458) you can't teach an old dog new tricks — cavall vell no aprèn trot nou (ex.: I tried to get my grandfather to use whatsapp, but I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks = He intentat que el meu avi faci servir whatsapp, però suposo que cavall vell no aprèn trot nou) |
459) put one's foot in one's mouth — pixar fora de test; dir algun despropòsit, ficar-se de peus a la galleda (ex.: He would make a good politician if he could overcome a tendency to put his foot in his mouth = Seria un bon polític si pogués superar la tendència de pixar fora de test) |
460) let the cat out of the bag — aixecar (o alçar) la llebre, revelar un secret, descobrir la jugada (ex.: It was supposed to be a surprise party, but Maria let the cat out of the bag = Havia de ser una festa sorpresa, però la Maria va aixecar la llebre) |
461) don't count your chickens before they hatch — no diguis blat que no sigui al sac i ben lligat (ex.: I hope they pay you, but don't count your chickens before they hatch = Espero que et paguin, però no diguis blat que no sigui al sac i ben lligat) |
462) answer the call of nature — canviar l'aigua de les olives (ex.: A popular euphemism for urinating is "to answer the call of nature" = Un eufemisme popular per orinar és "canviar l'aigua de les olives") |
463) be left holding the bag — pagar els plats trencats (ex.: If you cosign and he defaults on the lease, you'll be left holding the bag = Si l'avales i incompleix el contracte, ets tu qui pagaràs els plats trencats) |
464) nothing to write home about — res de l'altre món (ex.: The cruise had its good points but, all in all, it was nothing to write home about = El creuer tenia alguns elements bons, però, fet i fet, no va ser res de l'altre món) |
465) bite off more than one can chew — estirar més el braç que la màniga (ex.: I have to admit that trying to run the triathlon was biting off more than I could chew = He d'admetre que intentar córrer el triatló era estirar més el braç que la màniga) |
466) buy the farm — anar-se'n a l'altre barri, estirar la pota, dinyar-la (ex.: When I buy the farm, I want there to be laughter and celebration = Quan me'n vagi a l'altre barri, vull que hi hagi rialles i gresca) |
467) duck soup — peix al cove (ex.: Changing the battery in an iphone is duck soup = Canviar la pila d'un iphone és peix al cove) |
468) drive someone up the wall — treure algú de polleguera, fer parar boig algú, treure algú de mare/fogó (ex.: Her constant nagging is driving me up the wall = El seu nyic-nyic constant em treu de polleguera) |
469) face the music — fer front (a conseqüències desagradables) (ex.: Climate change is real, is happening, and sooner or later we're going to have to face the music = El canvi climàtic és un fet, el tenim aquí, i tard o d'hora hi haurem de fer front) |
470) cut someone down to size — fer abaixar els fums (a algú), posar-lo en evidència (ex.: He's getting too big for his britches; someone ought to cut him down to size = Es torna cada dia més arrogant; algú li hauria de fer abaixar els fums) |
471) a new broom sweeps clean — l'amo nou tot ho remou (ex.: The new president says it will no longer be "business as usual": this new broom is going to sweep clean! = El nou president diu que ja no serà "el mateix de sempre": l'amo nou tot ho remou!) |
472) bark up the wrong tree — equivocar-se de camí (ex.: If they're trying to increase profits by laying off workers, then they're barking up the wrong tree = Si miren d'augmentar beneficis acomiadant treballadors, doncs s'equivoquen de camí) |
473) eat one's words — cantar la palinòdia, retractar-se, tocar a penedits (ex.: When you put your foot in your mouth, you often end up having to eat your words = Quan pixes fora de test sovint acabes havent de cantar la palinòdia) |