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Respostes breus: «persona + també/tampoc»

Les respostes breus catalanes «persona+també» i «persona+tampoc» (exemples: —Demà vaig a Vic —Jo també; —No tinc diners —Jo tampoc) es tradueixen en anglès pels girs «so+auxiliar+persona» i «neither+auxiliar+persona» (exemples: "I'm going to Vic tomorrow" "So am I"; "I don't have any money" "Neither do I"). O sigui, l'auxiliar anglès sempre ha de concordar amb el temps de l'expressió original. Observem que aquesta relació també s'obté en el cas dels auxiliars modals (exs.: —Puc fer-ho —Jo també = "I can do it" "So can I"; —No puc fer-ho —Jo tampoc = "I can't do it" "Neither can I"). Més exemples:

anglès jo també ell també nosaltres també la Mar també
I'm tired So am I So is he So are we So is Mar
I live in Vic So do I So does he So do we So does Mar
I have seen this film So have I So has he So have we So has Mar
We finished our work So did I So did he So did we So did Mar
I'll help you So will I So will he So will we So will Mar
They can come So can I So can he So can we So can Mar
I would go So would I So would he So would we So would Mar
We could feel it So could I So could he So could we So could Mar

anglès jo tampoc ell tampoc nosaltres tampoc la Mar tampoc
I'm not tired Neither am I Neither is he Neither are we Neither is Mar
I don't live in Vic Neither do I Neither does he Neither do we Neither does Mar
I haven't seen this film Neither have I Neither has he Neither have we Neither has Mar
We didn't finish our work Neither did I Neither did he Neither did we Neither did Mar
I won't help you Neither will I Neither will he Neither will we Neither will Mar
They can't come Neither can I Neither can he Neither can we Neither can Mar
I wouldn't go Neither would I Neither would he Neither would we Neither would Mar
We couldn't feel it Neither could I Neither could he Neither could we Neither could Mar

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