the road.

Aquest barri queda a dos quilòmetres de Figueres.
This quarter/neighborhood is located two kilometers from Figueres.

4) escaure, ésser adequat a algú — to suit, look well on

Aquesta camisa no et queda gens bé.
This shirt doesn't suit you.

El color groc no li queda bé.
Yellow doesn't look well on him.

5) deixar establert o establir per mutu acord — agree, agree to meet

Quedem que hi anirem demà.
Let's agree to go there tomorrow.

Havíem quedat que ens trobaríem aquell vespre.
We had agreed that we'd meet that evening.

Vam quedar que ho faria ell.
We agreed that he would do it.

Vam quedar a les tres.
We agreed to meet at three (= We are meeting at three).

6) resultarend up being

La Biblioteca Pública ha quedat petita.
The Public Library ended up being too small.

7) pervenir a un estat estable, definitiu; esdevenir
a) — Sense predicat nominal: turn out, end up

T'agrada com ha quedat el passeig?
Do you like how the Passeig has turned out?

—No ho sé, ha quedat pràcticament igual.
I don't know, it has ended up practically the same."

Vet aquí unes fotos de com ha quedat la zona afectada per l'incendi.
Here are some photos of how the area affected by the fire ended up.

Ens ha ensenyat com ha quedat el camp base després del terratrèmol.
She has shown us how the base camp ended up after the earthquake.

El Pirineu podria quedar sense glaceres l'any 2050.
The Pyrenees could end up without glaciers by 2050.

b) — Amb predicat nominal: get, become

Viatjava en un vehicle que ha quedat encallat en la sorra.
He was traveling in a vehicle that got stuck in the sand.

Després d'un temps el seu equilibri va quedar afectat.
After some time his balance became affected.

He quedat convençut que treballarem molt bé junts.
I've become convinced that we will work very well together.

Algú se li ha assegut al barret i ha quedat aixafat.
Someone sat on his hat and it got crushed.

El que ha quedat clar és que el famós episodi de l'orella tallada és fals.
What has become clear is that the famous episode of the cut ear is false.

El compositor va quedar sord a trenta anys.
The composer became deaf at the age of thirty.

c) — Amb predicat nominal: be

La resta de l'habitatge ha quedat afectat pel fum.
The rest of the residence was affected by the smoke.

Hi ha hagut diversos problemes i l'afer no ha quedat solucionat.
There have been various problems and the issue hasn't been resolved.

El jove va quedar ferit.
The young man was injured.

L'incendi ha quedat extingit.
The fire has been put out.

La paga extra va quedar suspesa.
The bonus payment was suspended.

El pont de la riera ha quedat finalment acabat.
The river bridge has finally been finished.

8) retrassarbe held up

Per mi no quedarà.
It won't be held up by me (o I'll do all I can, you can count on me).

No quedarà per falta de voluntaris.
It won't be held up by a lack of volunteers (o There will be plenty of volunteers).

9) arribar (en una cursa)come in

Gemma Arró ha quedat 4a.
Gemma Arró came in 4th.

Locucions i frases fetes

1) no quedar més remei quehave no choice but to
No li va quedar més remei que acceptar els canvis.
She had no choice but to accept the changes.

2) quedar adormit — fall asleep
Al cap d'una estona, l'Àlex ha quedat adormit.
After a while, Alex fell asleep.

3) quedar amb les ganesbe frustrated/thwarted/disappointed
Quina llàstima! Volien arribar al cim però van quedar amb les ganes.
What a shame! They wanted to reach the top but were frustrated/thwarted/disappointed.

4) quedar aturat — be put on hold
La nova llei de trànsit ha quedat aturada.
The new traffic law has been put on hold.

5) quedar bé — make a good impression
Si li portes flors quedaràs molt bé.
If you take her flowers you will make a good impression.

6 quedar clar — be/become clear
Queda clar que no podem continuar així.
It's clear that we cannot go on like this.
Ha quedat clar que el lladre mentia.
It has become clear that the thief was lying.

7) quedar convençut — be/become convinced/persuaded
He quedat convençut que treballarem molt bé junts.
I am convinced that we will work well together.

8) quedar (de pedra / mort)be astounded/astonished; be struck all of a heap
Va quedar (de pedra / mort) quan li van dir que havia suspès l'examen final.
He was astounded when they told him that he had failed the final exam.

9) quedar disponible — be available/free
El llit ha de quedar disponible per a un altre malalt.
The bed must be available/free for another patient.

10) quedar en estatget pregnant
No vull quedar en estat.
I don't want to get pregnant.

11) quedar en estat molt greube seriously injured
Mor un vianant que va quedar en estat molt greu.
A pedestrian who had been severely injured has died.

12) quedar en paus — be even (up), even-Steven
M'han pagat i hem quedat en paus.
They've paid me and now we are even.

13) quedar enrerebe left behind
Ningú vol quedar enrere.
No one wants to be left behind.

14) quedar marginat (a/de) — be excluded
Has de parlar català si no vols quedar marginat.
You have to speak Catalan if you don't want to be excluded.

15) quedar(-se) tan tranquil/ample — act nonchalant, act as if nothing has happened
Quan li vaig apujar el lloguer, es va quedar tan ample.
When I raised his rent he acted nonchalant.


1) romandre (oposat a anar-se'n) — stay

Jo me'n vaig: tu queda't i espera'l.
I'm leaving: you stay and wait for him.

Qui es quedarà aquesta nit?
Who's going to stay tonight?

2) emparar-se, apoderar-se, d'una cosakeep, seize control of, take over

Se m'ha quedat el llibre.
She has kept my book.

Com que ningú no ho va reclamar, m'ho vaig quedar.
Since nobody claimed it, I kept it.

Roma es va quedar amb les terres que envoltaven la Mediterrània.
Rome seized control of the lands that bordered the Mediterranean.

S'han quedat amb l'Estat.
They've taken over the State.

3) preferir — prefer

Em quedo amb la proposta de na Maria.
I prefer Maria's proposal.

4) burlar-semock

No et quedis amb mi.
Don't mock me.

Locucions i frases fetes

1) quedar-se amb la boca obertabe shocked, bowled over, astonished, wide-eyed
M'he quedat amb la boca oberta. No sabia ni què dir.
I was shocked. I (didn't even know what to say / was struck speechless).

2) quedar-se amb la mel a la bocabe (left) frustrated, thwarted, stymied
Van perdre el partit i així es va quedar amb la mel a la boca.
They lost the match and so were frustrated/thwarted.

3) quedar-se amb un pam de nasbe in for a surprise
Duran diu que Mas es pot quedar amb un pam de nas.
Duran says that Mas may be in for a surprise.

4) quedar-se curtcome up short; not say all that one might say
Els resultats no són dolents, encara que ens hem quedat curt.
The results aren't bad, even though we have come up short.
He dit immoral i m'he quedat curt.
I have said immoral and I might well have said more.

5) quedar-se en albis/blanchave one's mind go blank; be at a loss, without a clue
Em vaig quedar en blanc a l'hora d'introduir el número secret al caixer.
My mind went blank when typing in my secret code on the cash machine.

6) quedar-se fotut [vulg.] — be/get screwed [vulg.]
És important de diversificar les inversions per tal de no quedar fotut.
It's important to diversify your investments so as not to get screwed.

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